Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2017 (Page 1 of 5)


Better late then never right…

Warm Up:

Long mosey around the parking lots ending at the softball fields.

The Thang:

3-2-1. 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abs. Used cinderblocks during strength exercises for added fun. For strength we did a minute thirty for two separate exercises and a minute for two exercises of cardio. Abs was a minute for one exercise per set. After each set moseyed to the parking lot and back to keep moving.

Set 1:
3: Squat Press & Merkins
2: Burpees & High Knees
1: Crunchy Frogs
Set 2:
3: Kettle bell Swing & Curls
2: Plank Jacks & Fast Feet
1: America Hammer
Set 3:
3: Squats & Dips
2: Side Straddle Hop & Mountain Climbers
1: Flutter Kicks
Set 4:
3: Overhead Press & Tricep Extensions
2: Squat Jumps & Seal Jacks
1: Supine bicycle

Finished with 2 minutes remaining and moseyed back to start to close out.



Need Q’s at TheStorm!

Survive and Advance

A couple of weeks ago, I signed up to Q at Martha’s so that I would have extra motivation to get back in the gloom after the P200. At that point, my bracket was still perfect, and I had no idea what to expect from my Tar Heels after their collapse in the ACC tournament. Fast forward a couple of weeks, the P200 went great, and the Heels are still alive and looking strong. Since it is still basketball season in our household, the workout had to have a bracket challenge theme.

As with the NCAA tournament you must have the First Four as a warm-up…
SSH x 16
LBCs x 16
Merkins x 16
Imperial Walkers x 16

The Pledge

Mosey to the park with a stop at the building in between the baseball fields.

Now that we have the First Four out of the way, it’s time to do the real dancing. As with any dance, you need a partner, so partner up! Partner 1 runs to the end of the path between two of the baseball fields. Partner 2 does the following exercises. Once P1 gets back, flapjack and P2 does the running. The counts were 1-2-3-# instead of single counts to extend the fun.

Merkins x 64
Freddie Mercuries x 64
Squats x 64
LBCs x 64

Pete Chilcutt Planks until everyone is done

Mosey to the next round down to the shelter near the playground

Once again 1-2-3-# counts, not single counts.
Step ups x 32
Calf Raises x 32
Flutter Kicks x 32
American Hammers x 32

Mosey to the next round next to the restrooms

Congratulations on making it to the Sweet 16!
Hip slappers x 16
Bobby Hurley’s x 16 (Yeah, Duke DID make it to the Sweet 16 this year!)
Dips x 16
Derkins x 16

Mosey to the next round up through the parking lot

For the Elite Eight, we partnered back up.
Partner 1 ran to the other side of the parking lot while Partner 2 did 8-count Body Builders.
Each partner did 4 laps across the parking lot (that’s a total of 8 rounds)

Mosey back to Pelican’s for the FINAL FOUR!

4 Burpees OYO

We had time left so the PAX were able to get a few additional bracket selections in…
Gastone – LBCs
Bulldog – Sumo Squats
Hushpuppy – Merkins

Davinci moving on April 29 so contact him if you can help
3rd F moving to 6:30 before the Gashouse workout starting 4/8; Hushpuppy working to get someone to Q the 3rd F in Belmont

Prayer Requests
Bandit – Aunt Nancy Todd Surgery on Friday
Hushpuppy – Co-worker Ashley going through Chemo treatments
Gastone – Jim Tisdale battling through final stages of cancer


Gentlemen, as always it was a pleasure to lead this morning. I tried to keep the workout as non-partisan as possible so as not to cause a mutiny. Great work by all! Go Heels!

