Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 9, 2018

Call YHC Rain Man

It had been awhile since YHC had volunteered to Q at his home AO of Midoriyama, so YHC volunteered a week and a half ago to Q. If you happen to be a Midoriyama regular, you should’ve noticed by now that it is raining or just finished raining if YHC has the Q. Some of the PAX were discussing whether YHC should get his F3 name changed to Rain Man. As the PAX roll in, YHC notices a dark gray Tacoma rolling in. Former Nantan Freight is off the IR and back out in the gloom. Great to see you back out, brother (at least that was YHC’s initial thought).  Thankfully, the rain has stopped. Def Leppard rolls in a couple minutes late (presumably on purpose just in case the Q calls  the Slawter starter). No FNGs, short disclaimer, let’s go!


  • SSH X 10IC
  • Don Q’s X 10IC (this is where the constructive sarcasm of the prior Nantan began)
  • Morr. N/C’s X 15C
  • Goofballs X 10IC


The Thang:

Walls of Jericho-

All PAX perform 7 reps of 7 different exercises, then run a lap around one of the parking lots at Midoriyama. This will be repeated for 7 rounds total, except the final round the PAX will run 7 laps around the parking lot.

Exercises were: Merkins, Squats, In-N-Outs, Diamond Merkins, Sumo Jump Squat, WWI’s, and Flying Squirrels.

YHC believes he heard some constructive sarcasm from the six, but the six was so far back, it was really hard to tell.

Red Barchetta

With everyone out of breath (except for Madoff, who looked as if he were waiting for the warmup to finish), we fellowship Mosey over to adjacent parking lot for some Red Barchetta. YHC was introduced to this exercise by Whoopee. YHC had cones placed at 0, 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. As YHC was explaining the exercise the PAX, newly crowned site Q Blart jumps on the constructive sarcasm train with Freight and questions the Q’s measurement methods to ensure we are at the correct “yardage” to achieve optimum workout/ cardio. After explaining that YHC used Google to measure the distances (Google is never wrong), we got to work.

  • Sprint to 100 yard marker, 100 SSH SC, sprint back to start
  • Sprint to 75 yard marker, 75 Mountain Climbers (count right leg) sprint back to start
  • Sprint to 50 yard marker, 50 LBC’s, sprint back to start
  • Sprint to 25 yard marker, 25 Merkins, sprint back to start
  • Sprint to 10 yard marker, 10 Burpees, sprint, crawl, walk back to start.

Constant Mumblechatter/ Sarcasm throughout the entire evolution.


Finally, the PAX lined up for 11’s. Tiger Squats/ Merkins. Q’s form was questioned by lead instigator/ constructive sarcasm director. YHC will acquire some logs to be used as coupons next workout so he can incorporate the “Log in your eye vs. the speck in your neighbors’ eye” parable. Might be beneficial.

Mosey back to the Flag just in time. (This is where the constructive sarcasm of the prior Nantan ended.)


  • Convergence 11/10 at the Yank with 3rd F afterwards.
  • New AO Bulldog at W.A. Bess elementary school on Tuesday Mornings. Hippa is site Q
  • Christmastown 5k on 11/24 at 18:00. Come out and support if you didn’t get signed up in time.
  • Christmas Party at Dr. Queeesscchhh’s house on 12/15.
  • Some PAX are running the Santa Hustle half marathon in Belmont on 12/22.

Prayer Requests:

  • Tiger facing some big decisions in his life he will have to make soon.
  • Safe travels and return for DDC while he is in Central America.
  • Tyson and his family on the passing of his grandmother.
  • Nikki Bailey battling cancer.
  • Safe travels for Tool Time and his family while on cruise. #SeamanToolTime


YHC took us out in prayer.


If you read the story of Joshua and how the walls of Jericho fell, it’s truly an amazing story. Joshua was tasked to lead a group of untrained, unarmed nomads to take a city that was double-walled, on a hill, and self-sufficient as far as food and water goes. The directions to just march around the city for 7 days then blow the trumpets and scream must have seemed ludicrous to Joshua. Even though the odds were against him, he was obedient. And because of his obedience, the walls of Jericho fell and the Sky Q kept his promise. What “Jerichos” do we have in our own lives? Physical? Spiritual? Emotional? Job? Whatever the case, being obedient to the Sky Q is the best way to handle the situation.

Thank you guys for allowing me to lead. Thanks for posting and supporting even when it’s wet and nasty outside. Great work by all. And it was good to hear the lively mumble chatter this evening.



Just another wet morning

It was another wet Monday morning in the gloom.    Think our area is turning into a rain forest.   Before I start a conflict between our F3 climatologists and scientists in the bunch, let me quickly get to the thang.

Disclaimer:   Don’t sue me, modify as needed, I’m an idiot, etc

The Pledge


Warm up:  SSH – IC x 30, MNC – IC x 30, Don Quixote x 20 (Q Fail), Seal Jacks IC x 30)

Mosey to bank (rain had just stopped, was still very wet) drive through

I’m sure there is a F3 name for this (Hippa or Short Sale would know) Circuit  of 3 exercises for 1 minute interval (big boy sit ups, american hammers, mountain climbers).  Rinse and repeat to complete full circuit x3

Mosey to shopping center for a Turtleman staple – Run to the loading dock, jump up, bear crawl down ramp/side-walk, run to parking lot complete 20 squats.  Rinse and repeat x3

Quick count out – 6 pax strong.   Low on numbers, high on determination and focus.  Everyone was pushing to conquer the rock

Next exercise; One end of the parking lot complete 10 merkins, run across the parking lot, complete 10 burpees.   Complete 5x’s

Line up, lunge walk to the 2nd light, run back, complete 20 seal jacks

Line up at the wall, wall sits with arm presses for 1 min, balls to the wall for 1 min.

Was pretty burned after that.  Mosey back towards Snoballs

Stop at the wall, 20 dips IC followed by 20 step ups (each leg); rinse and repeat x 3

Mosey to parking lot – TIME


Now that weather is getting cooler, seeing attendance start to be spotty.   Clavin made a great point to headlock Kotters and challenge each other to get out.  Roadie reinforced the 40 day challenge, which is to be goal driven and to motivate.

The Murph on Monday Q’d by Gastone:  TIme moved to regular 5:30 start


As mentioned before, these guys were pushing it.  Good luck Clavin this weekend with your event.

Always a honor to Q.  Thanks – Turtleman



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