Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2021 (Page 5 of 13)

Light crowd at Midoriyama as many Pax on vacation this week.  Safe travel to all.  Go time arrives at same time as Purple Haze, give him a moment to join the party.  Warm up  was SSH, IW, grass pickers, 15X IC.  Stretches from plank position.  Pledge.

Mosey to parking lot by big soccer fields.  Using the width of the lot.  YHC tells pax that we doing an accelerator of sorts. One end of parkin lot is merkin end, the other is the “jack” end.  Middle is burpee zone.  Each time cross middle, 5 burpees, start with those.  Run to jack end for 20 SSH.  Run to other end, cross middle with 5 burpees on way.  At other end 20 merkins.  Run back to jack end, 5 burpees in middle, for 20 SSH plus 20 smurf jacks.  Other end for 20 merkins plus 20 hand release merkins.  You get the idea.

We kept crossing adding up to 20 SSH, 20 smurf jacks, 20 seal jacks, 20 toe touch jacks, and 20 start jacks on one end.  Other end 20 merkins, 20 hand release, 20 stagger left, 20 stagger right.  Last set of merkins ran low on time, so last pass through middle instead of burpees, was 10 each merkins, hand release, stagger left, stagger right, diamonds.

Head back to start.  Good work men, really tough work out.

Announcements: nail clippers and chap stick, 5k this Sunday at cross roads donations for charity, metro blood drive on July 31 at Harvest Center, Grow Ruck Aug 6 weekend.

Prayer requests: Westside daughter, Uranus and family, praise and continued prayer for Turtleman, Pax on vacation, YHC has some decisions to make on business.

YHC took us out.

Always an honor


Roscoe’s Favorite Exercise

12 at The Bulldog on a fine Tuesday morning.  Oompa ran laps around us all.  Here’s what I remember:

The Thang:

Circle up to start with some work in cadence:

  • 10 x SSH
  • 10 x Don Quixotes
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers
  • 10 x Mike Tysons
  • 10 x Plank Jacks
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches
  • 10 x Low Slow Squats

Grab the bells and ditch the cadence for some time based work.  1 minute on with a 15 second break for each of the following:

  • Around the Worlds
  • Pullovers
  • Overhead Halo/Backwards Lunge (or as Double Stuf calls it, “the T-Square”)
  • Curls
  • Swings

YHC is well aware that music is needed when breaking out a timer.  Q fail to not bring it.  This led to bad songs by bad artists being sung badly, while the PAX talked about how bad the music is.  Anyways, the mumblechatter got going a little bit, so we just kept rolling.

Next meander with the bells to the track for a couple laps.  Basically, each lap had a specified carry and a couple exercises at each end of the track.

Lap 1

  • Waiter Carry to far end of the track
  • 15 x Goblet Squats (IC)
  • 15 x Ski Abs (IC)
  • Flapjack the carry and Repeato

Lap 2

  • Goblet Carry to far end of the track
  • 20 x Plank Pull-throughs (OYO, count L & R)
  • 20 x Bonnie Blairs (OYO, count L & R)
  • Repeato

Next, the parking lot where some cinder blocks were strategically placed.  PAX lined up 4 deep behind the blocks.

  • 1st PAX – Farmer’s Carry the block and the bell to the bright light in the distance (or the covered area at the end of the parking lot) and then do 10 merkins on the block, 5 with LH off the block and RH on, and 5 flapjack.  Then Farmer’s carry it all back
  • 2nd PAX – Flutter Kicks (AMRAP)
  • 3rd PAX – Freddie Mercuries (AMRAP)
  • 4th PAX – LBCs (AMRAP)

The 1st PAX was the timer, and everyone repeated the exercises til they got back, then moved up a position.  The PAX who finished the Farmer’s Carry went to the back of the line for LBCs.  Turned out to be a lot more ab work than YHC was expecting, so there was some stargazing while trying to get in reps.

We left the blocks by the Footmobile, and went back to the circle for another round of:

  • Around the Worlds
  • Pullovers
  • T-Squares
  • Curls
  • Swings

Time was short, so we didn’t get in a full minute of each.  We did, however, get in a good laugh as while we did the Pullovers, Les Nessman informed us that they were Roscoe’s favorite exercise.


