Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tesla (Page 7 of 17)

80’s a B (barely), 100’s an A.

So YHC got to the AO early this morning, needed to do a little AO prep and get ready for phase 2 of the planned beatdown with buttermilk! Some pax were on a little EC – if they only knew! Great morning by the way for those who missed. FNG shows up from Eagle Park in Belmont. Maybe we should put an AO over there someday? Went like this:


SS – burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Grapevine Stretches

Nolan Ryans X 10 each side

Mountain Climbers X 20

Mosey down to the gazebo on the square for an escalator.

5 burpees – lap @ the green.

5 burpees, 10 big boys – lap @ the green.

5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 dirkins – lap @ the green

5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 dirkins, 20 jump squats – lap @ the green

5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 dirkins, 20 jump squats, 25 dips – lap @ the green.

Line up on the sidewalk on the river side of the green.

Bear Crawl mode;

1st stake – 5 Ahs

2nd stake – 10 Ahs

3rd stake – 15 Ahs.

Broad Jump mode:

1st stake – 5 HR merkins

2nd stake – 10 HR merkins

3rd stake – 15 HR merkins

Lunge mode: (easy roll here)

1st stake – 5 LBCs

2nd stake – 10 LBCs

3rd stake – 15 LBCs

OK pax, guess what? It is now the 4th Quarter!  6: 05. Getting tougher in the 4th quarter is the bottom line. The buttermilk gets thick. Let’s find out what we got! And make it better. so, toughness drill on 1. Goes like this:

Triple Nickel

Bottom, 5 plank jacks

Top, 5 Merkins

Now here’s the rub. We generally do this on the small, short hill from the Fire Dept. up to Doffers. And it can be tough. Today, we’re raising the standards here. Because we should do that from time to time. My thought anyhow.  So we put in play. Track would be starting at the FD and going up the big hill 4 lights and back. This is roughly 3/4 of the way up and back which was given the time we had the best we could reasonably test today. So test we did!

After most of the pax had 4 repeats the bat flippers headed up for 5. It was 6:14. So YHC made a call. And that was if we are going to go over, so be it. But, FINISH! 4/5 is 80% That’s a B. Barely, but still a B. Which is good effort. But it doesn’t finish the job.  YHC  came to finish the job.  That’s an A! Best you can be. 100% . Let’s do this thing! All pax were in and FINISHED! Which made them A players. Killers. HIMs. Varsity players. Get it doners.

Got a pledge. FNG talked about spilling Merlot. But didn’t do it!


Well, this was all about one thing. Finishing. Getting better, Getting to the horizon or the top. Mission accomplished. Took us 2 minutes over. Had plenty of time for Floyd and Blackie’s.  A good treat after that last roll. Which is why we finish. Also have to admit I was observing the 30th anniversary today of my 1991 Boston Marathon run. 3:03 on near perfect 45 degree cloudy day. What’s called Heartbreak Hill is really four hills between miles 17 and 21. We finished that day too.  So in honor of this day and the Cramerton hill we use so often we will name it Kilimanjaro. Got K2 in Mt. Holly.

Welcome another Eagle Park man – Stagecoach! From Oklahoma. He’ll be back. Tomorrow I predict. And we’ll get back up and get better then too!

Prayers  up for Dolph whose step dad passed and our GSM brothers.

Honor to lead these men. They pushed the rock. And in the 4th quarter just as hard as the 1st quarter.



Twenty Twos at Tequila!

So as the early AM thunderstorms blew through Belmont and Lake Wylie today YHC was thinking that the 22s were a reasonable plan that could if needed withstand adversity such as a T-storm. Turned out we didn’t need to. But, the Folsom crowd showed up (unlike the Belmont crowd today) to get some buttermilk for breakfast. We fed ’em like this:


SS-burpees X 5

IWs X 20


Peter Parkers X 20

Mosey around the community (church and down to the other road and back to the school).

Fall out for set 1 of 22s.

Merkind (20 -2)

Jump squats (2 – 20)

Run a lap at the halfway point. Run two laps when we are done.

