Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Watts Up (Page 10 of 23)

A Tour of the Neighborhood, Sorta

Thanks for Dry Rub, Hermie and Stroganoff for joining the EC.  Shoutout to Roscoe for logging miles at Grier.

Today’s beatdown was inspired by a recent Italian Job posting.  Thanks to Stroganoff for a quick tour of the ole neighborhood to find the street layout needed.

0700 arrives with 8 gathered around YHC at GasHouse,   No FNGs, so no disclaimer was mentioned.

We knock out The Pledge of Allegiance before moving to WarmUp.



10 Bent Over Arm Circles (each arm).
15 Merkins IC

PainLab off with Tube, GasHouse, lets roll…


GasHouse’s warmup continues with a mosey toward the intersection Laurel Ln and Nottingham Dr.  Along the way, we stopped at each street intersection (Carlton, Peachtree, Laurel and 8th) and performed12 each of an exercise (LBCs, Squats, Merkins, and ??)

Lets do some work:

The route was Laurel to Dumbarton to  Dorset to Nottingham, back to Laurel.  At each intersection perform 10 each of the following:

Calf Raises

Total 60 of each

Now that we are back where we started, lets do it backwards with the following exercises:

Freddie Mercury (unless your the Q, who did Dying Cockroaches for half the round)

Total 60 of each

So, time was getting short, YHC asked the former residents about the approximate lengths back.  Somehow, the Mortimer and HTFU was mentioned.  So Nottingham it is to Churchill

A quick stop @ Carmen for 10 more:
Freddie Mercury

And back towards the flag.  A stop at the entrance for a little wall sitting, 10 incline merkins and 10 derkins.

Arriving at the flag, a little Mary was done, a lap around the parking lot to get the full 5K in and then some more Mary until the bells peal.



  • Convergence 9-Jan @ Folsom

Prayer Requests:

  • Double Stuf
  • EZ Rider
  • M’s recovering from surgeries
  • Officer Herndon’s family


JJ prayed us out.


Although, this was all my idea, thanks to those in attendance today for the push.  To improve, run with those faster/better than yourself.  I certainly did today.  It was an honor to lead today.




Watts Up Powering Down.


Laying Bricks @ The Storm

4 showed for EC.

As YHC was still trying to recover from that, 0530 sneaks up along  with 11 more PAX for a total of 15.

No FNGs, so only a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


11 Merkins IC
21 MNCs IC (was supposed to be 20)

The idea was to do today’s date, but that didn’t work out.

Either way,  let mosey around the parking lot and end up back at the flag.  Following Flintstone’s Q yesterday with bricks, YHC asked him to bring this morning.  So everyone grab 2 bricks from the “Foot-Mobile”.

Time for some more moseying… around the back to the parking lot for some Escalating 5 Quarters.

On End One:
5 Overhead Presses with Bricks
5 Triceps Presses with Bricks
5 Upright Rows with Bricks
5 Plank Flys (each arm) with Bricks
5 Chest Presses with Bricks

Mosey to the other end

On End Two:
5 Merkins
5 Squats
5 Plank Jacks
5 LBCs

Repeat, but increase the count by 5 each time.  The last set was 25 of everything.

Pickup the bricks and mosey around to the front/side for the next set of fun.

Three sets of Step-Ups and Dips…
15 Each Leg on the step-ups holding the bricks.
15 Dips – 1 footed with the 1 foot on the stacked bricks.

Meander to the parking lot for Brickee-cides.

Mosey to the 1st line, perform 2 Brickees.  Leave the bricks, return to the start for 5 American Hammers.  Retrieve bricks and continue to 2nd line for 4 Brickees.  Repeat the pattern until the last line for 10 Brickees.

All were between the 4th and 5th line when the 44 minute mark hit.  Omaha where you are and head back to the flag to reload the Footmobile.

Sorry, not sorry for the OT.


  • AO Shirts still available through this week.  Of the 4 available, only GasHouse has enough to print.  Get your orders in.
  • Over half way on the 40 day challenge.  Keep up the intensity.
  • Christmas Party 12/12.

