• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 02/18/2023
  • AO: The Fighting Yank
  • QIC: BOS
  • FNG's: Tardi Gras, Fireball
  • PAX: Pilgrim's Progress (R), Tooth Fairy, Boudin, Mainframe (R), Brutus (R), Ramblin Man (R), Jane Fonda, Doodles (R), WattsUp (R), Anchorman (R), Stinky Bird, Freon,

With chilly temps in the forecast and a bunch of the regulars running some dam race in SC YHC wasn’t expecting a large crowd this am.  Even with these factors we had a strong showing of 15 in Belmont including two FNGs.  Both of these FNGs needed the encouragement and apparently some time to think about it before joining us.

Introducing – Tardi Gras (FKA Chad Daigle) Pilgrim’s Progress and Anchorman had to work on TG for a year hence the name Tardi Gras.   Anchorman closed the deal with the FNG win in the end.

Introducing – Fireball (FKA Steve Flanagan) Boudin and Roscoe worked on Fireball for a bit with Boudin claiming the FNG victory. Welcome men!

Since we had FNGs we started with our disclaimer before Mainframe set off on his ruck and the rest of us took a short mosey to the bunker for warmup.  It went something like this.

Side Straddle Hop x 15 / Gravel Picker x 15 / Imperial Walker x 15 / Low Slow Squat x 15 / Seal Jacks x 15 / Morroccan Night Clubs x 15 / Stretch to Left Foot, to right foot, to center.  Right Foot over Left and Left Foot over Right.

Partner up for Partner Push across the Bunker and Back followed by Partner Pull across the Bunker and Back.

Mosey to Main Street for Step ups / Dips and Decline Merkins x 25 each.

Mosey around the block to the parking lot behind the Mercantile building for 4 Corners. (x2)

Round One = 10 Merkins at the first corner, 10 Merkins + 20 Apollo Ohno at the second corner, add 30 Squats at the third corner, and end with 40 Flutters at the fourth corner.

Round Two = 10 Merkins at the first corner, 10 Merkins + 20 Calf Raises at the second corner, add 30 LBC at the third corner, and end with 40 Air Presses at the fourth corner.

Mosey to the hill behind the Bunker for another jacked-up triple nickel.

After debate we ended up with a run to the top of the hill for 5 Jump Squats and back to the bottom for 5 lunges each leg x5.  YHC called ten and ten but was overruled as this isn’t a true triple nickel. YHC gave in far too easy on this mutiny.  Next time its burpees!

Mosey back to the Yank for a PAX led Mary and naming of our new brothers.


Lunch Tuesday 2/21 at Velencia.  Extinction Run 3/4 at Primal Brewery. Young Life Golf Outing 5/15

Prayers/ Praises

Continued prayers for Tooth Fairy, his M, 2.0 and the medical team they are working with.

Pilgrim’s friend who was in an accident. For speedy recovery.

For the PAX running the Dam to Dam.

Praises for the American Airline pilots who turned Anchorman’s plane around shortly after takeoff Thursday morning due to smoke and sparks in the cockpit.  YHC’s M, and a member of Lake Wiley FiA were on the same plane.

Thanks for playing along!