Set 2 of 22s.

CDDs (20 -2)

Jump Lunges (2- 20)

Same running  as above.

By now, pax was gassed. it was feeling kind of July out there!

Move over to the field and do “thirds” which means run  1/3 of the field and a repeat.

1/3 – 5 HR merkins

2/3 – 10 HR merkins

3/3 – 15 HR merkins

Run all the way back and over to COT and pledge


Great showing by the Dallas Cowboys today! They were here in force.  Looking forward to coming up that way and leading in June or sometime in that neighborhood. Wish I could have had time to break bread with them  this morning. Great glue going on there!

Where were our Eagle Park boys? Spring Break I assume. It happens.

Obviously we have lots of prayers up for our GSM brothers that are under huge stress right now with the events in Rock Hill. I am sure Purple Haze and Stroganoff are dealing with these families in real time. And nothing you can really do about it when someone goes off like that. Really shows how our mental health battles impact us every day. Prayers for that aspect of our  world today. We got to push that rock!

Pax hit it hard today. Proud to lead these men.





Southern Storm!

As most know YHC tends to split time between Gastonia and Lake Wylie workouts dut to advantageous proximity to both  regions.  The Wylie crowd is generally a bit younger and they do like ot run. I am not problematic with that at all! In fact it keeps the old bones in motion. Love the Core guys in metro but got to get with it with these guys too! Gastonia has matured the past couple of years, great mix of old and young and we have bene running a lot. Probably too much but we are learning to moderate that for pax not  into running. Which is something we need to consider. That said, today was all about the buttermilk as YHC rolled in early to place a few markers on the field the clown car from the south bearing Wylie pax rolled in! And not far behind them the bearded warriors of Folsom took the field with them. Ragnar Lothbrock would have been proud at such a group as the pax swelled to 22. Not bad for a spring break morning!

So as we took the field on a perfect day the festivities began as follows:

SS burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20


NOlan Ryan X 15 each side

Mountain Climbers X 20

Mosey over to the half pipe for some muffled repeats and some voice discipline. This was a veteran group so I knew it would work.

Half pipes:

Top: Plank Jacks X 5

Bottom: burpees X 5

Other side Top: Monkey humpers X 5

2 sets and back to the field. Pax worked well!

Line up on the end line:

1st 25: Broad jump to the line, 5 up-downs on Q.

2nd 25: Burpee Broad Jump, 5 u-ds, 10 HR merkins

3rd 25: Karoake, 5 u-ds, 10 HR merkins, 15 Big boys

4th 25: Lunge walk, 5 u-d, 10 HR merkins, 15 Big boys. 20 CDDs

Mosey to midfield:

10 SSH, 10 Jump Squats.

End line, count off by 3s for……….Bear Crawl Slalom!

Everybody got 3 rolls here. Most def a challenge.

Back to the endline, and over to the benches.

10 dirkins

10 step ups each leg

10 dips

Run across the field and back. Rinse and repeat.

Go to the center of the field and do a pledge. Work done!


This was nothing short of an awesome group to be with today much less lead. The Wylie brothers are great guys and I really look forward to them teaming with us on all sorts of things including but not limited to CSAUPs, convergences, service projects and down the road probably some shared AOs. The opportunities abound! And working together to make it happen.

Again, can’t say enough for the Folsom boys making the effort to show and give our Wylie brothers a real feel for what we’re about here. I plan ot get up there and Q one Saturday after Turkey season. AND same for getting down to a Saturday in Wylie too! I have never done that. My bad!

Total honor to lead this bunch of high impact men. Inspires me that they showed up! Boys pushed the rock today. For real.

Let’s return the favor down there men. Soon!


Gettin’ with it at The Yank!

So YHC took the Q this morning at the old stomping grounds – The Fighting Yank! With spring now in full force and temps about perfect it was time to GET WITH IT for these pax that came with an attitude to do just that. YHC aims to please! And so we did that starting at 7 am promptly.


