Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Folsom (Page 14 of 55)

Cold Hands Q

So, after a while off the Q schedule, YHC told Wichita to put me down for one of a few dates available. Lucky for me, it was the about coldest day one could get. Thanks to a previous series of events during a workout where my hands had gotten so cold, they were numb and hurt for hours. That along with other non disclosed details, “Cold Hands” has kinda stuck as yet another attribute to MW’s persona. That didn’t stop my cold natured hands from getting it done.


SSH, Toy Soldiers x10 IC each

Mosey to the lower parking lot.


Line up at the bottom. Zombie walk of sorts back to the top. Lunge walk each leg, then grab a burpee. Continue to the end. Ease over to one side of the parking lot for some 11’s, dirty 11’s that is. Mike Tysons and Big Boys each time you cross the middle grab a burpee. Slow mosey over to the amphitheater for some hill work, Triple Nickel style. 5 dips, nur up the hill, 5 merkins, repeat 5 times. Mosey around the playground back to start.


22 for the vets

YHC took us out in prayer

My church held a series recently on being or becoming 1 with your spouse. I know this won’t apply to some guys, but most, it will. In between each routine, YHC shared some of what I learned. We are to love our wives as Christ lives the Church. I know I fail, I’m sure I’m not the only one, it is easier said than done for some. I asked the question, “what in your marriage could you improve to strengthen that unity?” “Are you illustrating unity in front of your children?” “What is keeping you from communicating or even praying with your M?” I asked a few more along the way, but didn’t ask for answers, but for the men to think about it. I know where I struggle and I recognize what I feel uncomfortable doing. These things are what I’ll work harder on and seek guidance for. Take time to focus on your weakness or the places you fall short in upholding your part in truly becoming 1 with your M.

MW Out

Giblet gravy

Warm up:
I guess some of the pax had started eating some turkey early because several strolled in late. So we did monkey humpers while they
slowly joined us.

Mosey for some Tens.
Social distance partner work. Pax 1 goes one way pax 2 the other stop do 10 merkins. Meet back 20 squats switch then descending to 1. Gastone called this a long time ago and it has always one of my favorites.

short mosey to talk some turkey.

11s CDD’s (What Up Def) and American hammers turkey walking vs sprinting.
With a short mosey back to the tennis courts I tried a little turkey huntin.
Various Pax pretended to be turkeys while the rest of the pax sprinted to catch some dinner.
The Pax showed why Benjamen Franklin wanted the turkey to be the National Bird.
They out smarted everyone and ran away. No turkeys were harmed. Just feelings

We prayed, mentioned the next two ways to post.
I will always be thankful for my brothers in F3.

But Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
1 Corinthians 15:57

The Bed Pan is Full..

Capt. Roger H.C. Donlon

On Dec 5th, 1964, Capt. Roger H.C. Donlon received the Medal of Honor from Lyndon Johnson.   This morning,  we dedicated our workout to this HIM and his leadership.

See the source image

Citation/The Thang:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while defending a U.S. military installation against a fierce attack by hostile forces.  Capt. Donlon was serving as the commanding officer of the U.S. Army Special Forces Detachment A-726 at Camp Nam Dong when a reinforced Viet Cong battalion suddenly launched a full-scale, predawn attack on the camp.

Sprint NUR back  – AMRAP

During the violent battle that ensued, lasting 5 hours and resulting in heavy casualties on both sides, Capt. Donlon directed the defense operations in the midst of an enemy barrage of mortar shells, falling grenades, and extremely heavy gunfire.

Sprint, 5 hand release merkins NUR back – AMRAP

Upon the initial onslaught, he swiftly marshaled his forces and ordered the removal of the needed ammunition from a blazing building. He then dashed through a hail of small arms and exploding hand grenades to abort a breach of the main gate.

Sprint, 5 hand release merkins, sprint all the way down – AMRAP

En route to this position he detected an enemy demolition team of 3 in the proximity of the main gate and quickly annihilated them.

Sprint, 5 hand release merkins, 3 burpees NUR back – AMRAP

Although exposed to the intense grenade attack, he then succeeded in reaching a 60mm mortar position despite sustaining a severe stomach wound as he was within 5 yards of the gun pit.

Sprint, 5 hand release merkins, 100 LBC’s NUR back – AMRAP

When he discovered that most of the men in this gunpit were also wounded, he completely disregarded his own injury, directed their withdrawal to a location 30 meters away, and again risked his life by remaining behind and covering the movement with the utmost effectiveness.

