Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2024 (Page 12 of 15)

Freight the Forecaster

Well earlier this week Freight had a conflict with work and having the Q today or at least that’s what was said. Since I had the Q next week, we swapped weeks. Is that truly the case or did Freight know something I didn’t?  🤷‍♂️ Well, no big deal as there was great mumblechatter about crest white strips (ask Blart and Slaw) to the name of a female body part that Mayor pontificates whether or not this elusive thing even exists, as he hasn’t seen one.

Mayor did want to make sure we knew the motto of F3 so maybe he led us in this or maybe not STK!

Disclaimer:  Not a professional, but we will not move to fast or too far that you will not be able to keep up.  Work in between will be done with my count or a count of others who are called on.  Work hard for them. Stay with the group in cadence.  We will not go so fast where anyone gets left behind.

Principles of F3:
1) Free of charge (zero cost, never charge for a workout)
2) Open to all men (no matter the man, you are welcome)
3) Held outdoors (rain or shine, heat or cold we are out there)
4) Peer led (led in a rotating fashion by the men who attend)
5) End with a Circle of Trust (always ends with a COT)

Mission of F3:  Plant, Grow and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Motto:  We welcome men of all fitness levels and all physical abilities to our workouts. We have no requirement for membership other than you show up on time to the location and follow what the workout leader has planned. We will not leave any man behind!




SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies


Grab a block from Slaws truck and hit the shelter. 10 to 1 with thrusters, curls, tricep extensions, alpos, squats, and overhead press. After each round we farmer carry from the shelter to the upper parking lot, switch hands and return for the next set. Gold Digger joined us for the last few rounds after running to Folsom working out there and joining is around the 20ish minute mark.

Mosey to the front of the police department for some 11’s on the hill. Merkins at the top and squats at the bottom. Gold Digger ran though these like everyone else was walking.  We then mosey back to the shelter for some dips, step ups, and merkins 2 sets IC. Mayor called some more step ups to finish us out.

Announcements:  April 13 SFN > send Purple Haze a DM if you can run this, Rice & Beans send Anchorman a DM if you can attend Tuesday , Donations for mens clothing (Hei Hei) give to him anytime, BOS is leading a food ruck starting at 5:45 at the Yank on 3/16, Extinction Run on 4/20 @ 10:00, 2nd F Lunch Bad Daddys on 3/20

Prayer Request:

Slaw and Chili’s dad with Covid

Stogie and eye surgery/ recovery

Hall family

Bed Pan  step dad shoulder surgery




Breaker Breaker family

Gold Digger wife having gall bladder surgery Thursday

YHC took us out.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead again today!

I Wish It Would Rain

Warmups- under the shelter

  • Stretched it out first
  • SSH- 20
  • Hillbillies- 10
  • Gravel Pickers – 10

Then we worked on our core

3 Rounds of 10 reps each

  • LBCs
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Freddie Mercurys
  • Penguins

Then we grabbed some blocks… wanted to instill brotherhood and togetherness so we did some rep work and stayed together on the reps… and to help instill that trend of brotherhood I selected a Motown Play List 😁…

  • 10 rounds, 10 reps of 7 exercises all with the blocks 💪🏻
  • Blockies
  • Thrusters
  • Overhead presses
  • Tricep Extensions
  • Curls
  • Squats
  • American Hammers

After round five with the help of some of my brothers we started a lap after each round, doing 4 laps all together.

On round 9 with minutes to spare we went on our own to try to get in 10… we got to round 10 but didn’t complete it before time ran out….

INCREDIBLE work men 💪🏻

Pledge 🇺🇸


Lunch – 3/20

Rice and Beans – 3/ 12

Food Ruck – 3/16

Convergence – 4/13

Community Foundation speed for need-4/13


Prayer Request:

Walker Family



Jackson Hall


Stogie Eyes

Westside’s wife’s friend that’s pregnant had a mass getting checked for cancer

I prayed us out !

First Good Sweat of 2024

10 men made it past the wreck on Dallas-Stanley Highway and put in work at Midoriyama.  Guessing there might have been some who wish they would’ve just gone home.  Here’s what I remember:

An early season girls soccer tournament brought out the traffic, but we stayed far away from all that.  For the most part.  Radar was right in the thick of it as a referee, but no COT = No Rep.  Adjustments were made to the weinke to stay out the road and away from the fields.  We wouldn’t have had time anyways.

The Thang:

  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)

Grab blocks.

Original plan had us carrying to the soccer fields and stopping at each light pole, but we adjusted the warm up a little

  • 10 x WW3 Situps (Yeah, that’s more like it)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches L (IC)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches R (IC)

Short parking lot by the batting cages and turd shack.  Long ways.  Use a light pole as a guide.

