Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 29, 2022

Is Midoriyama a Running AO?

No one had signed up for the Q at Midoriyama, so YHC picked it up (he is the site Q). YHC plants the flag and PAX start showing up. Pockets had previously told the Q he would be running so he could train for the SMR. As we circle up to begin, 2 more PAX (both of whom were previous Nantans) said they were running as well. All of the sudden, Midoriyama has seemed to have devolved into a running AO! Not on YHC’s watch! Whatever, you pansies. The men are going to get work done while you “run”.


The Whoopee special = 1 SSH IC. Screw it. Let’s get going!


The men (a.k.a. the ones determined to get better) head to one of the large soccer field for The Longest Mile. It consists of:

  • 10 Burpees
  • 100 Meter Run
  • 10 Big Boys
  • 100 Meter Run
  • 10 Merkins
  • 100 Meter Run
  • 10 Squats
  • 100 Meter Run

Rinse & Repeat X 4. This was performed on the sidewalk around the first large soccer field. The men were getting winded after the 2nd round but every one pushed through. Shout out to Mayor for busting his tail on this one – he was rolling. YHC discovered he posted at Folsom that morning!

Next, we headed to a small hill at the end of the large parking lot for triple nickel. 5 Tiger Squats at the bottom, Nur to top of hill, 5 SSH IC, run back down. Rinse and Repeat  X 5.

On to the small practice field for 11’s. Exercises were Hand Release Merkins and LBC’s IC. It was during this exercise that the 2 former Nantans (who were supposed to be “running”) decided to stop and become the form police. It reminded YHC of two high school JV boys harassing the varsity squad because they didn’t make the team. Hate to see it! It really didn’t matter. The men were pushing hard and didn’t have time for middle school B.S.

We then headed back toward the flag for a few minutes of Mary.

  • 15 Michael Phelps IC
  • 15 American Hammers IC
  • 15 In – and – Outs IC



  • Smoky Mountain Relay 4/29 (Contact Purple Haze if interested)
  • Jump Off Rock 1/2 Marathon 5/13
  • Men’s retreat 2/18 – 2/20 (Sargento has the Q on this one)
  • Whetstone program ramping up
  • Q School on 2/5 at 0820 @ Gashouse

Prayer Requests:

  • Gumby’s back
  • Blart’s foot
  • Montross’ foot
  • Def Leppard’s wrist
  • James Goudelock
  • Huckleberry’s dad
  • PAX and their families traveling to Biloxi for the 1/2 marathon

YHC took us out in prayer.


All jokes aside, it’s great to see the guys out in the gloom trying to get better. No matter what it is, they are getting work done. It’s great to see Wojo back out. Fresh off of maternity leave, he was ready to get back at it. After a couple of his trademark “Good work, Leppard” statements, he was right back on track! Keep pushing the rock through the winter, men. We’ll be back to 94 degree afternoons before you know it!

Thank you guys for allowing me to lead.




New Dog in Town

Since the opening of The Bulldog there have been a total of 3 Site Q’s.  These have been HIPPA, Voodoo, and myself (Timeframe).  Now beginning in February this list will expand by 1 adding Spiderman as the new Site Q.  He for several reasons is an excellent successor and I am fully confident that the Bulldog is in great hands and well positioned to move forward.

We were blessed with great weather for the final Q of my time as the Site Q with a strong group of PAX that showed.  The idea coming in was to have a simple (not to be mistaken with easy) workout that would keep the PAX together and mumblechatter strong.  The KISS method.  I do believe that this was achieved.

5:30 – Pledge

Some lite stretching to get started.

We did 4 corners.  Much like the Walls of Jericho workout but no building to revolve around.

7 excercises of 7 reps each to be completed at each of the 4 corners.


Toy Soldiers



Mountain Climbers


Windshield Wipers

This was done until around 3 minutes to go.  I think roughly 5 laps around the parking lot.

Circle for Mary.

Orangeman called 6 shooters

Tube called American Hammers




It has been an honor to serve for the past year and a half as Site Q of this excellent AO.  The PAX have been excellent and very supportive with volunteering for Q’s and being generally great guys.  Encouraging and helpful at any chance.  I cant say thank you enough.

Next week is Spiderman’s inaugural Q as the new Site Q.  Please come out and support him, sign up for Q’s, and continue being the awesome guys that you are.






2 for EC, small crowd but solid in quality

Today is Hermie’s 70th birthday. Dang, how many 70 year olds do you know that exercise on a regular basis? Me….just 1 that I can name right now. Lotta respect for him. He shared some wisdom with us at the end, but no way was I going to miss today. Had a few regulars heading to Biloxi for a half marathon, but other than that, what was your excuse? Think about that all you fartsackers who are MUCH YOUNGER than 70 years old.

