Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Fighting Yank (Page 3 of 18)

Late birthday celebration

My first Q at The Yank came four days after my 36th birthday and during only the second installment of The Bunker, so I thought we would have fun with the warmup but it kinda got boring after a while. Here’s what happened.

Warmup in the pit 36 of each IC
gravel pickers, some said Gavel pickers
Imperial walkers
Toy soldiers
Merkins OYO

Yankers split from the Bunkers and this is the “fun” we had.

Bear crawl up the driveway from the pit.
5 burpees at the top.
Bear crawl 2 parking spots, stop then do 10 Merkins
Repeat until the stop sign.
Mosey to the hill at the townhomes, I hate this hill but we also need the challenge. We counted of by twos, there were only 8 of us so it wasn’t too hard.

1’s runs the hill and the 2’s did the exercises AMRAP then we switched.

—Apolo Ohno
—Reverse Crunch
—Overhead press squats
—Newton’s Cradle

Next we Moseyed to the school to grab some wall. Stop close to the pit for 10 monkey humpers for the Bunkers.

10 Donkins(donkey kicks into a merkin)
30 sec wall sit
Repeat 3x

A few minutes left to do one partner work.

100 WW1’s

Mosey to the Yank and welcomed by monkey humpers from the Bunkers. That’s time.

Prayer Request:
Brutus on a mission trip
Big Pappy and family
Breaker’s Son and daughter-in-law flying home
Buckshot’s family friend who has a baby with a tumor

Blood drive June 16 in Belmont. Search Fthree Gastonia to signup.
Grow ruck 24 in Charlotte August 6 weekend

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.


The Bunker & The Yank – OH MY! 5.15.21

It was a beautiful day to launch a new AO in Belmont!  Twenty of F3 Gastonia’s finest descended on Belmont and The Fighting Yank to checkout this new thing they heard about called The Bunker.   YHC and HIPAA had the plan.  The guys showed up and we were off from the normal launch point at Stowe Park.  No FNGs present so a brief disclaimer was given and we set off to checkout the The Bunker in the “pit” behind Sammy’s.

YHC took the warm up.

15 Side Straddle Hops / 15 Grass Pickers / Imperial Walkers / Moroccan Night Clubs & 10 Merkins – All IC

Stretch – Arms R &/L –  aka Grapevine stretch, then Legs – R over L,  L over R , feet together all reaching to your toes.

All warmed up, its time we launch!  HIPAA took charge of The Bunker and began working his magic on eight pax.  You might not run at The Bunker but you are going to sweat!  YHC took ten guys down the road for the The Yank workout.

It went something like this.  Indian run around the block out to Main street and up to Cherubs to the flower boxes.

10x Derkins / Step Ups / Dips.   20x Box Jumps / Incline Merkins / Monkey Humpers.  10x Derkins / Step Ups / Dips. 20x Box Jumps / Incline Merkins / Monkey Humpers.  10x Derkins / Step Ups / Dips.

Mosey around the block behind the barber shop.

Partner up for DORA.

Partner one runs length of parking lot.  Partner two begins workout.  100 American Hammers / 200 Plank Jacks / 300 LBCs / 400 Flutters with 5 Burpees mixed in for the train.

At this point I planned to return to The Bunker to take some pictures and hand off the Q to BubbaSparxxx.  I handed off the Q but did not return as planned.  Don’t ask…

BubbaSparxxx took us to find a hill behind the pit for some BLIMPS.   Exercise in cadence then sprint up the hill.

If my memory serves me…B=Box Cutters then up the hill.  L=Lunge then up the hill, I=Imperial Walkers then up the hill, M=Merkins then up the hill,  P=Pretzel Crunch,  S=Side Straddle Hops.

Thank you BubbaSparxx!

Return back to The Bunker crowd for the last five minutes of their workout, the pledge, announcement and prayers.

Great work guys!  Fun launch HIPAA!  Support HIPAA his crew and our new AO.  Bring out some new and old guys!

See you in the gloom!


The PT Test NOT

YHC offered to Q The Yank on PT Test Saturday for those pax that did not want 250 reps of the same thing over and over and over and…

After a standard warm-up of SSHs, toy soldiers, Don Qs and burpees, the HIMs grabbed a couple of coupons out of The Chariot and moseyed to the pit.

