Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: July 2021 (Page 1 of 11)

Better late than never

10 HIM showed for a humid bonanza of awesomeness at The Storm today. YHC was questioned about what the playlist would be today because everybody loves the jams. Too bad though, only straight work was planned today. This is what happened…

Warm Up: Goofballs IC, Don Quixote IC, the patented Right Over Left IC, Grass Pluggers IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey, stopping soon after to get a headcount, then kept moseying around until we got to the small roundabout near the front of the school so YHC could splain The Thang.

Sprint to the first road hump, do 30 WWI situps, sprint to the next, do 30 Merkins, sprint to the next and do 40 Squats then sprint to the stop sign.

From there, Nur up the hill to the artwork. Bear crawl around the inner circle. Then mosey back down to the start.

On the next cycle we did all the same exercises and reps except we karaoked from hump to hump.

The final cycle was the same as before except we skipped from hump to hump. Time was running out so we stopped after the exercises and skipping then moseyed back to the start.

It was a great group of guys this morning with awesome effort by all. Thanks for the opportunity to lead men! Aye!

Announcements: Work day at TRB on August 11th, tubing on the Green river next weekend, F3 dads coming soon

Prayer Requests: Uranus and family, Turtleman, Tiger, Clampett is marrying a couple,  MECA and the loss of Amway

Olympics at the Gashouse

The numbers were a little light today at the Gashouse/PainLab this morning. Oompa and I decided to keep the group together.

We worked our way up the the track with the Pain Lab group rucking and the Boot Camp moseying with burpees at each tree.

At the track, we started the Olympic march as Bedpan ran in with the torch and Watts Up with the USA flag.

Time to get to work.

We did abs exercises at one end of the track and shoulder exercises on the other. Boot Camp moseyed around the track with burpees at the bleachers at each side. Pain Lab pax rucked to each side.

We moseyed back to flag, conducted closing ceremonies, and presented medals.

Prayer Request

  • Termite
  • Clavin
  • Sarlacc
  • Volt
  • Gumby
  • Kotters/Injured/Pax
  • PAX traveling
  • I forgot a few others and I apologize

Big Pappy/Oompa Loompa

We Honor “The Ghost” at Folsom

Matt Urban is a Medal of Honor recipient and American hero. At Folsom we honored him with a leg work out and lots of burpees.

Image result for matt urbanSee the source image



For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty: Lieutenant Colonel (then Captain) Matt Urban, 112-22-2414, United States Army, distinguished himself by a series of bold, heroic actions, exemplified by singularly outstanding combat leadership, personal bravery, and tenacious devotion to duty, during the period 14 June to 3 September 1944 while assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division. On 14 June, Captain Urban’s company, attacking at Renouf, France, encountered heavy enemy small arms and tank fire. The enemy tanks were unmercifully raking his unit’s positions and inflicting heavy casualties. Captain Urban, realizing that his company was in imminent danger of being decimated, armed himself with a bazooka. He worked his way with an ammo carrier through hedgerows, under a continuing barrage of fire, to a point near the tanks. He brazenly exposed himself to the enemy fire and, firing the bazooka, destroyed both tanks. Responding to Captain Urban’s action, his company moved forward and routed the enemy. Later that same day, still in the attack near Orglandes, Captain Urban was wounded in the leg by direct fire from a 37mm tank-gun. He refused evacuation and continued to lead his company until they moved into defensive positions for the night. At 0500 hours the next day, Captain Urban, though badly wounded, directed his company in another attack. One hour later he was again wounded. Suffering from two wounds, one serious, he was evacuated to England.

In mid-July, while recovering from his wounds, he learned of his unit’s severe losses in the hedgerows of Normandy. Realizing his unit’s need for battle-tested leaders, he voluntarily left the hospital and hitchhiked his way back to his unit near St. Lo, France. Arriving at the 2d Battalion Command Post at 1130 hours, 25 July, he found that his unit had jumped-off at 1100 hours in the first attack of “Operation Cobra”. Still limping from his leg wound, Captain Urban made his way forward to retake command of his company. He found his company held up by strong enemy opposition. Two supporting tanks had been destroyed and another, intact but with no tank commander or gunner, was not moving. He located a lieutenant in charge of the support tanks and directed a plan of attack to eliminate the enemy strong-point. The lieutenant and a sergeant were immediately killed by the heavy enemy fire when they tried to mount the tank. Captain Urban, though physically hampered by his leg wound and knowing quick action had to be taken, dashed through the scathing fire and mounted the tank. With enemy bullets ricocheting from the tank, Captain Urban ordered the tank forward and, completely exposed to the enemy fire, manned the machine gun and placed devastating fire on the enemy. His action, in the face of enemy fire, galvanized the battalion into action and they attacked and destroyed the enemy position. On 2 August, Captain Urban was wounded in the chest by shell fragments and, disregarding the recommendation of the Battalion Surgeon, again refused evacuation. On 6 August, Captain Urban became the commander of the 2d Battalion. On 15 August, he was again wounded but remained with his unit.