SS – burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Grapevine stretches

Nolan Ryans X 10 each side

Mountain climbers X 20

Mosey to the top of heartbreak hill for some half pipes

Half pipe :

Top: plank jacks X 5

Bottom: HR merkins X 5

Top: MH butt to the road X 5

Rinse and repeat.

On the track for some six – shooter action.

10 burpees – lap

20 big boys – lap

30  merkins – lap

Take a break and go down to the playground for a little action as follows:

Pull ups X 10

Diamond merkins x 10

step ups X 10 (each leg)

Run the steps and back.

Rinse and repeat 3X total

Back to the six shooter

40 squats – lap

50 CDDS – lap

60 SSH – lap

mosey up to the school parking lot as we get ever closer to the 4th quarter!

Two minute drill

Partner up. P1 runs the end of the lot to the road and back P2 does called work. This goes for 2 minutes

1st drill: Merkins X 2 minutes

2nd drill: LBCs X 2 minutes

3rd drill: American Hammers

Now we get to the REAL part of the day – we are most def IN the 4th Quarter! So guess what’s up boys? Yep, you got one right!

Bear. Crawl. Slalom! And with a good sized crowd on the Field of Dreams everyone got three turns! Massive test.

After Party: SSH X 10, 1 Turkish get up. Jump squats X 10, 2 Turkish get ups.

Run back to the other end.

1/2 way: 5 HR merkins

end: 10 HR merkins

Game over! Could not have timed it better. 8;01 actually. nobody complained about that! Pledge


Pax hit it hard today. We didn’t even stop for a 10 count. Stayed up and at it. Slalom was awesome today. Really created a challenge and the need to gut it out to get it done. That’s the 4th quarter. It’s about pushing the hardest when you are dog tired and want to quit. In F3. In life. The 4th is the difference maker. It’s where the legacy comes from. The leave right part. So getting tougher in the 4th quarter for YHC is a nonnegotiable thing. Every time, all the time.

Welcome FNG Palmer. New to Belmont via RTP and Tennessee. Looking forward to lots of posts from him. Great Q source by Breaker. Ruckers were out for over 2 hours.

Tesla out




So YHC announced as the pax gathered for COP “Breakfast time!” and we started our journey on the way to beatdown on a spectacular spring morning with 22 in attendance. Went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Grapevine stretches.

Mount climbers X 20

Bootcampers mosey up to the track and field for some six shooter action:

10 burpees – lap

20 Big boys – lap

30 merkins – lap

Move over to the tables for some core work:

Step ups (each leg)


Split squats


Repeat 10X, 15X, 20X

Return to the track to finish up six shooters.

40 squats – lap

50 squats – lap

60 SSH – lap

Nearing the 4th quarter!

Triple nickel on the hill down by the baseball field:

Bottom: HR merkins X 50

Top: plank jacks X 5

Repeat 5X

4th Quarter! bear Bryant said it best. Winning is not imperative,  but getting better in the 4th quarter is! So we decided to kick ass and get better with a new variation on Bear Crawl Slalom!

Assemble on the 1st base line. YHC at home plate. Start the slalom. We went all the way. All the bases.

Until YHC touched home plate. Home run. Parked it! Got. It. DONE!

Move up to the field again for some sprints and drops across the field.

Sprint halfway, drop and get back up. Repeat coming back. Do this 2X.

Mosey back to COT and pledge.


This crew worked hard to today. They toughed a good one out. Proud of these boys! Great group here at the ‘House today,  really underrated and under appreciated. And I’ll take Union Diner any day! Never disappoints.

Great conversation at breakfast and a GREAT crowd! Love to see this keep going. I’ll help make it happen.

Honer and pleasure to lead today. I’ll be back!




