Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Boudin (Page 3 of 8)





15 Imperial Walkers IC

15 Moroccan Night Clubs IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

5 Burpees

Mosey to the parking deck.  5 Burpees at each speed bump.

We started at the bottom of the parking deck and did Route 66 on each level then mosey back to the start for 5 Burpees them mosey back to the next level.  The exercises done were has follows

Level 1  Merkins

Level 2 Monkey Humpers

Level 3 CDD

Level 4 Squats

Level 5 Mountain Climbers count right leg

We fellowship moseyed to the Level 6 for wall work.

30 second Wall Sit

15 Dirty Hookups

30 Shoulder Taps

30 second Wall Sit

Mosey down to Level 4 rinse and repeat then mosey to Level 3 rinse and repeat.  With time running low we moseyed back to the Pavilion for some core work.

25 of the following exercises.



American Hammers

Heals to Heaven



Time 6:15 am


Prayer Request


The Q took us out in prayer

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. SYITG.



Once Upon a Storm in Mt Hollywood

With the rain coming down Freon showed up, then CPAP, and finally Dr. Seuss.  Clock struck 5:30 a.m. We drove down to the elementary school to use their awning for a rainy day beat down.


We did not have a flag, so we did not complete the pledge.

Warm up


10 Gravel Pickers IC

15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

We used the walk way under the awning to mosey down to school entrance to start then moseyed back and forth completing the following sets.

Round 1

30 SSH

20 Squats

10 Merkins


Round 2

30 Mtn Climbers

20 Lunges

10 Merkins


Round 3

30 Pulsing Squats

20 Burpees

10 Merkins


Round 4

30 Freddie Mercuries

20 Plank Jacks

10 Merkins


Round 5

1 min Wall Sit

20 Hip Slappers

10 Dirty Hookups

1 min Wall Sit

We rinsed and repeated these exercises however we replaced Burpees with CDD.

Next we did a route 66 with Shoulder Taps and Lunge Walk to the next column. With time running low we went 10 feet back to the start for some core work

25 Reps of

American Hammers

Flutters 4 ct

Reverse Crunch

Plank with a dip



We planked for the remaining minute.  Time 6:15 am.


Prayer request


I took us out in prayer,

Thanks for showing up guys.  I would have definitely drove back to the house without putting in the work.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.  SYITG




Dad Jokes

YHC showed up to Stone Cold and Cinderella getting in some EC.  The clock struck 5:30 a.m. time to get started





15 Plank Jacks IC

10 Gravel Pickers IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

5 Burpees

Moseyed around the track then to parking lot behind the school for Tabata work

20 Seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes of the following exercises


Monkey Humpers


Flutter Kicks

Once done we moseyed to the front of the school for another round of Tabata of the following exercises





Mosey to the back of the school for another round of Tabata of the following exercises



Heels to Heaven

Big Boys

Mosey to the end of the parking lot.  Next we did the following exercises then moseyed to the other end of the parking lot then repeat.

25 Big Boys


50 Overhead Claps IC.  This were the comedy show started where the PAX began telling dad jokes. It got really bad.


75 Merkins


100 Squats


125 Flutter IC

We then mosey up the ramp at the school for a little wall work.

25 second wall sit

10 Dirty Hook Ups

25 second wall sit

10 Dirty Hook Ups

With time running low we moseyed back to the start.  Time 6:15 am.


Prayer Request

I took us out in Prayer.


Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  SYITG



Friday Fun Day





20 Moroccan Night Clubs

10 Merkins IC

10 Gravel Pikers IC

5 Burpees

Mosey to the Tennis courts for some Tabata work. 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes

3 rounds



Monkey Humpers

Mountain climbers

Mosey around all of the tennis courts.

Next we lined up on the line of the first tennis courts for suicides

5 burpees at start mosey to next line

20 Squats mosey back

5 Burpees

20 Merkins

5 Burpees

20 Lunges

5 Burpees

20 V ups.

First round completed time running short, so we left the Tennis courts and repeated the previous work out at each telephone pole on the left until we got back to the start.

Back at the start we focused on core 25 reps of the following exercises


Freddie Mercury’s


Heals to Heaven

Time 6:15 am


Prayer Requests


I took us out in Prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.  SYITG


The Not So Rainy Goat



Warm up:


15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

10 Gravel Pickers IC

20 Squats OYO

Mosey to bridge Lunge Walk across, continue Mosey to the parking lot on the other side of the Park.

