• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 07/03/2021
  • AO: The Bunker
  • QIC: Orangeman (R)
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Nutria, Tiger (R), Pockets, Pilgrims Progress, BOS(R), Flintstone, Barney

After a brief warmup of Hillbillies, Don Qs, Gravel pickers, Toy soldiers, and Imperial walkers, the Pax took a short mosey to grab a couple of coupons, which would be needed later.

The thang: mostly kettlebells in this four round bout.

Round 1: 20 reps each KB swings, KB tricep curls, Merkin KB pull through, KB curls, KB bent rows, KB overhead press, and 10 reps of brickees (burpees with the coupons)

Take a slow mosey with the coupons in hand, overhead, to the end of the lot and back.

Round 2 15 reps each of the same, 10 reps of brickees, then head to the wall with the kettlebell for a bit of Driving Miss Daisy, which is simply a wall sit with the KB held out front, driving style. After getting Miss Daisy home, swap the KB for the coupons for some wall sit presses.

Back for Round 3 at 10 reps each, then another slow mosey with the coupons overhead.

Round 4 with 5 reps of each exercise, and a little time for some Mary. Head to The Yank and we’re out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman