Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Storm (Page 19 of 26)

Pre-Murph Whoopee Style

Sorry this is late, just realized I did not post BB.

With Memorial Day coming up and having just watched Lone Survivor, what better way to celebrate a Tuesday morning than doing a version of the Murph….

WU: 10 reps IC of SSH, Squats, LBC, Don Quixote….get on with it already-really don’t like WU but know it is needed.

The Thang-

1 Lap around the parking lot (short Mosey but appropriate since time would be limited).

8 Pax so each took a turn with calling the exercises which included 10 Hip Slappers, 20 Merkins, and 30 squats giving a total of…..hang on, gotta wake one of my 2.0s to help with the math. I think that was 80 Hip Slappers, 160 Merkins, and 240 Squats…guess that is why my arse is still hurting. Gotta get the rope back out near the toilet and hook it back up to the ceiling.

Lap around the school with 5 burpees OYO at the round-a-bout in front of school. Continue Mosey to the back of the school and inhale some bus fumes then continue around to front of school where Madoff reminded me about the pledge-THANKS MADOFF, I had forgotten. Continued mosey to the flag but wait on the pledge to get some Mary done. I know we did some LBCs and American Hammer but really don’t remember much else. Think someone was slow on the draw so I had to throw in some burpees just for fun.

Pledge, COT-prayers for TSquare for family illnesses, South Mountain with 2.0s and M’s this weekend, few others.

GREAT WORK TAKING TURNS LEADING THE GROUP GUYS. Tough pushing through those hip slappers for me and I (pretend to) like them. It’s great to see how much each of us has grown in our abilities to not only do these exercises but also lead them with confidence.

Hang in there T Square, let us know if we can do anything to help-


Next time, more burpees

After the burpee challenge over the weekend I wanted to provide a workout worthy of attending so I thought I had a beatdown prepared. Little did I know that Stroganoff was using this workout as a “warm-up” for his opportunity to double down at Midori-freaking-yamasaki. Good for you Stroganoff-proud of you for pushing it to the limit. Next time, more burpees….

Started with Disclaimer, then WU with 10 reps IC with SSH, Squats, LBC…..zzzz, bored again so jumped into 5 burpees OYO X 3 sets to start some mumble chatter. And then we began…

The Thang

Mosey around the parking lot in a circle/square shape and half way around did MTFs (Merkins To Failure)-do as many as possible to exhaustion/failure then rest X 20 seconds then repeat for total of 3 sets. While the first set for me was nothing to brag about, the 2nd and 3rd sets were something I plan to keep to my numbers to myself. We continued the mosey for almost another lap then did squats X 50 IC. This was a leg burner with early mumble chatter but no little girl whiny voice from the usual crowd, will have to address that next time.

We then continued the mosey around the school to the dumpster/bus area for review of 5 rules of F3 then partnered up with P1 doing running loop up few stairs, down ramp, over to the dumpster/jump on loading dock then down the ramp while P2 did sets of squats and flutter kicks. Original plan was 2 sets each but Stroganoff ordered a 3rd helping so we continued as requested.

Then we took a short mosey to the picnic tables…..short set of dips then……hip slappers-still my favorite and definitely a crowdpleaser. We did 15 IC, changed positions, 10 IC, changed positions again then 5 IC (not sure if numbers are correct). We moseyed from there to the Eye of the Storm/Art Thing for quick reminder of King/Queen/Jester. Then moseyed back to start for Mary X approx 5minutes then Pledge. Think there were 5 burpees OYO somewhere in there also but not sure then did pledge.

Ended with prayer requests, announcements, then naming of Wonder Woman (FNG) posting compliments of  Guinness-he was not present and believe there is a name for EHing someone but not posting with them but cannot recall.

Great job guys, think we had total of 30 men post today (I counted Stroganoff twice since he posted twice today) which is really great. Proud to be part of this group of men who are making a difference. Keep it up-find someone to EH this month (at least 1 or 2 this month) and get them here. Lot of guys need this.

until next time-Whoopee out

Merkin & Burpee Downpour

The Storm took on its name on the drive over this morning. Heavy rain and lighting an hour before I felt sure would lead to a light crowd if any?  To my Surprise 8 regulars and 1 FNG posted to start the day off right.


Warm Up (IC)




Mosey at a friendly pace around parking lot

Imperial Walker




10 min of Run and Merkins around upper parking lot

Run 1 min

Merkin 1 min

rinse and repeat for 10 min

After 10 min one more lap for good measure and than plank at the gate for the six.

Flutter Kicks (ICx30)

5 min of BUrpees

10 Burpees a min for 5 MIn

Flutter Kicks (ICx30)

Mosey to the Softball field in search of BA Blocks. Unable to locate the blocks we had to call and audible and do Dora 1/2/3 with out

200 Squats

100 Merkins

50 Burpees

Partner runs down thread trail to bottom and back up while other does above exercise.

