Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 17, 2021

Hill time

Pledge to bank no longer there flag.

Early morning, chilly, but balmy 30, not quite the 17 earlier.

No Q in sight so the old fart stepped it up, literally up the River Hill.

Mailbox time with 10 reps, merkins, Imperial Walkers, squats, monkey humpers, lunges, at each mail delivery, to the top. On our sixes for LBC, flutters, heels to the sky in the cul. Thankfully no cars.

Down the hill to Bank wall for step ups, dips, and incline merkins.

Great PAX, solved many problems. Come get passed by a group of F runners.

Announcements, CoT

No Q? Let’s do it anyway

No official Q for the Coconut Horse workout this morning.  We had a Q Source Q or Four Agreements Q….we haven’t quite figured out what to call it since we are not following the Q Source study.

We worked out anyway and had a great COT regardless.

Several Rucked.

Several Ran.

Sweetheart showed to ruck at the wrong time…….communication failure somewhere during the EH.

13 or 14 stayed for the Four Agreements discussion (I lost count).

Several prayer requests to be considered.

The Four Agreements lesson was on the first agreement, Be Impeccable With Your Word:

Speak with Integrity.  Say only what you mean.  Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.  Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Until the next one.  Aye!



We ran, rucked , and/or walked. We got a little better today.

We then studied QSource Foundation F2 “Language”.

We, F3 Gastonia,  strive to build community leaders.   We are a tribe and we connect with our own language. We emphasize words that have  more meaning than that of society. As it is written in the QSource Index,  “Accountability” is a great example. “Accountability” means much more us as it does to others.

YHC took the word tribe to describe us as a tribe come from the book  “Tribes –  We need you to lead us” by Seth Godin.   In this book, it provides examples of people building/leading their “tribes” to  things greater than themselves.

We are in the “tribe” of F3 and have the resources to be great leaders in our home, community and work. It is up to us to take those skills outward and take the lead and make the changes we having passion for.



  • Hacksaw/ Round Up  – 2 miles for 24hrs run
    • Looking for people to run with them throughout there 24 hour run
    • Starting at the courthouse in Dallas at 0530 on  Saturday Jan 23rd in Dallas.

Prayer Request

  • Gumby
  • Broke/Gold Digger
  • Purple Haze
  • Family of Megan Lee Clark

Matthew 9:16 –  “No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch tears away from the garment, and a worse tear is made.”

Big Pappy


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