F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Great weather, small but high quality crowd this am, started with some EC since the CHAD1000 is right around the corner (shameless plug…..Friday, Nov 10, location TBA, prob Bulldog AO). Linus showed a bit early for some mosey, quick conversation and 17 step ups.

Disclaimer at 0700, Pledge and then an unusually long warmup by my standards. Thanks for noticing Defib and Roscoe. It’s nice to know that people are paying attention and not just going thru the motions. Boot campers with Linus and we are off. Mosey to the wall at the front of GasHouse for some wall work. We did some wall sits between exercises with “enough” reps of donkey kicks, hip slappers, dirty hookups (where were you Spiderman????) and Bulldog Merkins-think derkin in a horizontal position pushing your legs against the wall to stay upright while doing a merkin. I really wanted more hip slappers but didn’t feel that was going to be popular. Guess I am getting soft….gotta work on that.

Mosey across the street for some suicides in the parking lot. Every parking space for about 15-20 spaces we did suicides with a single burpee on the far end. Not too tough but did get some running in with all the back and forth. Next was 11’s with big boys and merkins again in the parking lot. I always lose count and end up doing too many but really couldn’t say if that happened today. Again, lot of steps then moseyed to the hill in the neighborhood. I believe Queensgate is the street name and as we approached, SS reminded me he had to leave so I asked for some suggestions for exercises for a triple nickel on the big hill. He must have had a good night last night. He initially suggested wolverine burpees with an evil grin then softened up and changed to jump squats and mountain climbers. Thanks SS. I really didn’t want to call your M to tell her you had “fallen down some steps” and that you were in the ER with multiple injuries and would be late getting home. The hill was pretty tough and by the time we got back to start, we had logged over 3.6 miles. I’ll have to work on that for next time-we could have gotten 4 miles without too much more of a push. We moseyed back for COT with the pain labbers then hung around for awhile just talking.

During the Triple Nickel, Roscoe, Defib and I discussed the idea of “how are you spending your time?” The Daily Stoic this week briefly discussed this and it’s really been on my mind. We are really careful with how much money we spend on groceries, vacations, things, clothes, fun stuff….whatever, just fill in the blank-money is something that is easy to measure and we are really careful with it, especially when times are a little lean. The reality is, you can always work more and make a little more money, spend a little less….whatever. You can replace money after you spend it. The point is we oftentimes are really careful with money. What else are you really careful with besides money? Are you also careful with how you spend your time? If you think about it, time is the one commodity we have that can never be replaced or increased. You have the same amount of time I have each day. 24 hours, that’s it, no more and no less. How are you spending it? Are you sleeping in and missing a workout? Are you watching some mindless show on TV that really has no chance of making you a better person and while you are doing that, taking time away from your family? I said this earlier this week…what if you only had 5 more days to post and then could never post….EVER AGAIN. What if I only had 5 more posts and then you never saw me again? I know these are somewhat morbid thoughts, but seriously, it could happen. How are you spending your time? Make sure you are deliberate in your decisions about how you are spending your time and how you are taking care of yourself and those around you. This seems like the perfect time for another shameless plug…. this one is for the 40 DAY CHALLENGE. The habits you can establish during this 40 days could be what improves your life and the lives of those around you more than you can imagine. Find a time to spend with your M on a date. Do something she wants to do and be happy doing it.

At some point, time will run out. I am not suggesting you focus on this morbid thought, however it should be something that crosses your mind on a regular basis so that you are making decisions that you will not regret. Now get up off the couch, put your phone/computer away, and spend some time with your family or M making a memory.

Bring on the 40 day challenge, I’m ready.


Saturdays are for the boys

Today was all about building some camaraderie amongst the PAX. Yes, we all show up and grind but sometimes you just gotta let loose and have fun with it!

Warmed up with some SSH, R/L, L/R, Hurdle stretch, figure 4 stretch, 5 big boys, 5 Mike Tyson’s, 5 burpees, mosey to far parking lot across the field.

We did 3 renditions of Route 66:

  1. Bear crawl with Mike Tysons

  2. Lunge walk with air squats

  3. Crab walk with big boys.

After a quick grind we played ultimate frisbee on the field and I was happy to see everyone had a good time.

Balljoint had some clutch catches and passes.

Volt was grinning ear to ear for once.

Stogie was a monster on defense.

Gearwrench was all over the field.

Chubbs was an absolute beast (MVP)

I like to think I had a few nice throws.

Westside has an absolute cannon.

Bedpan had a great all round performance.

At the end we did pledge and COT, thanking God for the day, for each other, and for the physical health to be able to do what we do. We pray specifically for the Hall family and for others spoken and unspoken.

Forty Day Challenge…Again

F3 Gastonia has been around for 8.5 years.  During this time there have been numerous CSAUP’s, beatdowns, new AO’s, and the occasional random challenge.  The Forty Days of Discipline Challenge has been completed several times and it is coming back by popular demand.

