Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Labyrinth (Page 3 of 10)

Welcome Back…

First Q in a while, only second Q in a year.  5 pax enjoyed the glorious gloom for a Hushpuppy Beatdown.  1 FNG, Jess arrived.  EH’d by a friend in Atlanta, he was told “you should try one in Gastonia!” so he did.  As we approached startex, who should mosey in out of the gloom at a  swift pace?  None other than Stroganoff!

The thang:

Warmup with some Imperial Walkers, Side straddle hops and Merkins. Mosey’d to the fieldhouse at Marthas.

11’s with Merkins and LBC’s while running the length of the sidewalk.

Found some picinic tables for some dips, step-ups and derkins.

Found some playground equipment to do some pullups and calf raises on.

Played on the swings by doing some suspended crunches (hands on the ground, feet in the swing, pull your feet towards your chest).

Did some squats

Returned to the picicnic tables for more dips, step-ups and derkins.

Meandered back to startex for 5 minutes of Mary, with more imperial walkers, Flutters, Big boy situps, LBC’s and oblique crunches.

Prayer requests mentioned were:

EZ Rider, Tooth Fairy’s Daughter, Turtle man.

Welcome Jess Still, AKA Amazon!


Back to School

In honor of the first day of classes for most students in Gaston County, The Labyrinth went Back to School.

YHC arrived to find Maybelline sitting lonely by the shovel flag after getting in some EC. Capt Stubing rolled in a little before 0530, and it was time to go.

(Very) Quick disclaimer

The Pledge

And time to hop on the bus…

Like the giant yellow school buses, the PAX needed a little warm-up. With the tune of The Wheels on the Bus playing in your mind, the warm-up went like this:

Wheels on the bus go round and round: Freddie Mercury IC x 15
Wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish: SSH IC x 15
Horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep: Burpees x 5
Driver on the bus says move on back, move on back, move on back: NUR a lap around Snoball’s

Time to mosey the bus down the road. Our route took us up (and down) Gastone’s Hill. Had to pick up the kids on the bus, so at every mailbox (up and down) 5 Merkins (27 mailboxes, which Maybelline was able to calculate as 135 Merkins). Props to the Site Q for being ready to math on the first day of school.

After picking up the kids, the bus was on its way again. We found out some of the kids forgot some of their school supplies so we had to stop by Dollar General on the way to school.

Little Timmy forgot his Squats, so we picked those up for him. He got one for each kid on the bus so we did 27 Squats IC.
Maybelline forgot his Mike Tysons so we did 27 Mike Tysons IC.
Capt Stubing found a cockroach on the bus so the kids each stomped one out and we did 27 Dying Cockroaches IC.
There are no weapons allowed on the bus, but Little Janie forgot her American Hammers so we had to pick those up. 27 American Hammers IC

Now that everyone had all their school supplies, the PAX moseyed across the street to the school.

First class of the day was Geometry so we started with a lesson on shapes. PAX did Rectangle Four Corners in the parking lot.

Corner 1: 10 Plank Jacks
Corner 2: 10 Plank Jacks, 20 Squats
Corner 3: 10 Plank Jacks, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs
Corner 4: 10 Plank Jacks, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs, 40 Flutter Kicks (count 1 leg)

Only had time for 1 class today so time to mosey back. Stop at the base of Gaston’s Hill to drop off the kids (let them walk up the hill themselves, bus driver got to get home) Merkins x 5

Mosey back to Snoball’s

F3 dads – 8/20 in Belmont
PT Test in September
F3 lunch (which was yesterday, I blame the low attendance on YHC not writing this BB fast enough)
JJ 5k
Convergence w/ Lake Wylie (Details TBD)

Prayer Requests
Jennifer, Maybelline’s co-worker with foot injury
Simpson family
Kids, parents, teachers as school starts back
Men and women in armed services
Murtaugh in Texas
JJ’s aunt, surgery for broken hip

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Substitute Q – Labyrinth 7/6/22

5 PAX met for some kettlebell work none of us expected.

JJ, Watts up, Murtaugh, EZ Rider and myself kicked it off with a warm up and then did the thing.

Single-arm over-head march down to the bank parking lot then split into sort-of pairs and did some butterflies, swings, curl and press, alternating between that and a mosey down to the entrance for burpees and big boys.

After we finished an absurd number of each of those, we marched back up to pelicans and did a few rounds of Mary with JJ going for the flutter kick world record.

