Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Storm (Page 6 of 26)

Jan 5 at the Storm

5:30 – let’s go! 10 Burpees.  YHC gets going everyone else standing around.  Sounds like a leadership issue.  I need to work on that.  Finally get everyone on board.  10 SSH IC.  Pledge.

Mosey to parking lot beside school.  Run across parking lot 100 LBC, run back to start.  3/4 run across parking lot, 75 merkins.  1/2 was 50 SSH, 1/4 was 25 hand release merkins.  Walk to wall of school.  YHC demos suspension merkins and calls five.

Mosey around corner to back of school.  At wall, triple nickel.  5 suspension merkins (hence the earlier demo) and run up hill for five low slow squats.  Keep mosey a little further to loading dock that has a ramp.

YHC calls for the “hamster wheel”.  Obviously no one is familiar since I had just made thought of it day before.  Line up for bear crawl up ramp, one pax stays back for burpees while other are crawling.  Once round is complete, pax doing burpees falls back in line and another takes his place.  Keep going until everyone gets burpee turn.  This was tough.

Once done, begin mosey to next station, train coming.  Five more burpees.  Mosey to front of school and partner for dora.  100 crunchy frogs, 200 american hammer (pax can’t count), 300 LBC.  Didn’t complete LBC, time to mosey back to flag.

Moleskin: YHC says a word on redemption, had a verse picked out on phone but couldn’t locate (fail).  YHC talks about how each day God grants a new day, we each have the decision on how to use it.  Even if day or days prior were not good ones, we have another chance.

Announcements: Convergence at Folsom Saturday 0700, a lot of talk over last several weeks of new AO on Friday morning at Belmont Central elementary.  Planning soft launch on Jan 15, hopefully have enough momentum to go all in.

Prayer requests: Frontline workers, first responders, future of our nation and our world, Tiger

YHC took us out with prayer

Always an honor


“I Heard Him”

YHC celebrated a birthday, F3 style, and all reps were know, so the only thing left to do was push the rock, and 15 HIMs showed up.

W/U after the pledge: Merkins x12 I/C, SSH x29 I/C, immediate calls for a petition to remove YHC from the MHC.

Continue the w/u with a mosey of the Termite Mile. At each stop sign (2) do 12 burpees and 29 squats, and at each round-a-bout (s) do 12 burpees and 29 squats.

Finish the w/u at the loading dock with 12 diamond merkins and 29 hand release merkins.  The MHC becomes move vocal, but YHC carries on.

A quick mosey to the main parking lot for a little island hopping. There are 15 full islands (some are peninsulas and do not count!) in this section of the lot, so the PAX was directed to jump lunges, escalator style (1 each leg at the 1st island, 2 each leg at island #2, etc.). No walking, running, nor Nurring between the islands, only bear crawls, crab walks, and lunge walks allowed (Omaha for karaoke on the last row).

Mosey back to the start where YHC called for 8 contra burpees (increasing merkins with each burpee), which gave the PAX a total of 56 for the morning. A little time left for some Mary, reps of 12 or 29 only, no burpees of any flavor allowed. Sargento called out LBCs, 12 i/c. Nutria called for Nolan Ryans. 15 i/c were called out before the switch… Sargento was quick to catch Nutria’s error. However, Nutria “kindly” reminded everyone that he had indeed heard YHCs rep request, and promptly called out the final 14 i/c.

Time was called.

Announcements: Coconut Horse 10 mile ruck/run on the 1st, Downtown open Friday (Pockets w the Q), Convergence at Folsom on the 9th beginning at 7am.

Prayer Requests for Tiger’s family, Flintstone’s family, YHCs daughter, Sister Act, and El Tigre’s brother-in-law.

Namorama, where YHC officially joined Club 56.

Tiger took us out.

It was an honor and a privilege to lead – Orangeman

Super Mega

15 HIMs came to the gloom after the longest night of the year. That should’ve meant that everyone got a good night’s rest in preparation for a beatdown. The goal for today was to keep moving. Here’s what happened…

Disclaimer while others carried on their own conversation but also felt the need to hurry me through said disclaimer. The giving Sargento a hard time continues.


Side Straddle Hops IC, Bring Sally Up for all the haters.

It was lamented by some that I didn’t have the trusty JBL with me. I figured I’d mix it up a bit and just go with mumblechatter but now that I know there are fans of my musical offerings I won’t make that mistake again.

Mosey to the side of the school for the Thang

Super Mega Figure 8!

