Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: July 2021 (Page 8 of 11)

The Struggle

12 total at Crossroads on Sunday. Seems everyone is getting back from vacation and we are getting back to normal. The last 2 weeks of June and the first 2 of July must be the most popular vacation times. Some ran and some rode(to Lincoln county and back). Most stayed for Q-Source where we discussed Lead Right.


Announcements-Service project items for July are mints/gum/cough drops and comb/small hairbrush, F3 Dads next Saturday 7/17

Prayer Request-Slaw’s daughter, my daughter, Uranus and Family, Turtleman, Gumby’s mom


I titled this BB The Struggle because it’s that time of year and I’m noticing it within the ranks. It is hot and humid as hell as soon as you walk out the door in the morning! This causes most of us to lose some performance, or so we think. It’s getting harder to breathe so we start walking instead of run and those long runs seem to get shorter as we submit to the uncallused mind. When we aren’t performing as well as we think we should we tend to give in a little and say things like why bother. Don’t give in men! Keep pushing. The fact is it is harder to breathe and it’s not you it’s the damn weather! If you have to dial it back just a bit then do that but keep pushing. When the weather cools down and the air gets drier you will see your performance come back and possibly excel past where you were before the summer. I’ve always said at Midoriyama this time of the year is when we build. Suffer now and reap the benefits later.

Old School 7/10

YHC first post at Old School so I arrived early to get a lay of the land.  While driving around checking things out, here come Def Leppard getting in some EC.  Says Pizza Man and Freight are out there some where.  Knew I had better come up with a challenge for those  flippers.

0700 approaches, start of with the mission of F3 and encouragement to really push.  All those in our circles deserve nothing less.  Warm up was SSH, IW, and grass pickers all 15X IC.  Get in some stretching too.  Pledge.

Mosey out the parking lot to the right and down the hill.  Stop at end of street.  Nice hill up to the stop light.  Call for Bo Dereks.  Bo Derek starred in a movie in the 80s called “10” .  So 10 hand release merkins at bottom of hill, run to top for 10 deep squats.  Repeat 10 times.  Good push by everyone.

This took most of time but not all, so mosey back to the park for some ab work on the track.  25 big boys.  Run to next turn for 25 big boys and 25 flutter kicks.  Next turn and add 25 American Hammers.  Next turn and add crunchy frogs.  Only got through big boys and time getting short, back to the start.

Good push men, didn’t expect anything less from this crowd.

Announcements: service items (comb, brush, mints cough drops) Snowbird conference coming up, F3 dads 7/17, GrowRuck weekend Aug 6

Prayer requests: praise for Freight dad, pray for his daughter, Turtleman, Uranus and his family – daughter born over the weekend prayers needed

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Gastone’s Hill

3 HIM braved the tropical storm to ruck up Gastone’s Hill and around Robinson elementary (2.6 miles by my garmin).  We sprinkled in 25 Merkins, squats, overhead presses and curls every 1/3 mile or so.  We were fortunate the rain really didn’t impact the ruck.



Whooppe’s family, SA family, Stronganoff, Big Pappy,

Bears, Bunnies, and Burpees at the Yank

On a fine Saturday morning in July, 16 PAX decided to take the red pill and got their day started right! We held a joint kickoff and warmup combining both the 9 Fighting Yank PAX and the 7 Bunker PAX.

We had an FNG and also Tin Man back for his 2nd post, so YHC reiterated that neither Pockets nor YHC were professionals. Modify and adjust as necessary!

10 Alarm Clocks; 10 Burpees(IC, 6-count), 15 SSHs (IC)
(There was some mumblechatter about Alarm Clocks, which bring nearly all the enjoyment of a burpee, but just in reverse.)

Pockets took the Bunker PAX over to the Pit. The Fighting Yank PAX came with YHC to Stowe Park.


Start at Amphitheater pavilion, Murder Bunny to top of the hill (no coupons, BTW). (Tesla informed YHC what this exercise is actually called w/o a coupon, but YHC couldn’t hear him because YHC was busy getting up the hill.)

Hill Bearicides
Start at the top of the hill.
Crawl Bear down to Stop #1, do 1 Merkin
Bear Crawl back up to the top, do 1 Merkin
Crawl Bear down to Stop #2, do 2 Merkins
Bear Crawl back up to the top, do 1 Merkin
Crawl Bear down to Stop #3, do 3 Merkins
Bear Crawl back up to the top.