The workout went something like this:

11s with wall sit presses at one end and jump squat presses at the other. Oh, and a pavee (not a blockee or brickee) each time crossing the mid-point.

After a 1-2 count off, a 2 team Dora was called.  Team 1 ran the outside of the pit while Team 2 performed an exercise (merkins, wall sit punches, MNCs, LBCs, and squats with arms held high), with a flap jack after each exercise. Everything was done with the coupons. YHC likes to hear mumble chatter, and a non-counting block o’ reps greatly aided in that endeavor.

With plenty of time to spare, suicides were in order using extra coupons to mark the turn around. Start with 5 hip slappers, run to the first coupon and do one pavee, run back. Do 5 dirty hook ups, run to the second coupon and do two pavees, and so on. 5 big bois, and 5 diamonds finished up round 1. Round 2 was in reverse, beginning with 10 diamonds, running to coupon 4 and do 4 pavees, and suicide back down.

A quick mosey back to The Chariot to drop off the coupons, and YHC asked Dirt for a full set of Dirty Calves at the stairs. Mumble chatter was high! Just enough time for some Mary and time was called.

Announcements: Young Life Golf Tournament May 10, Grow Ruck event in Charlotte in August, Free to Bleed 4/29 at Noble Smoke, Free to Bleed at Park Street Church in June

Prayer Requests: Praise for Dirt and his new job, CPAP and other pax looking, Gavel to stay motivated, Stephanie Macmahan, Turtle Man, and Sprinkler’s surgery.

Tiger took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Train Racing

It was a perfect morning to get out and push the rock at the Yank. There was plenty of EC being had by ruckers and runners alike. You can’t beat springtime in God’s country. This is what happened…

WarmUp – The patented Sargento Right Over Left IC, Don Quixote’s IC and of course Goofballs IC – Countoff so we know how many of us there are.

Mosey around the corner to the back end of the parking space road parallel to the train tracks. Lunge walk between spaces and do a burpee at each line. Plank for the six. YHC’s keen senses alerted him that a train was en route and realized we needed to get across quick or else successful completion of the weinke would be in jeopardy. Sprint across the tracks as the crossing arms were coming down! Made it with a full tally of PAX per the countoff.

Mosey to the Abbey Alley for a round of new stuff. Line up against Nelly’s wall for Australian Plank Jacks IC. Alternate to Wall Sits with air presses IC. Back to the Australian Plank Jacks, then Wall sits too.

Mosey around the corner to the back of Primal Brewing where the day before over a beer at Bottoms Up, YHC had contemplated the next day’s Q. This is what was created.

The Thang: DOCKS (as in, the loading dock feel of Primal’s outside area)

Partner up, #1 does each exercise, #2 runs to the end of the dock, up the stairs, back to the other end and bear crawl the handicap ramp. Each letter represents the following exercise. Do 50 reps of each.

D = Diamond Merkins

O = One Arm Pickle Pounders (thanks to my M for suggesting this one)

C = Copperhead Squats

K = Knerkins (aka Chuck Norris Merkins)

S = Scorpion Dry Docks

This was a beast of a routine so to recover we listened to Moby’s “Flower” for some Bring Sally Up. It was a crowd pleaser for sure. As a second act, rewind the DOCKS routine but do 25 reps this time around.

Mosey back toward the start but stop off at the mural wall beside city hall for a round of 11’s. On one side do Dirty Hook Ups, at the other side do dips. This sucked too.

Head toward the new pavilion for the last hurrah.

Mucho Abbo! Do in cadence reps of the following: Sleeping Hillbillies, Flutterkicks, Dying Cockroaches, Rosalitas, Protractors, V-Ups, Oblique Crunches, Nolan Ryans

Pledge of Allegiance. Time’s up! Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements – Convergence, PT Test, Short Sale’s challenge

Prayer Requests – GSM, Turtleman’s recovery, Flintstone’s sister, PAX out of work, Neutron’s daughter Vivian recovering from heart surgery

