Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dolph_Gashouse (Page 5 of 7)

#Folsom bb Push the Roc

8 men showed up this am for a challenge and YHC did his best to deliver. Started off with the Pledge and then moseyed to tennis court.

Warmup; SSH, CDD, LBC’s, Toy Soldiers, Flutter kicks all x 15 IC. Plank triceps pushup x 5 IC.

Thang; 6 tennis courts, lunge across court and perform 10 OYO Butt ups; lunge across next court and 10 more Butt ups repaet to the end. Plank for the six. Now that the blood is flowing. Headeing back; Bear crawl across court and perform 5 Burpees OYO; Crab walk across next court and 5 burpees; bear crawl next court and 5 burpees. MUMBLE CHATTER! I like it. Nice work Pax. Crab walk court and 5 Burpees; repeat to the end alternating between bear crawl and Burpees. I think Hank said he was planning something similar for Thursday. Sorry Hank disnt mean to steal your plan. Next we moseyed to the ampitheater for some of Whoopees favorites. 10 wall jumps OYO; BTW HIp Slapper x 5 IC; rinse and repeat. I believe these are getting easier so on the 2nd set we did x 8 IC. Strong work guys. Getting stronger!!! Next we hit a round French Fries, Jack Web, YHC had to be reminded what number we were on a couple of times, and one more round of Frnch Fries. From here it was time for recess so we headed to the playground. 2 sets of 5,10,15. Pull ups, mericans, squats. Time. Strong work men.
Namorama- Prayer Requests, Announcements.

BOM- Sparky

Moleskin- Hank says he has Jump ropes in the truck if anyone wants to use them. Tennis courts make a much better location for any work on your six. Doesn’t hurt for any kind of suicide work as well. Bear crawl/ Burpees and Crabwalk/ Burpees seemed to get the mumble chatter rolling this am. TClaps to Huckleberry, you’re killing it brother. All Pax definitely pushed the roc on this one. AYE! Crusader you hit the nail on head during the BOM sir about praying for our children and facing the social views of of our world and culture today. Strong words brother. It is an Honor to lead you men. Thanks for oppurtunity. #DRP


10 Pax made it out of the farsack to take on the gloom, with a special post by Freight, nice to see you brother. YHC taking the Q after the #Gashouse Murph was a challenge no doubt. We had one FNG so the disclaimer was delivered and the warm up began.

Warm up; SSH, Merican; cause we didn’t do enough yesterday, Monkey Humpers, Toy Soldiers, CDD’s, Windmills, LBC’s, Flutter Kicks, Trunk Side Stretch, all X 15 IC. Now that Sparky and the Flag appeared we hit the Pledge.

The Thang; YHC dediced to just go with it off the cuff so the Pax moseyed to the far picnic shelter and started off with 3 sets of Dips and Squats x 20 IC. After a quick count off we moseyed to the ampitheater for some Rocky Balboas, Hip Slappers and Donkey Kicks. 20 Rocky Balboas on the short wall OYO and BTW for 10 Hip slappers IC. Another round of 20 OYO RB’s and 10 Donkey Kicks IC. Last round of 20 RB’s OYO and BTW one more time for 5 IC hip slappers and 5 IC Donkey Kicks. Man that is one exercise that sounds good in cadence. Aye! Nice work men. The Pax then moseyed over to the playground for 3 sets of 10 OYO chinups and 30 flutterkicks. Trying to get rid of the soreness from the Murph, no luck with that. YHC had been looking for a hill to try a SOB exercise that is defintely a challenge. Group sprint up hill. While locked with the pax beside you at the elbow, 5 wide, sprint up approx. 30 yrd hill; repeato 3 times. Mosey back to parking lot for the F3 staple. 10, 8 count burpees IC. Crowdpleaser for sure. #DFQ

NMM; YHC didn’t know what to bring to the Pax this am. Tried to keep it moving and the Pax were up for the challenge. Nice job men. An honor to lead. Way to push the rock. It doesn’t get any easier you just get stronger. #DRP

COT; Announcements, Prayer Requests, Namorama, FNG naming; Welcome Mr. Bean.

BOM; Sparky, thank you sir.

Gashouse Murph #BB

24 Pax and 1 traveler appeared for the Murph this morning. TClaps ToolTime. This is a special day and for all the veterans out there, THANK YOU! YHC did not expect the number that made it out of the fartsack this morning; nice work men. YHC shared a short story of Michael Murphy and a disclaimer for the FNG’s. TClaps to these guys, Cougar and Breeder you showed for one of the hardest workouts that YHC has ever done, nice work. Hope to see you back out in the gloom. With that said.

Warm Up; SSH, CDD, LBC’s x 10 IC

Thang; Run 1 mile around Martha Rivers Park and meet back at the playground for the exercises to begin.
100 Pullups
200 Mericans
300 Squats
YHC attacks these 600 reps in 10 sets of 10, 20, 30. The pax can choose how to bust up the reps as long as you get the 600 reps. #DFQ, #DRP. It was an awesomoe sight to see the pax pushing each other. Just the thought about the service and sacrifice that the Veterans have made gives you little extra drive to complete a workout like this. All Gave Some, Some Gave ALL. #Respect. After the 600 reps there was one last task to complete. 1 Mile Run. Way to dig deep men. It was pleasure and honor to lead you this morning.

