Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2015 (Page 1 of 2)

Finishing 2015 Strong – The Goat, Safe from the South Fork River

14 Pax showed up for the final workout for 2015.  Worried that we would have to find a new location for 2016 due to the rising waters of the South Fork River, we were happy to find Goat Island and downtown Cramerton safe from the river.  It was definitely close to taking out the road.

After the normal chatter between BA and the Godfather, and the Godfather informing the PAX about his dangerous encounter with a local boot camp lady, we were off.  We started with just a couple warm-up exercises.

  • Side Straddle Hops x20
  • Imperial Walker x10 (those are hard to do in cadence, I feel ya Dolph)
  • Pledge

Next, the PAX did a warm-up lap around downtown Cramerton.  Word of advice, don’t run near the bigger guys when there are large puddles of water from the recent rain.  After returning, I directed the PAX to partner up and grab a cinder block from my truck.  Out of nowhere, Dolph pulls one out of his truck.  Next time, we need to check his to make sure it is official.  Mosey to the infamous donkey kick wall with the blocks.

With partner, one runs up the stairs and around the building while working together to complete the following.

  • 300 chest raises
  • 200 curls
  • 100 french curls

After completion of these I informed the group to finish 2015 strong, each person would take turn completing 3 sets of 5 blockees for a total of 15.  When not working on the set, partner planked until it was time to switch.  Great work guys!

After completion of the BA cinder block circuit, mosey back to my truck to return the cinder blocks.  Next, the PAX gathered at the bottom of the hill and were informed of the next task.  Zombie walk halfway up the hill, run to the top, zombie walk halfway down the hill, and run to the starting point.  Plank until everyone finishes.  Not finished with the hill, I informed the group of the last exercise at this location, suicide run halfway up the hill, back to start, all the way to the top, and then all the way to the bottom.  Finished with a set of French Fries in cadence.  Great work men!!!

Finished up the beat down with circle of trust with a New Years Eve theme.  I asked the group to go around, tell everyone of a good thing that happened in 2015, and lead an exercise.  There were so many great things that we have done in 2015.  Almost every PAX member informed the group that joining F3 was a great thing for them in 2015.  Other highlights included Anthrax announcement of expecting 2nd child, reelection of the Mayor, and the Godfather engagement on the bridge at Goat Island.  Sorry if I missed some of yours.  Following exercises were completed during this task.

  • 2 Sets of Monkey Humpers (Joboos)
  • Hill Billys
  • 2 sets of 5 Burpees
  • Merkins
  • Spider Jumps
  • Toy Soldiers (great Cadence Tophat)
  •  Mason Twist
  • Squats
  • Mountain climbers
  • CDD’s
  • LBC’s


We have a great thing going in Gastonia, Charlotte, and the Country with F3.  2015 was a great year, especially the formation of F3 Gastonia.  Thanks BA for getting me involved.  Lets keep this thing going for 2016 and make it even better.  Let’s get some more FNG’s!  Let’s continue to help the local community.  Let’s continue to be positive men and continue to lead our families and others around us.  Pleasure being able to lead you guys this morning!  See you all at the convergence tomorrow morning to bring in the New Year!

Storming Outside

Certainly not the worst weather we have seen, but regardless the PAX were led outside in the rain for a cardio-heavy workout.  We took some cover under the breezeway at the school drop off and entrance for most of the work out, but there was still no way to stay 100% dry.  #SorryNotSorry.

TClaps to Brownstreak and Whoopee who got an early 0500 start for some running in the rain before the Q and PAX arrived… if only my alarm clock started that early.

At 0530 we start with the warmup…

  • SSH IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10, right to…
  • Planks with Leg/Arm Extensions, right to…
  • Mountain Climbers

Recover and mosey to the parking lot for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Back to the breezeway to run a few laps (about .25 miles) and get loose.  Also included about 100 meter Zombie Walk – Godfather style and 20 LBC IC.

With the PAX warmed up (and expecting sprints through the rain in the parking lot), YHC leads the PAX in some Dora 1-2-3 under cover.  Partner up and collectively complete 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 Squats.  Partner A runs sprints under the breezeway while Partner B completes reps.

Unless someone can prove otherwise, I believe we had a first for a F3 workout… In the middle of Dora 1-2-3, an emergency request was made to open the doors for one PAX who needed #2.  Must have been the quickest ever – probably didn’t wipe.  No, this was not Brown Streak.

