Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: BA (Page 2 of 5)

BackBlast: #TheStorm- The Deck Of Death and Some Fog

14 PAX arrived through the fog for BA’s Q at #TheStorm.  It was nice to see a good number come out for the workout this morning including Thimble who has been away for awhile.  It was also nice to see an FNG (Colonel Sanders) come out to experience a workout at #TheStorm.

Since the watches were not synchronized (Dolph 5:32 and Mayor 5:28) we started at 5:30???

Circle up in the parking lot

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 20
  • JoBu x 20
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 20
  • Don Quixote x 15

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Run w/ Leg Exercises

  • Start at the sidewalk close to the weight room and do JoBu’s x 5 sprint to the sidewalk at the tennis court and do Squats x 5….  repeat 3 times

Deck of Death (52 cards + 2 Jokers= 54 exercises):

  • Face value = # of reps, Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13, Ace=14, and Jokers= 10 JoBu’s.  Hearts=Burpees, Spades= Squats, Diamonds=LBCs, Clubs=CDDs

This got the PAX doing some exercises in cadence and some OYO.  Tip my hat to Colonel Sanders (FNG) who jumped in and counted in cadence.


Nameorama: Colonel Sanders (FNG)

Announcements: Extra Credit at workouts starting at 4:45…. keep up on twitter.

Prayers: TSquare’s son, Outhouse’s mother, Dolph’s father

Coffeeteria: 1 at Floyd and Blackies

One guys opinion:

After the regionalization meeting we had the other night it got me thinking about a few things… I have a feeling we may be organizing just to organize.  Just because the parent company (F3) has a plan on how to move from “nomad” to “full membership” doesn’t mean we have to embrace everything.  I think we have/had a good identity and hope we don’t loose that due to jumping through the hoops that have been set before us.  I also hope that the group continues to be the voice of many and not just a few.  I hope some of us don’t loose sight of the fact that we are essentially a group of guys who gets together to workout, have a drink, and share our faith….leadership and community service has come about while we have did that.  I am curious and hopeful this moving to a “more structured” group doesn’t hurt us…. yeah yeah I know it’s a proven method and works….  I’ll wait for the F3 powers to be to strike down upon me.

Good to lead the workout today.  Great to see so many guys come out for the workout and especially nice to see Thimble return after being absent for awhile.


BackBlast- #TheStorm: ‘Bout That Life

10 PAX arrived for BA’s Q at #TheStorm.  There was a little confusion as some of the PAX had gathered outside, but then moseyed over to the weight room as they saw and heard my truck roll by while honking the horn.  We all know if it’s under 40 and I am the Q at #TheStorm we will spend some time in the weight room.

Coming off a week on the DL I had plenty of time to think of something different I could do as a Q that we haven’t done before at any F3 Gastonia workout (I would be surprised if it has been done at any F3 workout).  My goal was to work the neck muscles and trapezius muscles…. yeah yeah probably a reason we have never seen this, but I sort of march to my own drummer…..

Circle Up In Weight Room With Your Own Area And A Pair Of Dumbbells Nearby (Brown Streak stood guard in his tights outside awaiting late arriving PAX…or in silent protest of being inside)

Quick shoutout to Brown Streak and Monk for coordinating their tights today (side by side) and Godfather for showing up in long johns… stylin and profilin

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 20
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 20

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


  • Roxanne (Merkins on Roxanne/Plank Jacks on Red Light) -I believe this is when TopHat rolled in…public transportation must have been running late-
  • Shrugs With Dumbbells x 20
  • Boxer Necks (Front:25 Sides:20)
  • Sally (Squats)
  • Shrugs With Dumbbells x 20
  • Boxer Necks (Front:25 Sides:20)
  • Thunder (Burpees)…added 15 SSH during dead time in music
  • Shrugs With Dumbbells x 20
  • Boxer Necks (Front:20 Sides:15)
  • Farmer Carries With Dumbbells
  • Shrugs With Dumbbells x 20
  • Boxer Necks (Front:15 Sides:10) –Thanks Mayor and Dolph for the counting..not sure how many we actually completed-
  • Peoples Chair With Weight  -Shout out to my M for the use of her music…. When I put the music on shuffle to motivate us through Peoples Chair we all learned ‘Bout That Life from some rapper named Meek Mill (I googled it)…. most wish we didn’t-
  • Bodies (Donkey Kicks/Merkins)

-Quick Note… JoBu was very very disappointed we did not do any JoBus aka Monkey Humpers.  This weeks Q’s I ask you to please add these so I stop getting his text and calls complaining we forgot his favorite exercise.  He let me know he went home right after the workout this morning and immediately did 1,000 JoBus to make up for what we forgot.