100% chance of burpees

18 men posted to what may be the hottest day of 2017.  the warning of burpees didn’t deter these beasts.  1730 hits, time to clock in.  5 fngs with us today so a proper disclaimer was given.  i’m not a professional, i’m an idiot and i’m about to prove it.  modify as needed, you against you. i’m merely giving suggestions.

warmup: chumbaburpee with a twist.  instead of ssh, we did imperial walkers and burpees.   mumble chatter started early…and pretty much lasted  the entire 45 minutes.  we’re warm, let’s mosey.

arrived at the backside of two fields for some circuit work.  35 seconds of work, brief rest.   the exercises were: x-situps, ssh, lbc, flutter kicks, (slaw hears a train, 5 burpees), merkins, mountain climbers, def leppards, lunges, dying cockroaches, overhead presses, Moroccan nightclubs…and burpees.

baatan death march to the not closest turd shack for 35 seconds of donkey kicks and ascending testicles with reps of 20, 10 and 5.

mosey back to the closest turd shack for 35 seconds of wall taps.

circle up for a few choices from the pax.   defib picked americans hammers x 35IC.  Edison picked flutter kicks x 35IC and def leppard with Appalachian americans x 35IC.

short mosey across the parking lot for the pledge.   burpee long-jump back across the packing lot where blart led mike Tysons x something IC.   closed with slaw leading us with 22 for the vets.  TIME.

COT: named the FNGs, announcements and prayer requests.  BOM: yhc closed us in prayer.

Moleskin: strong work from the  everyone today.  of course, this is not a surprise.   the midoryiama men are all beasts.  this past week marked my one year anniversary since joining F3.  i can’t really put into words what this has meant to me.   i sincerely thank everyone single person I’ve had the pleasure of posting with.  f3 has not only changed my life from a health standpoint, but in about every other place as well.  i started on March 19, 2016 weighing in at 362LBS.  I remember my first workout and had to stop running twice before we said the pledge.   as you all know, that’s a run of about 40-50 feet from the warmup spot to the road.   struggling doesn’t begin to describe it.  about 20 minutes into the workout i almost walked back to the truck and went home.   i thought this was not for me.   then, enter Rudolph.  BA has us partner up for block work and Rudolph was stuck with me.   he did about 98% of every called exercise.  it was at this point i found out one of f3’s biggest attributes, leave no man behind.   i can honestly say that without the encouragement from Rudolph, i would have left early, and most likely never returned.   but there was something about f3.  shieldlock is real.  there are countless others that have helped my path and i’m forever grateful for you all.

again, thank you all for the support, encouragement and sweat-equity.   i love you guys.

Philippians 4:13


Death by a 1,000 cuts…ok maybe not death

Well 6 brave men fought off the fart sack and maybe it to Folsom this morning.  I had planned a Q that would be fast paced with about 5 seconds of rest between.  It was compromised of 30 different exercise, okay I over estimated on the 1000, all done for 30 seconds then move into the next exercise.  The idea was to keep the heart elevated without a mosey and do various exercise in rapid succession.

Start with disclaimer and pledge and a brief introduction on how the morning was going to go.

Mosey to pavilion.

30 seconds of each in rapid succession:

Burpees x 10 (not timed)


Low Plank Peter Parker


Flutter Kicks


American Hammers


X Sit Ups


Right Leg Burpees x 10 (not timed)

Step Ups

Box Cutter


Sweat Angels

Monkey Humpers

Crunchy Frog

Shoulder Taps

French Fries

Hold a Squat

Left Leg Burpees x 10 (not timed)

Calf Raises


Stagger Merkins

Dancing Chilcutt

Smurf Jacks

Dying Cockroach

Russian Dips

Freddie Mercury


Burpee x 10 (not timed)

Mosey back to the cars

COT – prayer requests and announcements (April 29th Burpee-thon, 30 Burpee challenge each day through April)

Finished slightly ahead of schedule so next time maybe 45 seconds per exercise!

One Big Loop

5 HiM including 1 FNG fought the fartsack, and a what looked like a heavy coating of dew (some would argue it was rain), to put in some work at the Storm.  The great thing about the Storm is there are endless areas to exercise.  Today was one big loop with running and pain stations and we didn’t even cover the entire AO.  With that said here’s what went down at the Storm this morning.