This is a fitness and nutrition challenge, but like anything dealing with discipline, it will be on you to control yourself.  Some key points to consider:

  • Delayed gratification
  • Not eating/drinking certain things, regardless of your appetite
  • Discipline isn’t concerned about your feelings, only your behaviors.

This 40 day initiative begins on October 14th and ends on November 22nd, 2023.  Yes, that is the day before Thanksgiving. (You’re welcome)


  1. Workout a minimum of 5 xs per week from October 14th through November 22nd.

Don’t eat sweets, soft drinks, or junk food.  ONE cheat meal the entire 40 days.  You can earn more.  Don’t drink any alcohol  (with two exceptions*).   Hold yourself accountable by journaling your efforts.

  1. Cherish your M: Take your wife out on at least two dates in the forty days. (no kids)  
  2. Bring at least one FNG to a workout in these 40 days. For every FNG, you get a cheat meal.  #AlwaysbeEH’ing.  If you EH a guy who posts and you aren’t there, that is a 50 burpee penalty #nojoke
  3. Acts of Service: Do something for someone else daily with no expectation of anything in return.  Be grateful you get to do it.  Encourage others.  Lead or participate in a service project.  Make a point to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know.  Journal your efforts (honor system) Extra credit if your 2.0’s watch your example and/or participate. 
  4.  Read a book.


Your fitness is important and you are pushing the rock.  You workout with your brothers.  You are blessed to continually strive to experience all 3 F’s and you know that when you are striving to be your best, you need to share it.  Be the example.  Be the man you know you were made to be. 

Now for the fine print….


You must workout a minimum of 5 times per week (at least 27 workouts in 40 days) using the #F3 250 model.  Any workout that is a minimum of 30 minutes counts.  This could include running, cycling, rucking, any F3 workout or workout you put together at home.  Two a-day workouts count.  Example, you complete an F3 bootcamp in the morning and a minimum 30 minute run in the afternoon=2 workouts.

Diet:      No Mountain Dew.  No other soft drinks, desserts, sweets, potato chips, junk food, etc.  You know what your food vices are so stay away from them.  Fast food is allowed if it is salad or chili and unsweetened tea or water…you get the idea. Orangeman can’t have his Princess Punch or whatever specialty coffee he orders at F&B’s.

Protein shakes within 30 minutes of ending the workout.  Get some protein powder and a shaker bottle and make it a habit.   Drink more water.  You will be working out more and this will help you recover.

You are allowed ONE cheat meal.  Your choice but they must be named and claimed. If you work out more than 5 times per week, you can claim an extra cheat meal.  An example is a couple of slices of pizza but don’t blow it on a whole pizza.  Even though you will be getting the workouts in you can’t out train a bad diet.  Remember you can earn more by bringing in an FNG or going on a date with your M.  If you attend at least two Q-Sources, you get a cheat meal.  If you meet with your stone/blade, you get a cheat meal.  If you do something with your shieldlock, you get one cheat meal.

Alcohol:  No Alcohol.  I will include two exceptions.  Wedding receptions and tailgates.  (A marriage retreat is also acceptable)  It is football season after all. This only includes football tailgates at and before an actual game you attend.  This does not include FUTBOL and does not include your tailgate spread at home when you watch on tv.  Wedding receptions are self-explanatory.  If they want you to dance you probably need a drink.  I know you guys.  It will also prove you can have fun at a second F event and still enjoy it without your pumpkin spice Ale.

You must keep a daily journal of both your workouts and cheat meals. The journal is for your eyes only.  I use the “notes” on my IPhone since I always have it with me.  I have journaled all my workouts on my phone since 2017.  It is helpful to look back and see types of workouts, two a days, and extra credit workouts that make journaling worth it.  You can also see where you failed to work out and why.  It is a good habit.  I also saw where I was injured and what I did to modify workouts until I was healed up.

Journal what you are grateful for and start with your M.  Try not to take her for granted.  If she likes to stay home, stay home and spend time without distractions.  Write her notes…send her flowers…cards…Text emoji’s are nice but they don’t count.  If you are on a date with your wife, you can eat a free cheat meal.  If you don’t have an M, be nice to your dog (or cat).  (If this isn’t in your comfort zone and your M is taken aback in your sudden change in behavior, it will probably be amusing so share it with your bros)


If you missed an opportunity to bless someone by an act or gesture of kindness, try not to miss the opportunity the next time.

Read a book that would do you good.  Make it about something that interests you or inspires you.  You have the time.

