Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Storm (Page 2 of 26)

Hypervigilance at the STORM

We had 12 PAX for the bootcamp and (1) Flintstone came to run but since he was at the opening and the end he gets the credit per the rules of the Storm.


Warm Up


Then we started moseying to where the workout was to start but the Q located a male dressed in all black with a backpack moving through where we parked the cars and so we modified and did some lunge walks until the subject moved along.  You civilian types wouldn’t understand.  #situationalawareness

(just kidding….Dr. Seuss and Watts Up were on the case as well)

We then moseyed to the traffic circle in the parking lot near the left side of the school for a modified mini-Murph.  As a group, we ran to the 1/3 mark and did 5 burpees, moseyed around the lot for 10 merkins, and then 15 squats at the traffic circle.  We did that together twice and then the Q unleashed the PAX to get after it at their own pace.  PAX got between 7 and 9 rounds, although there is some debate about that.

Lt. Michael Murphy KIA in Afghanistan “Lone Survivor”  Medal of Honor recipient.  Stood out in the open to get radio signal to get help before taking a fatal wound.  Courage.

Moseyed to lower lot and did a plank ring around the traffic circle

We then moseyed to the speed bumps towards Lakewood and did a modified Jacob’s Ladder.  5 squat jumps on one side, 1 mountain climber on the other until we reverse the numbers.  We were running out of time so we finished up with some get ups and then moseyed back to the flag.

There was much more on the Weinke but weekday workouts are short.

Announcements:  Kings Mountain to Crowders Mountain Hike  8-27-23

F3 Dads on the 19th

Annihilation this Saturday at Folsom with the former World’s Heavyweight Champion SLAW with the Q!!

VQ for Eh Y’all coming up next week at the STORM!

Prayer Requests:  Sarlacc’s M and family, Radar’s cousin in critical condition after accident, Norwood’s surgery this Friday, Turtleman, Tiger’s Dad.

It was a great effort and sweat was pouring.  It was good to see some young faces there this am.  Always a pleasure to lead.









A dirty dozen showed up for the STORM on Independence Day.  Stroganoff made a triumphant return to a place he used to post regularly before he started Mortimer training year round on the halfpipe on Tuesday mornings.  Even JJ made his way east and posted at the second oldest AO in the Gashouse.  The Storm was founded on 5-26-15 and our country was founded in 1776.  Both are big deals.  Speaking of big deals, Boudin was at the Storm this morning too and he was in a great mood.  He was offering classic mumblechatter but when we were warming up he started stepping in the circle during the warmup.  It was borderline unprofessional and the Q had to put him back in his place among the PAX.

Elf was there and so was Hot Corner, an F3 PAX formerly of Ohio but within the last month his family moved to Belmont so we will be seeing more of him.  Originally from Bessemer City, both men are nice additions to our group and hopefully we will be seeing more of them.

After a disclaimer and warm up (that was prolonged waiting for our First F Q Flintstone to put on his shoes), we moseyed over to the ballfield.  Originally JOBU was going to get us a key to open the football stadium but alas, he was out of town.  “FU JOBU, I do it myself” (Watch Major League again if you didn’t get the reference)


Two cones placed about 30 feet apart.
We start with 25 burpees, then lunge walk from cone to cone

Then 50 merikins, then lunge walk from cone to cone

Then 75 Shoulder taps, then lunge walk from cone to cone

Then 100 CDD’s, then lunge walk from cone to cone

Then 75 Shoulder taps, run the thread trail to Rocky Branch and back up the hill

Then 50 merkins, then run the thread trail to Rocky Branch and back up the hill

Then 25 burpees, then run the thread trail to Rocky Branch and back up the hill

Recover and mosey to the parking lot with a bear crawl between light poles.

Mosey to the big parking lot for some four corners…


mosey to 2nd light pole, 10 Hammers, 20 LBC’s

mosey to 3rd light pole, 10 Hammers, 20 LBC’s, 30 Heels to Heaven

mosey to 4th ligh tpole: 10 Hammers, 20 LBC’s, 30 Heels to Heaven, 40 Flutters

Mosey back to start for announcements and COT.

