Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Fighting Yank (Page 1 of 18)

The Fighting Yank – May 4, 2024

YHC stole the Q this morning at the Yank. Not that I had intended on getting up and working out, but when I awoke from my sleep at 6 a.m. and was wide awake, I was like let’s go workout.

Seeing no FNG’s, I gave my typical disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

1/4 Mosey
10 Windmill IC
10 Toy Soldier IC
10 Imperial Walker IC
10 Merkins IC

BEATDOWN #1  (Elevens):
10 squats – 1 Plank Jack

FOUR CORNERS (Escalating)
10 Merkins
20 Lunges
30 Seal Jacks (Eh Yall made an apperance at this corner)
40 Monkey Humpers for Bos who made an appearance at this corner.

Mosey to the corner of Myrtle and Main for some work.
10 derkins
10 irkins
10 mike tyson’s
10 hand release merkins
10 dips
10 step ups (count one side)

Headed over the old Belmont Middle School track. At each loop we did an ab excersise.

  • 25 flutter kicks (count one side)
  • 25 american hammers
  • 25 alternating shoulder taps
  • 25 mountain climbers

Myrtle Road Climb (Escalating)

  • 5 Jump Squats
  • 5 Imperial Walker Squats
  • 5 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 5 Big Boys
  • 5 Burpees (this was the last)

Wrapped up at COT with announcements and prayers.



We Did Stuff

Started with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Counted off…

The warm up consisted of a little mosey and a little exercise on our way to the bunker.

At the bunker, we used some newly acquired (for the Yank) blocks for some overly complicated work. (or so YHC was told)

After that, we hid said blocks…. Let’s see if these stay.

Moseyed up to the track for some grinder type work, along with some Dirty calves.

Back to the pull up bar for some hanging knee lifts and other ab work.

On to the Yank for a few dips and Orangeman’s favorite exercise.

Named Jelly Roll’s 2.0.

Did some announcements.

Noted prayer requests and praises.


YHC took us out.


Nothing fancy, just like this BB.  Although there was a fair bit of mumblechatter, but who listens to all that…


Watts Up Powering Down…

4Q Convergence At the Yank

So we had 4 Q’s for the 4th Quarter convergence at the Yank.  We had five runners  for 5 early miles and one rucker for a solo effort prior to the start.  The best part was Whoopee introducing himself to Cheesesteak and thinking he said “Cheesedick” and then introducing Cheesedick* to Ballsack* (balljoint)

*Don’t let your kids read this…

In any event, everyone who showed up was in good spirits as Sargento led us in a pledge of allegiance and then ordered us to mosey to the Bunker for a warm up.

We did some goofballs and some merkins and some other things before we counted off and got in groups of four for some ring of fire-esque bearcrawl/lungewalk around the circle thing.  It was great.  Lots of mumblechatter.  After Sargento, he handed off to Gavel who ordered us to run to the track behind the old Belmont MS.  YHC had a great conversation with Sargento and Def Leppard about chaffing in the nether regions (8miles requires some astro glide) and dollar store bandaids for nipples.

Gavel had us doing some field work 11’s with some WW2 and Mike Tyson’s.  Slaw was killing it before we ran out of time and handing it to Flintstone.
Flintstone ordered up three wise men options for triple nickle, zombie walk thingy, and some other thingy followed by some Morrocan nightclubs.  Then YHC took over and ordered PAX to partner with someone they didn’t know very well.  We ran back to the bunker and each PAX was to share something that was previously unknown about them to the other PAX.  I partnered with Orangeman and learned quickly he is not gay, or willing to learn, and he has never tried it (TMI), but he is very proud of all three of his daughters for individual reasons.

When we got to the bunker, we kept partners and alternated doing burpee long jumps and lunge walks for a couple rounds in the lot, followed by endless merkins while the other partner took the stairs and a lap and switched up.

The mumblechatter was strong with guys chatting it up and enjoying plenty of second F.  YHC called a jailbreak back to the Yank and called time.  There was a massive Q Fail when we had to “take two” on the video nameorama but you have to own it!

We shared prayer concerns for Jackson Hall, Huckleberry, Jane Fonda, and TURTLEMAN.

Breaker took us out in prayer and a dude with a Trump hat and a Nascar jacket took a group photo and then Stogie skipped breakfast to fellowship and hopefully EH the man to F3.

