Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2021 (Page 10 of 11)

Kick Me in the Jimmy

Art of Manliness has a website with lots of articles on lots of things that could be helpful to men who are men.  There’s this one on getting kicked in the nards that we used to launch Q Source today.  It was a good discussion and we’re all wiser for it.  You should have been there.

As for the work, it was done.  2 ruckers, 3 runners, and a dedicated PAX making it to QSource after a long night.


  • Christmas Party
  • Kotter/FNG friendly moderate workouts at Sandlot for December and January.

Prayer Requests:

  • Whopper’s M
  • Roscoe’s friend Tim
  • Roscoe’s FIL
  • Holiday Stress

Thankful for these men.  The more I learn, the more I realize I have to learn, and I say that without any defeat, but with an excitement and energy unique to men who aren’t young, but aren’t old either.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Three Pax @ Mt. Hollywood 10/18/2021

Had two Pax show up for the workout.  We still had a great workout.

SSH x 15

Toy Soldier x 15

Burpees x 15

Moseyed to Baptist Hill for a little Triple Nickel with Werkins and LBC

Moseyed across the parking lot for some block exercises.  While holding some bricks performed the following exercises.

Flutter Kick (holding brick above head)

American Hammers in Cadence x 15

SSH in Cadence x 15

Lunge walk with Shoulder Presses

Nolan Ryans in Cadence x 15 each side

Ground Pounders x 15

Moseyed back to Mt. Holly Middle School Parking Lot.  Finished with Wave of Merkins.

Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer List





Made-up stuff at The Goat

8 PAX came out to The Goat on a December morning warm enough for shorts. The beatdown included the infamously popular Spatchcock along with other made-up stuff. It went something like this:

Warm up with side-straddle hops, hillbilly walkers, toy soldiers, and Spatchcock (10xIC). YHC then demonstrated an “upside-down snow angel” (which adequately explains how it’s done, with both hands and feet lifted off the ground). Rebar later dubbed these “Asphalt Swimmers.” Anyway, enough warmup, mosey to the bottom of the hill next to the fire station and proceed up the street past Floyd and Blackies stopping at every pole for:
5 hand-release merkins
10 Bobby Hurleys
15 American hammers

There were lots of poles, so the journey took longer than anticipated except for Dr. Seuss, who sped up (via short-counting, according to rumors and allegations) 2 poles ahead of the rest of the PAX. 

Next was 3 rounds of “4 Corners” in the church parking lot:
Round 1 = 10 Big Boys, 20 leg lifts, 30 scissor kicks, 40 American hammers; Lunge-walk between corners.
Round 2: 10 hand-release merkins, 20 CDD’s, 30 Nolan Ryans, 40 mountain climbers; Bear crawl between corners.
Round 3: 10 Bobby Hurleys, 20 “Asphalt Swimmers,” 30 Bonnie Blairs, 40 Spatchcocks; Nur between corners.

With only 12 minutes to go, there wasn’t enough time for R&R on the 4 corners, so YHC made up more stuff. One PAX chose an exercise and set rep count at 25. When first PAX completes the 25, all PAX side-shuffle to the end of the parking lot and back. We did flutter kicks, crunchy frogs, and something else before a swift mosey back to the flag, where we even got in half a round of Mary (box cutters, six-shooters).

Announcements: Christmas Party

Prayers: Tesla father-in-law, Watts Up father-in-law

Lagniappe: After a conversation with Bubba Sparxxx a few weeks ago, I’ve been looking for some good bootcamp (sans gear) exercises that work the back and balance out all the merkins we sometimes do.  That’s the idea behind the Nolan Ryans and “Asphalt Swimmers.”  This concept hit home last week at the Yank after the Turkey Bowl, which gave me sore groins and sides for the entire week.  It was a not-so-subtle reminder that we can’t get stuck in our comfort zones and usual routines, but we always need to work on pushing into new and different areas. 

It’s a privilege to lead, especially when bringing up new things that might or might not work out, so thank you to the 7 PAX who came out for made-up stuff.

 – Nutria

Light up son!

11 at Members Only this dry cool morning. Some did EC but came back through to grab the rest of the pack.