Ran short on time and had to stop short of Burpees. Mosey back to cars for COT.

One more round of 10 Burpees.


Welcome Bill Fangman (Chocula)


Prayer Request-: T-Squares son

Not having the word of the week with me I found this little bit of advice on Twitter this morning. Three words we often hear that tend to have a negative meaning

F irst

A ttempt

I n

L earning



E ffort

N ever

D ies


N ext

O pportunity


As always a pleasure to lead this group.



Trashcans and Dumpster Diving

So I came in a little hot this am having forgotten to put out the trashcan by the road the night before. I had to make a quick stop before getting out of the driveway to take care of the trash which at least in my house has always been a “man’s job.” JK2 pointed out that my kids could certainly be doing this, so I may have to reassign my duty to one of the ladies of the house. For now, however, the trash will remain in my domain as failure to perform this task will not be pleasant for me. In the past 10+ years I have missed only 1 morning. The pax did not realize this would not be the only discussion involving a trashcan today-more on that later.


WU: 10 each of the following IC: SSH, Squats, LBC, Burps, Old Man Don Quixote, had more but got bored and started the Thang…


Mosey to baseball field and 10 merkins at each speed bump on the way (not many), at field we did AMRAP exercises for 50 seconds then rested for 10 seconds, repeato X 2 sets of each of the following: flutter kick, squat, merkin. I tried to elicit some jokes from the pax but clearly this was not a humorous situation…

Mosey to back of school by buses with merkins at speed bumps on the way (back tracked a little just to mess with the pax, however this did not achieve the desired mumble chatter, note to self-can work on this for next time). In back of school we partnered up and did 2 sets of Dumpster Diving: P1 ran a short loop involving a few steps, a ramp, and a jumping onto the dock (thanks for the word TSquare-had a lapse of vocabulary) while P2 did AMRAP exercises of Merkins, Squats, and Burps. The Burps were a crowd-pleaser I think. TSquare kept us entertained with some comedic relief (“she said go ahead and start, I said I’m already finished” or something like that). I think this is also where Stroganoff threw in a few mocking comments in his little girl voice-that’s when I know the rock is truly being pushed. We did a quick count off to catch our breath, I provided a wonderful sermon (about 3 seconds which I can no longer recall what the topic was) then we moseyed back to the front of the school (little bit faster pace).

In front of the school we joyously performed some hip slappers-these are still my favorite. We did 10, then 15, then 10 reps I think. I got some dirty looks on this one-Mission Accomplished. My weinke was almost empty at this point so I had to make some stuff up on the fly-we continued our mosey to the other side of the front of school and split up in 2 groups. Group 1 did Mary while Group 2 did dips until Mary was finished. I think we did 4 total sets of these.

The final part of the Thang was a little bit of surprise I think to some of the pax. We moseyed over to the flag appearing to plan for the pledge and finish up, however, we had a few minutes so……we did Minutes of Burpees:P1 does burpees for 1 minute while P2 does a minute of whatever exercise he wants to do. At end of 1 minute we flapjack and P2 does 1 minute of burpees while P1 does 1 minute of whatever exercise he wants. We did a total of 4 rounds of this (2 minutes of burpees each).

We finished with the pledge, announcements, and COT/prayer.

Dolph, get well soon. OutHouse and Dad doing Marathon (?half marathon) this weekend. Safe travels for the middle school going on the field trip. Few others I can’t recall.

Dad and 2.0 event at Schiele this Saturday at 230pm (planetarium show starts at 3pm). Those without 2.0’s welcome also-I’ve got a couple extra…

Advisory Board Meeting this Sunday at 7pm at GSM Intergalactic Headquarters-all pax welcome.


Four Corners!

Pax started rollin in one by one. It was nice to see the return of Mayor with his beardless face. Dolph returned to the herd this morning as well. Great turn out by all this morning. Mumble Chatter about “sore legs and let’s get this party started.” Pax not fully aware of what was to come…here’s what happen…best I remember!

Mosey around the islands with butt kicks,high knees, left side shuffle, right side shuffle.
Circle up:
Welcomed FNG
SSH 20ic
Wind Mills 15ic
Mericans 10ic
Freddy Mercury 10ic
Morocin night club 20ic

The Thang:
4 Corner Esclade
Mosey from corner to corner (sorta)
Corner 1- 10 Burpees
Corner 2- 10 Burpees, 10ic mericans
Corner 3- 10 Burpees, 10ic mericans, 15ic LBC
Corner 4- 10 Burpees, 10ic mericans, 15ic LBC, 20ic Mt. Climbers
Corner 4- 10 Burpees, 10ic mericans, 15ic LBC, 20ic Mt. Climbers
Corner 3- 10 Burpees, 10ic mericans, 15ic LBC
Corner 2- 10 Burpees, 10ic mericans
Corner 1- 10 Burpees

6/7 exercises(failure to remember)


Always a pleasure to lead you guys. Had a lot of mumble chatter. I like it!!! Sorry about the long lunge mosey from corner 1 to 2….. BAD IDEA, mistake was noted and will be felt for days after.
Remember all events coming up!
Remember prayer request
Great to have new FNG (respect) Steve aka “Chaps”
Til next time fellas!!!