Sprint, 5 hand release merkins, 30 American Hammers – AMRAP

Noticing that his team sergeant was unable to evacuate the gun pit he crawled toward him and, while dragging the fallen soldier out of the gunpit, an enemy mortar exploded and inflicted a wound in Capt. Donlon’s left shoulder.

Bear crawl, 5 hand release merkins,  20 wide arm merkins –  AMRAP

Although suffering from multiple wounds, he carried the abandoned 60mm mortar weapon to a new location 30 meters away where he found 3 wounded defenders.

Bear crawl, 5 hand release merkins,  3 burpees – AMRAP

After administering first aid and encouragement to these men, he left the weapon with them, headed toward another position, and retrieved a 57mm recoilless rifle.

57 Moroccan Nightclubs

Then with great courage and coolness under fire, he returned to the abandoned gun pit, evacuated ammunition for the 2 weapons, and while crawling and dragging the urgently needed ammunition, received a third wound on his leg by an enemy hand grenade.

Bear crawl, 5 hand release merkins,  5 Burpees – AMRAP

Despite his critical physical condition, he again crawled 175 meters to an 81mm mortar position and directed firing operations which protected the seriously threatened east sector of the camp.

Bear crawl, 175 LBC’s –  AMRAP

He then moved to an eastern 60mm mortar position and upon determining that the vicious enemy assault had weakened, crawled back to the gun pit with the 60mm mortar, set it up for defensive operations, and turned it over to 2 defenders with minor wounds.

Sprint, 60 Calve Raisers –  AMRAP

Without hesitation, he left this sheltered position, and moved from position to position around the beleaguered perimeter while hurling hand grenades at the enemy and inspiring his men to superhuman effort. As he bravely continued to move around the perimeter, a mortar shell exploded, wounding him in the face and body.

Mosey 4 corners 5 hand release merkins 

As the long awaited daylight brought defeat to the enemy forces and their retreat back to the jungle leaving behind 54 of their dead, many weapons, and grenades, Capt. Donlon immediately reorganized his defenses and administered first aid to the wounded.

57 Moroccan Nightclubs 

His dynamic leadership, fortitude, and valiant efforts inspired not only the American personnel but the friendly Vietnamese defenders as well and resulted in the successful defense of the camp. Capt. Donlon’s extraordinary heroism, at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty are in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of his country.

22 For the Troops 

When receiving the Medal of Honor, Capt. Donlon  introduced all the remaining survivors of his team to the president and said, “The medal belongs to them, too.”  He would later write, “It was a team effort, and I was simply the designated leader.”  Always lead humbly  and with a servant heart.

Philippians 2:3 “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves”


  • Dec 12th Christmas Party

Prayer Request:

  • Montross M
  • Westside Mother
  • Volt
  • Sister Act
  • Wichita
  • Those alone during the holidays or unable to see family
  • Sargento’s Prayer List

Big Pappy

I’ll only say it once

14 showed up at Folsom on Saturday. A few regulars stayed in the fart sack. You know who you are. I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed. Several were out dodging cars for EC.

To start I let everyone know we were going to push the lace so I’d only be giving the instructions once so you better be listening. I’m sure you can guess how well that went.

Let’s mosey


Up at the big triangle we did a lap, 10 merkins ic, and 20lbc’s ic. Ran 2 laps and did the same exercises.

Mosey back to the bottom parking lot

The Thang:

Run to the flag at the Ag center. Each light pole do 5 jump squats. Each road opening do 5 hand release merkins. There are a lot more road openings than you would think and some are very close together!

At one of the top parking lots we did dirty 11’s. Tiger squat, burpee, and In/Out’s. This was supposed to have WWI’s but the downtown parking deck gave me one of those STD’s SA is always talking about.

Mosey to the side road

Dora 123-partner runs to the dumpster while the other does the exercise. 100 lunges, 200 ski burps, 300 CDD’s

Mosey to the horse track

On the steps 3 rounds- 25 dips and box jump to the top.

Mosey back to the big triangle

Rinse and repeat the warmup. We got one round in and headed back to the flag.


Namerama, announcements, prayer

Folsom 11/7/2020

18 men at Folsom this morning!


10 Burpees.  No further warm-up required, just ask Westside!

The Thang:


Short mosey to the tennis courts, and line up on the side facing the length of all the courts.  Exercise called here is The 1000 Rep or some may call the Millennium.  Basically do what the title says, complete a 1000 reps with some running mixed in.  Went like this

  1. 10 Burpees,  50 Squats 50 Merkins, run down to other side and back.