  • Service Project – Chap Stick and Nail Clippers
  • 2nd F events this week – Lunch Thursday, Axe Throwing Saturday

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtleman
  • Linus’s Dad


I appreciate the support of the PAX on what was my first attempt at Qing a kettlebell workout.  I’ve still got a lot to learn, but grateful for the HIMs of the Bulldog that I can learn from.

I’ve known Les Nessman for a long time, since the days when our kids were eating high quality orange wedges on the sidelines on Coach Daniel’s soccer team, and I’m better for it.  Besides the consistent mumblechatter, he’s the guy that EH’d me into trying a kettlebell workout at some point.  I’m glad he was there, and hopefully it was more beneficial than that extra hour of sleep he could have had.

Grateful as always for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Lightin the FUSE!

The day b4 my Q I noticed that the newly repaved West Main Avenue was open for traffic again so I thought this might be a great opportunity to explore the new FUSE District.  12 PAX showed for what was supposed to be a wet Friday morning but the Lord was good to us and moved the rain out just in time!  5:30 time to go to work…

Warm-up:  SSH / Gravel Pickers / (The Patented) Left over Rights & Right over Lefts / Moroccan Nightclubs / Step-ups (All IC)

The Thang:  We moseyed around the corner for some marching wall sits then lined up at the intersection of W Main / S Chester.  From there it was 1 Calf Raise / 1 Squat / 1 Merkin / 1 LBC at each of the new street lights headed to the ballpark.  Once at the FUSE we moseyed around the field to the front corner, found a sport statue & it was 25 Merkins & Dips OYO.  Another mosey to the upper corner & did Ring of Fire with Flutters and Bear Crawls.  Moseyed back to W Main for the return trip… Rinse & Repeat.  Back at the parking lot it was a short round of Dora w/ American Hammers / Lunges.  Then we finished up with some Mary.

Pledge / COT – And since I’m so late in writing this BB the announcements are no longer valid 🙁 

Name-O-Rama found Pizza Man running up for a “provisional” entry following his run!

Prayers are always current though:  Turtleman’s treatment / scan, Sister Act, Big Pappy, Uranus’ wife, JK2’s oldest daughter, EZ’s wife

Purple Haze:  Excuse Me While I Kiss the Sky!

Double Dirty 11’s

7 plus YHC choose the harder thing and turned off the snooze this morning for a dry but humid morning @ Folsom  …here is what happened


Standard Ball Joint Warm up:

  •  Where Did that lug nut go (gravel pickers)-IC x 11
  • SSH-IC x 11
  • What is stuck to the bottom of my boot?(Toy Soldiers)- IC x 11
  • Don Quixote (slow so it actually lets you stretch)-IC x 11
  • Monbacks (MNC) IC x 11

The Thang:

We moseyed to the Flag stopping at each light to do 1 Burpee, 25 MTNclimbers, and 10 Crunchy Frogs.. add a burpee at each light so we end up with 7 burpees  on the last on.  Plank for 6 or go back and get’m .


10 count from somebody that sucks at 10 counts and we are off again. Short mosey to the concrete bleachers  for some Dirty Double 11s.  Dips & Derkins at the bottom, box jump up the bleachers  LBCs and Leg lifts at the top.  Everybody hammered this out and we all bought the 6 in together.  10 count from somebody else that sucks at 10 counts and we are off again.  Around the horse track to the dirt road, and a not quite completed new fence that was perfect for pull ups.  More 11s, pull ups at the fence, run down the grass hill and do jump squats.  Everyone pushed though this pretty well and we all brought the 6 in.  Time running down we head back to the tennis courts for some core work.  Everyone on there back in a circle with heads to the inside of circle and feet to the outside.  Ozark was nice enough to bring us a 25lbs sandbag and we all admired it as we passed it around the circle all while doing flutter kick till time ran out 4 mins or so.