  • Block Carry to light pole
  • 5 x Block Swings (OYO)
  • 10 x Bent Over Rows (OYO)
  • Block Carry back
  • 5 x Blocks Swings (OYO)
  • 10 x Bent Over Rows (OYO)
  • Repeato for a total of 3 down-and-backs

Slow start, but the locals knew we were there, as Wirenut brought the mumblechatter.

Cross the street to the long parking lot by the softball field which was conveniently vacant except for an old Chevy Lumina van (as far as you know) and an old dude on a lawnchair that in hindsight we should have EH’d to give Leppard some company.  Q Fail.

  • 10 x WW3 Situps (OYO)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches L (IC)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches R (IC)

Alright, so no clipboard for the routine, but there probably should have been, as the exercises and rep counts weren’t standard.  Blart made a Short Sale reference if that gives any clues as to the way the instructions went.  Truth is, the only one who needed to know was Broke, because the rest of the PAX were gonna be smelling my farts anyways and could just follow along.  Here’s what was so difficult:

5 Rounds total

  • Top of the Lot – 5 exercises – rep counts per round 5/10/15/10/5
    • Double Crunches w/block
    • American Hammers w/block
    • Pull throughs w/block (L+R=1)
    • OH Presses w/block
    • Curls w/block
  • Mosey to the bottom of the lot
  • Bottom of the Lot
    • 15 x Perfect Form Merkins
    • 25 x Flutter Kicks (Count Left Side Only)
  • Mosey back to the top of the lot
  • Repeato for 5 rounds total, adjusting the rep counts for the block work only and keeping the same reps at the bottom

So maybe it was confusing, but it was more awful to do than it was to understand.  Round 3 brought the faucet and YHC realized it was 70 degrees and sweat season again.  Was a total grinder and was glad to have the push of Broke and Wiki.  Finishing felt good, but we had to call it before everyone could get done to return the blocks.  Everyone pushed hard and got their money’s worth.

Between the pull throughs and the sweat, it felt good to leave our mark out there.  Here’s to pouring out a lot more sweat in 2024, especially at Midoriyama.  Thankful for the opportunity to lead this group today.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Folsom 3/7

Proper warm up

The hill: triple nickel blockees/jumpsquats

trail around backside of pond: timer was set to go off once every 5 minutes to prompt a little tweny teen twen  curls,tricep extension,OH Press

back shelter: 5 pull-ups 10 step ups with block we got in two sets before timer went off then moseyed to block pile. Timer went off once more for another set of twen then moseyed to COT. Still had time for 10 burpees 10 leg raises. We did announcements took prayer requests did the pledge I prayed us out. I feel like every time I do work on that hill I get stronger so for that I love it Blockees are an awesome exercise to in my opinion so I had fun hopefully all the guys did too this wasn’t a grinder like some of my other Q’s but every one can’t be hardcore it was a pleasure like always.


Everbody ran in the fog except me-Mortimer was about 53 hours away and I just walked laps in the parking lot, did pushups and sit-ups, and kept an eye on the vehicles. Thanks to Defib for the reminder that I had the Q as my original plans were to fartsack. We fiinished with a COT and some prayers and praises.

As I type this, Roscoe is probably pulling into his driveway with our Mortimer vehicle, Defib is putting on his swimmies for the creek, I mean river, crossings, and the rest of our Mortimer HRBs are trying to get some rest while we watch the clock in anticipation for our event. Wish us luck that we make it to the pizza and beer tmro afternoon.



Should I Stay or Should I Go?

It was nice to actually stay for COT and coffee after Tequila Sunrise; and it was appreciated that some HIMS stuck around after FRC to make up the 20 pax and 2 ruckers that pushed themselves this morning. Alma Mater and Nutria flew in just about bumper-to-bumper to get here..almost on time.


Warm Up: Don Q, Toy Soldiers, Plank Stretches 



100 Step Ups

200 Dips

300 LBCs

400 Flutters-count both legs

1 PAX member will execute as many reps as possible while PAX 2 sprints to cone 1 (or use a pole, tree, etc. for your point of turnaround), 1 Merkin, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 2, 2 Merkins, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 3, 3 Merkins, sprint back, switch with partner.


Mosey to Hill:  Change partners.

While one partner does the exercise, the other runs to top of the hill and does 5 Bobby Hurleys:

 50 Big Boys

 100 Werkins

 150 Monkey Humpers

 200 American Hammers

 250 SSH

Mosey back to school for about 4 minutes of Mary. Virus came to Alma Mater’s aid as he “opted out’..this time. Look for an Alma Mater Q soon!

It was great to have Runner Up join us from another region as he settles into the Gashouse area.


Rice and Beans next Tuesday. See Slack

Community Foundation Run in April. See Purple Haze

Look for Preblast on Dream Center Workout.

Prayer Requests:

Stogie and eye issues

Hall family

Curdy Family




Watts Up took us out.

