• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 10/23/2021
  • AO: The Bunker
  • QIC: Nutria
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Breaker Breaker (R)

After the combined Yank-Bunker warmup from VQ Rebar, Breaker Breaker and YHC did a timed workout, 4 sets of 5 exercises with 45 seconds of exercise followed by 15 seconds of rest until the next exercise.

Set 1 = Kettlebell Swings, Halos (R), Merkin pull-throughs, Halos (L), KB side swings
Set 2 = Big Boys, Side Plank (R), KB Flutter kicks, Side Plank (L), Leg Lifts
Set 3 = KB Squats, KB deadlifts (R), KB deadlifts (L), Mountain climbers, Supermans
Set 4 = KB pullovers, Upright rows, Tricep extensions, Curls, Overhead presses

With all sets complete (~22 minutes), lunge-walk from the wall to the road and back, then rinse and repeat.  We completed a full second round of exercises, then joined the Yank crowd behind Old Stone for their last 2 rounds of Mary and COT.

Lagniappe:  I appreciate the good conversation with Breaker Breaker this morning while the rest of the PAX masses supported Rebar.  I learned a few things that I’ll definitely apply to future Bunker workouts:  45 / 15 exercise timing seems like just the right balance for hard work and recovery and keeping things moving.  I also discovered that Pandora and my timer app will simultaneously play through the speaker – win for technology!  I hope to see more PAX out at the Bunker – it’s just as tough of a workout as bootcamp, so if you haven’t tried it yet, I encourage it.