Going all the way around the upper parking lot, cross at the dip stobs and then around the entrance “circle”. You know, making a figure 8 pattern. The exercises along the way were, all 20 counts:

Merkins (led my the president of the MHC no less!)

WWI situps



Flutter Kicks

Diamond Merkins (as suggested by Broke)

American Hammers (from Suess)

Lunges (this was supposed to be Monkey Humpers I think)

Rosco started going the wrong direction because he was following Dr. Seuss so they were reprimanded. We got back to the start and did the crossing exercises of Dips and Flutters then a count-off of HIM.

Go again for round 2 but this time go all the way around the school instead of just the entrance “circle”. We forgot to do the Monkey Humpers the first time around so we did those this time.

After another count-off at the cross point, we headed off for a 3rd round. This time we did 40 Monkey Humpers to catch up and 40 American Hammers because we forgot the last time.

Once the 6 was in we fellowship moseyed back to the start for a bunch of Shoulder Taps and Nolan Ryan’s. Time!

Broke asked why the president of the MHC would do so much upper body and shoulder work. I figured working on what you’re weakest at is a good way to improve. Or, in hindsight, maybe I was just doing what the weinke said to do (it was first used created in July 2017 for the Yank so maybe my disrespect for Merkins is a newer thing). Either way, we did a lot of upper body compared to most of my Q’s.

Announcements: Convergence, Run/Ruck/Walk/Skip thing with Frank, get involved with Whetstone program through Roscoe

Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer Requests: SA’s surgery today, SA’s mom has Covid bad, Orangeman’s daughter’s recovery

YHC took us out in prayer. Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Merry Christmas!!!


12/15 The Storm NURS and HILLS

Twenty men jumped out of bed this chilly morning, nearly half of them clocking in early at The Storm for some EC miles. 0530 was upon us so we kicked it into gear. It went something like this.

Warm up –
Side Straddle Hop x 20 IC
Grass Pickers x 20 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Merkins x 15 IC

Enough of that, times a ticking!
Mosey to the back gate for some NUR AB instructions.
NUR up the pathway to the concession stand for 30 American Hammers.
Run back down the path to the gate. NUR back up for 30 LBCs.
Run back down the path to the gate. NUR back up for 30 Crunchy Frogs.
Run back down and plank for the six. I think the hill got longer each lap.

Mosey around behind the school and reassemble at the front traffic circle for some 11s up the hill to the entrance traffic circle and back. Quick look at my watch and a confirmation from Orangeman. Audible! Make that 7s. With that we were off! One Merkin at the bottom circle, run up the hill to top circle for 6 Burpees. Back down for 2 Merkins and back up for 5 Burpees… You know how this is going to end.

Lots of pushing this morning! Great work guys! We put in 3.4 miles not counting all that EC leftover from the November challenge. No time for Mary today we may have run over a few minutes.

Announcements –
Food Ruck this Saturday! (see preblast)
Bring your ruck and some money. Don’t have a ruck we will double bag your purchase! Not the rucking type, bring some food to the regularly scheduled beatdown.
0530 launch from Folsom – Tiger
0530 launch from GasHouse – Breaker Breaker
0530 launch from The Yank – BOS

Convergence at Folsom – 1/9/21

Prayers –
EZ Rider & M, and DoubleStuff – Covid recovery
The Cranes – Covid recovery – Doodle’s church
OrangeMan’s daughter recovering from surgery and Orangeman’s travels to FL to see her.
All the unspoken prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Hope you got your moneys worth. It looked better on paper.
Note to self. NUR before RUN = SUCK!

The STORM – 12/8/20



Goof Balls IC x 30

Copperhead Squats IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins – Eskimo Merkins counted up to 8.  These are a series of micro Merkins where you touch your nose to the ground.  First time down, touch once.  Second time down, touch twice…. Etc.

Tesla stretching from plank position.  Right hand to right foot, then flap jack.

5 burpees for the train – pay it forward.  I know one is coming!


Mosey to the ball fields.  Peter Parker, Lunge and Dying Cockroaches x 10 then mosey to the gate and back.  Rinse and repeat x 15, x20, x 15, x 10.

Mosey to the east side of the school.  Wall sit for one minute then 20 shoulder taps from plank position.  Count one arm.  Rinse and repeat x 3.

Mosey to the south side of the school and pair up.  Pax one moseys to the end of the parking lot and does 5 burpees while pax 2 amraps side straddle hop.  Round two 5 burpees and flutter kicks.  Round three 5 burpees and LBC’s.  I hear the train now.  Glad we did our burpees earlier.

Mosey back to flag with 20 seconds left.  Boudin calls for 3 burpees.


