Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Fighting Yank (Page 5 of 18)

3,2,1 Go Get it Done!

Might as well been my VQ as it’s been a long time but it was good to get out and lead 13 HIMs. Focus was on the Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit. I attempted to create a triangle with burpees done in 3,2,1 form and all items other than stretching were in 3s.

Here’s the low down

Moseyed to the auditorium for the warmup as we were sardines packed ok the curb of downtown Belmont. We got in:

3 sets of SSH, plank jacks with 3,2,1 burpees after (3 after first set 2 at second, etc)

Moseyed again feeding around the track to the middle school wall for some quality wall time

3 sets of wall sits (45 sec), wall shoulder taps, and Jackasses (leg wall kicks, they were called several other names while progressing) 10-15-20 reps; after each set we ran a lap around the track. And then let the moseying begin for a good bit down to the tennis courts near David Park.

my true VQ did take us here and so Sargento intelligently and insightfully pointed this out. You can’t argue that Wolfpack grads are smart. My rant spoke of myself golden tennis years and how suicides were a big part of being competitive. So the AGASSIS went into full forge

part 1 – length if the 4 tennis courts, an exercise at each of the far end doubles line, we did

3 sets of merkins, American hammers, werkins, lunges (10-15-20 reps) 3,2,1 burpees at end of 3 sets

now, take it into sprint suicides ok one court

3 sets flutter kicks, CDDs, LBCs and mountain climbers. 10-25-20 reps again.  10 counts were sprinkled in to make sure no pass outs.

back hone tennis suicides complete. Agassi would be proud!

we made a pit stop on the way back and did some Shady stretching –

balls to the wall then take left foot to left hand on wall 10 secs, right foot to right hand 10 seconds rinse and repeat.

we made our way back to where it all began at the auditorium. Did some Mary with a de calling  out exercises and then ended with 10 burpees.

made our back right in time for the Yank Bell to ring. Boya!

Shared the underlining message of we are each one that lives with the father son and Holy Spirit with us  don’t take that for granted. Stand strong and be the light of Jesus in a broken jacked up world

Declared the pledge

and then announcements / prayers

21 blood drive registered
22 goal
43 ceiling

Canned good drive – 12/19

Orange man – surgery for daughter
Tiger family members
SA surgery
Lynn hamm – breaker breaker
Young life – off on a trip

It may have been rough but each of you are tough, remember 3,2,1, God’s son and GO GET IT DONE!


slim shady out ✌🏼

They got violated. Kinda. Not in that way. You’re gross. Get your head out of the gutter Whoopee

Yank – 11/14

Temp: Cool, 40ish?

Crowd: Grew fast, 11 total. With the PT Test at Gashouse didn’t know how many we would have. Good turnout


Jacked up!

The Thang:

A Triple HIPAA Violation on Main St.!

11’s but with 3 exercises and 3 stops up Main street each stop with 7 squats

3 Exercises:


Diamond Merkins

Bobby Hurleys


115 Burpees (we did 5 more to get us to 8AM), 110 Diamond Merkins, 110 Bobby Hurley’s & 210 Squats

We got it all in with time to spare. Boudin wanted a tour of Belmont so off we ran. By my watch we got in 2.5 miles total. I think Slim Shady said he had 3.5 miles. Either way we got miles in. Non-stop the whole time. FNG Objection said he hates cardio but needed more of it. Well you got it today!


Welcome FNG’s:

Ringo – Musician (Drummer), plays worship music & has an album?

Objection – Lawyer in Charlotte, need i say more? wonder if he knows of the law firm Redding Jones, PLLC?


Announcements and Prayer requests were said

I’d tell you more but it would be a HIPAA Violation.

Thankful Yanks

12 Men recovering from black Friday and then I showed up as well. No FNG’s  Disclaimer given let’s warmup!!

Warmup 20 IC

SSH while I explained the plan.

I borrowed this plan from my longtime friend Pizzaman. He ran this for the annihilation crew a few months back. I want to run more so this is a great way to get some miles in. I also adjusted the Burpees.  Only we had to all stay together and since its still thanksgiving; we stopped a couple of times to share some thanks. We even visited El Tigre’s  new house and gave him some Monkey Humpers. Brutus has a good watch to keep distance; so he kept up with our 1/4 mile stops. Thanks to him for helping me.


SSH X 20 IC (Explained what the plan was during this)

The Thang:

YHC created a 4 mile route and at every 1/4 mile marker the PAX were to perform a set of exercises.

The exercises were…

5 Moroccan Night Clubs

10 merkins

15 squats

20 Flutters (each leg)

Then on to the next mark…strong work by all!!