Prayer Requests:

  • All of those listed on Sargento’s 40 Day Prayer Challenge.
  • Roscoe Safe Travels to PA
  • Roscoe’s 2.1 Surgery
  • Sargento’s M.

YHC took us out.


Thanks to Flintstone for providing the coupons for today!


It was an honor to lead.  I hope you got your money’s worth.


Watts Up Powering Down.

Ready, Set, Go! … Stop!

When YHC was trying to design today’s weinke, YHC wanted something different.  In trolling Twitter, YHC saw a link to a F3 Alpha (Alpharetta) backblast.  So you have F3 Alpha to blame for today’s events.

0530 hit with ten joining YHC.  With no FNG’s, a short disclaimer was given.  Spotting a late arrival, we knocked out The Pledge while waiting.  Thus bringing the total to twelve.

The train schedule for this week was different than most Fridays as there was a train passing as we recited The Pledge. Soooooooo, 5 Burpees.

Well, that was enough like a warmup, lets go.

Mosey toward the Social Services building.  Zombie Walk the bridge.

(Traffic was against us, so plank while we wait.  YHC failed to see all the traffic and almost sent the PAX (really BOS) into traffic.  Luckily this did not happen.   SORRY!

Line up along one curb in the lower parking lot.

Super 21s with bearcrawls. PAX lined up did 21 (Merkins, LBCs and Squats) then bearcrawled to the other side for 18 reps of the same three exercises. Back and forth decreasing the rep counts to 15, 12, 9, 6, and 3.

Move to the center.

3 Sets of 22 Dying Cockroaches with a lap to the upper parking lot and back in between.

It was so much fun, lets do it again, but with American Hammers.

Meander across the street to the flatter ATM parking lot.

Circle up for a Bear Crawl Ring of Fire Mucho Chesto: Start bear crawling in a circle, then stop (roughly every ninety degrees) and hold plank while we go around the circle doing 10 merkins, changing style each time – diamond, ranger, regular ,stagger left, stagger right then resume bear crawling.

Since the Super 21s, there have been train sounds.  SA claims 3 have gone by.  While not supported by all in attendance,  we go ahead and knock out 5 more Burpees.  Having had the Ring of Fire interrupted for an ATM user, and another wanting in, we move to the upper parking lot of Social Services.  5 more Burpees, a lap down to the lower parking lot and back for 5 more.

Meander until we get to MLK and then Mosey toward home.  Sprint the bridge.

Time for some mary.

  • 15 SSH IC – YHC
  • 20 Flutters IC – SA
  • 15 Crunchy Frogs OYO – JJ
  • 15 BB OYO – Orangeman
  • 20 LBC IC – BOS

5 more Burpees to end it.



  • Convergence 31-Oct @ Martha Rivers 0700 with EC at 0615
  • PT Test 14-Nov @ GasHouse.  All other AOs normal
  • Give2Give

Prayer Requests:

  • Rockabilly
  • Sister Act – 2.0 and Family
  • EZ Rider – Family
  • Sargento’s M
  • Sister Act’s Friend with Illness and Covid
  • There was more I did not get documented, but God knows what they are.

YHC took us out.


It was a honor to be out with each of you

This was my 3rd Q of the week.  I tried to make each one different.  Sorry to Captain Stubing and EZ rider as they endured all of 3.


Watts Up Powering Down.

Records were attempted

My route brings me by GasHouse’s “International” Airport.  The airport was cordoned off for The Presidents visit.  While no advance team for the secret service were spotted, we were pretty sure we were being surveilled…

Nine men rolled into the labyrinth on this surprisingly warm morn, including one who managed to cross over from NoGa.

No FNGs, so a short disclaimer followed by The Pledge.

Warmup consisted of 10 SSH IC / 21 Hillbillies IC / 20 Moroccan Night Clubs IC

Mosey to Martha Rivers, stop a  one of the lights and zombie walk (Lunge – Lunge – Squat)  to the next one.

Move over to the Split Rail Fence for 20 Incline Merkins IC / 10 Derkins OYO

Mosey a bit further to another light, bear crawl to the next one.

