F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Does Breaker Breaker Poop in the Woods?

15 men gathered in the gloom at the Storm for a signature weak sauce Q administered by YHC. After a quick intro on a rather mild morning for February, we get going.

Warmup: Seal Jacks, Gravel Pickers, stretches (non-specific to avoid a possible patent violation), arm circles.



Mosey to the corner of the school for the longest mile. At the school, perform 10 burpees. Run down the hill to the roundabout for 10 squats. Run down the dark road (more on that later) to the parking lot for 10 merkins. Run up the hill on the edge of the parking lot for 10 WW2’s. Rinse and repeat for 4 rounds total. Olsen, Dr. Seuss and Maybelline were rolling at a fast pace. The Q hung with them for 1 round, then backed the pace off to make sure I had enough gas in the tank to Q the rest of the workout. As I was on round 2, I was alone on the dark road that runs from the roundabout to the parking lot. As I began to perform my Merkins, I heard a rustling sound behind the guard rail in the edge of the woods. Startled, I stopped to investigate the disturbance to see what initially looked like a homeless person rolling in the pine needles. As my eyes grew accustomed to the low light condition, I noticed the homeless person was wearing a Titleist golf hat. He was also wrestling to open a pack of wet wipes. I said “Breaker, is that you? Are you OK?”. In a hurried frantic tone (like a guy about to crap his pants), Breaker Breaker said “Yeah! I’m fine! I’ll be back in a minute”. He then scurried down the hill into the cover of the trees to take care of business. On the last round, he emerged from the woods running like he had taken a load off. The leaders finished round four and did some core work until the six was in.

We then headed a few feet over to the parking lot beside the school for some CORA 1,, 2, 3. Partner up and perform 100 Big Boys, 200 Flutters IC, 300 Crunches. The other partner runs 2/3 across the parking lot, performs 5 SSH, then returns to swap out until all reps are complete.

With 5 minutes left, we circled up at the flag for some Mary called by the PAX.


  • Q school at Gashouse on 3/2. Broke and JJ leading the charge.
  • Rice-n-beans 2nd week in March.
  • Community Foundation run on 4/13. This is a speed for need event. We have 2 track commanders. We need volunteer runners to help push. Purple Haze has the Q on this event.
  • Extinction run on 4/20 after the morning workout

Prayer Requests:

  • Breaker Breaker’s Aunt is dealing with health issues. He also had a praise report-his step dad is recovering from hernia surgery that was giving him a lot of pain. He’s feeling better.
  • Anchorman
  • Turtleman
  • Cherie Berry and dealing with the loss of multiple loved ones
  • Maybelline’s Grandpa. Broken Hip.
  • Termite has lab work on 3/2

YHC took us out in prayer.

Remember when you’re at the Storm and you hear strange noises coming from the trees. I could be a bear pooping in the woods, but than likely it’s Breaker Breaker. Big shout out to Fannie Mae who keeps wet wipes in the car for this very reason. He prevented Breaker Breaker from having a really crappy start to his day!




Bull Done Gone

This morning marked a 3 year journey of being the site Q at the Bulldog for a humble Spiderman, who wishes to thank each and every dude who showed up, put up, and crushed it at The Bulldog. Thank you to Timeframe and Voodoo who kept the fire burning before me.

Bulldog was my anchor through a gnarly neck injury (2022) and about the only OA I posted at for a year. I thank the guys who stuck around and toiled through the messy routines.  Squat Curls Presses will go down in the Hall of Fame.

Special shout out to the regulars and semi-regulars over the past 150 or so weeks:

Tube, Nutria, Orangeman, Watts Up, Timeframe, Heremes, Clavin, Hunchback, Dryrub(for a bit but not recently), Maybelline, and then recently Flintstone, Winehouse, and all the other periodical drop-ins, always glad you joined.

I’ll see you at the new local on the new day!


F3 Shipwreck – February 7, 2024

I was on Q at Shipwreck in Lake Wylie on February 7, 2024.

In honor of the SuperBowl coming up, I stole a workout from Bos known as Touchdown Beatdown, but before the fun we had to mosey and circle up for some stretching.

Touchdown Beatdown:

Bear Crawl from the end zone to the 10 yard marker. 10 Merkins.

Lunge Walk to 20 yard marker for 20 Alternating Shoulder Taps (count one side)

Run to the 30 yard marker for 30 Squats

Bear Crawl to the 40 yard marker for 40 American Hammers (count both sides)

Lunge Walk to the 50 yard line for 50 SSH.

Run to the 40 yard marker for 40 American Hammers (count both sides)

Bear Crawl to the 30 yard marker for 30 Squats

Lunge Walk to 20 yard marker for 20 Squats

Run to the 10 yard marker for 10 Merkins and bear crawl into the end zone.

Take a lap around the parking lot.

Rinse and repeat for 35 minutes.