COT, announcements, pledge and EZ said a word of prayer. 

A good time was had by all!

– Maybelline

Dónde estoy?

Sometimes you lose track of time. Sometimes you don’t even know what day of the week it is. It happens. This story begins after the workout on Monday at The Sandlot, not Martha’s House. Told the PAX that I had Q that Weds at The Labyrinth (also not Martha’s House). Watts Up mentioned not having the Uno weinke in a while so YHC immediately knew what we’d be doing on Weds at The Labyrinth (not Neverland).

YHC showed up this AM to find a lonely GSM vehicle in the parking lot so YHC knew that EZ Rider was there waiting. As YHC was walking from his vehicle, a PAX rolls up on his yellow motorcycle. In dramatic fashion, he removes his helmet and Roscoe reveals his identify. Two more vehicles tear into the parking lot with only a coupe of minutes to spare before 530. After cutting the pleasantries short, we got to work…

The Pledge

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

Mosey to the building between the ballfields at the park. The Game is Uno and the cards determine the exercises. 7 cards per hand with a mosey around the field after each hand.

Red: Round 1 – LBCs; Round 2 – Crunchy Frogs; Round 3 – Reverse Crunches
Yellow: Rd 1 – Squats; Rd 2 – Calf Raises; Rd 3 – Jump Squats
Green: Rd 1 – Flutter Kicks; Rd 2 – American Hammers; Rd 3 – Freddie Mercury
Blue: Rd 1 – Merkins; Rd 2 – CDDs; Rd 3 – Hand Release Merkins
Draw 2 – 5 Burpees
Draw 4 – 10 Burpees
Reverse – Mosey a lap clockwise around a ballfield
Skip – Lunge walk between the fields
Wild – PAX choice x 25
1-5 – Multiply the number by 10 to get the reps
6-9 – Multiple the number by 5 to get the reps
0 – 10 reps

After shuffling and having EZ Rider cut the deck, the first hand was dealt.

First Hand:
Yellow 3 – 30 Squats
Wild – 25 Squats (EZ Rider’s choice)
Green 3 – 30 Flutter Kicks
Red 5 – 50 LBCs
Yellow Skip – Lunge walk down the path to the third light on the right
Yellow 5 – 50 Squats
Red Skip – Lunge walk down the path to the second light on the right

Mosey a lap around the field

Second Hand:
Yellow 0 – 10 Calf Raises
Blue 9 – 45 CDDs
Green 8 – 40 American Hammers
Green 9 – 45 American Hammers
Red 9 – 45 Crunchy Frogs
Red 6 – 30 Crunchy Frogs
Yellow 8 – 40 Calf Raises

Mosey a lap around the field

Third Hand:
Yellow 9 – 45 Jump Squats
Green 8 – 40 Freddie Mercury
Green 7 – 35 Freddie Mercury
Draw 4 – 10 Burpees
Yellow Skip – Lunge walk down the path to the first light on the right
Red Skip – Lunge walk down the path to the third light on the left
Green 1 – 10 Freddie Mercury

Mosey a lap around the field and back to Pelican’s

Tubing on the Green River – This Sat, be there at 10:30
Blood Drive in August
F3 Dads in Belmont in August

Prayer Requests
EZ Rider family members
Traveling safeties
Hushpuppy – 2.0 trip to NYC
Murtaugh travel to border to assist with patrol
Maybelline – Co-worker Jennifer foot run over by forklift

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Should we rename Gastone’s hill?

Having done some EC with EZ Rider, YHC almost skipped the warmup, but we did a little.

From there we mosey’d toward Gastone’s hill.  Stopping every 3rd light for either merkins or squats (x5)

Upon arriving at Gastone’s hill partner up.

partner 1 plank

partner 2 up 2 mailboxes and 5 merkins.  partner1 catches up and then collectively they fall back 1 mailbox.

Then we did an ab exercise.

Back down.

Then backup stopping at every mailbox doing an EZ Rider called exercise.

Then another ab exercise.

Back down to the 1st cross street.

Sprint 2 to 2nd mailbox and then mosey the rest.  Reversed on the way back.

Mosey to the next cross street.

Skipping and Nurring.

On down to the parking lot.

Ab Exercise.

Back toward home, again stopping at every 3rd light for squats/merkins.


Announcements were made.

Prayer Requests were mentioned.


YHC took us out.