Mosey on to the end of the parking lot near the playground.

Partner Up! Time for a little Dora.

Partner #1 runs up around the third island, 5 Merkins when cross the center lot, and back.

Partner #2 Starts off the 100 Merkins / 200 Monkey Humpers / 300 LBCs / 400 Squats.

Move over to the shelter for 4 sets of 25 Dips and 25 Step-Ups with the same lap for Dora in between.

Time to work our way back home.

Start to mosey back, stop at a light and zombie walk to the next.  During this phase, there was a complaint raised about it being a heavy leg day.  So, 10 HRMs!

Mosey up to  the entrance to the park.

Here YHC issues a challenge to those present to try to dethrone GoldDigger on Jailbreak.

I don’t know where Waterboy, nor JJ ranked, Stinky Bird did manage to beat Sister Act and tie Gump. But for F3, GoldDigger still stands at the top (but is now the 4th slowest overall  – his age must be showing)

And that is time.



  • Convergence @ Martha Rivers 31-Oct
  • PT Test 14-Nov
  • Give2Give


Prayer Requests:

  • EZ Rider’s Family
  • Sargento’s M
  • Sister Act’s 2.0 and Family

YHC took us out.


It was a honor to lead today.

If you missed Monday or today, you can get your own shock of Watts Up Friday at Downtown.

Come get you some!



Watts Up Powering Down

SandLot’s Compounding Interest

A brave half-dozen plus YHC got out of the fart sack to start the week off right at the SANDLOT.  It went like this:



Warm Up:

SSH IC x 15

Mosey to the PF behind the 7-11

Dirt and S.A. call this Rack’em and Stack’em.  (I called it Compounding Interest since we kept going to the ATM for the “Rack’em” portion.)

5 Burpees

10 Merkins

20 Monkey Humpers

30 Mountain Climbers (count one side)

40 Flutter Kicks  (count one side)

50 Squats

60 LBCs

70 MNCs  (Called 1/2 counts on last stack (except for Burpees) for time)

Mosey back to start

Got in a little mary with Apollo Creeds, Jane Fondas, French Fries, and Lunges




Convergence – Halloween – Martha Rivers 0700 with EC @ 0615


Prayer Requests:

Sargento’s M – Knee

EZ Rider  – Family


YHC took us out.


Watts Up Powering Down…

Pre-JJ5K Folsom

Volunteering to sub for Oompa and knowing many of the PAX were doing the JJ5K later in the morning, YHC tried to put together somethings to get some work in, but also leave some in the tank.  Here is what we did….


0630 hits with no FNGs.  We knock out The Pledge of Allegiance.


Warmup consisted of some stretchy-things.  Too hard to describe, but afterward we moseyed to a lit parking lot.

11’s – HRM and Shoulder Taps (Count each Tap)

22’s  – Squats and Monkey Humpers with Lunge/Backward Lunge as locomotion.

At some point in the count we visited a city in NE and moved on to something else…

Circle-up for some ab work.

50 LBC, 50 Flutters, 50 Sec hold 6″
40 LBC, 40 Flutters, 40 Sec hold 6″
20 Big Boys
30 LBC, 30 Flutters, 30 Sec hold 6″
20 LBC, 20 Flutters, 20 Sec hold 6″
20 Big Boys
10 LBC, 10 Flutters, 10 Sec hold 6″

22 Merkins for the Vets followed by 22 Air Presses

YHC doesn’t remember what was done next, but after it was done, we moseyed back to start for a little Mary.   Not exactly sure what was done here either , but it included some burpees and more merkins along with some other stuff.


  • JJ5K later that day.
  • Mt. Mitchell hike  was on Sunday
  • Young Life Golf Tournament 5-Oct.  Details here.  Reach out of Buckshot


Prayer Requests were noted and Hacksaw took us out.


Thanks to all that came out.  Good Work!

Hope you got your money’s worth.


Watts Up Powering Down.

IronPax Challenge Week 4 @ Prison Break

11 (plus 3 proctors and 1 random runner stopped in) completed the final week of IPC.