As promised, to ensure a proper cardio beatdown, we Indian Run a few laps around the parking lot  (was about .75 mile total).  YHC needs to practice leading a moving Indian Run as my instructions to have the leader circle back to pick up the six did not produce the desired result.  Probably should say something like Circle Back to Pick Up The Six, not Circle Up.  #LearningToLead

We wrap up our workout with 7 Minutes of Mary…

  • LBC
  • Homer and Marge
  • Dying Cockroach (of course)
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Scissor Kicks
  • Plank (high, extensions, low, french fries).

During our extended plank, in attempt to fight off the agony (while completely spent) YHC asked anyone for a good story.  Like a scene from SNL Celebrity Jeopardy, Dolph answers, “What is Five burpee’s on your own”.  Certainly not a literary work of art, but since Dolph insisted, this is in fact, a short story.  You can argue with Dolph if you like.

As requested, we finish our workout with 5 BOYO.


Working out in bad weather is one of the things I really enjoy about F3. Sure, it sucks when are dragging your can out of bed at 0500 (or earlier), and driving through a downpour to your AO, with the inevitable reality that in 45 minutes you will climbing back into your car soaking wet and exhausted ready to start the rest of your day (before most get out of bed).  But doing this with a group of great men who I’ve had the pleasure to push the rock with for the last 9 months makes this worth it. Knowing you’ll be talking about this at Coffeeteria or 2ndF Happy Hour is something I won’t give up, and a gift worth sharing with others.


  • 5th Anniversary Convergence on Friday.  Clown Cars leave the Scheile on Friday at 0600.
  • Tooltime and Flush are looking for anyone interested in a Spartan race.  Check with Tooltime if there is any interest.
  • Keep Inky and his family in your prayers with the passing of his father in law.
  • We give thanks for the news that Anthrax will be a dad again!

I’m thankful for my brothers that get up with me at stupid hours, in bad weather, that motivate me, and push me to be better.  Aye!

Martha’s House Party

10 PAX showed up at Martha’s House even thought the forecast was calling for rain.

Since I had not Q’d in a while I thought a pre-Christmas party was in good order.  At 5:30 sharp we began with the disclaimer followed by the Pledge.  Quick mosey over to the bank to get the party started.

To set the tone, we  kicked everything off with the Slaughter Starter– 20 Burpees OYO

Next was the  Warm Up

Each exercise was completed AMRAP for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest.  Merkin, LBC, SSH, Imperial Walker, Plank, there may have been others here, but it was more than enough to get the blood flowing

The Thang-Since this was a party, the PAX paired up for a Princess Tea Party: PAX grabbed a partner.  With partners facing each other in plank position. Partners did Pattycake Merkins for 10 reps, followed by a Partner People’s Chair (Back to back wall sit) for 30 seconds.  Repeato but with 15 reps for the next round. The bank patrons were surely laughing while attempting to use the ATM.  After a quick count while still feeling the burn we started Super 21 OYO: Do 1 merkin followed by 1 sit-up; 2 merkins / 2 sit-ups; 3 merkins / 3 sit-ups, etc., etc. up to 10.  Once all PAX reached 10 we did 21 Squats. Continued the ladder from 11-15 and did 21 Monkey Humpers.  At this point counting was getting hard so YHC called off the remaining sets.  Total me4rkins and sit-ups= 120. Next we moseyed down to the parking lots at the ballpark.  Once gathered a count was given, no one was lost.  Keeping the party going, we completed 2 sets of SheHateMe across the parking lot 10 lunges each leg, 10 Burps, 10 SDD. Next we did Bear Crawl Snake: PAX lined up head to feet in plank position. The man in the back of the line bear crawls to front of the line weaving in and out of the planking PAX and yells when at front.  Next man does the same thing until all PAX made it through 3x.  Feeling quite obliterated we moseyed back to ice cream.  We still had a couple of minutes paid for so we did merkin ring of fire until time expired(5 rounds).

Finished with COT and announcements

Step up and lead, you won’t regret it!

Thanks for giving me the pleasure to lead, you men are an awesome group!!

Richard Simmons out!


BackBlast- GasHouse: Cinder Blocks And Some Merlot Splashing

20 PAX (including 1 FNG) showed up for some merlot splashing, sore arms, and a lot of sweat being put down on the pavement.

