Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Attack Your Weakness

  • Post Type:
  • When: 03/05/16
  • AO:
  • QIC: Roscoe
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Boss Hogg (Respect), Roscoe(Q), Whoopee, Bandit, Monk, T-Square, Dolph, Spiderman, Freight, Sparky, Brown Streak, Squirt, Noodle, Shingle, Tool Time, JK2, Flush (Respect), Pizza Man, Defib, TopHat, Dr. Feelgood, Lou, Rudolph, Roscoe, JJ (Reddick (FNG)), Patches (FNG), Sargento (FNG), Wee Wee (FNG)

As any good Q would do, I had three sets of gloves and was going to get to the AO at least 15 minutes early because I was excited there were some EH’s who said they were coming this morning.  Halfway there I realized my phone holder didn’t have a phone in it so I turned around and ended up hustling to make it to the Gloom with two minutes to spare.  It was a lively bunch which was exciting so I wanted to get it started with a disclaimer and the five parts of an F3 workout.

We started the warm up with the side straddle hop and I immediately realized that my money clip was still in my pocket.  I had to figure out a way to discretely get it back to the car without too much delay.

  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • LBC
  • Don Quixote

10 Burpees OYO.  I got through them quick so I could go back to my car and put my money clip away.

When I returned I heard the peanut gallery talking about me going missing we were done with the warmup and on to the Flag for the #PledgeOfAllegiance

The Thang:

A mosey to the Grier track and collected for a question…What is your weakness?  The PAX were asked to pick an exercise they need to practice.  Then they were told to do ten of them.  I think I saw burpees, dying cockroaches, and merkins.

Then on to the track for two lines of Indian runs for two laps.  Next we did two lines of Railroad tracks for ½ a lap and then leapfrog for half a lap.  We then collected again for another ten reps of another weakness with some discussion.  What is your weakness in life?  Who knows it and what are you doing to improve?  Who is holding you accountable to get better?

Next was the Burp and Merk…Circle up   One burpee, one pushup.  One burpee, two pushups, one burpee, three pushups.  We got to twelve with one break for a count off in between.  I counted all the merkins and if somebody else was counting we may have gone back down to one.

We then moseyed to the baseball field.  Five squats at the bottom of the hill and then run to the top for five more.  Repeado x 3.

Quickly returned to the Field and formed two lines for the tunnel of love.  Not everyone loves getting dirty, but some unnamed Prima donna’s were all toes and arms to keep their shirts and knees clean.
We then formed one long line of 27 and locked elbows for some windshield wipers and flutter kicks.  Before we started there was some amateur Rockette’s practice.  On the flutters Whoopie apparently likes to do a good morning darling on the four count which was smacking into my legs.  Counting a cadence and knocking shoes with the guy next to you is challenging but a lot of fun.   No harm no foul.

We then ran back to the Schiele and the PAX were planking to recover the six.  We kept going to the Nature trail pond and planked for the six.

One of my best friends passed away 3 years ago tomorrow and we dedicated some benches by the pond in his memory.  We were at this spot and we talked about family, brothers in arms, sad clown syndrome, and I spoke about what F3 has done for me in the past year.  Hopefully some inspiring comments to get the PAX thinking about naming their struggles, holding each other accountable, being better husbands, fathers, leaders and living third.

Then we did 50 merkins for my late friend Brian.

We went back to lot and Whoopie had the PAX getting it with some mountain climbers.  I started the clock and we did the Plank challenge until we heard the church bells.

The Gashouse Advisory Board meeting March 6th at GSM Services at 7 followed by bible study at the same location at 7.  Monk advises to read Genesis 2 and 3 to prepare.

Birthdays this week…T-Square and JK2 I believe.

I asked for the PAX to send me their favorite stories and or workouts they have done in the past year so we can incorporate their memories into the Backwoods Brawl.  Someone said, “not this one”.  Touché!  Seriously, send me your favorite memories/workouts for the Pre-Blast!

Prayers for Outhouse and his mother and my late friend’s family.  We ended with the COT.


After Coffeerama, Dolph, Boss Hogg, and Roscoe and later Bandit converged at the Hogg’s farm for some Backwoods Brawl preplanning and recon.  The ideas are endless and lots of brainstorming going on.  The Backwoods Brawl’s QIC might not be worth a hoot but the AO will be the best we’ve experienced.

1 Comment

  1. Heisenberg

    Roscoe, nice Q. Demonstration on Windshield Wipers? Definitely, need to update the exercises.

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