Give it away.  Think about that friend that you have mentioned F3 to many times.  You know he needs it so get him out.  And then do it to someone else.  Pick them up.  Post with them.  If they post and you aren’t there, you will do 50 burpees the next time you post. If an FNG shows up for the first time and says he was EH’d by you, you will be called out on all social channels and ridiculed without mercy (and deservedly so)

Be grateful for your family.  Be the example for your kids.  Push the rock and hold yourself accountable.  Give it away.  Realize it isn’t about you.  Serve others.  Be the best you can be.  Maybe we will all be a little better in October and November because we will be intentional about it.    Make positive change in yourself and make it contagious.  Also, when you get lean and ripped before you see your in laws at Thanksgiving, they will be in awe that someone (your age) looks that damn good.

It begins next week so get ready and prepare!



Nice Little Warm-Up for the JJ5K

I’ve been accused of sabotaging folks legs on the mornings of their 5k and 10K runs in the past. So with that being said I was going to let these guys go as Hard or Light as they want to today. It was a very simple warm-up due to the light nature of the first round of work to be completed on the track.

To the track we go stop at the gazebo for 5 HR Merkins. We then slow mosey to the first set of benches by the soccer field for 5 LBCs. We slow mosey to the far end of the track for 5 Jungle Boy Squats. We now head over to the second set of benches by the field for 5 Big Boys. Now head back to the starting point to rinse and repeat adding 5 reps to each exercise as we complete a lap until we reach a total of 25 reps. Then once we finish we’ll subtract 5 reps bringing it back down to the original 5 reps per exercise and if you finish early just keep doing rounds of 5 until time.

Simple enough if you want to be a hammer down, hawg head, stubborn as a mule, ultra elite, badd ass you can. Or if you want to use this as a warm-up for your run today no problem this one is a true you vs you workout.

It was Gumby, Slaw, and myself out here. To be honest I was surprised anyone was here for this one given the run later this morning. I took it a lot easier than the other 2 did. I think they lapped me 2 times but they did finish my last round with me pushing me through to the end. For that I thank you guys.







Pockets was not Here

Pockets had the Q at Old School on this lovely Saturday morning.  Well as you can see by the title Pockets wasn’t here. That’s OK The Show Must Go On as they say. This is why I keep a Rolodex of workouts saved in my Google Drive. After a quick Warm-Up we were off to the Courthouse Square for a bunch exercises and a bunch of rounds of 4 corners. The werk went down as such we ran the 4 corners WOD stack’em and unstack’em style until we pretty much ran out of time.

  • Round 1 – 5 Burpees at each corner
  • Round 2 – R1+10 Lunges at each corner
  • Round 3 – R1+R2+15 HR Merkins at each corner
  • Round 4 – R1+R2+R3+20 Squats at each corner
  • Round 5 – R1+R2+R3+R4+25 LBCs at each corner
  • Round 6 – R1+R2+R3+R4+R5+30 Flutters at each corner

We Unstacked the rounds in reverse order until we were running low on time.

Back to the flag just in time to get the Pledge and COT


I Stole This One From Gumby

Several Saturdays ago Gumby brought the pain at Old School with a grinder of a workout. He hammered us with blocks and running and burpees oh my. Well I must have loved cause I added a little more block work and mashed all that crap up brought it to Folsom on this day in history. It went down like this.

The Exercises

  • Thrusters
  • Curls
  • HR Merkins
  • Goblet Squats
  • OH Extensions
  • Strict Front Raise

Buy in 5 burpees every round. 20 reps of each exercise first round followed by a lap around the tennis courts. Next round was 15 reps of each exercise followed by 2 laps. I believe ya’ll get the picture we kept this style until there were only 5 reps and finished with 5 laps around the courts.



All I remember is the Step-Ups, Hills, Pull-Ups, and HR Merkins

We warmed up. We ran to McQuitter’s Wall. We did a lot of Jump Squats and Step-Ups at the wall and ran the hill beside it too many times to count. Once we finished all rounds here we ran around the block to the 4 way stop light and did several rounds low bar Pull-Ups paired with HR Merkins at the 4 way flashing light. That’s about all I can remember as I’ve slept a lot since then.



No cherry picking for this win in sudden death

Gumby said score was three to one.
Close enough for YHC.
Fact #1
Genetics wins out. Luigi is a clone.
Fact #2
Bigfoot didn’t get his athletic ability from his dad.
Fact #3
Slaw is very aerodynamic when he pins his ears back.
Fact #4
Def Leppard never loses.
Fact #5
Burpees, Abe Vigodas, HR Merkins, LBCS,
SSH & Moroccan Night Clubs were all part of warmup.
Gumby’s mom.
Wojo family member.
Others not spoken.

Good stuff to share. Brillo is a new sailor.

F3 lunch.
Stanley Creek Massacre.
F4 trail run.
Beer ruck.
Half marathon ruck.
Christmastown 5k.
Christmas party.
Check listings for time and location.

YHC took us out.

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