Stormy Weather, The Sequel

Of course, since YHC has the Q at the TheStorm, the forecast calls for 65% chance of rain at 0500. Last time I Q’d TheStorm we had another downpour and I tried to keep the PAX somewhat dry.  Since the temperature was expected to be about 58 deg, we are going to just ignore the rain and plan a regular workout. #NoCantores.

Ok… 0530.  No FNGs.  Start with full disclaimer (because we should).


  • I am not a professional
  • You are participating at your own risk
  • You are responsible for your own well-being
  • You are here voluntarily, and you are not paying to be here
  • Know your limits and do the best you can


Warm Up

Regardless of the rain, since Jobu was gracious enough to unlock the gates to the “playground” early, we hit the track for a warm up lap.  Finish at 50 yard line and circle up.

Next we continue our warm up with the following exercises…

  • Mericans x10 IC
  • Low Slow Squat x10 IC
  • Toy Soldier x10 IC
  • Body Builders x10 IC (8 count)

Stretch. Rinse and Repeat 5 times.  Thanks to the PAX for keeping me straight and not skipping the Toy Soldiers.  After the first round, YHC figured out how to count Body Builders.  I got this!

The Thang

Next exercise is the Merican Suicide Ladder.  Starting at goal line, run to 25 yard line and back then complete 5 Mericans.  Do this 6 times.  Rinse and repeat 3 times, increasing reps by 5.  Third time we modified and replaced Mericans with CDDs.

Mosey to bleachers.  Run up and down stairways.  Finish at top center of bleachers.

Next exercise is the Modified Lazy Dora 1,2,3.  Partner up. P1 does AMRAP while P2 planks. Flapjack until team reaches combined number of reps.

  • Mericans x50
  • LBC x100
  • Squats x1500


Wrap Up

We finished the last set at 0615.  So we skipped the “Mosey back to the parking lot” and hit Namorama, COT, BOM right there.

Enjoyed the fellowship of the small group today.  Glad to be here!



Who doesn’t like poker? Why not a little F3_Stud?

8 PAX braved the windy gloom for some improvement this morning.

20 Hillbillies IC (Appalachian Americans)
20 Merkins IC
25 LBCs IC
25 Moroccan Night Clubs IC

Short mosey to the picnic table.


As many rounds as time would allow, the YHC pulled out a deck of cards. There were immediately moans from the PAX and before instructions could be given, ideas were flying on what face card counts should be. In order to help keep the PAX from mutiny the Q asked one of the PAX to shuffle the deck and then quickly deflected the barrage of comments with his own plan, as follows:

Pull 1 card from the top of the deck and deal to the PAX, we are all playing the same hand, in the Stud fashion. This card would represent the number of exercises to be done, and the suite would give the exercise.

Face value for number cards with J=11, Q=12, K=13 and A=14
Hearts = Burpees OYO
Spades = Squats IC
Clubs = Merkins IC
Diamonds = WW2 Situps OYO

After each set of exercises the PAX would take 1 laps around the parking lot Approx. 1/4 mile.

Not in order:
J-Spades, 8-Hearts, J-Diamonds, 8-Diamonds, A-Spades, 7-Spades, A-Clubs, 10-Diamonds, 6-Spades.

Finished with a round of Peoples Choice Mary.

Music Under the Lights

According to Twitter, a beatdown with 80s rock edition was promised so I did not want to disappoint. We had a small coupon to carry around (bluetooth speaker) with threats to be punished with a double helping of BRR legs if was dropped with Pandora adds interspersed with 80s music. Yes, JK2, that was my music growing up and after I get finished taking my multivitamin and prostate medication I will hobble my crippled butt over to you and beat you with my cane….

WU: 10 reps IC of the following: SSH, Freddy Mercury, Squats, Superman (cut that short, was not funny, will trash that one as I thought was really a waste of time other than humorous relief by Stroganoff who was not present today-rough few weeks-you get a pass), Burps (no pun intended T Square), LBCs, Cross Body Mtn Climbers, then 5 Burpees OYO.

