• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 04/23/2024
  • AO: The Storm
  • QIC: Termite
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Anchorman, Hei Hei, Watts Up, Goose, Boudin, Pinto, Enchilada, Ocho, Breaker Breaker, Cheesesteak, Dr. Seuss, Hot Corner, Montana, Pardi Gras, Alma Matar, Seasick,

Quick  Warm up with some side stradle hop and we ran around the school to meet back in the parking lot and it went something like this:

Figure 8 pattern run each corner had two exercises at them.  Each exercise done 8 rounds of 8 X each. Each run was mixed up with skips, sprints, etc.

Merkins and Crunch frogs

StarJacks and deep squats (supposedly … form)

LBC and  Freddy Mercury ( spelling maybe)

Morroccan Knights and Shoulder Press

Ran back to the circle and its all over but the crying. Thx for letting me lead