Many PAX left to eat breakfast at other places like TimeOut and Byrum’s but we had a nice showing at Cherubs where discussed needing to EH a plumber to F3 and a gynecologist whereby Balljoint said, “isn’t that the same thing?”

One thing we learned is when you have four Q’s for an hour time flies.  I could have kept going and even the EC run wasn’t long enough.  You guys are fun to be around and it is always something to look forward to every single day.

F3 is a blessing to me and I am honored to spend time with you and be your Nantan this year.  I hope to see most of you at the Christmas party where we learn who will be the 2024 Nantan and leadership team.  Ballsack said he is performing Vanilla Ice on the karaoke too so there is that.

I will probably write a Christmas party BB but just in case, I want to thank the 2023 SLT.

Flinstone, Balljoint, Stogie, Dr. Seuss, Gavel, Purple Haze, Sarlacc.

I also want give a special shout out to GEARWRENCH who had the hardest job because you joker’s aren’t consistent with getting your backblasts in on time.




Ball and Plate

Open Q was schedule to Q on this Saturday.  Asked if he would mind if YHC took it instead.  Being gracious, he relented after checking with Gavel, of course.

0700 hits with only vets, so a brief disclaimer.

We moved to the entrance to Mill St for the warmup.

Goofballs, Merkins, plus a couple of others.

Stopping back by the truck to pick to “friends” for the day – 10lb Slam Ball & Sparky Special Plate ~15lb.

Breaking the group into two, the two friends were carried up Myrtle in “suicide” fashion.  (You should been there to understand)

A bit of Dora followed in the church parking lot.

Moving to the stairs, we did some bear crawls up and crawl bears down.   Then calf raises up.

Moving to the wall, we did a few rounds of Dips, Derkins, and Step-Ups.

Then back down Myrtle in the same fashion we came up.

Dropped the kids back by the truck before finishing up with a little AB work.

The Pledge of Allegiance ended the time.

Announcements were made.

Prayers and Concerns noted and lifted.


Thanks for the opportunity…

No Kids in Sight

Gavel asked for a Q on F3 Dads at The Yank.

YHC volunteered figuring if no non-Dads showed, YHC might be able to join in with the kids.  The fears of this were quickly alleviated with PP already being on-site upon arrival.

0700 hit with Nutria starting with 5 burpees for the current train and The Pledge of Allegiance.   Then we parted ways.

3 joined YHC for a mosey around the block, stopping about halfway around for some stretching. Continuing on around, across the tracks and back to the back parking lot.

Time for YHC version of The Sheldon Cooper:

10 Flying Squirrels, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats, 10 Big Boys.

Run a lap, then repeat with one less rep.

Olsen was well on his way, so to keep all together, YHC called intermission after the 6 rep.

Intermission consisted of 1 min People’s Chair, 1 min Catcher Stance, 1 min low plank.

Then back to finish the Cooper.

Then a repeat of intermission but at 2 mins.  YHC had to call catcher’s early as the old knees where yelling (read that as old, fat and need to practice more)

Then two rounds of 15 count Mary, so AO policing before heading back to the flag.

2 rounds of dips and incline merkins and it was time.

No sign of F3 Dads, so we continued on.

Announcements were announced.

Prayers noted.

YHC took us out.

(Still no sign of the other group)


It was an honor to lead.


Watts Up Powering Down.

Crowd Control

41 showed at The Fighting Yank for a final 4 showdown of the Q vs Q, Whoppee vs Freight. Emeritus vs Emeritus. Hair loss vs Great hair. This is what went down.

Several minutes before the start I announced you better be doing your warmup now because the thang starts at 0700. With a limited time competition we have no time to waste. Flintstone filled everyone in on what was going to happen and at 0700 he handed it over to YHC. Let’s mosey! Around the block to the backside of the old school where we circled up for instructions. I put everyone into 3 man teams. I figured we would have a good many people and when that happens it’s like herding cats so you gotta disperse the load. Each 3 man team lined up behind a block along the edge of the track and the field. Pax 1 would be doing an exercise with the block, Pax 2 would be doing some kind of movement to a cone spaced out about 15-20 yds in front of us. Pax 3 would run across the field, do one burpee, and run back. The Pax would rotate through these three psoitions until all 3 were complete. At that time I instructed the Pax I wanted them doing SSH’s until the 6 was in. No standing and talking! Throw your hands in the air. Below is what exercises and movements we got through.