Thanks for showing up today gentlemen!



Prayer Requests:  Orange Man’s daughter, Sargento’s M, Fife’s friend, EZ Rider and Double Stuf

The cold Storm.

17 of us on this cold blistering morning. A couple of PAX getting some EC as I pulled up. Unaware of the danger brewing, they need not wear themselves out to early.

I normally hate going to a Sister Act Q. I usually cant keep up and cut reps short. Its often discouraging for me to know that I cant do a complete rep and keep up with the pack. So I have been trying to push so I can keep up. Last week we did a brutal workout at Midoriyama. So today I decided to do something similar. I want to thank SA and all of you tough men in Gastonia. I’ve seen several of you make big changes and have big turn arounds in your lives. You guys are awesome!!!!

Warm up  IC


Crunchy Frogs


American Hammers

Nolan Ryan


Mnt Climbers

Toy Soldiers


Cotton Pickers

5 Burpees.

We moseyed down to the main drive. we completed 5 Burpees and continued to the neighborhood across the road and completed 5 Burpees at each stop sign/intersection until we get back to the start. 5 Burpees at the end. Mosey back to the flag for the deck of death. 

Pull 5 cards from the workout deck and then make a lap around parking lot. Plank for the six. Continue till time is up.



Christmas party

Prayer list

Sargento has a prayer list out. Please pray for each other.


The devil is working hard on me. I cant seem to focus on anything that I want to. Reading has become hard to comprehend and I cant seem to think clearly. I lost control of the group right from the beginning today. The PAX just didn’t seem to like my plans. I got home just to find out that a really good friend has passed away this morning.  A friend of my dads who was always calling and checking in on me and my racing. He watched every race and helped me where he could in life.  Its been a pretty tough day.



13 Pax came out in the cold and warmed up pretty quick.


Warm Up: Goofballs , 5 Lunges, Stretch



.25 miles- 25 LBCs

.50 miles- 25 LBCs, 50 CDDs

.75- 25 LBCs, 50 CDDs, 75 Monkey Humpers

1.00- 25 LBCs, 50 CDDs, 75 Monkey Humpers, 100 SSH

Dora: Partner up for:

100 Dips

200 Flutters

300 Squats

Mosey to circle for:

Circle Burps-high knees and burpees.  A few pax thought they would forgo the high knees and go directly into the burpees -sabotaging the Q perhaps? But all well and good, this bit of treason, or haste, actually worked out to the advantage of YHC because it allowed us to get through all 13 rounds of Jack Webbs.

Jack Webbs 13 merkins and 52 air presses.  


Christmas Party sign-up

Blood Drive

Triple Post opportunity on Thanksgiving


Anchorman’s friend-bladder surgery

SA daughter and family


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,  goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control against such things there is no law Galatians 5:22-23

Anchorman took us out.

Great work done by all!



Laying Bricks @ The Storm

4 showed for EC.

As YHC was still trying to recover from that, 0530 sneaks up along  with 11 more PAX for a total of 15.

No FNGs, so only a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


11 Merkins IC
21 MNCs IC (was supposed to be 20)

The idea was to do today’s date, but that didn’t work out.

Either way,  let mosey around the parking lot and end up back at the flag.  Following Flintstone’s Q yesterday with bricks, YHC asked him to bring this morning.  So everyone grab 2 bricks from the “Foot-Mobile”.

Time for some more moseying… around the back to the parking lot for some Escalating 5 Quarters.

On End One:
5 Overhead Presses with Bricks
5 Triceps Presses with Bricks
5 Upright Rows with Bricks
5 Plank Flys (each arm) with Bricks
5 Chest Presses with Bricks

Mosey to the other end

On End Two:
5 Merkins
5 Squats
5 Plank Jacks
5 LBCs

Repeat, but increase the count by 5 each time.  The last set was 25 of everything.

Pickup the bricks and mosey around to the front/side for the next set of fun.

Three sets of Step-Ups and Dips…
15 Each Leg on the step-ups holding the bricks.
15 Dips – 1 footed with the 1 foot on the stacked bricks.

Meander to the parking lot for Brickee-cides.

Mosey to the 1st line, perform 2 Brickees.  Leave the bricks, return to the start for 5 American Hammers.  Retrieve bricks and continue to 2nd line for 4 Brickees.  Repeat the pattern until the last line for 10 Brickees.

All were between the 4th and 5th line when the 44 minute mark hit.  Omaha where you are and head back to the flag to reload the Footmobile.

Sorry, not sorry for the OT.


