Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2017 (Page 2 of 6)

Preblast: SPEEDFORNEED Inaugural Race – RFYL American 4miler 7/4/17

SPEEDFORNEED Inaugural Race!!!

After months of planning, marketing, praying, fundraising, and blowing up everyone’s Slack chats & Twitter feeds, SPEEDFORNEED is ready to launch!  Fittingly, our first race will be the American 4miler on Independence Day, July 4th 2017 in Dilworth Charlotte, NC and will be hosted by F3 – Metro Region.  Metro’s very own SIB and Bandit AO workouts leader, and SPEEDFORNEED Co-Q, Nash, will be piloting his 2.0 son Owen (14yrs old), who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).  You ALL (PAX, M’s, 2.0s) are invited to spectate, support (bring your posters & cowbells!), or register to run with us in this SPEEDFORNEED Inaugural Race!  Help is make this race experience EPIC for our rider-athlete Owen!

Never heard of SPEEDFORNEED? Watch this cool Youtube Video “The Making of SPEEDFORNEEDwhich shows in ~4min what and why F3 Nation is doing this charitable initiative. Want more information? Read the SPEEDFORNEED Preblast  Like what we’re doing and want to support? Click for CrowdRise Donation Link  or  Click for F3Foundation Donation Paypal Link and make sure to put in comments “SPEEDFORNEED“. We’re still raising money for a few more racing chairs, so please donate, every little bit counts!


  • RACE EVENT: RFYL American 4Miler & 1mi Kids Run
  • DATE: Independence Day, July 4th 2017 ~ 7:30am 4mi Start Time (arrive 7am or earlier)
  • WHO’S INVITED: F3 Nation PAX, their M’s and 2.0s (spectate & support or register to run)
  • OTHER DETAILS: $33.25 Cost thru June 2nd / Team: “F3 Nation” / No race-day registration
  • MEETING POINT:  F3 Nation SPEEDFORNEED tent in event festival (look for the racing chair!)
  • HOST F3 REGION: F3 Metro
  • DRIVER: F3 – Nash (Metro)
  • TRACK COMMANDER (TC): Nash’s 2.0 Owen Farr (14yrs old)
  • CAUSE: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Click to learn more about DMD
  • SPEEDFORNEED DONATION SITE: Click for CrowdRise Donation Link


***SPEEDFORNEED is on the move! The next race is Friday, 7/7/17 7:30PM, the Streetlight 5k (Concord, NC) hosted by F3 – MECA (Harrisburg).  Stay tuned for an upcoming preblast for that race and other upcoming races in or near your region.***

*If your region to host a SPEEDFORNEED race, please let us know ASAP! We already have 35 races on the annual schedule and would do our best to enable you to provide the ride of a lifetime for kids with disabilities, while showcasing what F3 Nation is all about to your local community.*

Contact: Twitter @F3SPEEDFORNEED or @JRRTolkienF3 or email

SFN… HELP Kids, GROW F3 Nation ~ JRR Tolkien & Nash

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, F3 is Fun, for Me and You

It was still dark when YHC pulled into the parking lot at Publix. I secretly hoped no one would show so I could just go home.

Nope, here comes Gastone. That’s what I get for posting on Twitter the night before.

A little mumblechatter. No warm up. Let’s go.

We ran away and then ran back.

It was cool.

We finished with some classic arts & literature.

Thanks for the push Gastone

Until the next one. Aye!


Laminated Weinke

10 strong on a rainy afternoon at Midoriyama. Normally I will have an electronic Weinke but with the forecast for rain, I had to use a sheet protector on the printed Weinke. Let’s go.

Warm Up

SSH x 15 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x 15 IC

Hillbillies or Imperial Walkers x 15 IC

Tool Times x 15 IC

Thang. Mosey across the road to the little cul de sac below the new parking lot for the walking path and circle up for DirtyMacDeuce. 4 sets of 3 exercises to 12 count reps, chest, legs, core.

Set#1   Merkins x 12 IC, Jump Squats x 12 IC, Flutter Kicks x 12 IC, run to the fork in the trail and back.

Set#2   Catalina Wine Mixer x 12 OYO (Plank down to Chilcut, back up with a Merkin), Monkey Humpers x 12 IC, Freddie Mercs x 12 IC, run to the fork in the trail and back.

Set#3   Burpees x 12 IC (gotta feed the Slaw), Mountain Climbers x 12 IC, American Hammers x 12 IC (Heard at F3… “I’m the only one that touches on these!”) , run to the fork in the trail and back.

