Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 29, 2023

New AO Official Launch Life Church

Sincerely apologize Gentleman! Thought this back blast posted and just seen it in my drafts.

15 PAX showed up for the BD to kick off Official Launch of the new AO at Life Church!


SSH, LSSQ, Mountain Climbers, Zombie Walkers, Imperial Walkers, The Flying Nun, Willie Mays De Hays,

The Thang:

Walls of Jericho with Quick 6

Pax in a single file line rifle carrying block.  Completed 7 laps around the church with 7 reps of 7 exercises at the start of each lap. The 6 runs to the front until we are back at starting point.

Exercises included:

Curls, Squats, Thrusters, Bent Over Rows, Deadlifts, Overhead Press, Upright Rows

Circle up at Bball Hoop. Q calls out exercise and timer goes up the hill and back with sandbag

Place the blocks back and line up for Cheddar Shredder

Mosey to the flag for 1 minute of Mary



Pleasure to lead and looking forward to what 2024 has to offer at this new AO!




5×10 + 1×9, You Do The Math

Birthday Q for YHC, so of course the reps were predetermined.


Warmup: SSHs, Imperial Walkers, low slow squats, mountain climbers, and merkins in cadence, x10
Burpees x9, with “promise” of no more.

Arm day! Mosey to Park St. for modified merkin Route 66. #1 merkins x10, #2 werkins x10, #3 ranger merkins x10, #4 diamond merkins x10, #5 Chuck Norris merkins x10, #6 perfect form merkins x9.

Very short mosey to the courts for Core day! V-up suicides. 5×10 + 1×9… you have to touch the line with your hand at the beginning for it to count as a suicide! Oh yeah.. 5 burpees for the train (the train’s fault).

Mosey to track for Leg day! Calf raises 10x IC, mosey to other side; Squats 10x IC, mosey back; Lunges 10 each leg, mosey to other side; sumo squats 10x IC, mosey back; Bonnie Blair’s 10 each leg, mosey to other side; jump squats 9x. Mosey back, rinse and repeat.

All around day! Mosey to school for dips, dirkins, step ups, inclined big boys and hip slappers x10, plus 9 burpees (i did a little birthday lie).

Plank for time.

Announcements: Beer mile; convergence on 1/1.

Prayer requests: Turtle Man, Montana, Jane Fonda, Jackson Curt, Tesla and family, Purple Hayes and family, Balljoint.

YHC took us out. It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Downtown Do Gooders

I have the Q Downtown in place of Slaw who has some sort of fungus they haven’t identified yet. I always expect a large crowd at Downtown but alas, many Pax are no doubt resting for a strong 2024 so with a solid 6 strong men, we endeavored to persevere!

Cotton Pickers
Leg Stretches
In honor of Slawbag, 5 Burpees OYO.

Mosey to back of truck for quick block work, or as I was reminded, these are half-blocks.

Curls x 30
Triceps x 30
Shrugs x 30
Swings x 30 and Repeat.
There was a train and we obliged with 5 more burpees.

Mosey to top floor of the Parking Deck running up the ramps.

20 merkins and 24 LBC’s then run to the bottom floor using ramps for 20 Mike Tyson’s and 24 Reverse Crunches and run back up using stairs as yet an unannounced number of cycles. I think Wichita and Clutch did 5 and the rest did 4.

Mosey back to the truck for a one more round of half-blocks.
Curls x 30
Triceps x 30
Shrugs x 30
Swings x 30 and back to the flag for time.

I was studying the Book of Titus and noticed a theme that is good for everyone to employ. Do good. There are many verses in Titus all pointing to this simple but powerful lesson. DO GOOD.

“Rather, he must be hospitable, ONE WHO LOVES WHAT IS GOOD, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined.“ Titus‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬ ‭

“In everything set them an example by DOING WHAT IS GOOD.”‭‭ Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬ ‭

”….. a people that are his very own, eager to DO WHAT IS GOOD.” Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭14‬

“Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to DO WHATEVER IS GOOD” Titus‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬

“And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to DOING WHAT IS GOOD. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.“ Titus‬ ‭3‬:‭8‬ ‭

“Our people must learn to devote themselves to DOING WHAT IS GOOD, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.” Titus‬ ‭3‬:‭14‬

Beer Mile at Sargento’s Saturday 12/30 at 11 am
Convergence at Martha’s 1/1/2024 at 7 with EC run or ruck at 6.

Prayer Requests:
Slaw, Jackson Hall, Turtleman, Oompa’s coworker’s family, Wichita’s dad, Clutch’s coworker’s daughter, GUmby’s mom, Broke’s mom and Wirenut’s mom and also remember our guy Ball Joint.

*NMM Lots of discussion about getting older, taking naps, antique shopping, the idea of being a grandpaw someday and inflation. Problems were solved.

The Duck Dynasty Route

Solid group of 9 for the debut of the Duck Dynasty Route.  Why is it named the Duck Dynasty Route you ask?  Well let me tell you.  When running the Duck Dynasty Route, you’re never more than a mile from the shovel flag, which means you’re always within earshot of any duck calls or SOS from headquarters.  Every good route gets a name, even if it’s just the Sargento Route Backwards.

We didn’t lose any out of town guests (thanks to Roscoe), and Termite may or may not have needed to use the facilities.  All in a good day’s run.

Yabba Dabba Doo

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