Watts Up Powering down.

Black Panther Sighting in Gastonia!

YHC was reading Whoopee’s BB was thinking “Luckily that panther didn’t get us”.  But the made YHC think, did it really happen since the backblast hasn’t been written???

Well, here it is…


Seven was total (well six when we started since Whoopee was still getting his shoes on) when 0530 hit.  All experienced PAX, including a JarJar who hadn’t posted in a light year or so. (See what I did there?)

Anyway, we did some warmup.  You know the typical stuff; SSH, Arm Circles, stretches, etc.

YHC found a workout from yester-year when PF was just an empty grocery store.

Mosey behind PF to their ramp…. (Why did they build a ramp behind PF, when they have a flat front entrance, inquiring minds may want to know, but its a good place to stop)  Bear Crawl up the ramp x 2.  This caused a little discussion/grumbling from the PAX, so we did it a 3rd time ( I think it was really Dirt’s idea BTW)

With that pitstop done, on to the FL parking lot.

Start the spots nearest PF.
Sprint/Mosey to the nearest lightpole – 10 Jump Squats
Nur to starting spot, 10 SSH
Sprint/Mosey to the next lightpole (1 Burpee at the first lightpole) – 15 Jump Squats
Nur to starting spot, 15 SSH
Sprint/Mosey to the third lightpole (1 Burpee at the first & second lightpole) – 20 Jump Squats
Nur to starting spot, 20 SSH
Plank for 6 (or join them)
10 count.
“Recovery” run around the frontage building.

Now it gets fun.

Repeat with Jump Squats replaced with HRM and SSH with Mtn Climbers.  YHC suggested an alternate locomotion format, but that didn’t workout well.  Most moseyed.

Funner yet…

Repeat again with HRM replaced with Monkey Humpers and Mtn Climbers with Hammers.  Locomotion: Skip

No time for another round.

Head the steps between the parking lots… 10 calf raises each step.

Mosey back behind PF.  Oh, the ramp, lets stop an bear crawl down the ramp.   Once was enough, plus time was counting down.  Head back to the flag.

The group rounds the Bellacino’s corner with YHC, EZ Rider and Whoopee leading….

Out from the dumpster jumps a massive (read that as HUGE) black panther.  Did I mention it was big?  From here the details get a bit fuzzy, or maybe it was my vision.  The battle was intense.  It was touch-and-go for a bit.  But we managed to save the remaining PAX from the panther.  We did such a good job, not sure they even knew it was there.

Having made it out alive, we continued onto the flag, with a brief stop at the wall for some dips and step-ups.

Announcements were made and prayers lifted.

Thanks to all for the opportunity to lead.



Watts Up Powering Down.

May the Fourth Be With You

The week prior Dirt asked for a Q for next week. My first thought was “YHC could do it”, but when he said it would be May 4th, that sealed the deal. After developing a hokey, Star Wars-themed weinke, YHC showed up in the gloom on May the 4th to find a parking lot emptier than Dagobah when Luke landed there in The Empire Strikes back. As 0530 approached, two figures were headed back from the park. Only three PAX would defeat the dark side of the force and escape the fartsack for this intergalactic adventure.

The Pledge


SSH IC x 10
Markins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10

Mosey to the park

Starting far, far away at the end of the parking lot closet to the playground, we’d go through a round of Death Stars. Partner up (ummm, with only three, someone would be going Han Solo; yep, YHC just said that).

Partner 1 made the Kessel Run to the other end of the parking lot.

Partner 2 stayed and completed a round of exercises. One exercise for each Kessel Run trip.

S – imperial Squat walkers
T – Tie fighters (lunges while doing arm circles, who knew, it’s in the exicon)
A – AT-STs (AlTernating Shoulder Taps; the Empire used those in the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi)
R – Reverse crunches (OK, nothing related to Star Wars for R in the exicon)

So what makes them Death Stars? The exercises were AMRAP while the partner ran. That’s not a small parking lot…

After that was complete, mosey to the building between the baseball fields.

Star Wars Trivia – Start at 25 SSH and 1 burpee. For every question the PAX got right, SSH decreased by 5. For every question the PAX got wrong, burpees increased by 1. After the question, the PAX would mosey half-way down the path between the fields and complete the exercise. Unfortunately for YHC and Watts Up, Dirt was not a Star Wars fan so it was all on WU. At this point, I believe these were the questions that were used (had a longer list) and in somewhat correct order.