We started with disclaimer, pledge and warmup. Common practice is that on the birthday, you do that many reps, right? Today is 70 for Hermie so here was our WU:

7-ssH                                0-burpees          H

7-Elbow plank             0-burpees          E

7-Reverse lunge         0-burpees          R

7-Merkins                      0-burpees         M

7-Imperial walkers    0-burpees         I

7-Excellent flutters   0-burpees        E   (thanks for the suggestion on this exercise Strogi)

Bootcamp with me and the rest for PainLab. It was me and Stroganoff. Hills were on the menu so we headed to a neighborhood across Garrison that had some hills and we ran 3 different hills 3 times each with exercises at the top and bottom as follows:

Hill #1: bottom 10/20/30 Squats, top 5/10/15 Merkins

Hill #2: bottom 20/40/60 air presses, top 5/10/15 BigBoys

Hill #3: bottom 20/40/60 LBC, top 25/50/75 Flutters

Few jokes along the way to keep us entertained. Too bad you were not there to enjoy. #queensgate

Mosey quickly back to start for COT and Hermie dropping some wisdom on us. A few nuggets I (sort of) remember: Don’t make your life about your work. You don’t stop playing when you get old, you get old when you stop playing.

A lot of us are in the 40-50 year old range. Think about this: Who is NOT going to be here over the next 20-25 years and why? Who will still be posting at 70 years old? Who is gonna move out of town, stop posting, or get the celestial discharge (if you know what I mean)? All I can say is I am much more likely to make it to 52 if I keep posting with you numbnuts. And if that helps me get to 52, I’m pretty sure it will help me get to 60 or 70. I am also more likely to keep posting if you keep posting so do me a favor……pretty please? Get outta the f’ing fartsack and post. I need you and so do the other guys who posted at the Yank and in Folsom today. Keep “suggesting” another CSAUP that I really don’t want to do. Keep pushing me to get better and I’ll make sure I do the same for you. I’d say that’s a pretty good deal if it helps both of us eventually post on our 70th birthday.

Thanks Hermie. You are that rock someone just threw out in the lake causing a bunch of ripples I hope to benefit from.  #ISI

Special prayers for Linus whose father passed away this week. I know him from church and can say without a doubt he was a HIM before I knew what a HIM was.

Also prayers for the fools traveling to Biloxi/NOLA to run in some stupid race that I wish I was going to running in also… travels guys. Have a great trip and get home safe.



Fighting Yank 1/29/22

18 strong at the Yank and Bunker on a cold, breezy morning made the choice to get a little better.  FNG joined us, welcome to Finkle!, on an invite from Bubba Sparxx.  I think when  Q school happens there should be a lesson on greeting your FNG upon arrival.  YHC gave disclaimer and talked about the mission of F3 with a squeaky voice.  Also encouraged all men to give it their very best every single time.  Your why deserves nothing less.

Time hits warmup with SSH, IW, Burpees, merkins, and some stretching.  Bootcampers with YHC.  Mosey up Main to the tennis courts at Sacred Heart.  Time for some blocks and murder bunnies.

Blocks get disbursed, 9 super size and 3 regular.  The big ones are really tough.  Not to mention that there are a lot of tennis courts as well.  10 blockies and murder bunny to the opposite end for 10 more blockies, murder bunny back.  Lots of moaning and groaning on this, YHC included.  Time to omaha the weinke.  Drop the big blocks but hang on the small ones.  3 Pax get on the small ones for 10 thrusters and muder bunny to the end.  Everyone else bear crawl suicide to each sideline of the tennis courts and do an exercise.  Exercises were hand release merkins, burpees, LBC and american hammers.  When pax on the blocks reach the end, three pax replace them to do the exercise and murder bunny back to start.  Rotate until all pax get a turn on the blocks.

Few minutes remain so line up on near sideline for suicides to each sideline of all courts, touch with hand.  Almost completed, time to mosey back to start.


Announcements: retreat to Flat Rock in February, CSAUP ruck next Saturday, upcoming Grow Ruck events, Rice n Beans on Tuesday at 6:00

Prayer concerns:  praise for Hippa mom positive health news, Tesla, Tiger M and stepsons, Brutus mission trip, Nutria traveling, prayer list

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Is no snow good news?

Only bad news as Oompa Loompa was the Q. The weather geeks missed the massive snowfall amount, so all the fartsackers have no excuse either. Enough bellyaching. Let’s get to it.

Four runners out getting 10 miles this morning. Eight got stuck with a Countdown Beatdown. No new bees, pledge, disclaimer.
All in cadence: SSH, ABE VIGODA, MNC, TOY SOLDIERS, Helicopter twists, trunk twisters.
Mosey to tennis court.

The Countdown Beatdown
Start at the corner by the gate. 20 merkins. Run to next corner. Counterclockwise. 19 LBC. Run to next corner. 18 CDD. Run to next corner. 17 Freddie Mercury’s. Run to start and plank for the six. Rinse and Repeat until we countdown to one.

Next circuit. Clockwise. Did this to keep the abs and arms reps equal. 20 Freddie Mercury’s. Run. 19 CDD. Run. 18 LBC. Run. 17 merkins. As above.

Next circuit. Counterclockwise. As first set above.

Last circuit. Clockwise.
5 every corner same exercise sequence. Three of the runners joined the party. Someone else CHERRY PICKED so didn’t join. Got 3 or 4 circuits. Lost count after brain freeze.

Back to flag in the parking lot.

Name o rama

10am next Saturday 10 mile Ruck at the Ricky Bobby to distribute F3 flyers.

Other events as previous

Prayer requests
Huck’s dad
Wichita’s mom
Pappy’s mom
Roundup’s babies
Others that YHC forgot

Word from the wise:
Hacksaw spoke on family relationships and how important they are to men. Second only to Jesus.
You were expecting YHC to impart wisdom?

YHC took us out.

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