• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 03/11/2023
  • AO: PainLab
  • QIC: Hunk A Junk
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Mayor, Tube (R), Noisy Cricket, Voodoo, Pale Rider, Hunchback

There was a large turn out to the site this morning, due to the Q vs Q at Gashouse.  PainLab joined in the warmup lead by Sister Act which consisted of 10 X SSH, 5 burpees, 10 X Hillbillies, 5 burpees, 10 X  Gravelpickers, then the Gashouse guys took off and PainLab headed over to the area of the parking lot by the picnic tables for the workout.

6 other HIM’s dared to join me for a total of 7 at PainLab .  No FNG’s so the disclaimer was short.  I then began to explain the workout.  It was based around fighting sports.  Scholastic wrestling has 3 X 3 Minute Rounds, MMA has 3 or 5 X 3-minute rounds, amateur boxing has 8 or 10 X 3-minute rounds.  Professional boxing currently has 12 X 3-minute rounds.   Today’s workout was simple… I didn’t say easy, I said simple.

  • 10 X (L) Kettlebell Clean
  • 10 X Kettlebell Swing
  • 10 X (R) Kettlebell Clean
  • 10 X Kettlebell Swing
  • 10 X Around the world
  • 10 X Overhead Press
  • 10 X Around the world
  • 10 X Overhead Press
  • 10 X Renegade Lunge OR 10 X Goblet Squat
  • 10 X Kettlebell Swing

After explaining what the set was, I then mentioned that it should take about 3 minutes to complete after which we would take a 1-minute rest then do it all again.  This is where I mentioned we were doing 12 rounds.   After a minute of me fumbling with my phone to get the timer and the music started, we were off.

There was plenty of chatter, and the mumbling increased as the rounds counted down.   I was asked at one point if I had only done this on paper or if I had actually done this workout.  I have done this before but had to admit I had never done a full 12 rounds before.  After round 3 Voodoo was saying it was okay to audible and no one would judge me.   It was all okay though everyone loved this workout.  Tube enjoyed it so much he even skipped one of the breaks and pushed right through, a true HIM.  He also loved it so much he asked if I wanted to Q again.  He says he has a spot for me in 2024…    After round 5 or 6 an audible was called and we took a leisurely stroll around the parking lot which ate up one of the three-minute rounds.  After the break we finished out the remaining rounds.  With a few minutes left we had around of Mary for stretches.   I did a quick Name o Rama so I would remember who to list in attendance and then the bells sounded, and we joined Gashouse for the COT.

Before the COT the voting for the Q vs Q took place, since Painlab guys didn’t get to vote I wasn’t paying all that much attention, but if memory serves, Sister Act got beat worse than TCU in the National Title Game, Congratulations Short Sale.  Then the announcements, Prayer Requests, and Short Sale took us out in prayer.

Thank you Tube for the opportunity to lead. Thank you to the HIM who pushed with me today and thank you to the HIM who posted elsewhere.  It is all of you that get me out most mornings.

Also thank you to Flintstone who created the pushing rocks challenge which I have used as a springboard to get back into F3.

Prayer Requests: Flintstone’s dad beginning radiation treatment.

Announcements: Speed for Need at the community foundation run. If you are pushing notify Broke, Relay running event at the Whitewater Center, See Flintstone for details.