With that complete and around 10 minutes to go we moseyed to the covered shelter for Some warm down and stretching. 5 Burpees to top it off.


11/21/20 – The Fighting Yank

Disclaimer – Long disclaimer since we have an FNG!



Warm Up

Goof Balls IC x 20

Plank Jacks IC x 21

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 19


The Under Card

Mosey to the shelter at the top of the hill (Temple of Doom)

Perform a set of Dips, Bulgarian Squats (each leg) and Derkins, and then run the loop around the lower end of the park.  Sets of 10, 15, 20, 15, 10 OYO.  Plank for the six after each round.

Mosey to the back of the middle school for wall sits and hip slappers IC x 10.  Rinse and repeat x 3.  These were a crowd pleaser!


The Main Event

Mosey to the front of the middle school for Figure 8’s using the 4 corners of the sidewalk and crossing in the middle for 3 Burpees each time crossing.  The exercises in the corners were:  Monkey Humpers x 20, Flutter Kicks x 20, LBC’s x 20 and Dying Cockroaches x 20.  We completed 4 rounds of this as time was running short.


Dirt’s Favorite and a PAX favorite

Mosey to the steps at First Baptist Church for calf raises.  I’ve gone two Q’s without calling out Calf Raises so I couldn’t resist doing them now.  I hope everyone got DIRT calves from them!  I did.

Calf Raises IC x 40 double count.  Rinse and repeat x 4.


Mosey to The Fighting Yank.

Welcome an old friend of the family, FNG Jonathon Wilson who is now F3 Couch Potato.

Thanks for pushing me today gentlemen.


Warm November Morning at the Yank

YHC got to The Yank a little early to set up and fact check some of the trivia questions.  There was already a guy there.  I didn’t recognize him, but he had an F3 shirt on so I new he was not foe.  It was Carrier who came across the mighty Catawba to join us for a beatdown and pick up some shoes from BOS.

Quick disclaimer since there were no FNGs.  Like I normally do, I let the pax know there was going to be some trivia for them this morning.  A question would be asked.  Exercise ensues.  An answer would be given.  If that answer was correct, we just keep on moving.  If that answer was wrong, 5 burpees for everyone.  I was a little nervous when I saw Sargento show up, since I’m not sure he’s ever gotten one of my trivia questions wrong before.  The dude is a walking, talking encyclopedia.

Mosey the long way around to the pavilion for some Corewood.  We did 25 of each exercise on my count:
– LBCs
– Crunchy Frogs
– Pretzel Crunches
– Freddy Mercuries
– Leg Raises
– American Hammers

Mosey to the pit where I had written several exercises in chalk in parking spaces.  The pax needed to do 25 of each exercise then run a lap around the pit.  Some of the exercises included:
– Merkins
– Lunges
– SSHs
– Diamond Merkins
– Hill Billies
– Bobby Hurleys

There were more and I had them all written down on my weinke, but my M threw it away.

Mosey up near the field of dreams.  Pax had to do the following exercises – pull ups, merkins, dips and one lap around the track.  Started with 5 pull ups, 10 merkins and 15 dips for the first round.  Second round we went up to 10 pull ups, 20 merkins and 30 dips.  For the third round, the weinke had us going up to 15, 30 and 45 but I heard a little mumble chatter asking to go back down after the second round instead of up on the reps.  So we ended up doing 5, 10 and 15 for the third round.

We then did some Dora 1, 2, 3.  It really only ended up being a Dora 1, 2, 1 since we were running low on time.  100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 100 LBCs.

Mosey back to where we started for our COT and pledge.

Prayer concerns:
– Brutus’ M having surgery

– PT Test next week at Gashouse
– BCO takes donations for gifts for kids for Christmas
– Carrier thanked the pax for all of the shoe donations

It was a lot of fun, men.  Thank you!

Fighting Yank Pumpkinfest

Many of our F3 brothers started their day early with some extra credit this morning.  Well done!  As I approached Stowe Park around 6:30 am there were already F3 vehicles lining the street.  As the numbers grew so did the mumblechatter and it wasn’t even 7am.  At 7:00:05 YHC was accused of having a slow watch.  Our three FNGs were identified, legal briefing completed and we were off.  There was not enough room for 28 guys to warmup on the sidewalk.  Across the tracks to the parking lot behind the barber shop.

Warm up:

SSH x 25 IC/ Abe Vagoda x 25 IC This is where the mumblechatter got serious and I knew I was in for a long morning.  Imperial Walkers x 25 IC / Mtn. Climbers x 25 IC & 10 Burpees OYO.