F3 Black Flag – February 26, 2024

There was a passing of the Flag in Lake Wylie Monday evening at “Black Flag”, so I posted to support the new Site Q leader (Dunkaroo).

We had 16 PAX show up for the 45 minute workout at Field Day Park.

Tweety was on Q. Other Pax in attendance were (myself, Kaboom, Taser, Austin Powers, Nickelback, Cut Bait, Captain Jack, Quasimodo, Nature Boy, Green Acres, Wolverine, GP, Dovetail, Shades, Dunkaroo, ACP)

According to my Strava I ran more than 2 miles and burned more than 400 calories.

Evening workouts in Lake Wylie are every Monday and Wednesday beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Field Day Park.


No DRP for Blart Today

It was 0625. Everyone was slowly pulling into the parking lot. There’s no sign of former site Q Blart at this point. As I get out Freight approached me and said he thought somebody must’ve stole my truck cause there was no way in hell he thought I was here early. Well I was. Still no Blart. 0630 hits and still no Blart. And just like a covey of quail everyone is off most in the same general direction with a few strays doing their own things. 0715 we’re all arriving back for the Pledge and COT. Where the hell is Blart? Oh well he must’ve take his Little Blue Pills instead. I guess the Site Q Curse is real.

Pledge, Announcements, Praises, and Prayers

Most headed in for coffee and discussion about what the DRP means to us and if we knew of anyone in sports, entertainment, business or politics that exemplified F3’s meaning of the DRP. It was tough but we did come up with a few examples. That’s a shame when you think about it but that’s the world we’re living in right now. All the more reason to keep doing what we’re doing men. Let’s keep pushing the rock and fighting the false narratives this world would have us believe to be truth. Now take your DRP and get after it.

Off the Hip

This morning 8 Great Apes 🦍 emerged from their fart sacks to take on a beat down in the gloom. There was even a wild Stogie lurking in the distance 🦧 doing his own thing.

General Warm up commenced the punishment.

We then moseyed to the senior center doing 10 big boys per light/whenever I said so. I believe we came close to 100 in total. From there we pledged it out and went to the adjacent lot. Dirty 11’s was the call with CDD’s on one end and HR Merkins on the other. After the uppers were smoked, we went to the horse track for more fun. Regular 11’s with Dips on one end and Inverted rows on the other. We moseyed back and had COT.

Announcements: Q school this weekend to better understand the “why” of F3 and how we run our workouts. This is a good opportunity for all new and seasoned PAX. Huck is undergoing a minor procedure that may not require him to have a transplant thank God. BallJoint’s sacrum is healing nicely per X-rays.

Mt Hollywood – Monday 2/26 – “Famous People”

The theme of the queue at Mt Hollywood on 2/26 was “Famous People”

Began at Mt Holly Middle School parking lot at 5:30am with OYO stretching, as well as Don Quixotes, Nolan Ryans, and Mike Tysons

Mosey to Oblinger Dentistry, then James Bonds (5 sets) & LL Cool J’s (5 sets)
Mosey next door to Mt Holly library, 3 sets of 30-second Al Gores, and 3 sets of 20 Freddy Mercurys (count each leg)

Mosey to Truist in downtown Mt Holly, then Bruce Lee’s (5 sets), 3 sets of 5 reps of Tigers (aka suspension merkins) and 12 reps of Dwight Howards (3 sets).

Mosey across street to behind Presbyterian Church parking lot. 5 sets of Mickey Mouse merkins, 5 sets of Blueprints (aka triple bears).

Mosey back to the Mt Holly library, then 5 David Lee Roth burpees, 5 Makhtar Ndiayes.

Mosey to auditorium steps right across street from Mt Holly Middle School, 3 sets of 5 reps of Paula Abdul merkins, 1 set of 5 reps of Rocky Balboa’s. This brought up right up to 6:15am, END.

Mt. Hollyworkout

Had 6 Pax including myself.

Started with a warmup: Goofballs x 15; Toy Soldiers x 15

Started workout with B.L.I.M.P.S

Burpees x 5; Lunges x 10 each leg; Imperial Walkers x 15; Merkins x 20; Squats x 25; Run a lap around Mt. Holly Middle School parking lot.

Next, we moseyed to another parking lot.

Alternating Merkins & Squats and bear crawl to the other side of the lot. Rinse and Repeat

Merkins x 10

Narrow Squats x 20

Bear Crawl to the other side.

Werkins x 10

Regular Squats x 20

Bear Crawl to the other side

Diamond Merkins x 10

Sumo Squats x 20

Bear Crawl to the other side

Hand Release x 10

Squat Jumps x 20

Moseyed to the stairs at the auditorium and did 5 calf raises per step.  Next 5 merkin per step.

Moseyed back to the parking lot.

Shoulder Blaster: Baby arm circles; moroccan night club; chinooks; air presses; seal claps; overhead claps; cherry pickers.


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