  2. 10 Burpees, 50 SSH 50 LBC’s, run down and back

  3. 10 Burpees, 50 Monkey Humpers 50 Mike Tyson’s, run

  4. 10 Burpees, 50 Peter Parker’s 50 Flutter Kicks, run

  5. 10 Burpees, 50 Imperial Walker Squats 50 Hand Releas Merkins, run

  6. 10 Burpees, 50 Plank Jacks 50 American Hammers, run

  7. 10 Burpees, 50 Jump Squats 50 Diamond Merkins, run

  8. 10 Burpees, 50 Mountain Climbers 50 Pretzel Crunch, run

  9. 10 Burpees, 50 CDD 50 WWII, run

  10. 10 Burpees


Nice work men.  That is a lot of reps in a short amount of time, way to keep moving.  With some time to spare, mosey to the Pavilion.  Here we did 3 rounds of exercises.

Round 1

Hip Slappers, Dips, Derkins, Rocky Balboa’s.  Each performed x 10 (ic)

Round 2 each of the above exercises done x 15 (ic).

Round 3 each exercise done x 10 (ic).

Mosey back to the flag! Time!



Prayer Request


Honor to lead today me.  Appreciate the push.  SYITG


Sister Act


Achey Breaky breakin hearts at Folsom

When I first started coming to F3 and everybody said that it was peer led and everybody gets a turn to lead a workout I started freaking out inside. I kept dodging the question, “Achey when you gonna Q?” Well Tuesday I took the plunge and did it. I hope all the PAX that came out got something good out of it. Because I know I’m sore this morning lol.

We started out with a warmup, gravel pickers, side straddle hops, and imperial walkers.

We then moseyed to the flag at the top of the park stopping at every light on the way and doing 10 merkins, and 10 big boys. We then said the pledge.

Then we moseyed to the horse track and tried to put in some stair work in the dark. At the top we did 10 squats, at the bottom we did 20 dips.

We then moseyed back to the tennis courts and did some team up starting with 300 flutter kicks, 200 shoulder raises, and 100 calf raises. While one team member was doing that the other ran a suicide.

After that we made our way back to the parking lot did a few rounds of Mary and called it a morning.

I just want to thank the PAX for the opportunity and the support. Because I was definitely out of my comfort zone.

Triple post Thursday
5:30 Folsom
7:30 Goat
8:30 Turkey trot from the pub

Prayer requests:
Flubbers buddies family, the wife has cancer
Medicine woman’s friend at church started chemo
A guy sparky works with found out he has cancer
Everybody that sick from COVID and the flu
People with mental health issues going into this holiday season
Anybody with addiction problems
Kids suffering from physical abuse

#1 – I wasn’t invited!!!

As usual, there were quite a few PAX getting in some EC at Folsom early on Saturday, but one regular was missing….Dr. Seuss. YHC assumed that he was posting elsewhere on this fine morning, but a few minutes before 0630 in he rolls. Next time you see him, you may want to ask him about his non-participation. Anyway, time hits and there are 17 PAX ready to move on with the workout. After the usual disclaimer, pledge and warmup we headed to the tennis courts for what YHC though would be a simple you vs. you start to the workout. Wrong!


A pyramid of exercises was posted in multiple places and CLEAR AND PRECISE directions were given on how to rotate through the various exercises. Evidently, the PAX of Folsom follow directions about as well as the PAX of Midoriyama do math. Time for new directions – Just do all the reps listed on the sheet however you want. This routine took much longer than YHC expected and there was nonstop mumble chatter and discussion of proper form the entire time. I’m not sure if the PAX were trying to make a last minute push for the Form Police Award or Most Supportive, but it was definitely entertaining.


We had a little time left so we lined up on the tennis courts and did the following:

Run 1 court then 4 reps of exercise

Run 2 court then 8 reps of exercise

Run 3 court then 12 reps of exercise

Run back to start and move to next exercise

Exercises were burpee’s, big boys, IW Squats and HR Merkins



We discussed the importance of QSource and encouraged all to attend.



Thanksgiving Day – 0530 Folsom, 0700 Goat, 0830 Pub 5k

Dec. 5 – Shelby convergence

Dec. 10 – Blood drive

Dec. 12 – Christmas party

Achy Breaky VQ at Folsom on 11/24


Prayer Request

Sargento’s list

Sister Act and family

Families around the holidays

Government and Country


Dr. Seuss took us out.