Moleskin; Definitely one of the toughest workouts out there; to know that Michael Murphy completed this a 20Lb vest or his combat gear on is amazing. The pax all pushed each other and didn’t forget the six this morning. Nice work by all. Jobu nice to have you back with the Pax sir. TSquare and Roscoe tclaps for the H2O fellas. #NoDNBatMarhaRivers AYE!

COT; Namorama; FNG’s, Cougar and Breeder. Breeder my apologies sir, I thought you said breeding was a hobby. Nice work men.
Pledge; Stroganoff thanks for the flag.
BOM; Monk thanks for taking us out.
Enjoyed it men. Till the next one.

Pre Memorial Day Modified Murph

8 appeared in the Gloom this am for a sample of the MURPH!

Warmup; x 15 IC; SSH, Toy Soldier, CDD, Trunk Side Stretch


Thang; YHC asked the Pax if they knew what the MURPH was? Couple of the pax stated they had heard of it and I also heard something about getting back in the truck. The ones who didn’t know got a little a history on Michael Murphy. #Respect
To give up your life for your fellow brothers and your country. No words can express my gratitude for that. So the Pax were informed we were going to modify Murph’s workout and only do half. Run a 1/2 mile, 5 sets of each; 10 pullups, 20 mericans, 30 squats. Run a 1/2 mile. The Pax embraced the challenge and hit it head on. Nice to see them work together on the pullups and push each other during the exercises. YHC offered the count to the Pax and they jumped in as well. Mericans got a little fast on a few of the sets, my apologies. After the second 1/2 mile the Pax moseyed to the tennis court to finish out the time with A little bit o Mary. Huckleberry with Ring of Fire, Shingle with LBC’s, Hydrant with Mountain Climbers, Roadie with SSH, Garfield with Lunge in Place, Hank with 10 Burpees OYO, Mary Lou, you gonna have to help me out sir, drawing a blank, was it hillbillies, yes I think it was. YHC with 10 pretzels IC each side.

Moleskin; Strong work men. A pleasure to push the rock with you guys. It’s awesome to see the growth in each one of you. #DFQ. It doesn’t get easier you just get stronger. Tclaps to Huckleberry, nice work sir. Mary Lou called me out on at least one of the Tempo merican sets. AYE! It is an honor to lead you men.

COT, Namorama, Announcements, Prayer Requests,

BOM; Thanks for taking us out Huckleberry

#Folsom Full BlockBuster

12 of Folsom’s finest showed up in the gloom to face the Blockbuster. The pax had seen this before but it was a modified version. YHC felt it was time to give them the full experience. The pax didn’t back down and pushed through. Nice job fellas. YHC had only 5 coupons and the pax were informed if Sparky didn’t make we would have to modify. Thankfully he pulled in with the remaining coupons and the Blockbuster was saved. No FNG’s were present so there was a short disclaimer; this is U vs U, push yourself and modify as needed.

Warmup; SSH x 10 IC, CDD x 12 IC, LBC’s x 12 IC, Toysoldiers x 12 IC; Allen Tate came in hot so the Folsom pax have remaned the Monkey Humper- Allen Tate.

Thang; YHC explained to the Pax that we would complete 3 sets of 6 exercises with the block and run a 1/2 mile before and in between each set and at the end for a 2 mile total. Definitely got the mumble chatter going early. Exercises were curls x 10 IC, Squats x 10 IC, french curls x 10 IC, front raise x 10 IC, squat press x 10 SC, Good mornings x 10 IC (we will feel these tomorrow for sure. This took the whole time and maybe a few minutes more, sorry fellas.

Moleskin; Nice work by all Pax, the running was a little more than usual but was handled by Pax very well. Tclaps to Sparky and Garfield for pushing the Q, nice work men. Hope it wasn’t too much for you Medicine Woman after the dunk contest last night, wished I could of seen that. To the cyldesdales way to push the rock men. Gumby has the Q on Thursday, looking forward to it sir.

COT; Namorama; Prayer requests and announcements.

BOM; Sparky thanks for taking us out sir. As always an honor to lead you men. #DRP. Till the next one. AYE!

#Folsom BB

10 men appeared in dark to take the red pill.

Warm up
Hillbillies x 20 ic
Windmills x 20 ic
SSH x 20 ic


run to bottom parking lot; form a line at curb stops and Sparky gave instructions. Sprint across parking lot (30 yds) 20 mericans, sprint back 20 lbcs, sprint back across 19 mericans, sprint back 19 lbcs; all the way down to one rep of each. Mosey to ampitheater dips x 20 ic, hip slappers x 10 ic, run around park back to flag.

COT; Announcements, Prayer requests

BOM; Sparky

#Folsom bb Burpeecides

8 pax showed up in the gloom for the beatdown.