Mosey to the Belmont Middle School Field for:

Double 11’s – On one side we did Mountain Climbers & American Hammers, run to the other side, and then we did Mike Tysons & LBCs.

Super-Fun, No-Name Routine:
10 Burpees (IC, 6-count), 10 Ski-Abs (IC), 10 Tuck-Jumps (OYO), 10 Merkins (IC)
Hard Run across the width of the field, and Walk back.
Repeato 5X.

Indian Run for a few laps.

Mosey down to the Pavilion for Mary, only to find out that the Bunker PAX had made their way over from the Pit. So, we did our Mary on the sidewalk adjacent to the Pavilion. Dirt called his Mary cadence so that the Bunker PAX (and all of Belmont) could hear. We got a little over 8 minutes of Mary in, before YHC called time.

Mosey up to the Fighting Yank for COT.


Freight’s Service Project Items: small comb or brush; gum, cough drops
The Global Leadership Summit @ the The Pointe Church. Aug 5-6
F3 Dads on July 17th

Prayer Requests
Tin Man’s neighbor, who will be undergoing cancer treatment

Slim Shady led us in prayer.

Name-O-Rama link:

FNG Naming. We welcomed “Tooth Fairy” to F3. A former college Rugby player, he hung in tough today at the beatdown.

—Bubba Sparxxx

Modified 1776

15 total PAX made it out to Gashouse this fine morning to put in some work, one of which was a FNG. TClaps to Tube for the EH! After the disclaimer, pledge and warmup, 3 PAX decided to do the Bootcamp and followed YHC up to the track at Grier.

I saw a CSAUP called 1776 that one of the regions did for July 4th and it looked pretty tough. I used that as the basis for the workout this morning and we’ll call it The 400’s. It went like this…..


400 meter run then partner up for 100 cumulative reps of 4 exercises. Rinse and repeat 4 rounds changing partners each round.

Round 1 – HR Merkins, LBC’s, High knees, Seal Jacks

Round 2 – Werkins, Big Boys, Squats, Plank Jacks

Round 3 – Diamond Merkins, American Hammers, Lunges, SSH’s

Round 4 – Ranger Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Butt Kickers, Little Gumby’s


Run a 5th lap after Round 4 and then 100 cumulative Burpee’s between the 4 PAX


We got through this much faster than anticipated due to the 3 bat flippers that were constantly pushing YHC to pick up the pace . Strong work by 3 strong HIM’s!


Since we had a little time left, we headed to the wall of the school for 2 rounds of 1 minute wall sit, 10 Dirty Hookups IC and 10 Hip Slappers IC.


Back to the flag for a couple minutes of ab work with the Painlab guys before time was called.



Romans 12:10 – “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

Candor and constructive criticism are essential to building string relationships, but we need to make sure it comes from a place of love. Praise and admiration are also essential and oftentimes overlooked.



F3 Dads workout next Saturday at Gashouse – Cookout after has been postponed

Service project items – hairbrush/comb and mints/gum/cough drops

Woody moving next Saturday, check Slack later this week for info on how to help

Possible camping/fishing trip later this year. If interested reach out to Bandit


Prayer Request

Praise for FNG Hummingbird on 14 yrs sober

Big Pappy

SA and family

Slaw 2.0



El Toro

Double Stuf


Great day at Gashouse and the coffeeteria afterwards. Lots of PAX putting in strong work and I appreciate the opportunity to Q.

YHC took us out.
I’m Broke

I Never Said “No Burpees”

10 pax posted at Tequila Sunrise on a very muggy morning. I believe we all pushed each other even if we may not have realized it.

Gator and Bubba Sparxx  were flying on the sprints!

Great to see Freon posting more and at various AO’s. He’s fast becoming a bat flipper.

Glad Shell Shock is back out there and that Anchorman was in town and could join us.

Orangeman continues to post as he is on the mend..that’s the way..stay with it!

Tesla, Dirt, Nutria continue to post regularly which is a terrific example of consistency!!


Warm-Up: IC x10: Don Q, Toy Soldiers, Gravel Pickers


Quarter Pounder: (Core)

Start at top of street. Sprint to the 25 yards and Do 25 Big Boys, NUR to Goal And Sprint to the 50 and do 50 American Hammers, NUR to Goal Line sprint to the 75 and do 75 LBCs, NUR to the goal line and sprint to the hundred and do 100 Flutters. 

