Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2020 (Page 1 of 10)

3rd F – Listen

This is the commentary I shared at the Yank this past Saturday.  Topic follows up on the four points shared at CSAUP a couple of Saturday’s ago Build Pray Keep Wait.  Topic is listen and give God the time to speak.

Most of us picture prayer sort of like a monologue: We talk to God, sharing our heartfelt thanks and offering up our petitions and requests. But prayer is really more like a dialogue, where we speak with God and the Lord speaks to us.

Listening prayer centers around a clear request for God’s guidance. In making our request, we give God’s guidance authority over the other voices we hear throughout our daily lives. Then we hit the pause button. We wait on God in a time of silence, giving the Lord opportunity to speak to us. We focus our time of prayer on intentional, purposeful listening and let God do the talking.

This is really important because as followers of Jesus, we all desire to do the right thing and make the wisest choices. Yet we are constantly being bombarded with the noise of the world all around us. There are lots of voices telling us very different messages, and too often we find ourselves challenged and confused about what we should do in a given situation or what is really the best way ahead. These are times when we can seek God’s guidance through listening prayer.

This is from the Listening Prayer guide from

This week let’s pray for Pilgrim Progress, Stone Cold, Flintstone, Stinky Bird, Waterboy, Gold Digger, Loveboat, Spiderman, Less Nessman


It’s beginning to look s lot like…..

So, Covid happened this year, duh! It truly messed up a lot of things. Perhaps that’s why there’s a station playing Christmas music! I always planned on using today’s workout in the summer just at that moment when you are seeking a cool down!
Low slow squats
Plank jacks
Mountain climbers
Toy soldiers
All of these IC x12 ( also the idea is that those few of us who were present Sunday on the Mt Mitchell climb should enjoy stretching their aching joints again)

Cue the music …. yes Christmas music for the 12 days of F3 Christmas!
After each day we mosey around Snoballs ( Snow anyone)
Day 1 hand release merkins burpee ( no, I did not sing …. I cannot sing and do not will this voice on any ….. some did sing this morning …. that was better )
Day2 crunchy frogs
Day 3 Bobby Hurleys
Day 4 sumo jump squats
Day 5 monkey humpers
Day 6 SSH

a present of 5 burpees for the train excited ALL as they unwrapped this unexpected last minute gift!

day 7 Michael Phelps ( instead of swans a swimming)
Day 8 pickle pounders ( instead of maids s milking)
Day 9 Rosalitas ( instead of ladies dancing)
Day 10 jump lunges count one leg ( instead of lords a leaping)
Day 11 diamond merkins
Day 12 Mike Tyson’s

Enough of that !!

cross street and nope ,,,,, can’t use the wall … it’s being watered … mosey to atm at bank and very low derkins, dips monkey humpers , Freddie Merck’s, ssh and assorted exercises starting at 12 …. until we drop to one burpee

now we escort Stroganoff across the street and continue down and at each light pole begin with 2 burpee 2 merkins 3? Plank jacks 4 something something

and 5 burpees Because we have arrived

20 big boys  in honor of Turtleman

bunny hop to pole for Island

and time for a rerun of this

assemble in back lot for a circle where pax picks an exercise for all to do while he runs around until returning to his place and hand off to next
there were flutters American hammers Lbcs ….. then this horrible gas cloud erupted from Gastone …that was ALL we could take of that !!! Abandon ship!!!

race away from toxic methane fumes and finish with 35 flutters led by Gastone

prayers for Gustavius  son of Stinky Bird who was bitten on face as he petted A dog In neighborhood


Licking up ants

With skies threatening a washout, 11 pax took a chance on a Defib Q this afternoon.


SSH and Merkins – thats enough.


Mosey to picnic benches for a tabata style picnic –

3 sets of exercises that included –

Decline Merkins

Single leg squats


Box Jumps

Decline CDDs

Lateral leg step ups

Decline Peter Parkers

Rocky Balboas


Exercises were done for 30 seconds with a 20 second break in between.

Finally mosey back to flag for 5 minutes of Mary

The workout was difficult and induced some hunger with at least one pax resorting to licking up ants for sustenance.  Lots of mumble chatter indicated at least some pax enjoyed the beatdown.



Slaw, Bedpan wife surgery, Purple Haze’ s niece, Sister Act’s family, people battling addiction

One of the fastest and tallest wooden runs on Earth

Or is it home lawn equipment, a restaurant or a bull? Don’t know. But what I do know is that we have a freshly minted FNG named El Toro. He speaks 4 languages, runs a company, has 3 daughters and has yet to hit the age of 30(give or take 5-10 years). This was his introduction, at the BULLDOG!