Warm Up

  • Mosey to First Speed Hump -15 SSH IC
  • Mosey to Second Speed Hump – 15 Imperial Walkers IC
  • Mosey to Third Speed Hump – 15 HillBillies IC
  • Mosey to Fourth Speed Hump – 15 LBC IC
  • Mosey to Fifth Speed Hump – 10 Merkins IC + 5 Burpees thanks to the train
  • Mosey to the stop sign at Lakewood

The Thang

  • There was a nice Grassy Hill so 5 hills with 5 Jump Squats at the top and 5 CDD at the bottom
  • After that we mosey’d up the hill to the Eye of the Storm
    • Round 1 – Everyone Planked and one by one each PAX bearcrawled around the Circle
    • Round 2 – Everyone 6 Inches and one by one each PAX Crab Walked around the Circle
    • Round 3 – Everyone together did a Zombie Walk Lap around the Circle
  • Indian Run down the hill to the lower circle
    • 10 Crunchy Frogs – IC
    • 10 Burpees -OYO
    • 10 Merkins – OYO
    • 10 LBC – IC
    • 10 Mountain Climbers – IC
    • 10 Freddy Mercury – IC
    • 10 Peter Parker IC
  • Mosey to the Box Office Wall
    • 10 Hip Slappers
    • Mosey to the Knobs – 30 Dips
    • 10 Derkins
  • Mosey back to the start to complete the loop
  • We had a few trains today so add in a couple more rounds of 5 Burpees throughout the Workout



Welcome Ohhhh WOW (FNG) Hope you come back.  As Sargento said the workouts don’t get easier but you get better!  It was an honor to lead everyone!  See ya next time.



Dirty 30

The morning was cold and I was hoping for a Brownstreak party of one at the coffee shop. Dolph and Mayor was already there waiting, so there goes that. The others started rolling in one by one. Mumble Chatter started when I realized the workout was gonna happen. So with 6 of the islands finest we started…..

SSH 20ic
A couple more ic then we moseyed to the cage.

Dirty 30:

30 Squats
30 Push-up (Mexicans)
30 Jump Squats
30 CDD
30 lunges (each leg)
30 burpees
30 LBC
30 Mt. Climbers (each leg)
30 WWII Sit ups
30 High Knees (each leg)

Moseyed to the upper deck

Dirty 30:

30 Squats
30 Push-up (Mexicans)
30 Jump Squats
30 CDD
30 lunges (each leg)
30 burpees
30 LBC
30 Mt. Climbers (each leg)
30 WWII Sit ups
30 High Knees (each leg)
Moseyed back to the start for the pledge and Mary.

Russian twist, v ups, crunchy frogs, flutter kicks, 2 more.

Sorry for the delay. Sorry I forgot some of the exercises completed.


Mud run: may 20th
Burpeethon: April 29


TSquare and his family
TopHat and his father and family
All the p200 runners and drivers.

Brownstreak out!

Merlot 200

This was a tough morning for me to get up and get out here. We had a party at our house last night for a local community service group and there were a few cold beverages consumed and not the healthiest diet. While I was recovering and thinking this morning (that is code for “sitting on the can”) I finalized my weinke. The best I could come up with was a version of the Palmetto 200…..the MERLOT 200. I had  some leftover sheets with exercises on them from a previous workout that I did not use so I figured out how to use them while I was “thinking” this morning. Here is what we did:

Pledge of Allegiance

Thang: No warmup needed-we were going old school Whoopee style/new school Tiny Tank style. Start with a lap around the park then get to the exercises. The idea is there are 10 sheets spread out on the sidewalk and each has an exercise written on it. The plan is 10 reps of each exercise then run a lap, repeat until I say stop. The exercises (done in any order you want) were the following: Merkins, CDD, Monkey Humpers, Squats, Burpees, LBC, Flutter Kicks, Box Cutters, SSH, and Imperial Walkers.

By Roscoe and Short Sale’s count, we did a total of 9 rounds. Part way thru we heard 2 trains (5 extra Burpees twice-that’s 10 extra Burpees for all you fellers from NOGA). We stopped about half way thru to have a little chat about being thankful-the community service group party was for something called Family Promise-this is a group of churches in our area that help support several homeless families at a time with meals, housing, and general support. The families live in the churches for a week or 2 at a time. While it is a dry roof and safe place with food at no cost, it is still being homeless and moving everything you own (which is very little by most of our standards) every week or 2. It was a bit ironic that most of the people (including myself) at this party have no idea what it is like to be truly homeless, have grown up in a very privileged family situation, and live in a house that is much larger and filled with many things we do not NEED. I was briefly aware of this for a few minutes during the party, then thought about it again this morning while I was “thinking” about my Weinke. We all shared some things that we are thankful for during this break-perspective is important, and it was helpful for me to hear all the other comments. We celebrated this sharing moment with a quick mosey across the street for 20 hip slappers then got back to the MERLOT 200 for the second half with a few more rounds.