Welsh Dragons: (Arms)

Remain in plank position the whole time. Bear crawl forward, do 1 merkin, 1 plank jack, and tap the BACK of each shoulder 1 time. Repeat adding 1 rep to each exercise each time – bear crawl forward, do 2 merkins, 2 plank jacks, 2 sets of back of shoulder taps… etc. Go until you get to 10 reps each.

Dirty 11s (Legs)

Squats-burpee-Little Gumbys

Lindsay’s (40s)

30 Dips, 10 Step-Ups…


Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Hebrews 10:23‭-‬25 ESV


Service Project Items: Small comb or brush; gum, cough drops

Friday evening: 5 pm

 3 Choices:

Meet at Turtleman’s  house 

Meet at Rotary Pavilion Downtown to set up F3 tent and hand out water 


Prayer Requests:

Friend of Dirt and Wife: hysterectomy

Anchorman’s M: procedure

Anchorman took us out.

Enjoyed leading this group of HIMS!!




Thought I had already done this but I must be mistaken. We did pledge, WU, then moseyed ALMOST to Waffle House and back, Tube showed up for COT because he overslept but still posted for solo ruck. COT at the end. Lot of good fellowship along the way. I did my best to keep up with Voodoo who is a speedster. Castlerock and HIPAA solved the world’s problems while pulling up the 6. Tube was on another route all alone but getting it done anyway.


The Chichijima Incident

This morning at Folsom, five HIM’s braved the rain and come out for a work out themed upon the war crimes and tragedy that is the Chichijima incident.

Chichijima is an island about 500 miles off the coast of Japan.  This was a critical island in WWII because it was a site of long-range radio communications.   The US continually bombed via aerial attacks to shut down those communication links.

The warm up was a few stretching exercises and quick mosey to the parking lot entrance.

We stretched out are arms like an airplanes and ran to the shelter at the bottom of the lower lot. It was the furthest point we could reach.  This symbolized what a 20 year old pilot who was shot down by the heavily fortified island.  He kept his plane in the air as long possible and ejected himself out of his airplane at the very last second. He unfortunately witnessed his brothers also get shot down.

At the shelter, we did AMRAP of dips and merkins. We exhausted ourselves, but it nothing like the young man paddling away from the island as a Japanese boat got closer and closer.

Next we left the shelter and moved to the lower lot. We did 4 corners of burpees, merkins, LBC’s, and squats. We did 8 rounds to honor the men that died in this mission. They were beaten, tortured, and some the victim of cannibalism.

These men along with all our war hero’s should never be forgotten/

Their names are:

  • Jimmy Dye – Mount Ephraim, New Jersey
  • Floyd Hall – Sedalia, Missouri
  • Marve Mershon – Los Angeles, California
  • Earl Vauhn – Childress, Texas
  • Dick Woellhof – Clay Center, Kansas
  • Grady York – Jacksonville, Florida
  • Glenn Frazier – Athol, Kansas
  • Warren Hindenland – Foxboro, Massachusetts

Next we lined up at the end of the parking. We lunged walked 10 steps then did a jump squat.  We did this continuously until reach the other side of the long lot.  Lastly we did the short mosey back to the flag. We were tired, wet, but happy to be with our brother.  I am sure not near as happy as that 20 year old young man paddling for his life and was rescued. He paddle for 3 hours until he was saved by a US submarine. For those 3 hours, the Japanese boats kept getting closer but were slowed down by fellow airman providing cover from the sky.

That 20 year old man and survivor was the 41st president George H.W. Bush.


  • F3 Dads at the Gashouse – Looking for more Q’s
  • Service opportunity with Freight downtown tomorrow.
  • Visit with Turtleman tomorrow, see Whoopie for details

Prayer Request

  • Ball Joint Family Member
  • Stogie’s Friend
  • Sister Act and Family
  • Westside and Family
  • Traveling Pax
  • The cotters

Big Pappy




The Sword – Psalm 27:5

A great morning after a great holiday.   Some rucked, others ran, everyone got better.

The verse and word was:

Psalm 27:5

For he will hide me in his shelter
    in the day of trouble;
he will conceal me under the cover of his tent;
    he will lift me high upon a rock.

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