4/3/21 Fighting Yank

15 Showed for my Virgin Q at the Fighting Yank.
The Yank was my first post back in May of 2020 and it was fitting that I had my first Q there.
The theme of the workout was teamwork. Although the theme was never stated the men had to work together to get the 3 bags around the track 10 times (team 1 had 7 and team 2 had 8 men). The first few laps were a bit slow and tedious. Once the preferred methods for carrying were discovered and bags were exchanged efficiently the lap times improved.
Started off with the Pledge then a short disclaimer and we were off to the pavilion.
15 PAX attended and no FNG’s were harmed in this experiment (none present).
3 sandbags were used, approximate weights were 60#, 65#, and 87# respectively.
Warm up: (10 min)
⁃Mosey to pavilion:
⁃25 Side straddle Hops in cadence
⁃20 Grass Pickers in Cadence (oops… stopped early on these and restarted to get 20)
⁃15 Shoulder Presses
⁃10 Merkins in cadence
Mosey to track:
DORA: (45 min)
Team 1 takes sandbags around track while team 2 does the following (once a lap is completed then they switch):
⁃Bobby Hurlies
⁃Wide merkins
⁃Flutter kicks
⁃Plank/Downward Dog
7:52 Mosey to Fountain:
⁃Mary – Buckshot, Brutus, Tesla, Slim Shady each called out an exercise while they lapped the fountain.
⁃Mosey to the Yank Statue to finish on time.
⁃YL Golf Tourney May 10
⁃Donations- wipes and tissues
⁃Park cleanup (Clampett will post on Slack)
⁃Amoeba Ruck May 22nd
⁃1st F Challenge (Merkins)
⁃Prayer requests:
⁃Pax looking for work
⁃Pax on IR
⁃Praise from Pockets for the men of F3

Gettin’ with it at The Yank!

So YHC took the Q this morning at the old stomping grounds – The Fighting Yank! With spring now in full force and temps about perfect it was time to GET WITH IT for these pax that came with an attitude to do just that. YHC aims to please! And so we did that starting at 7 am promptly.


SS – burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Grapevine stretches

Nolan Ryans X 10 each side

Mountain climbers X 20

Mosey to the top of heartbreak hill for some half pipes

Half pipe :

Top: plank jacks X 5

Bottom: HR merkins X 5

Top: MH butt to the road X 5

Rinse and repeat.

On the track for some six – shooter action.

10 burpees – lap

20 big boys – lap

30  merkins – lap

Take a break and go down to the playground for a little action as follows:

Pull ups X 10

Diamond merkins x 10

step ups X 10 (each leg)

Run the steps and back.

Rinse and repeat 3X total

Back to the six shooter

40 squats – lap

50 CDDS – lap

60 SSH – lap

mosey up to the school parking lot as we get ever closer to the 4th quarter!

Two minute drill

Partner up. P1 runs the end of the lot to the road and back P2 does called work. This goes for 2 minutes

1st drill: Merkins X 2 minutes

2nd drill: LBCs X 2 minutes

3rd drill: American Hammers

Now we get to the REAL part of the day – we are most def IN the 4th Quarter! So guess what’s up boys? Yep, you got one right!

Bear. Crawl. Slalom! And with a good sized crowd on the Field of Dreams everyone got three turns! Massive test.

After Party: SSH X 10, 1 Turkish get up. Jump squats X 10, 2 Turkish get ups.

Run back to the other end.

1/2 way: 5 HR merkins

end: 10 HR merkins

Game over! Could not have timed it better. 8;01 actually. nobody complained about that! Pledge


Pax hit it hard today. We didn’t even stop for a 10 count. Stayed up and at it. Slalom was awesome today. Really created a challenge and the need to gut it out to get it done. That’s the 4th quarter. It’s about pushing the hardest when you are dog tired and want to quit. In F3. In life. The 4th is the difference maker. It’s where the legacy comes from. The leave right part. So getting tougher in the 4th quarter for YHC is a nonnegotiable thing. Every time, all the time.

Welcome FNG Palmer. New to Belmont via RTP and Tennessee. Looking forward to lots of posts from him. Great Q source by Breaker. Ruckers were out for over 2 hours.

Tesla out



A DoJo Showdown – Take 1

4 non super runner HIMs made their presence known for a Karate Kid themed workout that Daniel-son would chuckle at. Exercises were a showdown between Cobra Kai vs Miyagi Do. Cobra Kai was No Mercy intense speed and Miyagi Do was more calculated, hold positions with some occasional Daniel-Son cranes!