We closed out with Namorama, announcements, and a quick prayer. I was glad I had signed up 2 weeks ago to Q this am-it would have been a definite fartsack morning for me.

Thanks for posting guys, I needed the push.


We didn’t want to miss the Friday workout

Yea, betimes will the selfless structure soar in stature once more to that lofty nod Nature intended?  Hold on, that isn’t the way I wanted to start this BB.

Last September when I Q’d downtown for the BRR tribute I had only two vans of PAX and with drivers for 36 “legs” of exercises.  Each leg had a number of miles which I rounded up to make the reps and each PAX gave me an exercise so I had a nice spreadsheet to go by.

I anticipated doing the same thing with the P200.  This year I proudly report that there are not one but two Gashouse teams for the Palmetto 200.  Unfortunately it is much too complicated for me to figure out individual PAX’s favorite (or least favorite) exercises that I would inflict on the PAX in order of the legs of the P200.  However Slaw #HIM sent me the list of names and the legs they ran and I put them into the P200 spreadsheet and made up the exercises for the PAX because it wouldn’t be fair to include some favorites and not others and it was way too much trouble to try to get a response from that many PAX in a short week.  That being said, I just focused on what our Nantan Freight (or Frank) likes.  I know that our Nantan loves the Joe Hendricks.

After putting in a modest amount of effort for a decent tribute Weinke, I forgot to print it yesterday and with very little sleep last night worrying about it had to Q the workout on the fly.  Here is what happened, more or less.

Thank goodness for Squirt’s offspring and their motivation for F3 at 0530 or we would have only had four PAX this morning.  I offered a brief disclaimer and we started right on time.

We immediately stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.  The warm up consisted of the following:  Inchworms, high knees, buttkickers, left and right Karaoke, Imperial Walkers, and Merkins.  There was a lonesome train whistle in the distance so we did 5 burpees just as we started to mosey to the bridge.  We crossed the bridge as the train moved underneath and lunge walked back across.  This was reminiscent of Whoopee’s workout he did for Hot for Teacher where we never ran and never left the parking lot and lunged everywhere with Chinooks thrown in.  #awful   There is a trellis type structure above the train tracks to prevent jumpers and we collectively opined that perhaps Papa John or Smalls could use the railing for pullups in the future.

We moseyed to the steps at the Conference Center for two sets of calf raises (50 oyo) in honor of Gastone.  Then an ab set on the steps including 6” hold, Flutters, Homer/Marge, and the protractor, followed by another set of pigeon toed calf raises.

Then into the parking deck for the bulk of the race.  We started at the ground level with a sprint, 10 8 Ct Bodybuilders for Monk, Lunge walks, bear crawls, up the inclines, more lunge walks, and suicides for Defib.  Whoopee informed us that Defib wasn’t running because today is his anniversary.  Happy Anniversary Defib!

We then had a short mosey to the top incline for Joe Hendricks reps.  Since there were six of us the first PAX would climb the incline and return to the PAX and tag in the next guy.  Unfortunately for Smalls Squirt went up the hill first.  Smalls was in ready position on all fours with his six in the air ready to attack the incline backwards bear style when upon returning Squirt treated Smalls to what can only be described as Corporal Punishment.  No one wanted anything like that to happen to them so we resorted to touching hands instead of the six to “tag in”.  Each Pax ascended and descended the incline for a round and continued on.  YHC thought it was taking too long so we formed two lines and continued two at a time.  Squirt started moving his 2.0’s into his line and broke down the format.  Eventually the PAX were reduced to irritated, stumbling messes with bodies on the ground and an audible was in order and it was VERY well received.   Thanks Freight!  #crowdpleaser

We then performed Hip Slappers for Whoopee even though he wasn’t running the P200 and was at the workout.  Backwards lunges up the last incline to the top of the deck for zombie walks across.  Whoopee reminded us of what it was like for the men running the P200.  Getting very little sleep but keeping up the motivation to run each leg because your team counts on you.  Aye!