Buttermilk at The Bobby

YHC showed up ready to bring a little pain to the morning gloom on what was a great day to be out in the dirt on the field. Yes, it was a time for getting dirty! And that was what we got. Went like this:

Gather at midfield for the following:


SSH X 20

IW X20

Cotton pickers X 20

Grapevine Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Merkins X 10

Take a lap and gather at the goal line:

Run the following distance and do the following

HR Merkins           Jump Squats          Plank Jacks         Big boys

25 yd                     5                                      5                                   5                              5

50 Yd                 10                                     10                                10                            10

75 yd                  15                                     15                                15                            15

100 yd               20                                     20                                20                            20

Take another lap, and line up for 11s:

Dirkins on the bleacher seats X 10

American Hammers X 1 across the field

This got the crowd pretty gassed.

Back on the goal line for 50 yd suicides:

Set 1

Bear crawl X 25 yds. 10 LBCs

Burpee Broad jump to the 50. 10 lBCs

Set 2

Crabwalk to the 25, 10 lBCs

Lunge walk to the 50, 15 lBCs.

Back to the flag and a pledge.


Awesome sunrise on a brilliant morning.  Could not have asked for a better day/morning.  Great push by the pax! We stayed up and at it. YHC likes to keep it simple and active. Works every time it’s tried.

Great push from our FNG, El Cat. So named as a born Bronco fan but now a sports Panther gear. Elway meets the Panthers! Look forward to this guy showing up on a regular basis.

Enjoyed the morning and the opportunity to lead and always do at The Bobby!



Beatdown on the frozen muck.

Been a cold, wet, bone chilling couple of weeks for the pax of late. It’s February. Pretty much what February is all about. The longest four months of the year. No surprise to find out numbers are down.  Had three at The Goat Thursday. it was ugly. but often times winning ugly is what it is all about. So YHC poured the buttermilk. started with a 5;45 am pre ruck with several pax then we got down to the REAL biz of the day:


SS – Burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20


Nolan Ryans X 10 each side

Mosey to the top of Heartbreak Hill for some halfpipes in the muck.

Top – Plank jacks X 5

Bottom – Burpees X 5

top – Butt to the street MHs

Repeat 2X , stay on the street when you’re up there.

Mosey over Hawthorne Hill for some KILLER Blimps! (as in Blimps, not Blimp)

P1 – Run to the top of the hill @ 200 yards.

P2 – do the called work.

B – Burpees

L- Lunges

I – IWs

M – Merkins

P- Plank jacks

S – Squats

Hill was tough today! I wanted to call it at BLIMP. But we showed up for BLIMPS! So we did it. All of it.

Mosey back to the park and up the hill. Guess. What. That. Means? Why ELSE would we come here in the 4th quarter of a workout. If your guess is bear Crawl Slalom, you win the prize! So we did do this thing – in the frozen muck. it was pretty epic. Everyone got two turns. After this, mosey down to the Yank to wrap up with a pledge and COT.


14 strong willed pax showed up today and did the work. Want to shout out to Liono who really put it out there today. Appreciate the positive feedback on the Q while we were doing BLIMPS. You got a Q who pushes you and you’re out there for that let him know! We ‘re not out here in freezing conditions (which YHC actually likes) to just go through the motions. We’re here to get better and that takes effort. Pax responded well. EC Ruck was good to. 5 pax on that jaunt.

Great prayers today and mostly for praises! Especially for Slim Shady. His health is good. I was a little concerned about that. Glad he’s OK. Obviously we have divided nation that needs some leadership on a day to day local basis. Boys, that’s us!

Enjoyed leading this group.

Tesla out.

Going on the fly!

YHC blew into Cramerton this morning completely unprepared to Q The Goat today. Thought it was the 18th i was on deck. Nope! So OK, time ot make it happen! Went down like this:


SS-B X 5

IW X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Foot to hand stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey across the road to the bridge, Bear crawl across the bridge.

Wind up in the lot at the end of the park.

Partner up for BLIMPS,

P1 – Run to the end of the parking lot and back.

P2 – Do the called work.

We do this together so at the end of a round plank for the six.

B- Burpees

L- Lunges

I- Imperial Walkers

M- Merkins

P – Plank Jacks

S – Squats

Mosey back to the park and the shelter for some table work.