5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks
5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks, 15 merkins,
5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks, 15 merkins, 20 monkey humpers
5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks, 15 merkins, 20 monkey humpers, 20 freddy mercuries
5 burpies, 20 low jumping jacks, 15 merkins, 20 monkey humpers, 2 0freddy mercuries, 10 feet to heaven

20 Curls
10 Bent Rows per arm
Plank pull kettlebell to side REPEAT x 10
Repeat 3X

Low step back lunge holding kettlebell – X5 per leg
Monkey Humpers 20
5 kettlebell extended arm raises
Repeat 3X

Squat Curl Press w/ hand walk-out to a merkin – 10 OYO
Flutterkicks 20
Beast position – Opposite arm/leg extensions
KB swings x 20
Repeat 3X

15 Dips, 40 Calf Raises, 15 Derkins, 10 Hip Dips
Repeat 2X

Stretches for 2 minutes

Slaying Dragons

YHC rolled in at 5:20 to see a few getting in some EC which is always motivating. Good job men! Props to Flubber for another FNG this morning! Welcome Escobar! And Plug In made the drive from Mooresville again this morning! As the men kept coming in we ended up with 14 at 5:30 so it was time to get started. Did a little disclaimer and we….



SSH: IC x15


MNC: ICx20

Time to punch the in! All the guys at Folsom assume that when YHC Q’s it’s going to be merkin heavy, so I tried to throw them off this morning and it worked at first…

mosey to first light pole going out of parking lot:

LBC’s: 40

Light pole #2

BBSU’s: 30

Light pole #3

AH’s: 20

Light pole#4

V-UP’s: 10

Merkins: 10

There was some light mumble chatter as we were working from light pole to light pole about “I was expecting a bunch of merkins!” My plan was working so far, because that poor soul didn’t know what was about to unfold….

We moseyed back through the lights with

V-UP’s: 40

working our way back to

light pole #1 and LBC’s: 10

Head to tennis courts:

2 Rounds:

Welsh Dragons (look them up) across 2 tennis courts

Contra Burpee (look them up) back

after round 1 everyone was painfully excited that the merkins has arrived.

we finished our time out with…

The Cooper (look it up)

most made it for 3 rounds but there were 2 rock pushers among us this morning: Sister Act and Round Up who went 5 rounds I think!



Prayer Request:

Sister Act’s daughter and family, Wire Nuts mom and family, Stogie’s dad, Medicine Woman and his dad, Tater Hole, Westside’s M, our community and leaders


It was a great morning to be in the Gloom with you men! Thanks again for the opportunity to lead!


Wichita out and on to the next one!



You vs. You

After a weekend bootcamp, 5k and hike up Mt. Mitchell, YHC wasn’t sure how much would be left in the tank on Monday morning so the weinke was set up to allow each PAX to determine how hard they wanted to push. 10 PAX came ready to work at 0530 and it went something like this:

  • Disclaimer
  • Pledge
  • Warmup (extended version to make sure YHC could actually move)
  • Run to downtown and back at your own pace
  • 25’s
    • 25 Merkins, 25 Big Boys, 25 Plank Jacks, 25 Flutter kicks then run a lap around the parking lot. Perform as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes. We went a little over on this, but I believe a couple of the PAX got around 10 rounds in. Red Ribbon, Gold Digger and Freon were rolling.
  • 6 Minutes of Mary
    • Dying cockroaches, Freddie Merc’s, Burpee’s, Squats and some stuff I forgot


  • Young Life golf tournament on 10/5
  • Couple of things in the planning stages, check on Slack for future events

Prayer Request

  • SA and family
  • Huck and Purple Haze job search
  • Allen Tate recovery
  • Slaw
  • Banks family
  • Orangeman’s daughter

YHC took us out.

As always, it was an honor!

I’m Broke

Back at it…..

6 PAX showed for a returned visit from Pizza Man.  It went like this….



Don Q’s X 10 IC

Let’s mosey to the far soccer field.

The Thang:

Hero WOD “Dee”

40 Squats

30 Hand release merkins

20 Burpees

400 meter Run

X 4 rounds

Strong work by all…with sometime left we went straight into the next one.

Hero WOD “Griff”

800 meter Run

400 meter Nur (Run Backwards)

800 meter Run

400 meter Nur (Run Backwards)


During COT YHC discussed the meaning of family and how important it is to schedule your workouts so it doesn’t interfere with family time.  Over the past month or so I have found that spending time with my M and 5 year old daughter is where I need to be.  I am fortunate enough to be able to workout during the day at the office and devote more time with the family in the evening.  Just think about if something were to happen to your family, would you regret not spending more time with them?  Just a thought…keep that in mind as none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.