Then we partnered up for some merkin work.  P1 sprints to the other side of the deck for 20 merkins and P2 planks.  P2 then sprints and does 18 merkins, descending count until we hit two.  We then moseyed back to start and knocked out another five burpees for another train going by.  The burpees just happened to be the 36th leg of the P200 and we finished right on time!

Smalls had a prayer request for a safe trip to Carowinds.  We prayed for the PAX at the P200 for safety from accidents and injuries.  We prayed for those on the DL/IR.

If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.  
I look forward to the updates throughout the race and wish all the PAX a safe and joyous experience.


Ragnar Trail Relay- (Preblast)

It seems as though we have been searching for that perfect CSAUP event for some time now. Every year another event comes along and peaks our interest, we all sign up, train for it, and join a handful of brothers who share a decent experience, yet something is missing. The race might be fun but the experience sucks, or maybe the F3 experience is great, but the race is poorly organized. Finally, we have a solution! Over the past couple of months, YHC along with several brothers have worked hard to develop a pretty great partnership with The Ragnar Team..

1st- What is Ragnar? Ragnar Trail Series is a 8 man team trail relay race at Anne Springs greenway on Oct 6th & 7th. Each man takes turns running 1 of 3 trail legs, one runner at a time until each man has completed all 3 legs totaling 16.5 miles. This race takes around 24hrs to complete. In your down time you can visit the Ragnar village and get fitted for free Salomon shoes for the run, or hang out in the hammock field, or maybe join in on the free coffee and Smores around the bonfire. Meanwhile, your team will set up camp in the F3 designated campground, with complete amenities geared towards us, with goals at making our experience the best team event we do all year.

Huge F3 specific campground- lined with shovel flag field, BBQ grills and food, our own area for games (corn hole, horseshoes etc.), the freedom to bring just about anything into our campground to better our experience, picnic area for M’s and 2.0’s. Announcements made over race PA for an all F3 workout and sendoff. How about an F3 specific competitive division? Winning F3 team takes home The custom F3/Ragnar Championship belt. With incentive discount to return the following year to defend your title. In addition, due to our less than desired weather last year, Ragnar is adding a bonus “Rock You Like a Hurricane” medal for any returning runners from 2016’s race. We have worked out a VIP pricing discount for all F3 teams. Our pricing will never increase- Regular team is $1040 or Ultra for $660.

F3 promo code:SCT17MF3VIP

I truly believe this event can be our new F3 annual race. There will be no other CSAUP event with this big of a 2nd F.The more PAX we can get to join us, the more Ragnar is willing to do for us, and the more exciting this event will become. Spread the word.

I will be hosting many Ragnar training events leading up to the event for any PAX that are interested. If you have any further question or requirements, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Kid Rock


Beauty and Beast

OK guys, it’s not the (after) Christmas party, but we are getting there. After some thought, I wanted to appeal to both the beauty (ToolTime) and beast (Smalls) tendencies of our pax. I have 2 options and hope you will be interested in both. There will be both culture and testosterone involved so hopefully we will have a good showing for this. The details are not final for both events, but I wanted to make sure to get this out with time to get some feedback for the second event.

Event A: APRIL 8 AT 130 PM, maybe lunch before-TBD by those attending, bring 2.0

Beauty and the Beast: musical/play at Gaston Day School on April 8 at 1:30pm, tickets $15 for adult, $10 for students, get tickets online at or The show is several days and I will likely be at most of them since my daughter is in the show. GDS has a great fine arts department and all the shows I have gone to have been excellent. It is a great time to take your 2.0 and get a little culture to show them you are not a Neanderthal all the time. GET YOUR TICKETS ONLINE NOW AS THE SHOWS OFTEN SELL OUT.


Beast without the Beauty-Skeet/sporting clay shooting sometime in May on a Saturday afternoon at a farm/field/front yard/back yard/Martha Rivers park if we can’t find somewhere else. We will need some clay throwers and sporting clays so let me know if you have a thrower. Would be great to add in a grill and cook up some hamburgers but that will depend on where we end up doing this. I will work on the location but need the clay throwers so if you have one, let me know.




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