• Post Type:
  • When: 5-19-17
  • AO:
  • QIC: Sargento
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Blart, Turtle Man, Bulldog, Slaw, Swimmer, Timeframe, Stone Cold, Spider Man, Spiderman

YHC has tried to mix up his posting rotation over the last few weeks instead of staying close to home. One way to ensure showing at the other AO’s is to commit to Q myself so that there’s no backing out when the fartsack calls my name. Since starting this variety tactic I’ve had the chance to lay down sweat with some great guys I didn’t know as well beforehand. F3 Gashouse region rocks!

To start off, since there were no FNGs a short disclaimer was given and we hit the warmup for the 10 of us in attendance, the Slaughter Starter!


Mosey past the fountain down the street to start Route 66. At each streetlight the PAX would perform a Merkin. At each following light add a rep until the rep count gets to 11 for a total of 66. This was chest blaster indeed for YHC!

A quick walk across the street to the park sculpture is where YHC had the first chance to use his new toy, a portable stereo (they say it’s water proof and floats)! Circle up around the shiny sculpture and hit your six for Bring Mary Up which I ripped off of Gastone’s workout at Martha’s on Wednesday. “Rest” position is 6-inches and when he says bring Mary up you lift your feet to 90 degrees. Good ab burn.

Mosey through town to an as of yet unexplored site, 1st ARP Church where YHC and others worship our Lord Jesus. As a side note, if you’re looking for a thriving, energy filled church where you’ll hear the Gospel, we’d love to have you and your family visit. We found the courtyard area and partnered up for a round of Dora 123. The sequence would be 100 lunges (single count), 200 dips and 300 seal jacks. While partner 1 exercises, partner 2 runs up the steps, down the other side and back to switch off. This one really got the blood pumping.

After visitation, we moseyed back toward the pavilion but stopped at the BB&T parking lot to use my toy again. Gastone cursed us Wednesday by implanting the Ghostbuster’s theme which I couldn’t get out of my head all day. I figured he’d show today so I planned a good turn for his. The classic “Can’t Touch This” was on the playlist today, hopefully some of the guys were singing along for a while. Each time he says can’t touch this, we did a jump squat. We tried holding the squat position in between but that sucked so we just stood there when not jumping until the song started the part (you remember the video) where he was dancing back and forth. We did quick feet running in place while this was going on.

Mosey back to the start for the last song on the playlist, “Lovely Day” by Bill Wither. Hold plank position and every time they say lovely day, you do a mountain climber. I read a listing of the most repetitive songs and they say this one holds the mark at 96 times they say lovely day. Unfortunately, time ran up about halfway through, so I’ll make sure to plug this one in another time.

Prayer Requests: Honestly 59 hours afterward as I write this, it’s hard to remember exactly what was said but there were several requests, so keep everyone in our PAX on your prayer list. Sorry guys.

Announcements: Mudrun was yesterday (Awesome!!!), advisory meeting tonight at 7, skeet shooting Saturday (ask Whoopee), need Q’s at the Yank for the next several weeks.

It was fantastic leading you men today at an AO I haven’t Q’ed in probably 6 months at least. It was good to be back! You guys are awesome and it’s an honor to lead you.