I’m Broke

Burpee Feast

Warm Up

5 Burpees 10 Mountain climbers

4 Burpees 8 Mountain climbers

3 Burpees 6 Mountain climbers

2 Burpees 4 Mountain climbers

1 Burpee 2 Mountain climbers

1 Merkin 2 Squats

2 Merkin 4 Squats

3 Merkin 6 Squats

4 Merkin 8 Squats

5 Merkin 10 Squats

Mosey to the flag

Stop at each pole

5 V-ups 5 American hammers 1 Burpee

5 American hammers 5 LBC 2 burpee

5 LBC 5 Big boys 3 burpees

5 Big boys 5 leg lifts 4 burpees

5 leg lifts 5 crunchy frogs 5 burpees

5 Crunchy frogs 5 Big boys 6 Burpees

5 Big boys 5 American Hammers 7 Burpees


5 American Hammers, 5 V-ups, 5 Big boys, 5 Leg lifts, 5 Crunchy frogs, 5 LBC

5 Burpees

Mosey to the parking lot

Time for 11’s with Burpees on one side 180 degree jump squats in the middle and Burpees on the other side.

This was tough but definitely kept us warm in those cold temps.

We finished up here and then took it to the island near the flag. Here we knocked out the following.

5 LBC 3 Big boys 1 Burpee then take a lap around the island.

Do that times 3

Then we took it back to the start point with a nice mosey through the park.


Dec 12th Christmas party at Lewis farms

Blood drive Dec 10th in Belmont


Prayer Request

Our Country and our Leaders

Our Society to stand firm in the faith and not be fearful

Each Pax

SA and his family

Wichitas mother

Bedpans M


One thing I said at the end was to think of Jesus Christ on earth in the flesh and  how much he went into prayer to God and alone time with God to stay in tune. Think of how much more we must need the prayers to God and the alone time with God as wicked humans.

Outside of christ we are wicked. Let the spirit inside you lead and guide you through your day.

Round Up


Werkin them sexy muscles

I was late for my own Q! But no matter we hit the ground running.

warm up:ssh,gravel pickers,squats,mountain climbers,merkins x10 all IC

mosey to flag 5 burpees at each light pole on the way,pledged it up

15 diamond merkins 15 reverse crunches lap around the island x3

15 tricep ext 15 heels to heaven lap around the island x3

mosey to back lot lunge walk to every 3rd line do 10 leg raises halfway across

back shelter pull-ups to failure then 25 calf raises x3

bear crawl to each 3rd line do ascending merkins half way across lot time up

Q shared a word from the word and closed in prayer. Thankful for the chance to lead good work was done by all them sexy muscles got a little sexier y’all’s wives will be glad you posted until the next time Westside out

The Three F’s



100 Moroccan Nightclubs IC

The Thang:

The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Mosey to the Amphitheater 25 triceps Dips IC X 2

YHC then spoke about why we do the first F. We do this so that we can be physically fit enough to take care of the needs of those in or everyday lives. If were doing this thing to run farther or faster or to get bigger muscles, then we are missing the point of F3.

Mosey to the tennis court

25 In and outs mosey one lap around courts

YHC talk about the Fellowship aspect of F3 and the different relationships we should form with our F3 brothers. Our Pax at whatever AO’s we are posting to , Our Shield Lock ( the 2 AM brother show to Know) , and Whetstone the vertical Mentor ( Stone) and Mentee (Blade) relationship.

25 LBC’s mosey one lap around courts

Huck whined at this point that it was not even worth getting down on your 6 for that.

25 LBC’s mosey one lap around courts (Huck should know better)

Huck then had to leave for a prior commitment and even though he had previously called YHC a liar, YHC did not call any Burpee’s  ….Hacksaw did

10 Burpee’s OYO

10 LBC’s mosey one lap around courts.

THC then talked about the 3’rd F and what it means within F# ….Simply that we are not here for ourselves, that there is something greater that we serve. YHC then spoke about his faith and or relationship with our creator, then our M, then or 2.0’s, then our brothers, then our work, then community. There is no work life balance! It is a lie, there is only a right priority in which things are to be attended to. Joy comes from this, through the relationship with Christ and through no other way. You may gain happiness without Him; however, you will never gain Joy. We must look outward and pour ourselves into serving others. Find your daffodil ( the group in which your called to serve) and your Dolphin ( the way you were uniquely created to serve).

25 Fifer Scissors mosey one lap around courts

25 right side 25 left side Oblique V-Ups OYO mosey one lap around courts to the Flag

COTPrayers – Sparky’s Parents, Those that have lost loved ones during the holiday , Big Pappy getting two more children.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.[a] Be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (HCSB)

13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.

 Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.

It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

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