The Thang:

Mosey around the parking lot together with called exercise at each speed bump with each exercise done AMRAP (as many reps as possible) for 1 minute. The exercises included the following: Merkins, Cross Body Mtn Climbers, Burpees (thanks for the suggestion Defib?), LBC, Renegade Rows (plank position with alternating arm raises), Jump Lunges, Table Top Toe Grabs (excellent form Joboo), Plank Jacks, and Prisoner Jump Squats.

Once finished with that, we moseyed to the art thing/Eye of the Storm for another round of the above exercises X 10 reps with 10 different Pax taking turns leading the exercises-great job guys.

We then moseyed back to start for some Mary for about 5 minutes.

Announcements, Prayer requests, named an FNG Sean Corkerin (?spelling) RADAR-glad to have you-brought in by Sargento.

Advisory Meeting this Sunday at 7pm-all Pax invited. International Headquarters of GSM.

Great start to the day-Whoopee

“Just Leave Me There if I Die” – #TheStorm BB

This morning’s disclaimer was a little different than normal: in addition to what we normally say, I added that I was feeling terrible and that it was okay for the PAX to just leave me if I happen to cough up a lung and keel over. Surprisingly, everything we did seemed to clear out my system (at least for the time being). A pair of head lights eclipsed the hill just as we were about to start, so we started with Monk’s message for the week and pledge while waiting for the last straggler to join us. When everyone was present and accounted for, we began with:

Warm-Up (In-Cadence)

  • Side-Straddle Hops x15
  • Don Quixotes x15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x30
  • Merkins x15
  • LBCs x15
  • Mountain Climbers x15

Partner Up

Dora 1-2-3

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 LBCs
  • Partner 1 exercises while Partner 2 runs down to the next light pole and does 2 Burpees, runs back, and switches with Partner 1 (Aggregate counting).

Mosey to Student Entrance of SCHS

  • Bunny Hops x30 (Aggregate counting) onto stone benches
  • Derkins x50 OYO on stone benches

Mosey to Traffic Circle

  • Hold plank while each man runs around the traffic cirle
  • Side Note – this was an awful idea after all those Derkins

Mosey to bottom corner of the SCHS Practice Field. Alternate between Zombie Walk (Lunge-Lunge-Squat) and Backwards Zombie Walk up the hill, switching at each light pole, until reaching the top. (Forward-Backward-Forward-Backward)

At the top of the practice field, we completed Burpicides down the hill and back. All-in-all, there were only five Burpees, but lots of running in between each.

Mosey back to Start for Mary

  • Flutter Kicks x15 (IC)
  • Freddie Mercury’s x15 (IC)
  • Homer to Marge Remix (single leg alternating)
  • World War Sit-Ups x10
  • Mason Twist x15 (IC) (‘Merica)

Word of the Week

“And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” Luke 22:19

Announcements, Prayer Requests, Name-o-Rama, Prayer

#TheStorm: Cinder Blocks And Bellies

16 PAX (including 2 FNGs) showed up for a cinder block beat down.

This was my first chance to post in awhile due to my coaching schedule, my sons sports schedule, and other things that have come up.  I figured I might as well Q on my return. My goal was to make this a good upper body workout.  I enjoyed the mumble chatter today and really enjoyed Mayor and Godfather discussing who’s belly helped them the most when doing curls with a cinder block.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs  x 15
  • Monkey Humpers aka JoBu’s x 10

We had FNG Guiness coming in hot and yours truly yelled at him thinking he was a regular….glad I didn’t scare him away.

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Mosey to BA’s truck to get the coupons (cinder blocks) and pair up

A lot of good chatter that included bellies helping some of the PAX with the different lifts….Mayor and Godfather had the advantage

  • Zombie Walks To The First Speed Bump/300 Chest Press WIth Cinder Blocks
  • Backward Zombie Walks To The First Speed Bump/200 Bicep Curls With Cinder Blocks
  • Run TO The End Of The Fence/50 Tricep French Curls With Cinder Blocks
  • Run To THe End Of The Fence/30 Blockees

Set coupons to the side and circle up

This Is When Some Of The Pax Said They May Have Trouble At Work Doing Anything With Their Arms…

  • Wave Of Merkins 5,4,3,2,1
  • Wave of CDDs 5,4,3,2,1
  • Ring Of Fire WIth 14 original Pax doing Exercises x 10
  • Burpees, Merkins, LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Dying Cockroach, JoeBoos, Side LBCs, Freddie Mercurys, CDDs, WW2 Sit Ups, Imperial Walkers, and 2 other exercises I cannot remember….


Nameorama: 2 FNGs; Guiness and Jersey Boy

Announcements: 1 year anniversary coming up and Burpee-a-thon

Prayers: Top Hat lead us through prayer

Coffeeteria: 2 at Floyd And Blackies

It was nice to get back and Q a workout.


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