I’m not a Panther fan, Go 49ers!, but Steve Smith has a memorable quote of “ice up son!” after a tough game a while ago. After our run and during announcements Tiger dropped some knowledge about getting some lights during these runs, I took that to heart hence the title of this BB.


Signup and vote for the Christmas Party this coming Saturday the 11th
Rice and beans this Tuesday, Tiger needs 12 people
Bell ringers see Sargento’s post on slack

Prayer requests:

Broke’s mom
Bed Pan and Sparky’s family’s with Covid
BOS’s mother in law
Bubba’s brother eye injury
Sprinkler’s eye issues
Sargento skin cancer treatment
Traveling PAX
Students with tests

Pleasure to lead today. I will get better lighting, you should too.


Ricky Bobby – 12/1/21

Eight came out to the Ricky Bobby

  • Disclaimer
  • Pledge


  • 15 SSH
  • 15 Gravel Pickers
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Nolan Ryan’s – left
  • 10 Nolan Ryan’s – right


Ab Work

  • 10 hip dips (count right side)
    • Run to top of the stairs
  • 20 big boys
    • Run to top of the stairs
  • 30 Freddie Mercury’s (right side
    • Run to top of the stairs
  • 40 flutters one leg

Mosey to track

Modified Partner Murph

One partner  runs a lap while the other works on the completing the reps, switching after every lap

  • 300 squats
  • 200 merkins
  • 100 shoulder taps (count one arm)

Calf Raises

  • 50
  • 40
  • 30

Mosey to bottom of the hill

  • Sprint to each light pole
  • 1 burpee, adding 1 at each pole
  • x2


  • Announcements
    • Chirstmas Party on 12/11
  • Prayer requests
  • Name-o-Rama


Core and More

Hope all you fat turkeys had a beautiful Thanksgiving Holiday with family & friends! If you were at an AO this morning than shame on you. I can talk shit cause this happens to be the day that I showed up.
Back by popular demand…Welcome Back Kotter aka Sledge, lol. It was good to see you today. Your M is right, you need to get up of your ars and show her who the Boss is. Good work!
Hermie, you have been back with steady commitment, thank you and good work!
We break from Gashouse and go circle up. My arthritis in my left hand is killing me, so we improvise.
Legs set 1: 50/10 Rinse & Repeat after 1 minute rest
High knees, butt kicks, squats w/kettle, lunges, gorilla squats, sidle straddle hop, single leg Romanian deadlift w/wo kettle,
Abs set 2: 50/10 Rinse & Repeat after 1 minute rest
Baby makers, crunches, rev. crunches, wall sits, star crunches, flutter kicks, jack knifes, laying windshield wipers.
More core set 3: 50/10 Rinse & Repeat after 1 minute rest
Squat shadow boxing, alternating upper cuts, alt. overhead punches, overhead press, Superman pushups, mountain climbers.

See you Monday at the Sandlot

Old School 12 Days of Christmas

EC Run around Big D with 6 fast guys. Some got 3.5, some got 4. Nice work. Slaw was, wait Slaw’s not here. SA was, wait SA’s not here. You hate to see it!

We will roll with the 8 that showed on a chilly but beautiful morning.
Warmup SSH x 20 IC, Right over Left, Left over Right, Plank Stretches Wojo does but I don’t know the name, Hillbillies x 10 IC, Low Slow Squats x 10 IC


Mosey to Town Square in front of the Court House doing 5 CDD’s at each turn.

Let’s spread some Christmas cheer with the 12 days of Christmas! On the first day of Christmas my true love brought to me…
1 Lap around the Town Square
2 Diamond Merkins IC
3 Imperial Walkers IC
4 Goofballs IC
5 Burpees OYO
6 Low Slow Squats IC
7 Merkins IC
8 Dying Cockroaches IC
9 Little Baby Flutter Crunches IC
10 Big Boy Sit Ups (single count)
11 Mountain Climbers IC
12 CDD’s IC
Start with 1, then 2 and 1, then 3 and 2 and 1 etc. all the way to 12, just like the song! I think we skipped from 10 to 12 for time but everyone pushed hard.