Prayer requests:  Ratchet’s son and family, Norwood, Radar’s Sister, Anchorman’s SIL, all of our PAX, our great Country

Recent survey’s show that Americans are less proud of their country than in years past.  This is a ridiculous notion fueled by grievance mongers who want to keep everyone stirred up about our nation’s sins and not our freedoms.  Do you think we have a problem attracting immigrants because our country is so bad?  Maybe they understand that anything is possible when people are free to assemble and speak their minds and do great things.  I once interviewed someone who had fled from communist Poland and as a young boy he saw a US Marine guarding the American Embassy and that set forth his desire to come to America and serve in the Corps which he did with distinction.

We are a young nation and through freedoms and free markets we have fueled expansion and growth and wealth and fed our people better than any other country in history.  Live with gratitude everyday and don’t take the gift that we are Americans for granted. Defend our freedom’s at all costs.

“The only birthday I ever commemorate is that of our Independence, the Fourth of July.”  -Thomas Jefferson  1801

After the beatdown some went for coffee and then many PAX gathered  at the Fighting Yank Statue after a Tesla Q and read the Declaration of Independence, followed by Dr. Boyce (now known as Monsignor who gave a great prayer and message on broad spaces.  Thanks for Uncle Ted for organizing that tribute to our founding.

“We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor” 

Always  a pleasure to lead.  Enjoy our national holiday today and spend time with your families and be grateful for being American.

July 4, 1986  Ronald Reagan addressing the nation to commemorate the Statue of Liberty renovations…

My fellow Americans, it falls to us to keep faith with them and all the great Americans of our past. Believe me, if there’s one impression I carry with me after the privilege of holding for five-and-a-half years the office held by Adams and Jefferson and Lincoln, it is this: that the things that unite us—America’s past of which we’re so proud, our hopes and aspirations for the future of the world and this much-loved country—these things far outweigh what little divides us. And so tonight we reaffirm that Jew and gentile, we are one nation under God; that black and white, we are one nation indivisible; that Republican and Democrat, we are all Americans. Tonight, with heart and hand, through whatever trial and travail, we pledge ourselves to each other and to the cause of human freedom, the cause that has given light to this land and hope to the world.

RoscoeHow Many Stars and Stripes Are on the American Flag?

F3 The Storm – June 6, 2023

We had a great showing this morning at The Storm.  Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

SSH x 15 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Hillbilly Walker x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC

There is four stations set up around the AO with a list of exercises. All the PAX run to the station, perform the exercise, and then run back to the previous station or COT.

Station 1:
10 Burpees
15 Jump Squats
20 Merkins
25 Flutter Kicks
30 SSH

Station 2:
5 Burpees
15 Bomb Jacks
25 CDD
35 Seal Jacks
45 LBC

Station 3:
4 Kraken Burpees
12 Mike Tyson
24 Lunge
36 Parker Peter
48 Rocky Balboa

Station 4:
6 Burpees
12 Imperial Walker Squats
18 Wide Arm Merkin
24 Alt. Shoulder Taps
36 Mountain Climbers

F3 The Storm 12-13-22

As usual, it was a great day to be in the Gloom.  There was some EC taking place which is always good to see.  There may have been one PAX who forgot to set his alarm?

We kicked off with 10 PAX at 0530 with Buckeye running off as soon as the workout began.  Should he get credit?  The PAX overwhelmingly voted no!

The warm up consisted of a few exercises and then we moseyed to the lower traffic island and got after it with some burp and merk, some one leg glute bridge, and Radar called a reverse pickle pounder.  Lots of mumble chatter.  Take a lap around the side of the school and return.  Lock arms in a line formation and do lunges back to the school.  Mosey to the front of the school for the Colonel Trautman.  I double checked this in the Exicon and it must have changed over the years but here is my OG interpretation.

Do 22 merkins at lightpole one and run to the second lightpole and do 21 and go back and forth to one merkin.  Posi-traction and Seuss were flipping bats here but everyone worked it out.  Radar had great form and did every rep per the standard.

We then did some wall sits with air presses, marches, and balls to the wall, followed by step ups and then dips.  We finished with a brief MARY of 1 leg glute bridges and another exercise I can’t recall.

