Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 19, 2023

Yesterdays favorites and today’s hits

It had been a long time since YHC stepped up for a bootcamp Q. The ‘ole site Q needed some bodies to sign up and today was the day. In recognition of the time between and the extended time since the PAX was blessed with musical blessings, the time had come for that too. This is what happened…

Start with the Pledge of Allegiance

No disclaimer, all experienced HIM today.

Warmup of Goofballs, Don Quixote’s, something else and even a couple of Burpees. Freight carried the JBL.

Mosey down the road to the soccer field over the hill for the first round of action. Four Corners with a regular lap, then an Escalator lap. First corner we did 10 Merkins, 2nd corner was 20 Goofballs, 3rd corner 30 Imperial Walkers and 4th corner 40 American Hammers. After the single count first lap, we escalated the 2nd lap and the burn started. It was good.

Next on the list was Dora 123. Partner up and do 100 Big Boys, 200 Dying Cockroaches and 300 LBCs. Partner 1 exercised while partner 2 ran to the fence across the field. It was good too.

Last, we moseyed back over the hill to the long, skinny parking lot for the last session, Suicide 11s. On one end we did Bobby Hurleys and the other end was V-Ups. On the in between part, do a suicide style halfway run, go back to the start then finish all the way across. Just a little extra movement but it was effective. Most of the PAX got this one done before we had to mosey back to the start. This was good.

The musical accompaniment was exceptional, according to YHC, and it helped keep the mind of the excessive ab work we did. The JBL is likely to be used more and more for sure.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead again men, I appreciate all of you!

Announcements: Community Foundation run April 1st, Extinction Run March 3rd, 2nd F lunch Tuesday

Prayer Requests: Wirenut’s family, Boudins family, Clavin’s M, Gumby’s family, Radar’s sister

Who’s going to step up and lead?

Another good crowd at Crossroads with a mix of runners and ruckers. All except Gold Digger were able to stay for a Qsource discussion on Sua  Sponte Leadership.

We see this type of leadership frequently in F3.  Someone steps up to Q a workout when the scheduled Q is late it can’t make it, a PAX comes up with a service project and executes it or maybe a PAX has a need and the next thing you know someone has put together a plan of how to help. Most of you that are taking the time to read this backblast are this type of leader…within F3. My question is, “Do you lead this way in other areas of your life?”

Do you step up to lead when there are issues at home, or do you leave that to your significant other?
Do you step up at work when something needs to get done, even if it doesn’t offer an immediate benefit?
Would you step up to lead a faith or civic organization or meeting?

Take some time to think about what you need to change in your life to be Freed to Lead in ALL areas and get motivated about it. As Jimmy V said, “ You + Motivation = Success.

Check out this link if you want to read about someone that exemplifies motivation.


Viking Run this Sat, 2nd F lunch this Tuesday, Extinction Run 3/4, Community Foundation Run with Speed for Need 4/1


Be praying for Wirenut and Gumby’s families, Huck,  Turtleman, Clavin’s M, Def Leppard, Earthquake victims, Slaw’s M, Each other.


YHC took us out.



Folsom Blocks

Pulled into Folsom around 620, went to the bottom lot and no one was there? I looked up at the tennis court lot and saw a couple trucks parked there, so I headed that way. It’s been a while since I’ve attended a bootcamp, Folsom is meeting in the OG lot which is good. We had a small crowd of great men showed this morning and I knew they would enjoy this workout.

Warmup- SSH, Toy soldiers

We grab some blocks and get to it!

20 curls/ 1 tricep, 19/2, 18/3 until 1/20

20 merkins/ 1 Bigboy sit-up 19/2, all the way to 1/20

20 Thrusters/  1 Block Swing 19/2… to 1/20

we ran a lap around the tennis courts between exercises for a total of 3 laps. 210 reps of each exercise = 1260 reps total!

Good to be out there with you guys this morning, everyone did a great job pushing the Block today!


YHC was getting in some EC when a strange man in a truck asked me if I wanted a ride. It was Amazon headed to the Horse for his VC!  (Virgin Coconut).

At 0630 we split up into three runners and six ruckers.  At 0715 we were all back together again.

Short Sale joined us for Q Source so give that man a point Flintstone!

Q Source was on Prioritize and Execute from the four laws of combat from Extreme Ownership.

“That was a MUJ sheep!”


prayer requests. Huckleberry,

Clavin’s M.
Radar’s sister

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