Warmup; SSH, Mericans, Squats, Toysoldiers, LBC’s, Flutterkicks all exercises x 15 IC.


Mosey to 6 Tennis Courts line up on the first court and YHC told Garfield that he liked the suicides we ran last week so we going to do burpeecides. Sprint across court 1 and perform 1 burpee and sprint back. Sprint across court 2 and perform 2 burpees and sprint back and so on across all six courts. 21 burpees total and about a 1/2 mile. Then we mosey to end of the parking lot where the flag is planted and circled up and performed Mary; WWII sits ups x 15 OYO, Hello Dolly x 15 IC, Russian Twist x 15 IC. Mosey to the upper picnic shelter for 3 rounds of the following. CCD, Squats, Dips, Good Mornings. Rd 1 x 20 IC, Rd 2 x 15 IC, Rd 3 x 10 IC. Mosey to the ampitheater and perform wall jumps x 10 IC, tougher to count than YHC expected. BTW for Hip Slapper x 10 IC, thanks Whoopee. Wall jumps x 10 OYO, BTW Donkey Kicks x 10 IC. Mary on the stage, Freddy Mercury x 15 IC, French Fries x 10 IC. Mosey back to flag parking lot for COT.

COT; Announcements, Prayer Requests, Namorama

BOM; Shingle

Moleskin; Nice work men. TClaps to Shingle and Gumby for stepping and taking the Q spots next week. AYE! Hank and Garfield, way to push the rock men. Strong work by all. Once we hit the point where the body wants to quit thats when pushing through starts making the difference. #DFQ As always an honor to lead you men. #DRP

#Folsom #bb Popnlock

10 pax appeared in the gloom for the VQ by Allen Tate.  There was a text going around last night about comfortable shoes and icy hot!



Monkey Humper (popnlockit) x 20 IC

SSH x 15 IC

Hillbillies x 15 IC


Mosey to lower parking and meet at the far end.  The VQ then called for an indian run.  The mumble chatter started with, ok any prayer requests.  The distance was about 1/2 mile where the Q asked; who knows what a chest nut is?  No pax could answer.  Partner up.  P1 assumes sit up position on back.  P2 places feet at P1 head and planks.  P1 holds P2 ankles and performs 5 bench press then holds the lock out position and P2 then performs 10 mericans.  Switch. Rinse and repeat.  More mubble chatter as the pax were in the entrance to the park performing Chest Nuts.  Great exercise.  Definitely got the I hate yous out of Shingle. Next was an Indian Run back to the starting point for some BOMBS. 25 Burpee, 50 Overhead claps,  75 Mericans, 100 Bigboy sit ups, 125 Squats.  Aggregate count with partners.  P1 exercising while P2 sprinted 40 yds and back.  Crowd pleaser.

COT; Announcements, Prayer requests- Shingle, pray for the Pax at Folsom and for each other.  AYE!

BOM- Allen Tate

Moleskin; Tough workout men.  Liked hearing the mumble chatter.  It doesn’t get any easier you just get stronger.  #DRP


4-7-16 #Folsom Garfield VQ #bb

The rainy morning started with a few quick warm-ups which included side straddle hop, don quixotes, hillbillies and a jog around the park. Once everyone was warm and ready to go we met on the tennis courts (6 courts wide) for suicides. Between each suicides, we recovered by pushing out 30 merkins. The first recovery was wide arm merkins, and then regular merkins and we finished up with diamond merkins. We ended the workout with a nice jog to the closest picnic shelter for LBC, ABC and Dips.
Nice work out Gentleman! Thanks for the opportunity to Q for the first time.

F3 Garfield

COT; Announcements, Namorama, Prayer Requests,

BOM; Prayer

#bb #Folsom

7 regular pax and wait 2 FNG’s appeared in the gloom for a Sparky beatdown.  After a short disclaimer the warm up began.

Warm Up; SSH x 20 IC, Mericans x 20 IC, LBC’s x 20 IC

The Pledge

The Thang; Pax were instructed to mosey to lower parking and circle up near the blocks that someone apparently left in the middle of the lot.

Pax partner up and perform the following exercises.

P1 60 Burpees P2 Bearcrawl 20 yds 20 block curls and bearcrawl back and switch; P1 80 mericans P2 frog leap 20 yds 20 french curls frog leap back; P1 100 squats P2 crabwalk 20 yds 20 block chest press crabwalk back and switch; P1 120 flutterkicks P2 lunge 20 yds 20 block dips lunge back and switch.  There was not much mumblechatter at this point and with time almost out we moseyed the blcoks back to the upper parking lot and returned them to a pick up.  Cirlce up for mary.  It was heard that Shingle hated Sparky at this point and another comment was made about running a lap around the tennis court and of course that is what shingle picked.  I think he regretted that choice.  Once complete with the lap we circled up again to complete the pax mary.  SSH, LBC’s, and a couple more that I cant remember.

Moleskin; Tough workout and the FNG’s handled it pretty well.  In all the Pax were definitely feeling this one not long after the burpees started.

Namorama and FNG naming

BOM; Announcements, prayer requests, prayer.  Nice work men.  #DRP

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