Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 30, 2022

Police of Form

Nice crowd at Downtown this morning. It started quite but quickly ramped up to form bashing and trash talking.


SSH, low slow squats, LBC’s. Let’s mosey down the street about a block.

The Thang:

Pretty simple workout this morning. 5 exercises then a lap around the block making all left turns to return to where we started. First part of the block mosey, 2nd part pick up the pace, 3rd part slow back down, 4th part pick it back up again. After that we made our way to the next block and continued this for 4 blocks.

Exercises were 5 burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs, 15 Merkins, 20 Monkey humpers, 25 Freddy Mercury’s.

The goal would’ve been to get to Garrison but we had about 3 more laps to get there. The trash talk quickly ramped up as SA was defending his stance on Rev Low Carb’s(aka BLL) Merkin form. This turned into others pointing out lunge and squat form. Brotherly love runith over!

Time to head back we stopped at each intersection for 10 squat jumps and 10 WWI’s.

Time! Most got in about 2.75-3 miles all uphill both ways!




Announcements-beer mile tomorrow

Prayer Request-Wirenut’s father and family, Huck, Gumby’s family, Turtleman


Great job this morning guys. Mostly on the mummblechatter. It’s one of my favorite things about working out with y’all. If you didn’t know. The best part of trash talk between men is there is usually a smidge of truth sprinkled in with some humor to help you take it a little better. We all make mistakes. We all rush sometimes. We don’t always have the best form. We all short stroke it(that’s definitely what she said) sometimes. You just have to be able to take the constructive sarcasm and improve upon it.

JC’s Marine Boot Camp

Tardy backblast, but it still has to get done!

YHC has a non-F3 friend who is a former US Marine. Believe me, several of us have EH’d him to no avail. Regardless, JC spent his early years in boot camps, and one of his stories inspired this workout.

After the pledge and the warmup, Pax moseyed around the school for a Route 66. YHC does not remember the exercise called, but it was certainly a good one.

15 pull ups at the playground, then on to the track for The Thang: JC’s Marine Boot Camp.

This is a Pax called workout session with some running in between. From the middle of the field, Pax 1 calls an exercise and reps, and all Pax perform. After the reps are done, we all run a lap or 2 and head back to the middle for Pax 2, and so on. We did this until each Pax had a turn, 10 in all. YHC mixed up the running with NURs, reverse NASCAR laps, etc. All in all, a good way to get everyone involved.

Back to the flag for COT

In JC’s story, when it was his turn, he called the troops to lie on their backs. After a bit of time, the Sargent “asks” JC what he was doing. Confident as always, JC responded with “Star Gazers, Sir!” Needless to say, JC was not called on again.

It was an honor to lead. -Orangeman

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