  • Snowbird Men’s retreat Sept 24-26
  • Jackup Leg 5k June 27 ( Crossroads@630)
  • F2 Lunch @ Bubbas 33 This Thursday 24th Noon
  • Axe Throwing??? This Saturday @ the Mall?? or something like that see the preblast from Allen Tate (that he hasn’t posted yet)

Prayer Request:

  • TurtleMan, Big Pappy, SA, Stogie(Job), Ozark, Pax traveling, all the Kotters

3rd F: Mathew 7 13-14  “Enter through the narrow gate, because the gate is wide and the way is spacious that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. But the gate is narrow and the way is difficult that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”    Everyday we make choices and most time the harder thing is the right thing to do…And I truly believe that F3 helped make these harder choices and be a better man then I was 6 month ago!

Pleasure to lead today men!


Ball Joint

Dad’s plus 2.0

We had a good turnout for Painlab today. Welcome back Kotters! Let’s get to work.

Warmups: Don Quijote’s, Squat with Lateral punches, Windmill Stretch, High Knees and Overhead Reach.

Set 1: Work 50 secs/ rest 10 secs.

Side Lunges, Slow n Low Squats, Lung Around the Circle, Step ups, Donkey Kicks, Single Romanian Dead Lift, Assisted Pistol Squats. Rinse & Repeat 

Set 2: 

American Hammers, Toe Touches, Six Inch Hold, Hips Ups, Quadrupeds, LBC’s, Reverse Crunches. R&R 

Set 3: Merkins to Exhaustion then plank, Bulgarian Split Squats, Heels TO Heaven, Kettle bell Sit-ups, Superman Pullups. R&R

Set 4: Mary x 11 Hims

Better late than never

When: June 10th

Where: The Pub – (F3s premiere running AO)

What: The absolute best running experience crammed into only 5 miles between the Pub and Martha Rivers

Why: Because HIM cannot be stopped

How: Through shear grit

The Storm – 6/22/21

Good crowd on  humid morning at the Storm.  Started with a reminder of the mission of F3, translated it into put in the work and get better for all of those that depend on us.  Warm up SSH, Imperial Walkers, Grass pickers 15X IC, some stretching from plank, 10 burpees.  Mosey.

Go to corner of parking lot for some four corners accelerator.  25 hand release merkins, run to second corner for merkins and 50 SSH, third corner, all previous and add 75 squats.  Fourth corner, all previous and add 100 smurf jacks.

Back around for decelerator.  This was a crowd pleaser.  Start with 100 smurf jacks and back down to first corner.  This was tough, good work men!

About 10 mins remain.  Partner up.  Partner bear crawls about 20 yards and back while the other does crunchy frog.  Flap jack.  Same thing except lunge walk and LBCs.  Back to flag.

A minute remains so 5 burpees.  Time.

YHC followed up on Watt’s Up slack post on back blasts.  These are important.  Not only do they broadcast what was done, they also let everyone know who was there, more importantly though who was not.  Also a means for announcements and prayer requests.  Many prayer request may go unknown if not listed in back blast.

Announcements: trash pick up from Rotary Pavilion saturday 10:00, Metro holding blood drive  July 31 at the Harvest Center which is near the airport (I said June 30 at the workout, but July 31 is correct date), collection items this month – nail clippers and chap stick, GrowRuck weekend of Aug 6 in CLT grow school alone is also an option.

Prayer requests: Turtleman, Uranus and his family, Bubba Sparx mentioned lay offs coming at his company, Breaker Breaker mentioned job opportunities at Freightliner, Breaker Breaker daughter in law Emily job search, Sargento 2.1 with job interview.

Pledge (reminder from Pilgrim – thank you)

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Hoss, You Can’t Go That Way

Sometimes you never know what you will experience during the workout. This turned out to be true once again on this Saturday morning.

I arrived to find some disappointed PAX who’d expected me to post at NUOS that morning. My post on Slack was merely to say that we would make up for the lack of running at NUOS during the bootcamp workout, not that I would make it to NUOS.

SSH x 16
Merkins x 16
LBCs x 16
Imperial Walkers x 16

Pain Lab w/ Tube while Boot Camp went for a mosey

Stop at the flag for The Pledge

Mosey down Garrison towards Lineberger Park

Before we could get to the first stop at the church, we found police cars blocking the road. Then, we noticed that someone had crashed into the telephone pole across from the church. The line was on the ground and smoking like crazy.