Announcements: Bicycles at 6am at GasHouse…extra credit (yes JoBu you can borrow my 7 year old sons bike…you are about the same size)

Prayers: Top Hat led us through prayers for the PAX

Coffeeteria: 3 at Floyd and Blackies

Great to lead the group today.  I know the workout was a bit different, but I hope you got something out of it.


BackBlast- GasHouse: Cinder Blocks And Some Merlot Splashing

20 PAX (including 1 FNG) showed up for some merlot splashing, sore arms, and a lot of sweat being put down on the pavement.

This was my first chance to post to GasHouse since July 25th due to my coaching schedule and other things that have come up.  I figured I might as well Q on my return.  I have been posting at the weekday AOs, but forgot how much the extra 15 minutes on the Saturday morning workouts adds to the difficulty of a F3 workout.  My goal was to make this a good upper body beatdown on my return to GasHouse.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • CDD x 10
  • LBC x 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
  • Monkey Humpers aka JoBu’s x 10 -JoBu loves when we honor him in his love of this exercise

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Mosey across the street to the parking lot

  • Zombie Walks Across The Parking Lot
  • Little Baby Dips x 10 (In Cadence)- Dolph must have been on his own cadence and looked like a rabbit in heat doing these.

Mosey to the adjacent parking lot

  • Zombie Walks Across The Parking Lot
  • Derkins x 10 (In Cadence)

Mosey to Church Parking Lot and Circle Up

Wave of Merkins and CDD’s- Q said Ring of Fire, but he was short of oxygen…

  • Merkins x 5 (In Cadence)
  • CDD x 5 (In Cadence)

Mosey to stairs behind Church and partner up with each group getting 1 cinder block

Fun With Cinder Blocks

  • 300 Standing Chest Press/Run Up Stairs and Merkins x 3- FNG Red Rider Merlot Splash 1
  • 200 Bicep Curls/ Run Up Stairs and CDD x 3- FNG Red Rider Merlot Splash 2
  • 100 French Curls/ Bear Crawl Up Stairs and LBC x 3- FNG Merlot Splash 3
  • 50 Blockees/Run Up Stairs and Squat x 3- FNG Merlot Splash 4?… I didn’t notice this round due to trying not to join him.

Cudos to FNG Red RIder for sticking it out during this….we added an extra count off or two to keep the rest of us from joining him.

Mosey to the Schiele with Cinder Blocks In tow and deposit in BA’s truck.  Then Circle Up.

Wave of Merkins x 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


Nameorama: FNG Jim Upton was named Red Rider

Announcements: 5 year anniversary convergence at AG Middle School in Charlotte on Jan. 1 and Yeti

Prayers: Top Hat lead us through prayer

Coffeeteria: 12 at Panera

I was glad to get back to GasHouse and I enjoyed every second of the workout this AM.  Again it was my pleasure to lead the PAX today!


BackBlast- #TheStorm: Two For Tuesday

12 PAX showed up to put in some work at #TheStorm early this morning.

Last night I looked at the forecast and it said 100% rain and this morning the rain was coming down in buckets.  No worries when you have the nicest AO in F3 Nation…the tweet went out that we would meet up inside.  All the PAX were all smiles to be out of that mess this morning when they entered the dry confine of the weight room.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 12
  • Merkins x 12
  • Monkey Humpers aka JoBu’s x 12
  • LBC x 12

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


2 For Tuesday

The PAX grabbed a 25lb plate (or larger) and circled up

  • Sally while holding weight

Drop the 25lb plate and stay circled up

12 days of Christmas

  1. Burpee
  2. Merkin
  3. Squat
  4. Mountain Climbers
  5. LBC’s (has to be a rap lyric when you yell it out)
  6. Moroccan Night Clubs
  7. CDD
  8. French Fries
  9. Dying Cockroaches
  10. Russian Twists aka Mason Twists
  11. Freddy Mercury
  12. Dips