The prescribed wow (workout of the week) was:

  • 10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
  • Murder Bunny 25yds
  • 25 Thrusters
  • Return to the goal line with your block
  • 10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
  • Murder Bunny 50yds
  • 50 Alternating block merkins
  • Return to the goal line with your block
  • 10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
  • Murder Bunny 75yds
  • 75 Curl Presses
  • Return to the goal line with your block
  • 10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
  • Murder Bunny 100yds
  • 100 Block Windshield Wipers
  • Return to the goal line with your block
  • 10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)

If you need details on the moves or a video demonstration, go here.

F3 Greenwood did not lower the bar with this week’s challenge (nor this year’s).

Good work by all.


Note to all and self: MURDER BUNNIES SUCK…


That is all.

IronPax Challenge Week 3 @ Prison Break

13 Men (and 2 Proctors) took a “break” from a routine Wednesday to give week 3 of the ironpax challenge a go.

This week’s was called K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple Stupid).  It consisted of the following:

  • Run 400m
  • 100 merkins
  • Run 400m
  • 90 squats
  • Run 400m
  • 80 merkins
  • Run 400m
  • 70 squats
  • Run 400m
  • 60 merkins
  • Run 400m
  • 50 squats
  • Run 400m
  • 40 merkins
  • Run 400m
  • 30 squats
  • Run 400m
  • 20 merkins
  • Run 400m
  • 10 squats
  • Run 800m

Total work is 3 miles of running, 300 merkins, and 250 squats.


While not easy by any means, it was a welcomed break from weeks 1 & 2.

Shout-out to Slaw and Huckleberry for being there to encourage, proctor and well you know…

The Storm Revisited

YHC was looking through the archives of backblasts for The Storm to try to resurrect/try something new.  Unfortunately, many of the early workouts involved the footballs stadium and/or the weight room.  But  intermingled among all that were a few ideas that came together to make today’s weinke.  So here goes…

12 had joined YHC when 0530 arrived.  No FNGs, so only a brief disclaimer.  No flag as site Q is in MI, so will have to figure that out later.


  • 10 SSH IC
  • 10 CDD OYO
  • 10 Squats IC
  • 10 Merkins OYO

The Show:

Move toward the school a few yards and run old school suicides using the parking entrances.

A quick count off to ensure all were still present (Really it was to give the Q a chance to catch his breath)

Mosey to the roundabout and circle-up.

Plank.  PAX 1 runs around the circle back their spot, completes 10 merkins.  Then PAX 2,   Continue to stay in plank until all have completed the run and merkins.

There was a count off or a 10 count here, don’t remember which…

Mosey on around the school to the parking lot behind the buses.

Time for 11’s.  Jumps squats at one end of the parking lot, plank jacks at the other.

Again, there was a count off or a 10 count here, don’t remember which…

Mosey on around the school to the staff parking lot.

Triple Nickle. – Burpees and LBCs within the parking lot.

Another count off or a 10 count here,..

Up the ramp to the loading dock.

Jump off the dock, run to the ramp and bear crawl up x 2

Mosey on around the school for a form of Mary…

PAX calls an exercise.  Its done for 30 secs.  After 30 seconds, we mosey to the next light pole, making our way to  start.

Exercises included:

  • Flutters
  • Boxcutters
  • Grinders
  • Merkins
  • LBCs
  • Spidermans
  • I think there was one more.  Guess you had to be there.


Roscoe googled up a flag for us, and we complete The Pledge of Allegiance.

And that is time!



  • CSAUP this Saturday @ Folsom.  (Yank is closed unless someone want to take the Q)
  • JJ5K 26-Sep
  • Mt. Mitchell Hike 27-Sep
  • IPC @ Cloninger Park, Dallas – 0530 tomorrow (16-Sep)
  • IPC @ Grier (GasHouse) 1730 tomorrow (16-Sep)


Prayer Requests:

  • Buckeye’s college roommate
  • Sister Act’s family
  • First Responders


Good Work this morning, men!  Hope you got your money’s worth.


Watts Up Powering Down.

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