• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 12/14/2023
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Medicine Woman
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Balljoint, Pony Boy, Pallbearer, Sizzler, Clutch

It’s been a while since YHC has taken a Q so when Pony Boy put me on the spot a little while back, I couldn’t turn it down. The last time I led this group of men, YHC wasn’t feeling great and had a rather crappy attitude to be truthful. I apologized to the PAX and promised to redeem myself at my next Q. That being said, I arrive at Folsom a little early to get some stretching in. 5:30 hits so we clock in.

Warmarama: SSHx 10 IC, Monkey Humpers x10 IC, Goofballs  x10 IC, 5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to horse track.


Here we perform a dirty version of the triple nickel. The dirty part being running a lap after each trip up the concrete seating. Huck always blamed the box jumps I had often called here being the start of what became the Jacked Up Leg. I actually broke my leg later on, but not by doing said box jumps. That’s a story for another time. This episode included no box jumps. 5 derkins at the bottom, 5 calve raises each step to the top, 5 burpees, down and run a lap around the track. Repeato 5 times. During this routine, Pallbearer noticed something spectacular in the sky. I had forgotten about the green meteor shower that was taking place. PAX got a little entertainment during the rest of the workout.

Mosey to the flag at the office, Pledge.

Mosey to the parking lot by soccer field. Route 66 with Bobby hurleys. Always one of my favorites.  Once we finished up with those we mosey to tennis courts.

Being the humble and generous Q I am, and believing in the democratic republic idea, YHC gave the PAX the opportunity to make their voices heard with a vote. Of course, the constituents today didn’t have a description of the referendum they were to vote on. They were simply asked option 1 or Option 2. I’m sure some democratic scholars will contest my election procedure, but I am the Q here. Option 1; burpeecides. Run the width of one court for 1 burpee then back to start. Run 2 courts, 2 burpees and back. Continue every court adding a burpee each trip. Once you reach the end, start decreasing back to start. Option 2; 4 corner escalator. 10 merkins at corner 1. Corner 2; 10 merkins, 20 squats. Corner 3; 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 mountain climbers. Corner 4; 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 mountain climbers, 40 LBCs. After a final vote and 37 recounts, the electorate decided with Option 2.

With time remaining, and being the constitutionalist I am, gave representation to the minority of the earlier vote. The people also got Option 1. We made it to the 6th court and then Omaha back to start.

22 for the Vets


2nd F Dec 20 Hickory Tavern by the PUB

2nd F happy hour Friday at Wild Wing Cafe

Beer Mile Dec 30 Sargento’s

COT: Buss Family, Sister Act’s coworker, Huck, TurtleMan, Hall Family

YHC took us out in prayer

It is an honor as always to lead you men. I appreciate you all!

MW out