This was my first chance to post to GasHouse since July 25th due to my coaching schedule and other things that have come up.  I figured I might as well Q on my return.  I have been posting at the weekday AOs, but forgot how much the extra 15 minutes on the Saturday morning workouts adds to the difficulty of a F3 workout.  My goal was to make this a good upper body beatdown on my return to GasHouse.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • CDD x 10
  • LBC x 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
  • Monkey Humpers aka JoBu’s x 10 -JoBu loves when we honor him in his love of this exercise

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Mosey across the street to the parking lot

  • Zombie Walks Across The Parking Lot
  • Little Baby Dips x 10 (In Cadence)- Dolph must have been on his own cadence and looked like a rabbit in heat doing these.

Mosey to the adjacent parking lot

  • Zombie Walks Across The Parking Lot
  • Derkins x 10 (In Cadence)

Mosey to Church Parking Lot and Circle Up

Wave of Merkins and CDD’s- Q said Ring of Fire, but he was short of oxygen…

  • Merkins x 5 (In Cadence)
  • CDD x 5 (In Cadence)

Mosey to stairs behind Church and partner up with each group getting 1 cinder block

Fun With Cinder Blocks

  • 300 Standing Chest Press/Run Up Stairs and Merkins x 3- FNG Red Rider Merlot Splash 1
  • 200 Bicep Curls/ Run Up Stairs and CDD x 3- FNG Red Rider Merlot Splash 2
  • 100 French Curls/ Bear Crawl Up Stairs and LBC x 3- FNG Merlot Splash 3
  • 50 Blockees/Run Up Stairs and Squat x 3- FNG Merlot Splash 4?… I didn’t notice this round due to trying not to join him.

Cudos to FNG Red RIder for sticking it out during this….we added an extra count off or two to keep the rest of us from joining him.

Mosey to the Schiele with Cinder Blocks In tow and deposit in BA’s truck.  Then Circle Up.

Wave of Merkins x 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


Nameorama: FNG Jim Upton was named Red Rider

Announcements: 5 year anniversary convergence at AG Middle School in Charlotte on Jan. 1 and Yeti

Prayers: Top Hat lead us through prayer

Coffeeteria: 12 at Panera

I was glad to get back to GasHouse and I enjoyed every second of the workout this AM.  Again it was my pleasure to lead the PAX today!


12/24 #GoatIsland BB – “Twas the Morning Before Christmas”

Admittedly, it was difficult to turn on my alarm last night for 4:30 after ceremoniously turning it off last Friday morning (my last day of work before Winter Break), but it turned out to be even harder to get out of bed the morning of Christmas Eve. The tone of the work out was set when I slipped and fell in the mud while setting up the Shovel Flag (on a side note, the flag also fell into the mud a couple of times, so it might be time to get another one). It was a special Christmas treat for the #GoatIsland regulars when our resident knuckle-head, Whoopee, pulled up and hoped out of his car – his first time working out at the Cramerton AO.

True to my nature, I didn’t plan anything for the workout, but I made the last-minute decision to rename some of our exercises to fit a more festive theme.

The Warm-Up began with 24 reps of each of the following: Side-Straddle Hop (aka Elf Jacks), Don Quixote (aka Stocking Stuffers), Imperial Walkers (aka Toy Soldiers), and Monkey Humpers (aka JoBu’s).

After a short mosey to the bottom of the hill, it was time to begin with a quick round of Dora 1-2-3. After the PAX paired up, they learned they would be doing 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, and 300 LBC’s on an aggregate count while one partner ran up to the top of the hill and back before switching off. The rain that began to fall about midway through the squat round was a welcome break from the unseasonably humid morning.

Because the people who work out at the Boot Camp aren’t as intense as F3 Nation, they didn’t have a workout at 5AM, so when the Boot Camp patrons began to arrive a little before 6AM, we moseyed past the Camp’s door to establish our dominance as the premier work out group of Cramerton, NC on our way to the alley between BB&T and the big brick building (I’m not sure what the building is).

In the alley, the PAX were informed they would be doing a round of Elevens. At one end of the alley, we did 10 reps of Merkins then moseyed to the other end of the alley and did 1 Squat. The exercise repeats with decreasing Merkins and increasing Squats until you finish with 1 Merkin and 10 Squats. T-Claps to Whoopee and some others who finished first and got in a little extra credit by running the stairs while the rest of the group finished.