Mosey down the road to the church Pumpkin Patch.  Grab a Pumpkin and circle up.  Not kidding…grab a Pumpkin and circle up.

Round one:

Pumpkin Curls x 20 IC / Pumpkin OH Press x 20 IC / Pumpkin Hammers x 20 IC / Pumpkin Squat x 20 IC / Brief pause to knockout 5 Burpees for the passing train.  Back to our Pumpkins.  Pumpkin Shoulder Press L/R x 10 OYO It was at this point that Oblivious bounced his Pumpkin off the pavement.  No damage but made for a good laugh.  / Pumpkin Sit Ups x 20 IC / Pumpkin Tricep Extensions x 20 IC / During PTEs I was informed there was a Belmont Police Cruiser behind me.  So we skipped the lunges and finished up with Pumpkin Overhead Flutters x 20 IC.


Skip the Bear Crawl and forget Round two.  Return your Pumpkins and lets hit the road before some gets locked up.  Cross the street for 25 IC Monkey Humpers for the neighbors.  More mosey and partner up at the bottom of the hill for some Dora.  Partner 1 runs to fire hydrant at top of hill and returns to take over exercises.  Partner 2 begins exercises.  100 Merkins / 200 Flutters  /  300 Squats and 400 LBCs suggested by Dirt.  Mosey back to the Yank with a NUR up the hill on the way.  Sorry Mary not today.  We are out of time.

Thank you for playing along.  We had a great turnout today topped off with three FNGs!  Keep EHing guys and reach out to brothers who have been missing lately.


Convergence Saturday 10/31 / PT Test 11/14 / November challenge see preblast for details.  Grab a few brothers to hold each other accountable.

Thanks for the opportunity!






Sharpen Up November Challenge

Most men in life are in the middle of the bell curve  unless we choose to be be better than that.  If you believe you are one of those guys in the middle, then this is especially for you.    I am talking to the guys that post a couple days  a week and call it good.  The guys who are passively involved in one or two F’s.  The one’s who don’t avail themselves to all the items on the F3 Menu.  The ones who won’t do a CSAUP or Q a workout regularly.  The ones who don’t lives their lives intentionally and “oversleep” instead of making a decision to wake up and get after it.  This challenge is to push that bell curve to the right.

I have heard some clamoring among the Gashouse PAX for a challenge along the lines of the 40 day challenge so here it is.

No excuses!

VISION:  In November you are going to challenge yourself to a few required physical tasks as well as maintaining standards to increase your acceleration.

This challenge can be modified based on your fitness level but make sure you make it happen.


1st F Requirements:

100 Miles combined run/ruck miles for the month to include:

-At least one ten-mile run and…

-At least one 12-mile ruck

-Or…one combined run/ruck of 15 miles

One Murph workout

Combined total of at least 25 workouts (30 minutes minimum, CSAUP’s count as 1)

Hydrate and take in protein after each workout.

Dietary Guidelines:

No Soda

No Fast Food

No sweets

No chips

More water

More salads, vegetables, and lean meats

No alcohol* (except at Bottom’s Up, F3 Gastonia’s only standing 2nd F event.  Limit yourself to two drinks (Moderation in all things, including moderation))

Cheat meals must be EARNED!   (with the exception of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a cheat day)

Seven workouts in a week earns you a cheat meal.

Going to Q-Source on Sunday morning earns a cheat meal.

If you have never been to a Q-Source session and go to your first one, you get an additional Cheat meal.

Persuasion:  Don’t be weak.  If you aren’t strong, you’re wrong.  That is it.  Make a shared Google Doc with your Shieldlock to track your mileage.  Journal your posts using Notes on your phone or some other method.  Post on Slack to update on your progress #accountability

YHC encourages Site-Q’s to schedule a long run or Ruck or Murph sometime during the month.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.  Otherwise, commit now to the challenge and quit making excuses.  Covid 2020 has been a real challenge  but we can continue to improve.  Prepare for this challenge now so you are ready.    The challenge begins with a ten miler at the Coconut Horse on November 1st, followed by Q-Source.  I am sure my friends in NOGA will make a similar option available.

EXHORTATION:  Quit being soft,



Mixin’ it up in Belmont!

So when YHC took the Q at The Fighting Yank a couple of weeks ago for today he looked at all possibilities to shake things up a bit. As the day drew near it appeared we may be in for some interesting weather. So YHC decided to design a workout that too advantage of the AO (a great one) and got us in the elements with some degree of a contingency should we get lightning, which YHC has determined is a danger to the pax. So we wound up with the following results:

COP in the Temple

Arm and trunk stretch

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Grapevine stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Nolan Ryans X 20

Mosey around the park and around the track and back to the Temple.