On 3 September, the 2d Battalion was given the mission of establishing a crossing-point on the Meuse River near Heer, Belgium. The enemy planned to stop the advance of the allied Army by concentrating heavy forces at the Meuse. The 2d Battalion, attacking toward the crossing-point, encountered fierce enemy artillery, small arms and mortar fire which stopped the attack. Captain Urban quickly moved from his command post to the lead position of the battalion. Reorganizing the attacking elements, he personally led a charge toward the enemy’s strong-point. As the charge moved across the open terrain, Captain Urban was seriously wounded in the neck. Although unable to talk above a whisper from the paralyzing neck wound, and in danger of losing his life, he refused to be evacuated until the enemy was routed and his battalion had secured the crossing-point on the Meuse River. Captain Urban’s personal leadership, limitless bravery, and repeated extraordinary exposure to enemy fire served as an inspiration to his entire battalion. His valorous and intrepid actions reflect the utmost credit on him and uphold the noble traditions of the United States Army.

— Jimmy Carter
Prayer Request
  • Sarlacc
  • Volt
  • Sister Act
  • Gumby
  • All the prayer spoken and unspoken


Big Pappy

Driving Ain’t Easy

After a brief warmup of Hillbillies, Don Qs, Gravel pickers, Toy soldiers, and Imperial walkers, the Pax took a short mosey to grab a couple of coupons, which would be needed later.

The thang: mostly kettlebells in this four round bout.

Round 1: 20 reps each KB swings, KB tricep curls, Merkin KB pull through, KB curls, KB bent rows, KB overhead press, and 10 reps of brickees (burpees with the coupons)

Take a slow mosey with the coupons in hand, overhead, to the end of the lot and back.

Round 2 15 reps each of the same, 10 reps of brickees, then head to the wall with the kettlebell for a bit of Driving Miss Daisy, which is simply a wall sit with the KB held out front, driving style. After getting Miss Daisy home, swap the KB for the coupons for some wall sit presses.

Back for Round 3 at 10 reps each, then another slow mosey with the coupons overhead.

Round 4 with 5 reps of each exercise, and a little time for some Mary. Head to The Yank and we’re out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman


YHC was going to write this BB sooner, but the M dropped the laptop and destroyed the screen. After waiting a couple of weeks, YHC can now write it. Luckily, the workout was pretty simple (but effective) according to a few of the PAX in attendance.

W/U: Merkins, Grass Pickers, SSH (all X10 IC)

Thang: Mosey to the small soccer field for Blackjack. It’s exactly like 11’s, but on steroids. 20 Merkins on one side, 1 Big Boy at the other. 19/2, 18/3…..all the way down to 1/20. Looking back, this really sucked. The Midoriyama heat multiplies the suck factor by 10.

We then met at one corner of the field for the burpee mile(ish). YHC had planned to do this around one of the large soccer field but time was running short. 12 Burpees, run a lap around the field. Rinse and repeat 4 rounds total.

We had a few extra minutes due to bat flippers being bat flippers, so we Merkins, Squats and Big Boys at every light pole on the left back to the flag.

Time’s up.

Announcements: Snowbird Men’s retreat 9/24-9/26. JJ5K in Stanley. All other announcements a void because they’ve already passed.

Prayer requests: Turtleman, 2.0’s of a few of the PAX, our country, each other.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Until Next Time,


Drinking White Claws in the Valley

10 total at Downtown this morning for a rare morning time Freight Q. My hours were a little different this week so I took advantage. This is what we did.


seal jacks, butt kicker, high knees, flutter kicks

Let’s mosey

The Thang:

We headed down Main st toward the new ball park stopping on the way a few times to do some exercises. We would continue this for most of the workout. We eventually cut across Franklin to 2nd avenue. We took 2nd back up to Broad and Broad back up to Main for a little over two miles and stopping for said exercises several times. The exercises are listed below.

