Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 24, 2021

Barely Made It..

Well I got there early did a couple miles and the next thing I know it has to be an 8 min. pace to get back at exactly 7.00 am. The great statement comes lets Mosey… we ran for 10 minutes doing some exercises to keep loose. 10 min. later had over a mile and headed to the Pit for some Figure 8

2 exercises at each corner 8x do each one 8 sets. Each time you cross diagonal you add a burpee. Everyone had two bricks to carry on all exercises.

  • Corners: Merkins and Werkins 8x each
  • Corner: Freddy Merks and LBC
  • Corner: Shoulder Press and Rocking Knights
  • Corner: Starjacks and Little Gumby in the woods
  • Lots of Burpees.

We finished this and went to Hawthorne Hill did 50 in cadence leg flutters ran to the top and tiger called 30 leg flutters. Then we basically Mosied some back to the yank. Ended up with over 4 miles and a lot of people saying dang termite! Must have done my job… out

These Bricks are Cold…

Started out a brisk morning and 5.30 came. As always lets Mosey a good solid mile… or more… with brick in each hand. Stopped at several points and did:

LBC – 50

Merkins 25

then made it to the island in center road and began 11’s down to the next island back up with bricks did I mention. ( lot of whining about my bricks are cold so I told them to put them in their pants but that was a little rough on the … anyway. Continued after 11’s stopping at many intersections ending with pipes and team work. Each time someone dropped the pipe we did 5 burpees.. needless to say we did a lot of burpees.

Ended with pledge and prayer mostly for our country. God bless America and you guy!

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