Spiderman generously let YHC take over the Bulldog for one chilly morning, in anticipation for Qing tomorrow’s Ricky Bobby for the first time.  Let’s just say the workout below may be similar (with more running and less coupons).

Also, the most important mumble chatter was determining what’s too embarrassing to purchase in front of a live cashier (vs online or via scanner). Tampons. Condoms. Fancy Cheeses. Comment as you’d like.

WARM- UP 12 warm-up exercises with 12 reps each. All in cadence.
1 Side Straddle Hop
2 Gravel Pickers
3 Imperial Walkers
4 Moroccan Night Clubs
5 High Knees
6 Slow Squats
7 LBCs
8 Freddy Mercurys
9 Nolan Ryans Left
10 Nolan Ryans Right
11 Crunchy Frog
12 Mountain Climbers

On the first day of F3 the PAX gave to me, the below exercises:

Lower Body
1 Burpee and Mosey
2 sets of Lunges (1 set each leg) (plus above)
3 sets of Jumping Jacks
4 sets of Sumo Squats
5 sets of Calf Raises
6 sets of Side Lunges (3 sets each leg)
7 sets of High Knees
8 sets of Wall Sits
9 sets of Monkey Humpers
10 sets of Step-Ups (5 sets each leg)
11 sets of Squat Thrusters
12 sets of Burpees

Recover: Airing of grievances – Tube picked Murder Bunnies that they either don’t enjoy performing or feel is a harder exercise. 12 reps.

1 set of Plank
2 sets of Freddy Mercuries
3 sets of American Hammers
4 sets of Crunchy Frog
5 sets of Mountain Climbers
6 sets of Flutter Kicks
7 sets of Side Planks (3 sets each side)
8 sets of LBCs
9 sets of Oblique Crunches
10 sets of Scissor Kicks
11 sets of Reverse LBCs
12 sets of Plank

Announcements, Prayers, See you tomorrow for missed Upper Body and running