Thrusters/Bear Crawl

Curls/Backward Crabwalk

Blockee/Crawl Bear


Alternating Block Merkins/Broad Jump

Overhead Press/Hop

I had about 6 more rounds we will have to do next time when I Q the whole time. At this point the other guy took over.

Whoppee called for a Switzer and ran through a few formalities we may have skipped in the beginning. This is a competition man we ain’t got time for this nonsense. This is also where my mumblechatter 1st poked at him. Fired up he yelled let’s mosey and over to the parking lot we went. He had us get into 3 groups. 1 group was doing Austarlian shoulder taps, one group was broad jumping across the parking lot(he copied this move from me), and the other group was carrying coupons while walking across the parking lot. Walking? In a competition? SA hated to see it! We rotated through these 3 positions then he called for another Switzer. This is where my mumblechatter poked him again. He threatened to put me in the corner! Got him right where I want him! He gave us instructions to run through the park and find the biggest hill. At the hill he was giving instructions on what was next. I couldn’t hear him because I ws picking up the 6(don’t forget Freight 2023). It seemed as though we were to do some sort of 11’s with lunges at the bottom and mtn climbers at the top. Someone questioned the Q on the numbers and he said who’s counting anyway? Victory is in sight. Shortly after we abandoned this and ran for the street. Over next to Sammy’s we Switzered again where it got a little close and uncomfortable for the Q. He gave a speech about elephantitus? Yeah I don’t know either. Now for his signature move……..Australian mtn climbers ic x 10. Rundown the crowded street and do lunges coming back. We did several rounds of this with different forms of getting back. At this point he handed the Q over to SA to do some Mike Tysons. Couldn’t even handle 30 minutes. I really do hate to see it. Back to the flag for one final switzer.

The voting was done and Whoppee graciously presented me with the gold medal.



Announcements-Race City is celebrating 10 years next weekend and everyone is welcome to come up, 2ndF lunch on the 22nd at JR Cash, Community Run/SFN April 1st-we have 3 commaders and could use a few more runners.

Prayer Request-Tiger’s mom, Ratchet’s son, Huck, Turtleman, PP’s coworker, Tooth Fairy’s daughter, several more I’m sure I forgot, Praise report from the new Grandpa Orangeman

Naked Moleskin:

Once again thanks to Flintstone for setting this up. Thanks to te site Q Gavel for having us out. Thanks to all that posted. As Whoppee said this morning you should be there not for yourself but for the men on each side of you. Last but not least thanks to Whoppee for making that win so easy….I kid, I kid! Whoppee has pushed me in a lot of ways over the years. He got me to do my first relay race the BRR. I’ve done like 15 or so now. Now that I think about it maybe I shouldn’t thank him for that. He got me to do my 1st Goruck event. I’ve done several of those as well. Again maybe not so much of a thanks. Rucked the BRR……..I’m gonna stop before I get pissed of at the guy. Either way the guy has pushed me and has definitley had some impact in shaping the an I am today. Win or lose sir I thank you for that!

Decentralized Command at the Fighting Yank

We had a good showing this morning at the Fighting Yank.  19 bootcampers and 1 Rucker.  We had a guest from another region “F3 Blackdog”  (Led Zeppelin name baby!)   Here is what we did…

We moseyed to the Bunker for the warm up and disclaimer.  The exercises consisted of whatever came to mind.  SSH, Merkins, LBC’s, Imperial Walkers, Squats, and plank jacks.  Getting our backs wet from the puddled pavement was refreshing!

Next we moseyed to the Hawthorne Park Hill.  20 Merkins at the bottom, 18 at the top, 16 at the bottom, 14 at the top…down by two merkins until we finished as a group, picking up the six all together.  We were covering core principles of F3 and the Credo, leaving no man behind, but leaving no man where we found him.  However, there was some good mumblechatter
EXCEPT MAINFRAME” who was solo rucking during the workout and we didn’t know where he was.