It definitely had some bad producing as the Apple Watch weinke or maybe the Q didn’t capture the thang well…

Anyway…this is what went down without one sad clown in town…

Warmup: Knee Ups 25 IC, 25 Ballerinas 25 IC, MOROCCAN Night clubs 25 Finkle Swings attempted but yikes!!!


Mosey to soccer field 54-58-73-75

Miyagi do and Cobra Kai
Plank punches
Plank kicks
Daniel son Knee ups
Daniel son – crane
Squat punches
David Lee Roth burpee – scissor kick burpee after each round 5

Donkey kicks
Wall punches
Wall kicks
Wall spider
Run and repeat


Thang:  Mosey to pavilion to setup the DOJO.  Spoke a little about the theme and asked some questions on ages of main characters of karate Kid/Cobra Kai.

We did a series of exercises with reps equal to the ages of Johnny Lawrence(54), Daniel Larusso (58)Miyagi (RIP, 73)and John Kreese (75) in the series

54 reps, hill run, 58 reps hill run 5 burpees
Plank punches
Plank kicks

73 reps, hull run, 75 reps hill run  5 burpees                     Daniel Sons
Squat punches

Moseyed to THE WALL of Belmont Middle.       15 reps of Donkey kicks, Wall punches , Wall kicks Run a lap and repeat….
Wall Meditation in 15 second intervals
Ballz to the Wallz
One leg down flapjack
Ballz to the Wallz
run a lap and repeat

Chest and core are important. A fighter needs to be able to take a punch to the chest and abs…Moseyed to the picnic shelter and here’s what followed

Each set finished with a hill run up and down

we finished back where we began the THANG at the DOJO with abs

LBC Karate style with punches
scissor kick leg lifts
Squat holds with core engaged for 30

Ended with announcements, Prayer Requests (Rebar – heart results coming), Name-0-Rama. and then oh yeh don’t forget the pledge!!!

RINSE and REPEAT better version of this weinke will occur somewhere soon!!!

THE QUICK WITTY – we’re all called to be Godly men – sometimes that requires striking first for someone to know Jesus, being bold, striking first for Christ by helping those less fortunate. Whichever the Dojo, the principles of BOTH DOJOS together create a powerful punch for us as leaders in this world, in our community and most importantly in our household!

-YHC, Slim Shady

3/13/21 The Fighting Yank

Fifteen HIM bounced out of the sack and hit the streets of Belmont for a morning heart revving good time.  It went something like this…

Started with a short mosey to the pit behind Sammy’s for our warm up.

20 SSH – IC / 20 Gravel Pickers – IC / 20 Imperial Walkers – IC & 20 Seal Jacks – IC followed by

10 Merkins – IC / 10 Mtn. Climbers – IC /  10 Merkins – IC / 10 Plank Jacks – IC & 10 Moroccan Night Clubs – IC

Mosey through the scrub and up Myrtle for a 3 at 3.  Three burpees at every third telephone pole.

Next stop the church walls & steps.  At the wall 10 Derkins / 10 Incline Merkins / 10 Dips. Then run up and back down the church steps.  Three rounds.  Rinse and repeat with three rounds of 10 Flutters / 10 LBCs / 10 Squats.

Indian run around the block to the pallets of cinder blocks the builder has left there for us.  Its at this point this crazed man came screeching to a stop in the middle of the road yelling something about “GIVE ME 10 BURPEES.”  He jumped out of his truck, dressed in his work clothes and knocked out a few burpees, jumped back in his truck and he was gone.   I guess Tiger didn’t burn off enough energy during our pre bootcamp ruck.

Now back to business.  Grab a block.

25 Curls – IC / 25 Overhead Press – IC / 25 Rows Right – IC / 25 Rows Left – IC / 25 Press – IC  Lose the blocks.

Slow mosey back to the track for a partner Dora.  100 Squats / 200 Flutters / 300 LBCs

Slower mosey back to the Yank where Bubba Sparks and Orangeman helped us stretch all this work out and we were done!

Great work today guys!  I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.