5 lunges each leg

5 WWI’s

5 Squats

5 Merkins

5 Kracken Burpees

Back at the start we finished of with Def Leppard’s choice of Tiger Kings. That’s squats and lunges at a 1:4 ratio like the iron hulk. We did this to about 7 or 8 when time was called.


Announcements-Service project items

Prayer Request-2.0’s, those with sickness, pax traveling


Summertime at The Goat

10 PAX (including YHC) began this Thursday morning with a beatdown at The Goat.  It went like this…

SSH (15xIC), Imperial Walkers (15xIC)

The Thang:

Mosey to Floyd & Blackies for 5-10-15-20 “reverse suicides.” 
At the F&B starting point:  5 jump squats, 10 hand-release merkins, 15 American Hammers (each side), 20 plank jacks.
Run up the hill to 4th telephone pole for:  5 burpees, 10 lunges (each leg), 15 merkins, 20 flutter kicks (each leg).
Rinse/repeat in succession for 3rd, 2nd and 1st poles.

Bear crawl across the bridge to the park for the next routine – 2 laps around the Goat Island playground via Nur and Karaoke most of the way.  Heading back to town, Lunge-walk across the bridge.  

Then, stealing a page from the Bubba Sparxxx playbook, YHC called for a jail-break up the hill from the fire station to intersection at Mayworths, followed by 15 (each) Derkins and Dips.  After a mosey back to the fire station, 15 (each) leg lifts and big-boy situps.  Time ran during the third round of this, so we finished with POA and COT.

Tubing on Green River Aug. 7 (posted on Slack but haven’t seen recent update)
F3 Dads Aug. 21 at Folsom
Labor Day (Sept. 6) combined Sandlot + Mt. Hollywood at 0700 somewhere (TBD) in McAdenville

Turtle Man
Tesla traveling

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!
– Nutria

Party at Orangeman’s

We did stuff. There was a train.


wattsups niece had a baby. Baby Charlie requires heart surgery.

orangemans M is traveling

fruity pebbles buddy Eric having surgery on brain tumor next week


f3 dads august 21 at folsom

rafting trip

2nd f tonight at primal 5 pm 7-30-2021

party at orangemans at 8 pm (m is out of town – leopard is brining white claws)


Leppard’s Drink’in Again

One of the hottest days of the year and 5 brave souls joined me in the Easy Bake Oven known as Midoriyama. I sent out a pre-blast trying to entice some HIMS that enjoy a cold beverage or two. Some luke-warm interest and then a bunch of excuses like “I’ve gotta work,” or “Vacation Bible School,” or “my M’s busy and I have to watch the kids,” or my va-jay-jay is sore and I need to douche it…blah, blah, blah. I guess the saying is true, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” Then Whoopee throws out some noise about COVID on the rise among males under 50. Correct me if I’m wrong, weren’t we working out this time last year without a vaccine in place? I know a few of us got it and dealt with some suffering for a while but we made it through. Staying in peak physical condition is one part of the equation to challenge this flu. Now before any of you go challenging me, I said fitness is one part – not the only part. Obviously you can get the jab or wear a napkin over your face. There are lots of choices. Sorry – I’ll get off the soap box and tell you what happened today.


10 counts in cadence: Toy Soldier, Imperial Walkers, Side to Side Lunge, MNC’s, Hillbillies, Cotton Pickers


Mosey to the shaded part of Poston Park.  YHC was already making the PAX feel better about posting. Apparently on Tuesday Pockets had the troops working out in 90 heat on 150 degree asphalt. We fellowship jogged to the lower parking lot and down the path to the volleyball court near the dock. I don’t think we’ve ever used the volleyball sandpit – now is the time. 11’s: 10 Merkins, mosey through the sand to the other side for 1 Squat. And why not make it dirty? I watched women’s beach volleyball the other night so as you come to the net, 5 vertical jumps. Call them spikes or blocks, whatever you want. Blart at 7-0 tall had an advantage of the low net – I suggested he still needed to jump. Leppard and Broke began reliving the glory days of North Gaston varsity basketball where more fouls than points is a badge of honor. The sand works your quads more than you realize, even at that short of a distance. We finished and Broke provided a 10 count.