Set#4   CDD’s x 12 IC (shut up), Lt. Dans x 12 IC (Squat with lunge, lunge. Count was all messed up, big shock!), Dying Cockroaches x 12 IC.

Mosey back to the flag. (I left out lots of “That’s what she said” mumblechatter mostly by… I will let you guess who).

Slaw had emptied his mancave and brought medium sized coupons for us. We circled up in the dryish parking lot for some “No Soccer Arms at Midoriyama” work.

Curls Single Count x 30

On Your Six for Chest Presses x 30

Stand Up for “We’re Not Worthys” x 30

Tried for 3 sets made it to 2 and 1/3. Tool Time was uncomfortably close to Canteen.

22 Merkins for the Vets called by Oompa Loompa. Gotta love the call by our Marine Oompa.


I always like to share a word on my Q so I talked about the third “F” in F3, Faith. I told the guys how my faith had kept me from so many troubles in my life and guided me toward so many blessings. I asked that each man consider his faith and work to improve it for his family but also for himself. I know for a fact that God’s plan for each of us is way better than the plans we have for ourselves. I reminded our guys that F3 is great to help our faith and we should all try to be active in a church to get all that He has for us.

Announcements – Skeet Shooting, Saturday 27th 2 p.m.

Memorial Day Murph at Martha Rivers, Monday, May 29th 7:00 a.m.

Convergence Downtown Saturday, June 10th, 7:00 a.m.

After/Before Christmas/Holiday Party June 10th 7:00 pm at Whoopee’s. Let Whoopee know if you are coming $10 per person, $20 per couple.

Tool Time spoke about Speed For Need. Almost have 4 rolling race chairs. F3 Gastonia hopes to have chairs in the ChristmasTown 5K and the Community Run.

Prayer Requests – F3 Sherman in the loss of a child, Pockets was back today. Manchester victims. Each man here.


Leg Day!!

Once again, I have a Q and it rains. As I sit there at about 0523 nobody showing up and I think I’ve got it made. Then comes one car and it’s Dolph. We start talking about grabbing some breakfast and some coffee and here comes another vehicle and then another and then another. Plans changed, let’s get it done. We moseyed to the covered walk to keep everyone as dry as possible.

No warmup…just Dora.

First one side lunge, lunge and the low slow squat. While Dolph and Gerber would run, I was with godfather, who has been missed, and anthrax. In honor of godfathers post, anthrax did a split lunge and said “I feel good” thinking he was going to get a cape. Well, I guess he just slipped on wet pavers. If you don’t get that joke, go to you tube and look up James brown cape.

There were some made up trains in Dolphs head and five Burpees were called. No one heard anything but he was happy and we take care of Mongo.

Before rocking into the second round of Dora, we take time to work on the glutes. It’s for the ladies. 30 downward dog leg raises as high as you can with each leg. Then two rounds of the sun warrior pose for a minute a piece.

2nd Dora was modified for times sake to 100, 150, 200. Exercises were Bobby Hurley, calf raises and mountain climbers.

Time is running out so we can Mary for a bit. 10 windshield wipers, 10 crunchy frogs, 10 WW sit-ups, 21 Freddy Mercurys IC that liked to start a revolt because anthrax wouldn’t stop, 20 lbcs and 10 burpees. Can anyone guess who called that last one????

Mosey back to the start, but this time for the finish. No flags up anywhere so YHC happen to be directed by the pax to ole glory on the front off the Mighty Yota with the Gadsden flag coming through for the pledge. That’s right…..Don’t tread on us.

There was some other funny stuff that took place, but I can’t remember so insert funny memories here [     ]. We ended up covering about 1.7 miles. Good to be back and not sick and dragging around.

Announcements: skeet shoot at rankin lake park 5/27 2:00ish, Whoopies Christmas party may quite possibly happen in June, but don’t get too excited.


im out -Mayorlove

Spartan Kids- Jimmy Johnson Foundation – Fit Fest – More Heart Than Scars

We’re less than a week away and there are still spaces available for the Spartan Kids race on Memorial Day at the Jimmy Johnson Foundations Fit Fest in Fort Mill.

Event Page is HERE

Keep in mind, F3 Foundation has agreed to pay the entry fee for each child who is in foster care or a group home IF we can get at least one PAX to commit to cheering that kid on and checking back in with them from time to time to provide lasting support.