Announcements:  Supposedly there will be a beer mile on New Years Eve.  That will be a merlot fest for sure.

Read Flintstone’s Pre-blast for the Rock Pushing Challenge.  BOLO for the sign up form.

Prayer Requests:  Turtleman, Huckleberry, Radar’s Sister, Tiger and family, Huffstetler Family,  Teachers and students


YHC wants to thank Breaker Breaker for texting me the night before reminding me I had the Q.  I didn’t let him know I had forgotten.  Maybe I would have seen it on my calendar the night before or maybe not.  I was planning on posting at the Storm anyway so I supposed it could have been an impromptu freestyle Q.   Whether planned or not, it is always a privilege to lead these fine PAX.



Muggy Storm

There was evidence of moisture in the air before, during, and after the workout this AM at the Storm.  It was great seeing extra credit all around the AO this am.  Multiple PAX were running, walking, and riding before the workout.  It was a nice crowd that eventually formed at 0530 for the start of the workout.  Here is what happened…

Disclaimer….No FNG’s….Whatever I say is a suggestion so you don’t have to do it but if you don’t, I will likely call you soft.

Warm Up:  SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, LBC’s

Mosey to the lower traffic circle for 50 squats, then lunge the circle, then partner squats x10

Mosey up the hill to the upper traffic circle.  Knock out some Plank Jacks IC

Mosey to the neighborhood side of Goat Island Parking Lot (library voices please) for Dora 1,2,3  100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s

Whoopee enjoyed splashing in the puddles while running as usual

Mosey back up the hill for some shoulder taps and flutters along the way.

Arrive at the bottom of the hill at the entrance to the Storm.
Run up the hill, completing one burpee at each of the 15 light posts.

YHC asked Whoopee to take the bat flippers back to start for some Mary while the six came in.  We went over on time a couple minutes but that is how it goes.  We didn’t “modify” so that the Q wouldn’t be open to grief from the PAX.  It is what it is.  We did work and completed the workout.  However, I left some work on the table and I think I need a Saturday hour workout to complete what was planned.  Kudo’s to the PAX for pushing through and completing the entire thing.

50 Mile relay signups close tomorrow.  This Saturday!  Sign up now!

Coming Soon:  Skating with Mayor, JJ 5K, Transvergeance with Lake Wylie, Iron PAX

Prayer Requests:

Courtney rehabbing at home

Breaker’s Uncle

Sargento’s summer intern’s grandmother in hospice

BOS and his mother and family

Tesla and family



Waterboy on his family Vacation adventure.


I just stopped sweating…..Roscoe out


Type O Negative

A Storm of EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) was brewing so we got after it.  (For full disclosure, Sargento was at the start and finish of the workout after running before and during, the earlier half with Buckeye.  YHC believes Termite was around as well.

Eleven PAX were there for the workout.  It went down like this.


Warm Up:  SSH, Merkins, LBC’s, SQUATS

The Thang One:

EMOM  10 merkins, 15 LBC’s, 15 squats x ten rounds

Mosey to the baseball concession area for Thang Two:

5 Dive Bomber Merkins, 10 Big Boy Situps, 15 jump squats x 5 rounds

Mosey to the front of the school for Thang Three:

5 burpees and 20 lunges  x 5 rounds

Mosey to the lower lot behind the away side of stadium for Thang Four:

1 minute plank, 50 Moroccan nightclubs, 1 minute plank

Stay put for Thang Five:

All PAX plank on the curb of a traffic island.  PAX one plank walks to his right and tags in the next PAX and it continues around the island for two laps.

Mosey back and hit the Pledge along the way.

COT began when we got back and then we prayed it out.

Announcements:   F3 Dads at the Yank Aug 20th, F3 Blood Drive August 10th, JJ5k September 17th

Prayer requests:  Rice and Beans, Homelessness, Stinky Bird’s brothers FIL recent passing,  Safe delivery for all the babies in our F3 Gastonia family…Buckshot, Buckeye, Bouquet, Wichita, (missing one?)