25 of the following exercises then Mosey back to the light before the bridge



Smurf Jacks


5 Burpee

20 of the following exercises then Mosey back to the parking lot



Smurf Jacks


5 Burpee

15 of the following exercises then Mosey back to the light before the bridge



Smurf Jacks


5 Burpee

10 of the following exercises then Mosey back to bridge. Lunge walk across then Mosey to Gazebo.



Smurf Jacks


5 Burpee

At the Gazebo partner up for  DORA 123

100 Big Boys

200 Reverse Lunges

300 Flutters count right leg.

With time running down we did

25 LBC

25 Heels to Heaven

Time 6:15 am.


Prayer request


I took us out in prayer.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.


Shoulder day

YHC showed up to the PAX getting in some EC.  Clock hit 5:30 am, time to get started.





15 Imperial Walker IC

10 Merkins IC

10 Gravel Pickers IC

20 Squats OYO

Moseyed to the concession stands by baseball field for an escalator

10 Merkins mosey to gate 10 Merkins, 20 Bigboys, mosey back to concession stand 10 Merkins, 20 Bigboys, 30 Monkey Humpers mosey back to the gate 10 Merkins, 20 Bigboys, 30 Monkey Humpers, 40 Mountain Climbers count right leg.

Amtrak went by so 5 Burpees for the train.  Mosey around upper parking lot to the back wall for some work.

3 rounds

10 Dirty Hookups

20 Hip Slappers

30 Shoulder Taps

Mosey to gate and back.  Wall sit until 6 was in.

Moseyed to the back parking lot where the buses where being warmed up to go pick up the children.

Route 66

Squats with bear crawl every 2 spaces then had to come back where I left my phone

Route 66 back

Merkins and lunges every 2 spaces.

Sargento started reminder of time at this point, so we moseyed back toward the start and stopped at the round about.

Here we did

30 Mountain Climbers

20 Reverse Lunges

10 Merkins

Moseyed up the school entrance

Here we did

30 Freddie Mercurys

20 Plank Jacks

10 Merkins

Moseyed back to the start for some core work

25 of the following exercises



Heals to Heaven



Time 6:15 am


Prayer Request


I took us out in prayer.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. SYITG

Correct Forecast





15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

10 Gravel Pickers IC

20 Squats OYO

Moseyed to the bottom of the parking lot at Martha Rivers

We started a the last light pole closes to soccer fields

25 Squats, Merkins, Smurf Jacks, CDD, 5 burpees then Mosey to sixth light pole

20 Squats, Merkins, Smurf Jacks, CDD, 5 burpees then Mosey to first light pole

15 Squats, Merkins, Smurf Jacks, CDD, 5 burpees then Mosey to sixth light pole

10 Squats, Merkins, Smurf Jacks, CDD, 5 burpees then Mosey to first light pole

Fellowship mosey to parking spots closest to the restrooms.

Bear crawl 8 parking lines.  10 count then Bear crawl 8 more parking lines.

Fellowship mosey to picnic shelter and partner up.  One partner runs while other partner works on the following exercises.

50 Big Boys

100 Overhead claps

150 Dips

200 Squats

We got to about 100 Flutter kicks, but it was close to time, so we headed out on a mosey back to the start.  Arrived back at the start with about 1 minute to spare.  Flutter kicks IC until time. 6:15 am.

Well the weatherman got the forecast right this morning with light rain starting at 6 am, but nothing too bad.  Thanks me for coming out and giving me an opportunity to lead.


Convergence April 2nd at the Yank

Look at Slack for information on 2nd F outing to Honey Hunters game on April 24th.

Prayer request

Name o rama

I took us out in prayer.


First Q at Oldschool

YHC showed up to Slaw finishing up some EC.  The Purple Haze showed up.  It was breezy morning.  Clock struck 7:00 am time to get started


Warm up


15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC  (Blart and Wirenut decided to show up at this time)

10 Gravel Pickers IC

20 Squats OYO


Moseyed away from the start down past the rescue station for Route 66.  First Q fail, this road was a little busy to use the parking spots.

Merkins and Lunge walk between parking spots one way and squats and bear crawls between parking spots on the way back.