The PAX grabbed a 25lb plate (or larger) and circled up

  • Sally while holding weight

Drop the 25lb plate and stay circled up

12 days of Christmas

  1. CDD
  2. Freddie Mercury
  3. Merkins
  4. Burpees (Is it right to hate a Monk?)
  5. Moroccan Night Clubs (In cadence… sometimes?)
  6. Imperial Walkers
  7. SSH
  8. Diamond Merkins (did anyone check for form?)
  9. Homer/Marge
  10. Monkey Humpers (aka JoBu’s)
  11. Flutter Kicks
  12. Dips


Nameorama: FNG Kitty Cat

Announcements: 5 year anniversary convergence at AG Middle School in Charlotte on Jan. 1, Thanks goes out to JoBu and all of F3 Gastonia for helping the families in need for Christmas, Q’s needed for January

Prayers: Safe travels to everyone this holiday

Coffeeteria: 5 at Floyd and Blackies in Cramerton


With this being the week of Christmas and the end of the year I have to look back at this year and realize I have a lot to be thankful for and that I am truly blessed in all I have in my life (family, friends, job, etc.).  One thing I am happy to have in my life right now is F3 and the group of men that pushes each other to get better in both the physical way and as a person (community and family). Funny to think back to my first workout at the Schiele on March 23 and think how far F3 Gastonia has come since then.  I am looking forward to see what great things 2016 has in store for the men of F3 Gastonia and myself.

Again it was my pleasure to lead the PAX today!


BackBlast- #TheStorm: Shooting Stars And Cinder Blocks

9 PAX showed up to put in some work at #TheStorm early this morning.

I showed up at 5:21 and there was 1 lone mom mobile (Lime Green Ford Escape) belonging to Godfather awaiting the PAX in the parking lot.  Soon after 5:25 the rest of the PAX showed up.  During the chatter right before the workout started there was a flurry of shooting stars (…ok maybe 2).  JoBu started rattling astronomy terms and letting all of us know what was going on since he is a science nerd, but he needed to be cut off because IT WAS GO TIME!

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 15
  • Merkins x 10
  • Monkey Humpers aka JoBu’s x 10
  • LBC x 15

-Pledge Of Allegiance-



Cinder Block Beat Down


The PAX each got a cinder block out of the back of BA’s truck and circled up.

  • Sally while holding cinder block
  • Roxanne with cinder blocks

The PAX got into group of 3’s with each group having 2 cinder blocks

Mosey to the stairs with cinder block.

Cinder Block Beat Down (continued)

  • 300 standing chest press (2)/Run Up Stairs 5 Merkins (1)
  • 300 Curls/Stadium Step Ups/Run Up Stairs 5 CDD
  • 300 French Curls (Tricep)/Dips/Run Up Stairs 5 Chuck Norris Push Ups (First set no gloves then the Q called the Omaha and allowed gloves)

Mosey to BA’s truck to deposit cinder blocks

Circle Up

In Cadence-

  • SSH x 15
  • Merkins x 10
  • Monkey Humpers aka JoBu’s x 10
  • LBC x 15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 50



Announcements: Congrats to Dolph at Gladiator Games for finishing 2nd, 2nd F event later this month (stay tuned to twitter), starting to plan #CSAUP event for GasHouse 1 year anniversary

Prayers: Safe travels to everyone this holiday, Middle School and High School Students in their lives during this time of the year, Doctor Feel Good and his staff.

Coffeeteria: 2 at Floyd and Blackies in Cramerton

This was my first time at a workout in 2 weeks at an F3 workout due to being sick.  It was much easier coming back when I knew I had the Q and I was motivated and pumped up to get back at it. I appreciate all of the guys who went at it today and got some work in at 5:30 this AM.

Again it was my pleasure to lead the PAX today!


BackBlast- #TheStorm: Deck Of Death

18 PAX showed up to put in some work at #TheStorm early this morning.

Everyone jumped out of their cars and circled up and awaited 5:30am to get rolling.  BA quickly went through the legalities and the PAX said the Pledge Of Allegiance.  BA then explained that cheetahs don’t have to stretch when they go out and hunt/run so we won’t and took off for the weight room.  The PAX then learned that Deck Of Death was the activity of the day and things started.

