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Virus and his M, and Tiger served Rice n Beans in Gastonia 1/11.  For the foreseeable future this will be regular event on Tuesday evenings in Gastonia.  Location will continue to be the old Honda shop on Broad Street near the QT.

There is a strong core group of men dedicated to making this happen, but they can use some regular help.  Last night we managed, but having two or three additional sets of hands would have been useful. Please consider this service opportunity on a regular rotation for yourself and your family.

This time of year, the need for blankets and warm clothing is huge.  If you have extras, please let me know.

Also, please pray for Mike, Troy and Debra, all to break the cycle of addiction and see change in their circumstance.

The people being served say that what they have enjoyed most is being treated like a human, with dignity and respect.  A small time commitment has the ability to make a large impact.