At this time YHC asked the PAX if there was a place to do some wall work.  Wirenut offered up Ingles, so we moseyed down to Ingles for

3 rounds

10 Dirty Hookups

20 Hip Slappers

30 Should Taps

Mosey around identified part the of the parking lot.  After set number 3 we moseyed back to the start to use the track at Old School.

At the track we performed an escalator.  Moseying in between the track corners.

First corner

10 Merkins

Second corner

10 Merkins

20 Big Boys

Third corner

10 Merkins

20 Big Boys

30 Monkey Humpers

Fourth corner

10 Merkins

20 Big Boys

30 Monkey Humpers

40 Mountain Climbers

Now that we were back at the start it was time for round two of track work.  This time we used the opposite corners of the track while moseying in between.

First corner

30 SSH

20 Squats

10 Merkins

Second corner

30 Mountain Climbers

20 Reverse Lunges

10 Merkins

Third corner

30 Monkey Humpers

20 Burpees

10 Merkins

Fourth corner

30 Freddie Mercury’s

20 Plank Jacks

10 Merkins

With less than 10 minutes left we headed back to the start for core work.  We did 25 of the following excercises.


High Flutter Kicks

Low Flutter Kicks

High Scissor Kicks

Low Scissor Kicks

American Hammers

Heals to Heaven


Flutter IC  (Q fail number 2.  YHC cadence was really off during Flutters and Plank Jacks.  Lucky the PAX had my back to get me back on track by calling the cadence.

Plank Jacks 10 IC  Time  8:00 am.


Convergence at The Yank April 2nd

Purple Haze mentioned SMR team members to keep an eye out on Slack for race info.  Meeting on Sunday, March 27th.

Community Run on April 9th.

Wirenut will be doing 30 min block workout the morning of Community Foundation run on April 9th.

Prayer Request

Name o rama

I took us out in Prayer.

Great work guys.  Thank you for the push and the opportunity to lead. SYITG


The Sword

8 PAX showed up to get in a mosey this morning.

For the word I used a couple of pages from my Daily Devotion titled “Radical Wisdom”


Hebrews 11:1 “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we not see.”

The opposite of faith is fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Choose Faith

4 truths to lean into when you feel fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

  1. God is real- Paul answers this with Romans 1:20
  2. God loves me- When I have no where else to turn, I set aside my doubt, pride, ego and know He loves me.
  3. God can be trusted- I trust Him with every outcome.
  4. There is a life after this one.  Jesus proved it with His death, resurrection, and ascension.

Life happens. Our circumstances often cause us to question what we believe, creating doubt in our hearts about everything we thought was true.  It happens to all of us. But what matters most is how we respond to doubt when it arises



2nd F at Pita Wheel in Dallas this Wednesday.  See Slack for details.

Convergence at The Yank on April 2nd.



Tesla’s Family

Big Pappy Family

Wichita Family and foot

Stiper’s Brother

Bedpan Family

I took us out in Prayer.

Thank you for the opportunity to share and be pushed by you men. I hope everyone has a great week. SYITG.

What Did I Say?

YHC showed up to a few guys completing EC. Clock struck 5:30 am time to get started.

No FNG’s





15 Imperial Walkers IC

15 Morroccan Night Clubs IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

5 Burpees

Mosey down to the bottom of the parking lot for the park for 2 rounds of Route 66

Merkins going toward soccer fields squat with lunge walk to each line coming back.

Next up was a little wall work

2 rounds

10 Dirty Hookups

20 Hip Slappers

30 Shoulder Taps

Mosey around parking lot

Next up on the list was core work

25 LBC

25 High Flutter Kicks

25 Low Flutter Kicks

25 High Scissor Kicks

25 Low Scissor Kicks

25 American Hammers count 1 side

25 Heels to Heaven

25 Plank Jacks

With everyone warmed up we moved into the main course

4 Rds

7 Burpees

14 Merkins

21 Squats

28 Flutter Kicks count 1 side

Mosey back to the start.  SSH until the end.  Time


Q School 3/12 Left Whoopee or Roscoe know

Convergence April 2nd at The Yank

Today was Folgers 100 post




Tesla Family

Roscoe Father in Law

Name o Rama

I took us out in prayer.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  Until next time.  SYITG.


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