WU: Nonexistent

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Mosey to the weight room.

Circle up and find a spot in the weight room.


Deck Of Death-

Deck of cards is put in the middle of the room and the PAX takes turns pulling a card and leading the exercise.  The number on the card equals the amount of reps 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13, and Ace=14.  If my math is right and it usually isn’t that means every exercise is done 104 times per 1 deck.  We would stick with 104 reps, but some of the PAX did an audible and did their exercise in cadence, extra reps, and holding in position, which was appreciated by all to make things harder. (Thanks Dolph, Whoopie, and anyone else I forgot).

This morning we went 3 rounds with 18 PAX so we did A LOT.

  • Hearts= Burpees
  • Diamonds= Merkins
  • Clubs= Weighted Squats
  • Spades= CDD

There was no break through 2 rounds, but then we did a double count off.

At this time I believe Mayor actually let everyone know he would of rather been running, which never happens.

At some time during one of the last rounds BA called OMAHA and the PAX did 30 LBC’s in cadence and 40 Moroccan Night Clubs in cadence, and 10 JoBu’s (aka Monkey Humpers) in cadence. Then we continued with another round of Deck Of Death….



We were already over time so we skipped count off and just did the following:

Announcements: Upcoming Q’s and 2nd F opportunity at Hickory Tavern this Wednesday at 6pm

Prayers: Safe travels to everyone this holiday

Coffeeteria: 1 at Floyd and Blackies in Cramerton


Today was definitely a day where the workout looked better on paper.  I did enjoy the PAX pushing each other and watching the puddle of sweat and spit collect under me during this workout.  Needless to say I am hurting a bit as I type this and I love it.

Again it was my pleasure to lead the PAX today!


BackBlast- #TheStorm: The Return Of JoBu And Private Pyle…Oh That’s Just Godfather

13 PAX showed up to put in some work at #TheStorm early this morning.  The PAX thought we had 2 FNG’s, but soon realized that was not so.  JoBu returned after going missing (training/running a marathon) and Godfather was sporting a new buzz cut that made him look eerily like Private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket.  After everyone figured the above out it was time to begin.

WU: (In Cadence)

20 SSH

10 JoBu’s aka Monkey Humpers

20 Maroccan Night Clubs

10 Don Quixotes

-Pledge Of Allegiance-

Mosey to the softball field.  Partner Up and each pair get 1 cinder block.


1 partner runs to location and does exercise and then returns while other partner does the cinder block exercise.  Partners continue switching until all repetitions on cinder block exercise is reached in aggregate.

300 Standing Chest Press/Run To Parking Lot and 5 Merkins

200 Bicep Curls/Run To Bridge and 5 CDDs

100 Blockees/Run To Home Baseball Dugout and 5 JoBu’s aka Monkey Humpers

Return cinder blocks to where we got them

Mosey to Shovel Flags

SSH x 50 In Cadence (Brown Streaks Favorite)

JoBu’s aka Monkey Humpers x 5 In Cadence


Count Off

Announcements: Money For The Cleaning Of Bank Wall

Prayers: Bandit’s Wife To Do Well In Interview

Coffeeteria: 4 at Floyd and Blackies in Cramerton


Again it was my pleasure to lead the PAX today.


BackBlast: #TheStorm (11/3/2015)- Shoulders…..

8 PAX showed up for a BA Upper Body (shoulder) beat down.  I imagine we were missing a few guys due to some of the PAX watching the OT Panthers victory the night before.  BA was ready for the rain and had the garage door in the weight room up and ready to go for the workout after the outside warm up.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 20
  • Don Quixote x 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 20
  • Prayer Squats x 10


Mosey To The Weight Room


Merkins x 10 (In Cadence)

Partner Up

  • Shrugs x 25/Dips x AMAP- 4 sets
  • Upright Row x 25/Derkins x AMAP- 4 sets
  • Alternating DB Forward Raise x 20/Step Ups x AMAP- 4 sets

Sally With Weight/MOBY “FLOWER” (Squats on Sally Up/Down) 3:26

  • French Curl x 25/Plate Bench Press x AMAP- 4 sets
  • Hammer Curl x 20/Burpees x AMAP- 4 sets

Mosey To The Shovel Flag

SSH x 51 (In Cadence)


  • Count Off
  • Announcements: Site Q’s, Shirt Orders, Mud Cleanup In Cramerton, Saturday Martha Palooza
  • Prayers: Bandit’s Wife Interview
  • Coffeeteria At Floyd And Blackies- 1 In Attendance

Again It Was My Pleasure Leading The PAX today.