With some time still left on the clock, the group took a seat on the F3-funded wall of BB&T for a Wall-Sit Relay. Two PAX would run up the stairs and around the brick building (from before) while the rest maintained a wall-sit until all members finished. With a little more still left in the tank, it was time to mosey back to the Parking Lot.


For the Cool Down, there was just enough time to complete a Ring of Fire (5 Merkins Each), 20 Gorilla Humpers20 Jump Squats, and 10 Burpees OYO. T-Claps to Whoopee are once again in order as he made sure to draw out his five Merkins to punish Godfather and the other PAX who were still in plank position. Minus 5 T-Claps for Whoopee, however, for kissing the ground during his Merkins and crawling behind Godfather on his last Merkin and looking at him through his legs.

The work out was finished with a Name-O-Rama, a round of a few announcements, and T-Square closing in prayer.

Closing Notes

  • Whoopee’s #GoatIsland T-Clap Count: -3
  • Attendance for Coffeeteria: 6
  • Potential for F3 Members being banned from Floyd and Blackie’s: Pretty High

There are a TON of opportunities for PAX to step-up and lead workouts in January. Contact site-Q’s if you’re interested in leading.

Merry Christmas, and enjoy the time with your family!


BackBlast- #TheStorm: Two For Tuesday

12 PAX showed up to put in some work at #TheStorm early this morning.

Last night I looked at the forecast and it said 100% rain and this morning the rain was coming down in buckets.  No worries when you have the nicest AO in F3 Nation…the tweet went out that we would meet up inside.  All the PAX were all smiles to be out of that mess this morning when they entered the dry confine of the weight room.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 12
  • Merkins x 12
  • Monkey Humpers aka JoBu’s x 12
  • LBC x 12

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


2 For Tuesday

The PAX grabbed a 25lb plate (or larger) and circled up

  • Sally while holding weight

Drop the 25lb plate and stay circled up

12 days of Christmas

  1. Burpee
  2. Merkin
  3. Squat
  4. Mountain Climbers
  5. LBC’s (has to be a rap lyric when you yell it out)
  6. Moroccan Night Clubs
  7. CDD
  8. French Fries
  9. Dying Cockroaches
  10. Russian Twists aka Mason Twists
  11. Freddy Mercury
  12. Dips


The PAX grabbed a 25lb plate (or larger) and circled up

  • Sally while holding weight

Drop the 25lb plate and stay circled up

12 days of Christmas

  1. CDD
  2. Freddie Mercury
  3. Merkins
  4. Burpees (Is it right to hate a Monk?)
  5. Moroccan Night Clubs (In cadence… sometimes?)
  6. Imperial Walkers
  7. SSH
  8. Diamond Merkins (did anyone check for form?)
  9. Homer/Marge
  10. Monkey Humpers (aka JoBu’s)
  11. Flutter Kicks
  12. Dips


Nameorama: FNG Kitty Cat

Announcements: 5 year anniversary convergence at AG Middle School in Charlotte on Jan. 1, Thanks goes out to JoBu and all of F3 Gastonia for helping the families in need for Christmas, Q’s needed for January

Prayers: Safe travels to everyone this holiday

Coffeeteria: 5 at Floyd and Blackies in Cramerton


With this being the week of Christmas and the end of the year I have to look back at this year and realize I have a lot to be thankful for and that I am truly blessed in all I have in my life (family, friends, job, etc.).  One thing I am happy to have in my life right now is F3 and the group of men that pushes each other to get better in both the physical way and as a person (community and family). Funny to think back to my first workout at the Schiele on March 23 and think how far F3 Gastonia has come since then.  I am looking forward to see what great things 2016 has in store for the men of F3 Gastonia and myself.

Again it was my pleasure to lead the PAX today!


BackBlast- #TheStorm: Shooting Stars And Cinder Blocks

9 PAX showed up to put in some work at #TheStorm early this morning.

I showed up at 5:21 and there was 1 lone mom mobile (Lime Green Ford Escape) belonging to Godfather awaiting the PAX in the parking lot.  Soon after 5:25 the rest of the PAX showed up.  During the chatter right before the workout started there was a flurry of shooting stars (…ok maybe 2).  JoBu started rattling astronomy terms and letting all of us know what was going on since he is a science nerd, but he needed to be cut off because IT WAS GO TIME!