We then moseyed to the bottom of Hawthorne Street.  P1 would bearcrawl up the hill.  P2 would do twenty squats and then run and catch P1.  P2 would then bearcrawl.  The next time they caught each other it would be 15 squats, then 10 squats.  This got most PAX to the top of the hill.  While we were waiting for all to finish Pizza Man called a “Plank for the six” and then announced “Recover” when all the PAX were back.  He stepped up to lead during some down time. This reminded YHC of one of the laws of combat….cover and move, aka teamwork.   (We are studying the book, Extreme Ownership at Q Source Sunday’s at the Coconut Horse.  Tomorrow will be on Decentralized Command”.

If there is an absence of leadership and you are trained and prepared on what to do, you can take command when authority is not present.  You should also prepare the people you work with to take charge.  Lead from where you are!  This is certainly an F3 approved concept.

We then moseyed to the parking lot across the street from Heirloom on Glenway where YHC talked about another law of combat…”Simple”.  The instructions were simple enough I guess because everyone got the message and executed the plan which was…
P1 lunge walks three parking spaces with P2 burpee long jumps the same distance and then switch.  I think I heard BOS say he was voting for Whoopee in the Q versus Q matchup at the Goat next week.  This may have been the second of tenth time he said this during the workout.  By the way, you should make plans to be at the GOAT on March 2nd.  It is going to be fun and you might get a decent workout too!  This will no doubt be the most anticipated Q versus Q battle of the entire March Madness tournament.  We should probably shut down all the other Thursday AO’s.  We should also probably get a noise permit for Cramerton.

In any event, we completed this set piece and decided to do some more burpees.  This one is called Burp and Merk.  You do a burpee and add increasing merkins each time you drop down.  We (sort of) did these in cadence with Breaker Breaker declaring that we should do up to ten merkins.

With limited time left, we moseyed to the parking lot behind the new Pita Wheel and did Dora 1,2,3.  The exercises were chosen by the PAX .  100 Toe touches on the curb, 200 LBC’s, and 300 Wall sits/air presses.  P1 would do exercises and P2 would run to the Pita Wheel deck and back.  At this point the rain was coming down pretty good and YHC can confirm that the gutters at Heirloom LEAK!

Pizza tried to EH a runner and somebody tried to EH some guy that opened the back door to one of the businesses.  Good work!  The Yank needs to catch up on EH’ing new guys.  The Gashouse had two FNG’s this morning!

We returned to the Yank and Mainframe joined us for COT.  It was glorious and if you missed, one has to ask themself what the hell else was I doing that could compete with getting in some fitness, fellowship, and faith this morning?

Announcements:  Extinction Run next SATURDAY MARCH 4th   This will be raising funds for the STRONG LIKE AK foundation so bring your wallets.  This is a great local charity formed due to the life and death of Adam Kincaid.  Bring your families too.  This is a fun first and second F event.  It starts at 0900 at Primal Brewery in Belmont.  The bar is open at 1000 and the restaurant at 1100.  Tell you family to join you at 1130 and you will have already run 12 miles!  I challenge you “non runner” types to come set a PR on miles run in a day!

Prayer Requests:

Clavin’s M

Tooth Fairy’s Daughter


Bubba Sparxx

Tiger’s Mom

Tiger’s travels

Viking Run PAX

Prayers for a family that lost their mother

Prayers for the HAYES family on the loss of their HS aged son

Prayers for the Davenport Family on the loss of Rev. Dr. Charles Davenport and FPC Gastonia


Always an honor to lead!


New Face Q

We put in work…strong work and we all left 1% better.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead!!


2nd F Lunch Black Friday at Ray Nathan’s
Christmastown 5k Saturday November 26th 6pm
Christmas party December 3rd sign up online

Is that BOS?

Flintstone, Virus, Latte and BOS were out early getting in 17 miles in preparation for their full marathon in November.  Buckeye and Sargento were out getting in some good miles as well.  Buckeye finished with 18 while Sargento got 17.  He walked the last mile in protest because his training routine only called for 17 that day.  Either way, great work men!


It was great to be back in the “House” on a crisp morning.  Things are a bit different in the Denver Region with fewer AO’s and smaller groups.  Sometimes only two for a workout but more typically it’s 4 to 6 PAX.  Some great guys with a few ties to GasHouse.  Whoopee’s name has come up on occasion.  Anyway, on to the work out…….