It’s always an honor to lead a great group of men!!

Until next time Pizza Man is OOOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTTTT!!!



Sword/ 2 Corinthians 9:7

I pulled to Ingles around 515, I wanted to take off a little early. I ran by myself, this gave me some good alone time to spend with the Lord in prayer, i don’t always take advantage of those situations! While I was out running, I got the chance to say good morning to my friend pizza man as I passed his house. I got back to the truck about 5 minutes till 6, I waited a little bit, no pax showed this morning. I’m figuring everyone was tired from the weekend, if anyone understands, I do!

The scripture for this week is 2 Corinthians 9:7- Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

We should be “cheerful givers”, God loves a cheerful giver!

For us to be truly cheerful givers, or hearts have to be right with Christ! Knowing and excepting the ultimate gift the he has given, himself!

I prayed for all of you guys this morning, hope y’all have a good week!

Merkin 55’s – Something Else that Stroganoff has Made Up

It was kinda gloomy but still a nice morning.  Not very cold.  Still warm enough to get a good sweat on.

8 overcame the Monday blues to partake in the sharing of some fine work at The Sandlot.

There was a quick warm up of 10 Imperial Walkers; no FNG’s; the pledge.

The Thang

Mosey to the farthest point in the parking lot at Martha Rivers for some Merkin 55’s:

Similar to 11’s but the reps each round add up to 55 (instead of 11) and in the middle of each mosey across the parking lot, we dropped and did 8 Merkins.  Hence the name, Merkin 55’s.

The exercises included Flutter Kicks (counting right leg only) and Moroccan Night Clubs.  This took a while but was handled well by the PAX.  For those counting, that’s 275 ea of Flutter Kicks & Moroccan Night Clubs plus 160 merkins.

We then took a quick mosey around part of the parking lot back to where we started the 55’s.  Time for some 22’s.

Squats on one side of the parking lot with CDD’s on the other.  Well done again.

We headed back up the main road out of the park stopping 4 times for some Mary along the way:

LBC’s – 15 IC

Freddy Mercury’s – 15 IC

LBC’s – 20 IC

Freddy Mercury’s – 20 IC

Race back to Snoballs where Watts Up and Stinky Bird finished it off with some IC work of Crunchy Frogs and Jane Fonda’s.

Announcements:  Sparky’s kids school with an upcoming 5k; Christmas Party sometime in the next 12 months; Golf Tournament fundraiser from Buckshot and Young Life.

Several prayer requests.

This was my first Bootcamp Q in a while (I have done several running workouts and Q Source recently) and it was great to get back out there and lead one to start the week.  As usual, I was pushed by the entire group and felt great to start my week off in the gloom with a bunch of HIMs.  Thank you men.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Fighting Yank 9/26

YHC first Q in a while at the Yank, good to be back.  Brought along a couple of FNG’s.  Welcome to Adam Lee and Will Kiefer, forever to now be known as Snookie and Geezer.

7:00, let’s go.  SSH, Toy Soldiers, Grass pickers, all 10X and IC.  Wait, here comes Sargento on his own time.  Let’s get 10 burpees for him.  He didn’t even do them.  Oh well, you against you.

Mosey behind Sammy’s and turn the corner, come back to corner of the park.  Stop.  Suicides up the hill.  Begin with 10 hand release merkins at start.  Run to first utility pole and 10 LBC.  Back to start for 10 hand release, next utility pole for 11 LBC, adding one at each pole.  Continue from each pole to the start until make way to the end of the road at Central Ave.  11 poles total.  Plank for six.  Recover

Cross road to First Baptist.  Everyone get some wall.  10 step up each leg, 10 dips, 10 Derkins, 5 burpees for the train.  Three rounds.  Stay at wall for suspension planks.  Three rounds, first is 30 count, 40 count, 45 count.  Mosey behind middle school.

Partner up.  100 big boys partner style.  Partner one starts, other runs down drive and back.  Mosey to fountain for few minutes of mary.  Mosey to Yank.  Time.

Good work by all, and welcome to FNGs.

Had a quick word on taking some quiet time and listening for God to speak to us.  We often think that God’s direction is hard to discern, but it may be that we don’t allow God the chance to speak.  Give HIM the chance.

Announcements: JJ5k that would be starting soon, Mt Mitchell hike

Prayer requests: Stephanie McMahan, Double Stuf friend who passed family, Banks family from Gastonia

YHC took us out in prayer

Always an honor


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