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 15
  • Merkins x 10
  • Monkey Humpers aka JoBu’s x 10
  • LBC x 15

-Pledge Of Allegiance-



Cinder Block Beat Down


The PAX each got a cinder block out of the back of BA’s truck and circled up.

  • Sally while holding cinder block
  • Roxanne with cinder blocks

The PAX got into group of 3’s with each group having 2 cinder blocks

Mosey to the stairs with cinder block.

Cinder Block Beat Down (continued)

  • 300 standing chest press (2)/Run Up Stairs 5 Merkins (1)
  • 300 Curls/Stadium Step Ups/Run Up Stairs 5 CDD
  • 300 French Curls (Tricep)/Dips/Run Up Stairs 5 Chuck Norris Push Ups (First set no gloves then the Q called the Omaha and allowed gloves)

Mosey to BA’s truck to deposit cinder blocks

Circle Up

In Cadence-

  • SSH x 15
  • Merkins x 10
  • Monkey Humpers aka JoBu’s x 10
  • LBC x 15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 50



Announcements: Congrats to Dolph at Gladiator Games for finishing 2nd, 2nd F event later this month (stay tuned to twitter), starting to plan #CSAUP event for GasHouse 1 year anniversary

Prayers: Safe travels to everyone this holiday, Middle School and High School Students in their lives during this time of the year, Doctor Feel Good and his staff.

Coffeeteria: 2 at Floyd and Blackies in Cramerton

This was my first time at a workout in 2 weeks at an F3 workout due to being sick.  It was much easier coming back when I knew I had the Q and I was motivated and pumped up to get back at it. I appreciate all of the guys who went at it today and got some work in at 5:30 this AM.

Again it was my pleasure to lead the PAX today!


Gladiator Games V Back Blast


A buttery layer of fog set the scene on a unseasonably warm December morning as 20+ PAX representing 4 Regions came out to test themselves in the arena of the Gladiator Games.

There were some small changes from GG IV, but the basic principle is the same – Push yourself until you want to vomit.

I had several PAX tell me they watched the video and thought “It doesn’t look that tough”, only to come face to face with the Gloom Monster known as the Gladiator Games and piddle in their panties.  So those of you who watch the video and think it looks “easy” please HC to the next installment. We’d love to have you.

Here are the final results

Pebbles 5:08

Dolph 5:11

Longshanks 5:19

Maximus 6:08

Ringer 6:31

Geronimo 6:58

1 9er 7:11*

Dark Helmut 7:13

Birdcage 7:42

Mario 7:42*

Toro 8:18

Socrates 8:34*

Freight 8:45

Soft Pretzel 9:02

Fire Hazard 9:08*

MP 9:33*

Patton 9:45

Linus 9-something*

Torpedo 10:22*

Atlas 10:30

Lego Land 12:29*

Icicle DNF – 545 to the tire*

*indicates competitor required assistance and/or could not complete tire flip

**Please submit any corrections to me via twitter



I witnessed some pretty incredible displays of heart and strength watching PAX navigate the course. The most mind blowing was watching Dolph carry the dumb bell like he was carrying his wife purse at the mall and throwing tires like they were tic tacs. The guy is an absolute beast and would have likely had a better time if he ran it again, but declined the offer.

It was great to meet guys from other regions, we appreciate the support and thanks for coming out.  This event seems to grow a little each time and the Tribesmen in Indian Land are certainly looking forward to the next one!


300, Billy Zane X 2, a sword, and a crimson cape…..

Well I pulled into the parking lot and immediately knew today was going to be special….cars everywhere. Apparently there was an overnight thing at the museum, not a convergence so I relaxed. Shortly thereafter the cars started rolling in and the PAX arrived. One in particular stood out among the others. His name……….Testa Cles, the Greek leader of men who revolted against the Sad Clowns of……ok, my imagination really is not that good so I’m gonna stop there. But it was a great morning. The fog was heavy, the PAX were plentiful, we had a man with a sword and crimson cape, and another man with a Weinke and not afraid to use it. We even pulled a couple Billy Zanes along the way-look it up, props to Tool Time for the lexicon. After the workout, 4 of us had a semi-power huddle about ways to help direct our F3 impact in the community, so look for some great things in 2016.

Here’s what I remember….

WU:10 each IC- SSH, Gorilla Humpers, Merkins, LBC, CDD, Freddy Mercury. I think we stopped there. I had more on the Weinke but got so excited I skipped them and moved on to the Pledge.