Burpees X 10

Jump Squats X 20

Merkins X 30

Jump Lunges X 40

LBCs X 50

Run up to stairs and on the street for butt to the rear monkey humpers.

LBCs X 50

Jump lunges X 40

Merkins X 30

Jump squats X 20

Burpees X 10

Triple nickel on the grassy knoll:

Bottom: 5 diamond merkins

Top: squats

R&R 5X

Over to the tables in the park:

Dirkins X 10

Big boy situps X 20

Dips X 10

Step ups X 10 each leg

Run around the park.

Rinse and repeat 3X, run again after 2X. Mosey up to the Field of Dreams as the warm up ends and the 4th quarter begins. And as we all know in a Tesla driven workout everythnig is just a set up for the 4th quarter.

Bear Crawl Slalom, divide the pax up in  two groups of seven, Tiger takes the 2s, YHC the 1s. Winner team gets 5 burpees, loser gets 10. 1s win. YHC does 10 with the 2s. That’s a leadership thing.

SSH X 10

Squats X 10

Mosey to the center of the field.

Werkins X 10

AHs X 10

Broad jump to the end of the field

Barely enough time for one half pipe:

Top: Plank jacks X 5

Temple: HR Merkins X 5

Street: Butt to the street monkey humpers X 5

Pledge and done.

NMM: Planned for rain but was able to get out in the environment and run around, which we were going to do anyway. 65 degrees and rain is no biggie. We most def mixed it up as the ‘blast indicates. Remember the 10/31 convergence at Martha Rivers in Gastonia. More or less the 6 year anny of the region. Looking forward to that one.

Welcome FNG Snow Bunny, looking forward to your progress in the program brother!

Pleasure to lead this group. Buttermilk was served. So was livermush afterwards. How could you improve on that?





You Tube Ab Workout

It was a beautiful fall morning, and 19 men showed up to get better.  It turned 7 am, so YHC gave the disclaimer and then we moseyed down to the pit for a warmup.


20 Moroccan Night Clubs IC

10 Grass Pickers IC

10 Merkins IC

Mosey to the shelter in Stowe Park for a little Tabata work 20 seconds on 10 seconds of rest

Round 1





Mosey around park back to shelter






Mosey around park then up to the track behind the middle school. We did the following exercises with running half the track in between

100 squats

90 LBC

80 Lunges

70 Merkins

60 Plank Jacks

50 Monkey Humpers

With the time running low  Omaha to 20 Burpees.

Mosey back down to the Shelter for a little You Tube Ab work out posted below. Once complete fellowship mosey back to the Yank and time.



Fighting Yank 9/26

YHC first Q in a while at the Yank, good to be back.  Brought along a couple of FNG’s.  Welcome to Adam Lee and Will Kiefer, forever to now be known as Snookie and Geezer.

7:00, let’s go.  SSH, Toy Soldiers, Grass pickers, all 10X and IC.  Wait, here comes Sargento on his own time.  Let’s get 10 burpees for him.  He didn’t even do them.  Oh well, you against you.

Mosey behind Sammy’s and turn the corner, come back to corner of the park.  Stop.  Suicides up the hill.  Begin with 10 hand release merkins at start.  Run to first utility pole and 10 LBC.  Back to start for 10 hand release, next utility pole for 11 LBC, adding one at each pole.  Continue from each pole to the start until make way to the end of the road at Central Ave.  11 poles total.  Plank for six.  Recover

Cross road to First Baptist.  Everyone get some wall.  10 step up each leg, 10 dips, 10 Derkins, 5 burpees for the train.  Three rounds.  Stay at wall for suspension planks.  Three rounds, first is 30 count, 40 count, 45 count.  Mosey behind middle school.

Partner up.  100 big boys partner style.  Partner one starts, other runs down drive and back.  Mosey to fountain for few minutes of mary.  Mosey to Yank.  Time.

Good work by all, and welcome to FNGs.

Had a quick word on taking some quiet time and listening for God to speak to us.  We often think that God’s direction is hard to discern, but it may be that we don’t allow God the chance to speak.  Give HIM the chance.

Announcements: JJ5k that would be starting soon, Mt Mitchell hike

Prayer requests: Stephanie McMahan, Double Stuf friend who passed family, Banks family from Gastonia

YHC took us out in prayer

Always an honor


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