• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 03/07/2024
  • AO: The Pub
  • QIC: Whoopee
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Broke, JJ, Waterboy, Termite, Sargento, Fannie Mae, Alma Mater

Everbody ran in the fog except me-Mortimer was about 53 hours away and I just walked laps in the parking lot, did pushups and sit-ups, and kept an eye on the vehicles. Thanks to Defib for the reminder that I had the Q as my original plans were to fartsack. We fiinished with a COT and some prayers and praises.

As I type this, Roscoe is probably pulling into his driveway with our Mortimer vehicle, Defib is putting on his swimmies for the creek, I mean river, crossings, and the rest of our Mortimer HRBs are trying to get some rest while we watch the clock in anticipation for our event. Wish us luck that we make it to the pizza and beer tmro afternoon.

