• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 01/27/2024
  • AO: Gashouse
  • QIC: Roscoe
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Dolph, Dijon, JJ, Whoopee, Stroganoff, Wojo, Short Sale, Spiderman

We had four for five miles of EC.  Stroganoff expressed shock that Maybelline was on time for the EC.

We returned to the Gashouse as the PAX were assembling for the Painlab or Gashouse beatdown and Dolph was there with his 2.0 Dijon.  Great to see the legend himself looking as jacked as ever.

YHC warmed up the group and then we split.  The Bootcampers pledged at the flag and then moseyed up to the business park for some work.  We did some Broga at the bottom of the hill and then hit a jailbreak to the top of the hill.  Let’s just say, Dolph hasn’t lost a step, Wojo is a bolt of lightning, but Dijon looked like Usain Bolt.  #Humbled

We moseyed back during recovery for some partner 100 merkins as fast as possible and then went up again.  We did some bearcrawls and then one minute of tic tac toe.  We used the parking line to imagine a hashtag and jumped in a pattern for one minute.  The coordination required to do this must be too much if you are over 25 I guess.  It was a debacle.

We then moseyed to the back of the library for some Dora.  YHC was getting crushed by the site Q because we were making it up on the fly this morning.  50 burpees, 100 merkins, and 150 squats with one squat jump at the top.
Then lunge walk up the side of the library.  Wojo came back to life on this one.

We then did a relay plank sprint across the traffic island near the book return, followed up by a three minute wall sit that went over real well.

We moseyed to the pharmacy for MARY while PAX ran around the building.  We were going to mosey back to the start but Dolph called Jailbreak at the parking lot and so the PAX returned a couple minutes early.  We held a plank and started COT while we waited for the church bells to ring, signaling the end.

It was a good old school beatdown with good mumblechatter.  In spite of the heckling for not having a weinke, hopefully the delivered beatdown was acceptable for all who chose to come out.

Announcements:  Pushing Rocks starts this Thurday.  The halfpipe is open.

Prayer requests:  WOJO’s dad, Dolph’s relatives and coworkers grandmothers passing.   Turtleman and family.  Huckleberry,  Anchorman

The part about being humbled during a workout is a great lesson.  Some guys are in better shape or better in certain things.  That’s life.   Just don’t quit trying.

Always a pleasure to lead.