Trivia Question: In Star Wars, what do they call the invisible power that binds the galaxy together?
Answer: The Force
Correct – 25 SSH

Trivia Question: Who is the creator of Star Wars?
Answer: George Lucas
Correct – 20 SSH

Trivia Question: What is the name of Boba Fett’s ship?
Answer: Slave 1
Wrong – 1 burpee

Trivia Question: Who is Chancellor Palpatine’s Sith alter-ego?
Answer: Darth Sidious
Wrong – 2 burpees

Trivia Question: What is the name of Han’s friend running the cloud city of Bespin?
Answer: Lando Calrissian
Wrong – 3 burpees

What year did the first Star Wars movie come out?
Answer: 1977.
Correct – 15 SSH

Question: According to Yoda, there are always how many Sith Lords…no more, no less?
Answer: Two (Rule of Two).
Wrong – 4 burpees

Question: What color was Mace Windu’s lightsaber?
Answer: Purple.
Wrong – 5 burpees

Mosey back to Snowball’s.

Murph at Sandlot on Memorial Day at 0700

Prayer Requests

YHC would have done a better job documenting these announcements and prayer requests but left his phone at the building at the baseball fields. After the prayer, had to sprint back to pick it up.

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Did we do 3 or 4 Rounds?

Only 4 Pax showed up for The Labyrinth this morning.


This is a copy from one of HIPPA’s warmups and thought about it on the way to the AO.  Though he doubled the count.

Side Straddle Hop IC x 25

Seal Jack IC x 20


Plank Jack IC x 15

Smurf Jack IC x 10

5 Burpees for the ambulance that went up Union Rd.  (My new tradition when I Q at The Labyrinth)

Bomb Jack x 5 OYO


Mosey to the BOA parking lot for 5 x 5 Burpees.  Five burpees at one end of the parking lot, mosey to the other end for 5 more Burpees.  Rinse and repeat until 25 burpees are complete.


Mosey to Fidelity Bank for Four Corners.  Since we only had 4 PAX, I asked the other three to pick an exercise for the other three corners.  Here is what we did:

10 Inch Worm Merkins – Dirt

25 Flutter Kicks – Defib

25 Crunchy Frogs – Hush Puppy.  Omaha to 15 Pretzel Crunch each side after the first round.

50 LBCs – EZ Rider.

Rinse and repeat x 3 or 4.  We discussed this during our next routine, but nobody could remember how many rounds we did.


Mosey back to BOA for another round of 4 Corners.

10 Backwards Lunge (each leg) – Dirt

10 Dimond Merkins – Defib

10 Wide Arm Merkins – Hush Puppy

50 Calf Raises – EZ Rider

Rinse and repeat x 3.


Mosey to the KFC parking lot and select a coupon form the drainage ditch.

50 Presses from our backs.  Put the coupon on the ground and move 1 position to the left for 30 Curls.

Move 1 position left and do 30 Squats while holding the coupon. Dump the coupon and head back to the flag for 50 squats and a 1 minute plank.



Thanks for showing up in the gloom gentlemen!

Ring of Fire at The Labyrinth 1-5-22



Warm Up:

Seal Jacks IC x 20

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 15

Merkins IC single count x 10


Time to get to work………

Calf Raises at the side of Pelicans.  A little different spin on them this time though.  Up and hold until the down command.  Time progressively got longer each time we went up.   Rinse and repeat x 5 then run a lap around Pelicans.  We did this three times.

Mosey to the old bank building for Ring of Fire starting with CDD’s.  Circle up. All PAX hold CDD position.  One PAX does one CDD, then the next PAX does one until we go all around the circle.  Next round is 2 CDD’s, then work up to 5 CDD’s.  Mosey a lap around the bank.  Rinse and repeat.  The third round we did LBC’s.

Mosey to BOA where we did Ring of Fire doing Burpees.  Only one burpee each round for 10 rounds.  We got progressivley faster with each round.  Mosey around the bank. Rinse and Repeat.  The third round we did Flutter Kicks and hold 6″ up to 5.

Mosey to Fidelity Bank for Ring of Fire doing Jump Squats up to 5.  PAX in circle did Moroccan Night Clubs will they waited.  Mosey around the bank.  Rinse and repeat.   We did CDD’s for the third round.

Mosey back to Pelicans to two more rounds of Calf Raises.


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