Truly enjoyed the company of these men this morning as they pushed themselves and encouraged each other! Also, everything in this backblast was implemented, as stated. Could you say the same, Mayor?:)

Truly Thankful,


FRC – March 8, 2024

We had 11 PAX show up this morning for FRC. Some ran 5 miles and others ran four. Overall it was a great morning to get out and post.

Rice N Beans, Tuesday, March 12 from 5:45-7:00 p.m. at the Salvation Army in Gastonia. See Anchorman for details.
Food Ruck on Saturday March 16 at 5:45 a.m. beginning at the Fighting Yank. PAX will ruck to Harris Teeter purchase items and ruck back to the Fighting Yank for the start of the workout.
Convergence on Saturday, April 13 at 7:00 a.m. CaroMont Health Park.
Community Foundation Run 5K on Saturday, April 13 – Pushers are needed for the chariots. Contact Purple Haze on Slack for details.
Extinction Run is Saturday, April 20 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at Primal Brewery.

Continue to keep the PAX who are ill and on IR in your thoughts.

Downtown 08-Mar-24

Disclaimer:  Not a professional, but we will not move to fast or too far that you will not be able to keep up.  Work in between will be done with my count or a count of others who are called on.  Work hard for them. Stay with the group in cadence.  We will not go so fast where anyone gets left behind.

Principles of F3:
1) Free of charge (zero cost, never charge for a workout)
2) Open to all men (no matter the man, you are welcome)
3) Held outdoors (rain or shine, heat or cold we are out there)
4) Peer led (led in a rotating fashion by the men who attend)
5) End with a Circle of Trust (always ends with a COT)

Mission of F3:  Plant, Grow and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Motto:  We welcome men of all fitness levels and all physical abilities to our workouts. We have no requirement for membership other than you show up on time to the location and follow what the workout leader has planned. We will not leave any man behind!


Warm Up: Mosey around lot to loosen up and get blood flowing, SSHx15, Grass Pickers x10IC,

HIIT and run a lap.  Each circuit is done for time (13 minutes) before moving to the next one.

  1. SSH x60 reps, burpees x10, Merkins x15, run a lap and repeat until timer is up.
  2. Squats x30, Lunges x10 each leg, Calf Raises x30, run a lap and repeat until timer is up.
  3. Crunches (not LBCs) x50, Freddie Mercury x15 each side, Big Boys x15, run a lap and repeat until timer is up.

Time check for Iron Hulk.  We got thru seven.

Announcements:  April 13 SFN > send Purple Haze a DM if you can run this, Rice & Beans send Anchorman a DM if you can attend Tuesday , Donations for mens clothing (Hei Hei) give to him anytime, BOS is leading a food ruck starting at 5:45 at the Yank on 3/16, Extinction Run on 4/20 @ 10:00, 2nd F Lunch Bad Daddys on 3/20

TAP:  Stogie and the retina troubles and surgery today, Purple Haze Family (travel mercies), EZ Rider (Family), Anchorman, Jason Hall (Jackson), Haiti


YHC took it out.

Back with the Boys 🤙🏻


  • SSH- 15
  • Burpee
  • Low-n-Slow Squats-10
  • Burpee
  • Grass pickers-10
  • Burpee

Mosey to first light pole. Route 66/ Burpees!

Til we get to the first vacant lot. Then a little Sheldon Cooper

Split into teams of 6- Sprint races to the end of the lot.

Finished up with Mary / Core work 💪🏻!!!

Prayer Request:

Walker Family



Jackson Hall




Pledge 🇺🇸

Food Ruck 3/16/24

Come out to The Fighting Yank on Saturday 3/16/24 for a different kind of CSAUP.

This CSAUP will get your day headed in the right direction with all three Fs!

The normal F3 “CSAUP” Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless workout may have the pax carrying heavy things through muddy waters filled with crocodiles, running long distance through hills and valleys or playing catch with kettlebells.  Not this CSAUP!

This “CSAUP” COMPLETELY SELFLESS AND ULTIMATELY PLEASING workout will launch from The Fighting Yank at 0545 on Saturday 3/16.  Bring your empty rucksack and a few dollars.  We are rucking to Harris Teeter to buy food for local food pantries.  Need a rucksack, ask a brother, take your 2.0s school bag, grab the Ms beach bag.  Better yet grab that big duffle bag in the closet, fill it up and partner carry it with your brothers.  Still no bag?  Harris Teeter bags work too!  Have a bad back?  Wheelbarrows and Radio Flyers are also welcome!

FIRST F – Rucking 3 miles without and with food for local food pantries!

SECOND F – Rucking 3 miles with your brothers to get food for local food pantries!

THIRD F – Joining your brothers in a ruck for food and knowing its going to fill a local food pantry and a neighbors need.

Ruckers will be back in time for The Fighting Yank 0700 bootcamp!

Can’t make the 0545 ruck?!?  Bring some non-perishable food to The Fighting Yank before the 0700 beatdown.

** A backblast will be written for this CSAUP and Pushing Rocks points will be applied for!

See you in the gloom!


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