Right now we have two commitments.  I’m not sure if my previous attempts to publicize this have just fallen on deaf ears or I’ve done a poor job of promoting the cause, but here’s my buzzer beater/hail mary call out.  Let me know in the comments if you’re interested.

If you can’t commit to running with another child sign your own up!  HERE

Good way to be encourage our families to be active even if you’re doing the Murph in the morning and 12oz curls in the afternoon!

USE CODE PDMKIDSMHTS for a 10% discount through More Heart Than Scars


Double Dose Deck of Death

It was a great warm, humid, gloomy morning for a beatdown and 12 #HIM responded to the call.  No FNGs so standard disclaimer with no takers to go home



SSH x 20

Imperial Walkers x20

Don Quixote x 15 (for Whoopee)

Moroccan NC x 30

Merkins x 10

LBC x 20

Thang: Mosey to grocery store parking lot (as YHC promised no running – this was it)

Then proceeded with Deck of Death (Spades= Burpees, Clubs = Bobby Hurley, Diamonds = American Hammers and Hearts = Merkins) with a twist – When it was time for card to be turned the PAX had the option of trying to predict the suit – If the suit was successfully foretold then the number of reps was cut in half. However, if pax were unsuccessful at predicting suit then the number was doubled.  Kudos to Spiderman for his ability to count cards and save pax from numerous burpees and Merkins.  Unfortunately, Whoopee and MacGreggor were not so lucky subjecting us to 26 Bobby Hurleys and 22 Burpees.  52 cards turned just in time.

Mosey back to Pelicans for prayers and announcements



Once again Whoopee is teasing us with a Christmas party – June 10th (not sure if this is a pre- Christmas or post Christmas party) It will be at his house (Shhh its a surprise – don’t tell his wife) details to follow

June 10th is also date of next convergence Downtown

Relay race to be put together by PizzaMan

Murph on Monday May 29th at Martha’s – 7am

June 3 Gastone to guest Q F3 workout in Charlotte at Indy AO – come out and post to show support for our homegrown brother

Reminder – Speed for Need campaign is in full swing – @F3SPEEDFORNEED is collecting money for F3 inspired racing wheelchairs for children who have some form of disability confining them to wheelchairs.  @F3SPEEDFORNEED will fund and then push these children in races around the region.  Goal is to give these kids a chance to enjoy things that we take for granted AND to help F3Nation invigorate male leadership in the community


Prayer Requests:

Sherman’s brother lost a 1 year  old child suddenly to an accident – prayers for him and his family

Roscoe and his family

T- Square and his family

MacGreggor traveling back to China this Saturday


As always it was my honor to serve today – Until next time … Defib out



Muggy Run

3 showed for Coconut Horse for a hot and muggy morning.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles, same coarse.

The Moleskin:

Good Run around the normal loop. Gastone struggled on the hill. Defib came early and ran an extra 6. Stroganoff ran with Defib up the hill.

We said Amen and went on our way.

Gastone Out

After Christmas Party

So you thought it wasn’t gonna happen…..well you were WRONG. We have a date and now all we need are the pax. You and your M (maybe that is your wife, maybe it’s your girlfriend…I’ll stop there) are invited to the Casa de Whoopee on June 10 for the After Christmas Party. It will start at 7pm and go until my M says it’s over (maybe a little longer). The cost is $10 per person ($20 per couple for you fellers from SoDa or NoGa) and that will cover food and beverages. Leave your 2.0s at home-this is just Pax + M. It should be a lot of fun so put it on your calendar and let me know if you are planning to come so I can order the food.

Saturday, June 10 at 7pm-??

$10 per person or $20 per couple covers food and drinks

Feel free to wear holiday attire (that’s for you Stroganoff).

I’ll send address at later date


Ten pax showed up in the gloom for another Norwood beatdown.  There was one re-born FNG who had only posted once it was a year ago.  So a disclaimer was given letting him know I’m an idiot.

– 15 SSH IC
– 15 goofballs IC
– 15 imperial walkers IC

We moseyed up to the track behind Belmont Middle.  I wanted to do a workout to help prep everyone for the Belmont 5k next weekend.  So I had a variation of mile repeats.  We would do four laps, on each lap we would accelerate on the home straight, jog both turns and then do a different exercise on the back straight.  Lap one we did crab walks, lap two was lunges, lap three was bear crawls and lap four was zombie walk.  Plank for the six.

