• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 07/17/2023
  • AO: The Sandlot
  • QIC: JJ
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Amazon, Watts Up, Maybelline, Winehouse, Stroganoff, Nutria, Whoopee, Hunchback, Snow Bunny, BOS, Tricycle, Captain Stubing

This was YHC’s first post since returning from vacation. Posted twice in Shalotte at The River and brought back some of the fun I had there to share with the PAX

SSH IC x 12
LBCs IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 11

Mosey to the center of the baseball fields where I believe we did some squats

Mosey to the lower end of the parking lot for 11s
Hand Release Merkins x 10 on one side
Big Boys x 1 on the other side
You know the deal, repeat until the counts were switched

Mosey to the playground
3 rounds of Pull-ups x 5

Mosey to the shelter and partner up
One partner does Step-ups to 250 while the other partner moseys to the turd shack and does 10 balls to the wall shoulder taps (count both sides)

Mosey to the curb at the end of the parking lot
Repeat, sort of. One partner does Step-ups to 250 while the other partner moseys to the turd shack for more shoulder taps

Mosey to the turd shack and wall sit with the PAX shoulder to shoulder. Start on one side with each PAX doing 10 air presses until it makes it to the other end.

Mosey back to the flag with a stop at each light pole for 5 squats.

F3 Lunch that already happened
George Strait in ATL in October
FIA Official Launch which was 7/22

Prayer Requests

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…