Tour of Page Primary School

We started off running…all the way to Page Primary School.  It was a little over a mile warmup.  Once we got to the school we found a nice brick wall and did a 60 second wall sit.  Moseyed around to the back of the school for some Corewood that consisted of:

  • LBCs
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Dying Cockroaches
  • American Hammers
  • A round of protractors where each pax called out an angle and counted to 10

Then we did a Route 66 with merkins along the parking spots.

Back to the wall for a 60 second wall sit.

Moseyed around to the front of the building for a Dora 1-2-3 where YHC challenged the pax to partner up with someone they didn’t know well.  We did 100 shoulder taps, 200 LBCs, 300 squats for the exercises.

Back to the wall for a 60 second wall sit.


Mosey back to the bottom of Hawthorne for a triple nickel.  Monkey Humpers at the bottom, plank jacks at the top.

Mosey to the yank to finish.

Of course, there were trivia questions sprinkled in throughout the workout.


Prayer concerns/celebrations:

  • Scurvy just got engaged (to El Tigre’s daughter)
  • El Tigre’s brother is having prostate surgery
  • Rebar is having heart issues

Thanks for joining this morning, men!

OK Guys; Show Me Your Monkey Humps!!!!

As I roll up my normal 20min. early, I notice that the Belmont streets are already being claimed by some PAX getting in some EC.  Little do they know that I have learned from all the canoes and have a douche of a workout planned for us.  As everyone is rolling in and PAX  finishing their EC; We gather by the Kiosk and chat and fist bump to start the workout. A car rolls by and a lady hollered out the window “Hey guys, Show me your Monkey Humps” So we obliged!!  Come to find out that she is from Cherubs and has been educated on Monkey Humpers. (I’m pretty sure that she has already pinched Orangeman on the backside!) It was pretty awesome. With time ready and everyone bursting to get started; Lets begin!

Warm up

5 Burpees OYO

I forgot what was after but it was short and sweet! Lets Mosey.

Moseying started and it came a concern that Freight and Boudin were  MIA. Phone call was made and no answer, we sent Bos on a mission. It was established later that they are on a ruck mission.

Mosey to the stop light at the corner of Myrtle and Main. We will start there with an exercise and then mosey to the next corner at Myrtle and Central perform another exercise, then go to Central and Woodrow for another stop and then on to the corner of Woodrow and Main and then stop at the RR tracks for another exercise and head back to the start. Rinse and repeat. This is a 1 mile loop

Corner 1


Corner 2


Corner 3


Corner 4

Toy Soldiers

Round 1 is 10 reps All reps are IC. So its 5 IC first and then 10 and then 15 for the last round.

Round 2 is 20 reps

Round 3 is 30 reps.

RR tracks we completed 5 Burpees on round 1, 5 Eight count Body Builders round 2,  Round 3 was SSH 40 IC.

First round we came across a train and I heard someone say that another PAX had a rule of 5 burpees for trains. Although I kept going and instructed the PAX to not stop; All  stopped and did Burpees while 2 of us kept moving and waited at the next corner. The plan was for Burpees at the train tracks on the other end. 🤷‍♀️ So I only gave them 5 at the tracks instead of the planned 10.

On the second and third rounds I needed help counting a few times. So I asked Pizzaman and Tooltime to help. Thanks guys.

On the third lap we detoured to the pullup bars for a Triple Nickle.

Pull ups and Imperial Walkers.

Some PAX did a Lunge in between. Some slow moseyed. We were pretty beat by then.


Mosey up to the next stop.

Mosey over to the front of the school. for another detour. I asked a few PAX for an exercise so we can run the figure 8 course.  We performed 6 exercises around the front loop. We completed 1 loop and then got back to our last lap. Do each exercise 10 times single count.

Peter Parkers, Burpees, WW1, Hillbillies, 8 count body builders and Shoulder Taps

With 3 more stops ahead and time catching up lets move. After the tracks we met the ruckers and gave them 5 more Burpees to finish out the morning.


Good job everyone. Way to push!!!


Strids of March and several marathons and other events. Check twitter and slack.


Prayer Request:

Please pray for me and my attitude.

There are many spoken and unspoken request. Please keep each other in your prayers. Remember God is in control!!

Praise report:

Each morning as we wake lets thank God for his goodness. Lets learn by Christ’s  examples.


Thank you brothers for your support. Till next time!!


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