We had four for coffeerama where we discussed the blood drive and perhaps getting guys to give blood so they can be around us F3 guys and see the ballbusting of who can give the fastest pint.  We learned that Boudin is TYPE O NEGATIVE, otherwise known as the Universal Donor.  This was as blatant a humblebrag as YHC has ever heard.  We also learned that Sargento is “B POSITIVE”.  Of course!

If you aren’t strong, you’re wrong!




10 pax posted on July 5th. Looks like some stayed out too late shooting fireworks. Whoopee came and ran around for a while all by himself. He left early but I’ll still give him credit just based on age alone. The air was about as thick as it can get. It was hard to swallow and often felt like we were swimming against the current. The below is what we did. Oh and SA didn’t post today, hate to see it!

The warmup:

Sealjacks ic x 15

Don Q’s ic x 15

Low slow squats ic x 15

The Thang:

Dirty 11’s- in the parking lot start at the end of the row. At the island in the middle do a burpee each time you pass. Monkey humpers and WWI situps.

On the wall at the school australian mtn climbers ic x 10 followed by 30 sec wall sits x 3 rounds.

Mosey around the school to the bus area for route 66 Bobby Hurleys. Mayor learned today that route 66 only goes to 11.

Mosey around to the parking lot near the football field. Triple nickel starburst and flying squirrels.

Mosey on the trail behind the fields back to the flag.



Announcements-Convergence 7/16, F3 dads 7/23, tubing 7/30

Prayer request-Tiger’s sister in law, Tooth Fairy’s daughter

6-28-2022 The Storm

Termite, Big Orange Shoes (BOS) and I got in some EC before the boot camp.  BOS and I did the usual route while Termite said he was going to do 5-6 miles.

Eight PAX showed up in the gloom at The Storm.





Warm up

Seal Jacks IC x 20

Mountain Climbers IC x 20

Toy soldiers IC x 20


The Work

This is a routine that Breaker Breaker did the first year I participated with F3.  Mosey around the practice field stopping at each corner for 5 Burpees at the first corner, 20 LBC’s at the second corner, 30 squats at the third corner and 20 Dips at the fourth corner.  Rinse and repeat x 5.  One last lap for an escalator around the practice field.

Mosey to the side of the school for 10 Step Ups each leg, 10 reverse grip inclined Merkins and 10 American Hammers counting one side.  Rinse and Repeat for 3 rounds total.

Mosey back to the flag for a little stretching.



Convergence on 7/16 at Folsom

Tubing on 7/30


Prayer Requests:

Turtle Man

BOS’ daughter who is traveling to Europe.

Sargento’s friend who is going through chemotherapy.

Sandman and his M. Cancer and Covid.

The STORM – June 21, 2022

The STORM – June 21, 2022

We had 14 PAX at The STORM this morning. After a brief disclaimer and seeing no FNG’s we said The Pledge of Allegiance and took a mosey.

In between the parking rows the PAX did karaoke, side shuffle, toy soldiers, nur, and threw in some sprints to get the heart pumping.

SSH x 25 IC
Imperial Walker Squats x 10
Smurf Jacks x 20 IC
Hillbilly Walker x 10 IC
Merkin x 10 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC

5 Minute AMRAP (Round 1)

  • 10 burpees
  • 10 jump squats
  • 10 freddy mercury

5 Minute AMRAP (Round 2)

  • 10 bomb jacks
  • 10 merkins
  • 10 alternating shoulder taps

5 Minute AMRAP (Round 3)

  • 10 carolina dry docks
  • 10 lunges
  • 10 plank jacks

5 Minute AMRAP (Round 4)

  • 10 apolo ohno
  • 10 wide arm merkin
  • 10 american hammers

We took a lap around the parking lot after each round.

EXERCISE #2 (There was about four minutes remaining):

  • 100 squats
  • 80 little baby crunch
  • 60 american hammers (count each rep)

PT test at Gashouse on Saturday, June 24, followed by roadside cleanup.

Tubing July 30.

Cinderella requested that everyone say a prayer for a 17-year-old who had a stroke Monday following football workouts in Georgia.

Tiger requested prayers for his sister in law.

Sargento requested prayers for one person who is going through chemo and radiation treatment for colon cancer and another person who had a mass remove from his skull.


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