Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 8, 2020

Warm November Morning at the Yank

YHC got to The Yank a little early to set up and fact check some of the trivia questions.  There was already a guy there.  I didn’t recognize him, but he had an F3 shirt on so I new he was not foe.  It was Carrier who came across the mighty Catawba to join us for a beatdown and pick up some shoes from BOS.

Quick disclaimer since there were no FNGs.  Like I normally do, I let the pax know there was going to be some trivia for them this morning.  A question would be asked.  Exercise ensues.  An answer would be given.  If that answer was correct, we just keep on moving.  If that answer was wrong, 5 burpees for everyone.  I was a little nervous when I saw Sargento show up, since I’m not sure he’s ever gotten one of my trivia questions wrong before.  The dude is a walking, talking encyclopedia.

Mosey the long way around to the pavilion for some Corewood.  We did 25 of each exercise on my count:
– LBCs
– Crunchy Frogs
– Pretzel Crunches
– Freddy Mercuries
– Leg Raises
– American Hammers

Mosey to the pit where I had written several exercises in chalk in parking spaces.  The pax needed to do 25 of each exercise then run a lap around the pit.  Some of the exercises included:
– Merkins
– Lunges
– SSHs
– Diamond Merkins
– Hill Billies
– Bobby Hurleys

There were more and I had them all written down on my weinke, but my M threw it away.

Mosey up near the field of dreams.  Pax had to do the following exercises – pull ups, merkins, dips and one lap around the track.  Started with 5 pull ups, 10 merkins and 15 dips for the first round.  Second round we went up to 10 pull ups, 20 merkins and 30 dips.  For the third round, the weinke had us going up to 15, 30 and 45 but I heard a little mumble chatter asking to go back down after the second round instead of up on the reps.  So we ended up doing 5, 10 and 15 for the third round.

We then did some Dora 1, 2, 3.  It really only ended up being a Dora 1, 2, 1 since we were running low on time.  100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 100 LBCs.

Mosey back to where we started for our COT and pledge.

Prayer concerns:
– Brutus’ M having surgery

– PT Test next week at Gashouse
– BCO takes donations for gifts for kids for Christmas
– Carrier thanked the pax for all of the shoe donations

It was a lot of fun, men.  Thank you!


We ran or rucked….nothing exciting until Flintstone flanked the 4 ruckers while on the Greenway coming out of the woods near an apartment complex. He’s lucky we didn’t smack him with one of our purses. Great discussion for Q Source.


Fantastic Fall Morning and “Failure” at Crossroads

6 runners today at Crossroads. Beautiful morning, great temperatures and no rain!

You guys motivate me in various ways, for which I am thankful!

Q Source on “Failure” today. It takes failure, and lots of it, to refine a leader.  We have all failed, at some point, as leaders. But let’s use that as a learning experience and grow from it.

Great work by the Ville-to-Ville team! Keep up the running!

Huck joined us for Q Source.

Nice work today, men!


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