We migrated up the hill to the picnic shelter – fully shaded and waiting was a cooler with a mixture of beverages. Since most of the PAX were full of excuses, I’ll share what the Beer Workout is. Similar to ‘deck of death’ but with beers. A mixture of adult beverages were in the cooler. Each PAX took a turn to select a beverage and then came a decision – do I drink it or not? If the PAX drinks the beer, the other 5 take a short lap in the parking lot. The challenge was for the drinker to finish said beverage before the PAX returned or else the drinker also has to perform the exercises. Two men took the challenge – stay tuned. Now, if the PAX declined to drink, well everyone then had to exercise. Each can/bottle had 2 exercises on a label. Perform the first until form breaks or your tired of it. Move to the next exercise either until time expires or you want to flip to the first one again. After each round, run a lap. The time began with 1:39 on the clock – why that time you wonder? Well go back to your grade school field trip when the kids on the bus began singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall…So each round dropped by one second following the song lyrics. You still with me? Lot of explaining here…but the mumble chatter and egging on was fantastic. Here is my best recollection of how it went down.

  1. Blart selected a Bud Light – pretty basic. Despite goading, he chose exercise which was Bobby Hurleys and Decline Peter Parkers for 1:39 – we ran a lap.
  2. Broke grabbed a pint can of Miller Light – our Nantan was thirsty – he popped the cap immediately and the rest of us took off to see if we could beat him. Defib and Blart were close but Broke is a professional beer drinker and was easily finished. We would have done merkins and mtn climbers had he not been parched.
  3. CPAP loves craft beers – I had none to offer so he selected a Natty Ice tall boy. No consideration to drinking that so we had 1:38 of Big Boys and Flutter Kicks. Broke’s stomach hadn’t settled his beer and he thought about puking but the PAX said any merlot splashing meant he had to repeat as Nantan in 2022. Broke held on for dear life. We took a lap.
  4. I was curious of Defib’s palette – what would a cardiologist choose? Why none other than a tall boy IceHouse. I think he thought the can was cool. He declined to drink it so that meant 1:37 of Burpees and Mike Tysons – pure hell right there. Broke contemplated being Nantan in 2022.
  5. Def Leppard strolls up to the cooler claiming he ain’t had 2 beers in a year in he can’t recall how long – maybe because he blacked out? I know there have to be some good Leppard stories of cruis’in Franklin back in the day and pegging stop signs with empty bottles. So Leppard sniffs through the cooler and picks up the one beverage I planted in case Sister Act posted – yep some of you guessed it: a lime White Claw. So DL reads the label closely, not for the exercise but for the calorie count. Apparently he’s watching his figure. The PAX are really encouraging DL to pop the top. Blart crouches down into a starter’s block and with the pop of the top, Blart becomes Usain Bolt. I’ve never seen him accelerate that quickly. Leppard nearly tosses his cookies on the first gulp but realizes Blart is blazing a trail never before seen, then decides to cheat and cuts the median to find Leppard catching the final drop of the can. We missed Monkey Humpers and Overhead Claps on that round. Leppard wonders aloud how Sister Act enjoys the Claw so much, but says it wasn’t too bad and may even stop at the store on the way home to pick up some more.
  6. Huck would appreciate my selection of the only IPA in the cooler: Elysian Space Dust 9% alcohol. I was not about to crack that thing so we did the exercise for 1:36 of High Planks and if you got tired, CDDs. With time left under 5 minutes we cancelled the lap and hustled back to base.

For the PAX’s efforts they were rewarded with choices of water of beer. Leppard said he’d reached his limit so opted for water. Announcements: August 7 tubbing – Tate is schedule to write a pre-blast. This is the final week of the service items (brush, comb, gum, mints) – turn into Freight. Prayer list – Turtleman, Big Pappy, Freight 2.0, SA 2.0. I took us out.

This workout is as much 2nd F as it is 1st F. Tougher challenge once you pound a beer during the workout and have to run or jump around. The mumble chatter is pretty strong too. I have the Q at Old School Saturday morning at 0700. I’ll replace the 2 beers drunk and bring the cooler out for anyone curious. I had several more rounds to go. Plus I have another surprise in my trunk to unveil. #showtoknow. Hopefully Leppard made it home okay, he was a bit wobbly but that could have been the heat.

Thanks for letting me lead,

Short Sale

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