  • AO Shirts still available through this week.  Of the 4 available, only GasHouse has enough to print.  Get your orders in.
  • Over half way on the 40 day challenge.  Keep up the intensity.
  • Christmas Party 12/12.

Prayer Requests:

  • All of those listed on Sargento’s 40 Day Prayer Challenge.
  • Roscoe Safe Travels to PA
  • Roscoe’s 2.1 Surgery
  • Sargento’s M.

YHC took us out.


Thanks to Flintstone for providing the coupons for today!


It was an honor to lead.  I hope you got your money’s worth.


Watts Up Powering Down.

The Storm

20 showed up for the Storm and Oblivious’s first Q.


Side straddle hops x 20

Blades of steel x 10

Moroccans x 15

Mntn. Climbers x 20(count one leg)

Hold Superman plank for 20 secs


Long Mosey at a decent clip to abs station



2 sets of 8 exercises done for 30secs each, 30secs rest between sets:

American Hammers

Leg lifts

Australian Flutter kicks(flutters while on stomach)

Left side plank

Right side plank

Freddie Mercury’s

Box cutters



Indian run to next station


Descending Ladder

5 sets descending by 1 count of reps:

Set 1: 10 Spiderman pushups(also know as lizard pushups), run 30yds, 10 CDDs.

Set 2: 9 Spiderman pushups(also know as lizard pushups), run 30yds, 9 CDDs.



Mosey to next station

Deconstructed Burpees

4 count per movement, as many as possible for 90 secs


insert short motivational speech

Mosey to next station


Partner up.

50 Squats, 100 LBCs, 150 Merkins

Flutter kick or plank till 6.


Mosey to start

Finished with Yoga and stretching


Storm shirts – buy them

Q’s needed for storm

PT test at Gas house Nov 14 @ 0700

Ricky Bobby – Roscoe Q and inaugural shirt launch

Christmas party Dec 12th. Be there. Be jolly.

Its Goat instead of Turkey this year! Thanksgiving Goat at 7. Opportunity for triple post that morning.

Prayer requests:

Roscoe – friend at work has two sons, Jackson and Bennett, with cancer.

Sargento’s wife – issues with knee

Purple haze –  job interview


11/3/20 – The Storm – Election Day



Since its election day, I thought it would be nice to have an Election Day theme.  I split the PAX into two groups.  They then elected a senator to represent the whole group and I gave the PAX a choice between two routines.  In the case of a draw between two routines, I would act as the vice president and cast the deciding vote.  Here is how it went……


Senate Bill No. 1  The Warm Up

The choice was between a Termite Warm UP (1 mile Mosey) or Regular Warm Up?  Both groups choose the regular warm up which were Hillbillies IC x 20 – Moroccan Night Clubs IC x 20 and 10 Merkins OYO.  Opps, Q fail, I lost my right glove.  I’m going to need that later.  I’ll channel my best Michael Jackson along the way.


Mosey behind the school for Senate Bill No. 2

11’s                              or                                 Triple Nickle ?

Here one group wanted 11’s and the other wanted Triple Nickle.    The VP broke the tie with Tripple Nickle.  We did 5 Jump Squats at the crosswalk behind the school and 4 count leg lifts at the gate at the back of the parking lot.


Mosey to the front parking lot

Senate Bill No. 3

Wet Nuts Bear Crawl              or         Bear Way to Heaven.

Both groups choose Bear Way to Heaven which is Bear Crawl for 10 yds and do 10 Burpees, Mosey back to the start.  Bear Crawl 20 yds and do 8 burpees, mosey to the start.  Bear Crawl for 30 yds and do 6 Burpees, Mosey back to the start.  Bear Crawl 40 yds and do 2 burpees, Mosey to the start.  Bear Crawl for 50 yds and do 2 Burpees, Mosey back to the start.  To be completed before “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin ends.  Thanks to Sargento for pulling the song up for us.  Most completed it in time.


Senate Bill No. 4

4 Corners        or         Suicide Sprints.

Both groups choose 4 Corners.  Here we used 4 lights poles as the 4 corners.

First corner – 5 Burpees

Second corner – 10 Diamond Merkins

Third Corner – 20 Bobby Hurley’s

Fourth Corner – 40 Flutter Kicks counting one leg

We completed 2 rounds of this.

Mosey Back to the flag to plank for the 6 and a few LBC’s.

Thanks to those who brought the pavers back to my car.

Thanks to Roscoe for EC and recording Namarama when my phone died.  Q Fail.

Welcome FNG  Garret Lunins.  He is an architect so we named him Mike Brady.

Thanks for voting in The Storm Senate today.


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