After the first mile we had a count off.  Still had the same ten we started with.  Then we had five exercise to do over the next five minutes.  If you finish the reps early, you had a break until the start of the next minute.  The exercises were:

  • 10 burpees
  • 20 monkey humpers
  • 10 merkins
  • 20 jump squats
  • 10 CDDs

Then another mile repeat with the same exercises.  Another count off and we still had all ten.  Then we did another five minute segment with the following exercises:

  • 20 single leg squats – left leg
  • 10 derkins
  • 20 single leg squats – right leg
  • 10 werkins
  • 20 squats

Keash and Shad Rap did their best siamese twin impression during the single leg squats.

We didn’t have enough time to complete another mile, so we just did two laps with the pax picking the exercise of their choice on the back straight.

Then came my favorite part of the beatdown.  I knew my good friend Tool Time would be there so I wanted to come up with a unique name for this part of my workout.  I came up with an original name of for this portion – Core Time with Norwood.  Queash quickly renamed it to Corewood.  We did the following exercises for 60 seconds AMRAP with 30 seconds of rest in between:

  • Crunch frogs
  • Protractors – 180 degrees was the most common
  • LBCs
  • WW II situps
  • Pretzel crunch
  • Flutter kicks
  • American hammers

Tool Time said you needed to go all the way down on the american hammers.  Wheezy pointed out that is something Tool Time seems to be good at.

We then moseyed back to the flag for the pledge.  I was a little disappointed we ran out of time and didn’t get to do the wind sprint portion to simulate the end of the 5k.  Maybe next Q.


– Belmont 5k next weekend
– Tuna 200 in October
– Speed For Need donations

Prayer requests:

  • Our brothers doing the MudRun


Thanks guys…had a blast like always!

New Toy

YHC has tried to mix up his posting rotation over the last few weeks instead of staying close to home. One way to ensure showing at the other AO’s is to commit to Q myself so that there’s no backing out when the fartsack calls my name. Since starting this variety tactic I’ve had the chance to lay down sweat with some great guys I didn’t know as well beforehand. F3 Gashouse region rocks!

To start off, since there were no FNGs a short disclaimer was given and we hit the warmup for the 10 of us in attendance, the Slaughter Starter!


Mosey past the fountain down the street to start Route 66. At each streetlight the PAX would perform a Merkin. At each following light add a rep until the rep count gets to 11 for a total of 66. This was chest blaster indeed for YHC!

A quick walk across the street to the park sculpture is where YHC had the first chance to use his new toy, a portable stereo (they say it’s water proof and floats)! Circle up around the shiny sculpture and hit your six for Bring Mary Up which I ripped off of Gastone’s workout at Martha’s on Wednesday. “Rest” position is 6-inches and when he says bring Mary up you lift your feet to 90 degrees. Good ab burn.

Mosey through town to an as of yet unexplored site, 1st ARP Church where YHC and others worship our Lord Jesus. As a side note, if you’re looking for a thriving, energy filled church where you’ll hear the Gospel, we’d love to have you and your family visit. We found the courtyard area and partnered up for a round of Dora 123. The sequence would be 100 lunges (single count), 200 dips and 300 seal jacks. While partner 1 exercises, partner 2 runs up the steps, down the other side and back to switch off. This one really got the blood pumping.

After visitation, we moseyed back toward the pavilion but stopped at the BB&T parking lot to use my toy again. Gastone cursed us Wednesday by implanting the Ghostbuster’s theme which I couldn’t get out of my head all day. I figured he’d show today so I planned a good turn for his. The classic “Can’t Touch This” was on the playlist today, hopefully some of the guys were singing along for a while. Each time he says can’t touch this, we did a jump squat. We tried holding the squat position in between but that sucked so we just stood there when not jumping until the song started the part (you remember the video) where he was dancing back and forth. We did quick feet running in place while this was going on.

Mosey back to the start for the last song on the playlist, “Lovely Day” by Bill Wither. Hold plank position and every time they say lovely day, you do a mountain climber. I read a listing of the most repetitive songs and they say this one holds the mark at 96 times they say lovely day. Unfortunately, time ran up about halfway through, so I’ll make sure to plug this one in another time.

Prayer Requests: Honestly 59 hours afterward as I write this, it’s hard to remember exactly what was said but there were several requests, so keep everyone in our PAX on your prayer list. Sorry guys.

Announcements: Mudrun was yesterday (Awesome!!!), advisory meeting tonight at 7, skeet shooting Saturday (ask Whoopee), need Q’s at the Yank for the next several weeks.

It was fantastic leading you men today at an AO I haven’t Q’ed in probably 6 months at least. It was good to be back! You guys are awesome and it’s an honor to lead you.


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