The THANG: Inspired by the movie 300 and today’s Gladiator Games with our South Carolina Brothers.

10 reps of each exercise (6 different exercises) followed by a Bojangles Biscuit. We did 5 of these sets in total (do the math, should add up to 300 total reps-6X10X5). I had my 2.0’s check my math so if that’s not right, submit a request to them for your money back. Here are the exercises-

Jump Squats     Merkins     LBC     Dips     Gorilla Humpers     Lunges (10 each leg)

I think it was Tool Time that invited a couple athletic on-lookers to join us for the last set and they gladly joined us. I offered breakfast at Panera to either of them if they could beat Dolph. Let’s just say that is a very safe bet EVERY TIME and my breakfast was not very expensive. Thanks Dolph. We were glad to have them and invited them back next week so we will see. As a side note, those boys put us to shame on the jump part of Jump Squats. Wonder why????

We left our Billy Zanes and went dancing after that. In keeping with the 300 theme, we moseyed to the courtyard and did 300 steps (approximately 30 per trip-it was really 42 steps each trip but 30 is close to 42, right Bandit?) and after each trip we did 30 Moroccan Night Clubs (10 trips, 30 per trip, total 300-did that one on my own without the 2.0’s).

On our mosey back to home base for a little more pain, I was behind Testa Cles which provided much needed inspiration. The crimson cape in the morning sun with the sparkle of the steel blade was a sight to behold.

On arrival to the parking lot we partnered up (intentional confusion, no partners needed-just keeping everyone on their toes). The next exercise was a game called “300 squats and dips.” It consisted of 300 reps of squats and dips. You could do this in any combination with a sum total of 300. The mumble chatter was nearly absent while everyone concentrated on counting-next time will play this game a little different-maybe use a timer or do a tabata-thing like OBT…..will think about that one a little more. The mumble chatter provides much needed distraction from pain.

Time was nearly up so we circled up with a brief teaching moment for methods of being Q and leading exercises (search “How to Count F3) with demonstrations by previous Qs and a few rookies. I really enjoyed this-was great to see the encouragement by the PAX to help the group grow.

Thanks to Bandit for reminding me about our Namorama after our announcements. We closed out with a quick prayer keeping in mind Dr. Feelgood and his recent loss.

Remember-Second F event on last Tuesday evening of Month-location TBD approx 6pm I think, Convergence New Years’ Day in Charlotte, Q school January 16, Yeti February 20

It was a lot of fun this morning-thanks for the great showing and group participation.




The Smurph

12 PAX posted #Downtown. Most of them were there before we started.


SSH IC x20
Monkey Humpers IC x10 (to salute those that came in hot)
Merkins IC x10
MC IC x10
Toy Soldiers IC (that’s a 4 count guys) x20 (to bad Dolph didn’t post – he loves doing these on a 3.23452 count)

The Smurph

So this was supposed to be the following…

  • 3 laps around the parking lot (1 mile)
  • 10 sets of the following
    • 10 Merkins
    • 20 LBCs
    • 30 Squats
  • 3 laps around the parking lot (1 mile)

Well the fact of the matter is YHC changed the plan before we even started, he doesn’t count so well, and he is easily influenced by the PAX (goal for 2016 is lead better – no matter what T-Square says). Before we even started, YHC calls “Oklahoma” (that’s not a typo) and changes “sets of 10” to “sets of 12” just because we had 12 PAX post, I like 12 days of Christmas, and T-Square said we should keep it at 10. So this is what we ended up doing…

  • 3 laps (total 1.314773148 miles) around the parking lot to the incessant squeak of my Nike’s (probably need to fix that)
  • 10 sets of the following
    • 12 Merkins IC (first one was 4 count, the we switched to up/down)
    • 12 LBCs
    • 12 Squats
  • 3 laps around the parking lot (another 1.314773148 miles, except for Spiderman who pulled the Irish Goodbye again and disappeared into the gloom)

In the end this was 136 merks, 120 LBCs, 120 Squats and 2.629546296 miles. Whether or not we actually did 10 sets is still a bit of a mystery. As I mentioned, YHC can’t count real good. While this was no Murph, I hope everyone enjoyed this vaguely similar version. It fit in 45 minutes quite nicely and my glutes still don’t work.

Please keep Dr. Feelgood, his family, and his office in your prayers.

As always, a pleasure and honor to lead you men!


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