BackBlast: #TheStorm (10/20/15)- Staying Out Of The Cold

11 PAX showed up for one of BA’s non running workouts. The PAX were surprised when it was announced there would be no cinder blocks used in today’s workout.  The PAX were also pleased to learn some of the workout would be done in the weight room with the garage door 1/2 way up due to BA not enjoying the chilly morning.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 20
  • Don Quixote x 10
  • LBC x 20
  • Prayer Squats x 10


Mosey To The Weight Room


Music Time

  • Roxanne/STING AND THE POLICE (Push Ups on Roxanne and Plank Jacks on Red Light) 3:08
  • 30 Dips
  • Thunderstruck/ACDC (Burpees on Thunder…. During Instrumental 9 SSH) 4:52
  • 30 Dips
  • Sally/MOBY “FLOWER” (Squats on Sally Up/Down) 3:26
  • 30 Dips
  • Bodies Hit The Floor/Drowning Pool (Push Up on Hit Floor and Donkey Kick on Counting) 3:21
  • 30 Dips
  • Farmer’s Daughter/Rodney Atkins (Carry Weight Around Room Until End Of Song) 3:30
  • 30 Dips

Counted off after every song…sometimes twice

Wall Sits With 25lb Plate x 1:00, 1:30, 2:00

Wave Merkins (5,4,3,2,1)

SSH x 20

Don Quixote x 10

LBC x 20

Prayer Squats x 10

Mosey To The Shovel Flag


  • Count Off
  • Announcements: More Of The PAX Need To Start Qing, Need A Fill In For Mud Run
  • Prayers: TSquare’s Mother In Law
  • Coffeeteria At Floyd And Blackies- 1 In Attendance

Again It Was My Pleasure Leading The PAX today.


BackBlast- #TheStorm 10/6/15: Trouble Lifting Your Coffee Cup This Morning?

It is always great to Q at the greatest AO in F3 nation. 16 Men (including 1 FNG) enjoyed the cool air and the feel of concrete in their hands this morning.   As advertised there wasn’t much running (1.5 miles), but there was an upper body beatdown. It was good to see the PAX encouraging and pushing each other throughout the workout.  My goal was to have the PAX have trouble lifting their coffee cups later in the day.


All in cadence

  • SSH x 25
  • Merkins x 10
  • LBC’s x 25
  • Prayer Squats x 10

Recover and Say The Pledge Of Allegiance

Partner up and get a cinder block.  Mosey inside the entrance gate and set cinder block down…. we had to work with math as an FNG showed up late and threw off our numbering.


With Partner and Cinder Block-

  • Standing Chest Press x 300/Run to the press box and x5 Merkins
  • Curls x 200/Run to the press box  and x 5 CDD’s
  • French Curls x 100/Run to the press box x 5 Donkey Kicks (I liked hearing this in cadence)
  • Merkins on Cinder Block x 100/Run to the press box x 5 Merkins  (audible from 50 to 100)
  • Upright Row x 100/Run around the press box

Planking with right arm/right leg/left arm/left leg until PAX was done

In between each set we counted up and back…. at some points the counting got interesting and we thought we may have lost a guy, but all was good as we just realized our math is bad.

Mosey to BA’s truck to deposit the cinder blocks.


  • Count Off
  • Naming of FNG- Sunshine (Darnell Johnson)
  • Announcements: Hope Builders 5k, Mud Run, CLT Runway 5k
  • Prayers: 1. Prayers for Outhouses daughter who had a medical procedure. Waiting for results.   2. Praying for people affected by the floods in South Carolina.
  • Coffeeteria At Floyd And Blackies- 2 In Attendance


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