Seal Jack IC x 20

Imperial Storm Trooper Walkers IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins up to 5

Calf Raises on the stairs to Stowe Park, IC x 20

Mosey to the pavilion for Mater Jane Fonda’s.  Mater is a regular in the Denver region.  When he leads Jane Fonda’s he has the PAX raise their foot on count 1, then hold for count 2 and 3, and down on 4.  Thus Mater Jane Fonda’s IC  x 20,.  Flap Jack and 20 IC on the other side.

At this point I saw a someone getting out of a car on Main Street.  It was a larger person getting out of a silver car.  Since I wasn’t wearing my glasses and couldn’t see well, I thought it might be BOS joining us after his EC run.  It turns out that it was a middle-aged woman.  Sorry for the mix up BOS!

One round of AB Ring of Fire where each PAX present called out an AB exercise of their choice.

Mosey to the shelter on top of the hill.  Dips IC x 5.  Step Ups x 5 each leg OYO.  Rinse and Repeat x 10, 15, 10 and x 5.

Mosey to the track for 5 x 5 Burpees across the width of the field.  Quadraphillia (a Denver Region phrase, it’s NUR to GasHouse) to the end of the field for a Triple Nickle across the length of the field.  Triple Nickle exercises were CDD’s at one end and Jump squats at the other end.

Mosey to the back of the old middle school for Wall sits and Bear Crawls.  Wall sits were with Air Presses and Air Punches.  The Bear Crawl was to the curb and back.  Rinse and repeat for three rounds.

Mosey to the First Baptist Church parking lot for more Mater Jane Fonda’s and another round of Ring of Abs.

Mosey to the steps of the church for another round of Calf Raises.

Mosey to the corner of S Central Ave and Main St for Sparrow Route 66.  Sparrow is a retired Air Force Pilot who hangs in there pretty well for his age.  He still flies small planes out of the Lincolnton Airport.  Rather than starting with one rep at the first station and counting at each station, he does 6 reps at each station.  I asked Tooth fairy what exercise to do and he choose Merkins.

Mosey back to the YANK for COT.

Sorry, I forgot the pledge.

It was great to see everyone again.  Thanks for showing up this morning gentlemen!

Dirt has returned!


13 joined in the bootcamp workout on Saturday at The Fighting Yank. Humidity started out at 95% making for a good time. Sargento kept a check on it during the workout. At one point we dropped to 93%! Good job Nantan.


Mosey over to spread out on the side street

Sealjacks x 15ic

Don Q’s x 10 ic

Standing flutter kick squats. Move your legs back and forth kinda like a lunge but without dipping down then do a squat. You kinda have to get a rhythm going on these.

The Thang:

Mosey up to the Piccollo Antique wall

We did some wall work alternating in wall sits for 30 seconds in between

Aus Mtn climbers, Donkey kicks, Shoulder taps

Mosey over to Woodrow going toward Central

Here we did some side shuffles, Karaoke, NUR, Bear crawl, Crab walk

Mosey over to the Library and partner up

The library has a U shape drive that goes around back. P1 gets at 1 drive in and P2 gets at the other. Do 5 standing flutter kick squats, run to meet your partner in the back, do 5 booyah merkins. Rinse and repeat 5x.

Mosey to the front of the old school and partner up again

Dora 1,2,3-Hand release merkins, In and Outs, Calf Raises. Run around the front square. Now the first round of this we were at about 27 minutes into the workout. This is the point Sister Act left. He is upset because I didn’t give him credit for posting in the namarama  but I mean he didn’t even make it half way! You hate to see it!

Mosey around behind the school to the wall. Line up across the parking lot across from the wall.

Zombie Walk to the wall and get up on top of the wall 5x. Rinse and repeat x 3.

Mosey down Myrtle st hill.

Triple nickel on about 40 yds of the hill. Starburst at the bottom and Flying Squirrels at the top.

We moseyed back to the statue for a few minutes of Mary.



Announcements-Tubing Saturday 7/30 meet at Green River Cove at 10:30, Freight is moving on 8/13 back to Dallas and is looking for someone to take over Members Only as site Q



Good looking group this morning. The humidity ramped up the amount of sweat to a ridiculous level! Just remember if you can get through these days you can get through any of the others. Keep pushing!


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