The PAX had stopped to assess the situation, and YHC was trying to find a way around this crazy scene. At that point, several people had come upon the scene, and one gentleman close to us said, “Hoss, you can’t go that way. The line is down across the road.” I appreciated his notification of the obvious as I was merely looking for a way around the chaotic scene.

We moseyed around the back of the church into the parking lot as sirens continued around us and cars did u-turns in the middle of the road.

Merkins IC x 10
Squats IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10

Mosey to Taxco Mexican Grill parking lot. Where if you let your imagination run free, the smell of BBQ still floats in the air.

PAX Choice of exercise at this stop
Whoopee – 20 Big Boy Situps
Watts Up – 20 Big Boy Situps
Flintstone – 20 Freddie Mercury’s

Mosey to the park

Had planned to partner up, but with 4 PAX we just worked as a group. Each PAX picked an exercise to start. While three performed the exercise, the fourth ran up the stairs and back. When they returned, the exercise rotated around and the next PAX ran. Exercises included burpees, squats, lunges, and big boy situps.

We did 3 rounds of this until it looked like we were in the way of the guy trying to clear off the sidewalks. So we moseyed to the playground.

At the picnic tables, 2 rounds of Dips, Step Ups, and Flutter Kicks

Start the mosey back. At some point, Flintstone made a comment that I interpreted as he wanted to do more burpees. So on the run back we did 5 burpees (or so) for every green street sign on our side of the road and 3 (or so) for every street sign on the other side of the road.

At one point while we were doing burpees, a guy in a truck stopped to tell us something. YHC thought he was going to tell us we had bad form on our burpees. Whoopee thought he was going to tell us we had good form on our burpees. He just wanted to let us know the road was blocked because of a power line being down. Thanks, Hoss.

After a quick detour through the neighborhood to avoid the power line still smoldering on the ground near Garrison and countless burpees, we arrived back at the Schiele.

A couple rounds of Mary while we waited for the Pain Lab guys, and then the bells.

Turtleman pet scan looked great no signs of cancer; continued prayers as he finishes out chemo over next couple of months
July 9th concert series, F3 to help pass out water
Monthly items – Nail clippers and chapstick

Prayer Requests
Rudolph travels
Wreck on Garrison
Principal assignments for upcoming school year

The Pledge again for the whole group

Prayer to take us out

At certain points during our mosey to the park and back (and again in the COT), I shared with the PAX the prior week’s sermon points from our pastor. I’d really thought through those leading up to Father’s Day, and thought they were good words of encouragement on Father’s Day Eve.

Three ways to make like count
The first is to start serving (we only got point #1, so I’ll have to share the other 2 at a latter Q)
To truly serve you must:
1 Choose desire over duty – Not because you have to but because you want to
2 Choose giving over getting – Don’t confuse influence with income
3 Choose being an example over being on control – Influence measured not by how many people are under you but how many are behind you

The whole reason for serving was further emphasized in my devotion that morning before posting. With the three points above in my head, I read Romans 14:8.

If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.

We serve not for ourselves and the glory it will bring us. We serve others because our Savior came to serve and set an example for us to follow.

Until next time.


No Q on the schedule? No problem. We got to work with quick warmup then rucked on over to the parking lot. Each of us picked an exercise and did some suicides with the light posts and at each far end did the 5 different exercises as follows: (I think, not sure I remember it correctly) 10 Merkins, 10 Side Lunges, 10 Squats, 10 Big Boy Sit ups, 20 Flutter Kicks. We worked our way across the lot then when our Time Counter Extraordinaire, AKA Lester G. Nessman, alerted us, we headed back to base for quick pledge and COT.

Good work men.



“Accountability” at Crossroads or lack there of it

4 PAX posted on a wet Father’s Day at Crossroads.  Round-up and Seuss took off together while Freight and I went on a fellowship run trying to fix the worlds problems.  I guess everyone else was scared to get wet…little did they know that it didn’t rain but for a second the whole run.   During QSource, we had a strong discussion on “Accountability” which was definitely missing on this Sunday!!

Great work from those that posted!!



-Round-up and Hacksaw’s crazy run

-Freight’s service project – nail clippers and chap stick


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