1st Round

10 step ups each leg

10 dips

10 inverted big boys

10 dirkins

Lap around the park back to the shelter.

Rinse and repeat above X 15

lap again.

Mosey back across the South Fork.

Triple Nickel time:

Bottom of the hill: HR merkins

Top of the hill: SSH

Repeat 5X

Pledge and COT


Got surprised but not blindsided this morning. No biggie. YHC has done this long enough to figure something out on the fly. That is what experience does for you and is why YOU need to step up and lead! I try to keep it down to 4 a month because we can’t build leaders without letting them get their hands dirty and maybe even fail. No one goes through life undefeated. Unless you don’t ever step up and get your ass in the game. And even with the best preparation you need to get that it can go awry real fast. There remains no doubt in my mind that when Neil and Buzz got that 1201 alarm at 35,000 feet coming down to the lunar surface on 7/20/69 their training and experience as combat fighter pilots is why they go the job done. Which means they spent all of their adult lives putting themselves out there and being at risk. No more so than they did that day and became the first humans to set foot on another world.

Now, that’s extreme stuff there but you need to get the point. Which is step up, expect for things to go bad and recover.  And related to that is when it does go downhill there is always one more thing you can do to get to a position of advantage. And after that another and after that another. Three strikes and you are not out in the real world. So push the rock and get in the arena.  We need you to do that.

Welcome FNG Liono. A fellow North Meck Redneck! he doesn’t know it but there is a song written about us. I’ll sing it someday. Show to know!


Friday Morning Buttermilk in Belmont

So YHC took the reins at Unnamed for the second go- round at the AO. A serving of buttermilk was in order! So we got with it like this:


SS – burpees – 5X (5 SSH, 1 burpee)

IWs X 20

Cotton Pickers  x 20

Grapevine stretches

Nolan Ryans  x 10 each side.

Take a lap, gather up in the parking lot next to the basketball goals.

Suicides, 1st goal FT line, 2nd goal FT line, end.

1st set: merkins X 5, each stop

2nd set: Big boy situps X 5

Take a lap

3rd set: CDDs X 5

4th set:

Take another lap, come back to the benches under the roof at the basketball goals

10 Bulgarian Split Squats X 10 each leg

10 dips

10 inverted big boys

10 dirkins

Suicides. Rinse and repeat.

Over to the soccer field for DORA 1-2-3

100 HR merkins

200 LBCs

300 squats

P1 run to the end of the field and relieve P2, flapjack the run.

Still time for a christening Bear Crawl!

Bear Crawl across the field – all the way. Embrace the suck! Run back! Mosey back to the main lot and do a pledge.



Great group this morning. We pushed it pretty hard and most def pretty consistently. Which is the measure YHC shoots for. Think the pax got a good reason to show. Looks like we have a site Q! Orangeman! So I guess we get a name next week? Plan is to work it out at Primal tonight. Show to know! Beer tastes pretty good as a buttermilk chaser.



The day the BLIMP came to Cramerton, NC

Been awhile but YHC felt like it was time to bring the Blimp to the Goat! On a perfect winter morning it went like this:


Side straddle Burpees, A Tesla creation.  5 SSH X 1 burpee. Repeat 5X

IWs X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Grapevine stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey to the street for Blimps  and partner up. P1 one runs the circle, P2 does the work. Flapjack.





Plank Jacks


In the spirit of unity another Tesla adaption of a tried and true formula – Unified Triple Nickel! Which meant we do the mosey together and it is Q called as follows.

Lower side near the gazebo: 5 dirkins

Upperside on the top of the hill on the green: 5 big boys

Mosey 1 – Karoke up and back

Mosey 2 – Nur up, run back

Mosey 3 – Broad jump up, run back.

Mosey 4 – Bear crawl halfway up, Finish with burpee broad jump

Mosey 5 – Run up, run back.

Mosey  back to the flag and some Mary and a pledge


Great morning, great group. Goat Brings out the best! Thanks to Pillager for the opportunity to lead. We pushed it pretty good today! There’s more where that came from.

Tesla out!



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