Staircase Triple Nickel
5 Merkins, over the steep Stairs at the old Court House building, 5 LBC’s x 5

Slow mosey back to the flag.

Christmas Party sign up
Vote in the F3 Gastonia Awards several mentioned they were voting for whoever Frank is! I don’t know.

Prayer Requests:
PIzza Man’s Grandma
Wojo and his M expecting a baby soon
Everyone who may have a hard time during the holidays with grief, stress and sadness
Gumby’s mom
Broke’s mom
Blart’s M’s cousin
Sparky’s family

*NMM Thanks for the guys who showed up. During the 12 Days routine, Pizza Man helped me remember what day and exercise it was after each lap since he was fresh. He said he used the lap to recover while I think most of us had to try to recover during the exercise. Broke wore his hat like a Christmas Gnome. Gumby was chasing squirrels all morning. Wirenut likes to attack a burpee when he does one and he likes to call out Pax with bad Merkin form, whomever that might be! Purple Haze decided he would do a small version of a trail run but recovered quickly. Blart and Gavel were mostly quiet or couldn’t get a word in as the mumblechatter was constant even with the KOM at Folsom. The word I had after the workout was during the holiday season with everyone being busy to try to be the one that helps make things better wherever you go. Look for ways to find peace and to help bring peace and joy wherever you can. I need to follow that advice myself!


Yep you read that right. COCKSPATCH! not spatchcock the newest craze in cooking your turkey sweeping through F3 Gastonia. Spatchcock the exercise was introduced to Midoriyama the other night by Sargento and I came up withthe opposite version but was denied the opportunity to share it during Mary. A couple days later I had the Q so there you have it. Anyway 6 other PAX joined in for the fun.


SSH, Goofballs, and Cockspatch. Cockspatch is basically a plank jack but you move your hands in and out at the same time as you move your legs in and out. Picture a sealjack in a plank position. Much like spatchcock it’s best done in a group while yelling out cockspatch. The Q yells cock then the PAX yell spatch! This crowd seemed to really get into this! Let’s get to it.

Mosey to get some blocks then back to the parking lot.

The Thang:

I pulled inspiration from a BB back in 2017. If you don’t think it means anything to write these then I challenge you to go back and read some from you earlier days of writing them and Qing. It’s pretty awesome! So we partnered up. P1 runs to the end of the parking lt and back while P2 does the exercise, then switch. We broke these down into sets of 2 exercises just to keep it easy for everyone to keep up with them.

150 curls & 200 LBC’s

50 Thrusters & 100 V-ups

100 Upright rows & Flutter Kicks

50 Cockspatch & 50 Weighted WWI’s

50 Spatchcock & 50 French Curls

Some of the numbers above may have been increased during the workout for timing purposes.

Next P1 started walking while carrying the block around the parking lot. P2 proceeded to run a lap and catch up with P1 then swapping to carry the block. We did this for 2 laps and were out of time.



Announcements-For heavens sake please signup for the Christmas party through the link sent out via the preblast. HCing on Slack is not helping determine who is bringing what. If everyone shows up with dessert Fat Ricky is gonna go off!

Prayer Request-Gumby’s mom, Broke’s mom

Naked Moleskin:

I think I’ve said enough…….Cockspatch!


23 days to Christmas

Most of the usual suspects at the start.
Whoopie gracious enough to get us a flag for the pledge. Disclaimer. Run to Martha Rivers and back. Be safe.
All returned. All got better for it.

Prayer requests
Broke’s mom
Gumbys mom
Huck’s mom
Girl from Purple Haze church
Sparky’s friend
Sargento family traveling to Queso game
Those with illness
Those who lost people
Those who struggle with the holidays

Christmas party
Bilixi half marathon

YHC took us out.
You missed a good run.

Do you even Spatchcock bro?

There were 10 HIM who responded to YHC’s mysterious post on Slack earlier in the afternoon. Will there be running? Will there be music? Will there be Spatchcock? This is what happened.

Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup – Don Quixotes, R over L, something else

Mosey down the road until YHC calls an impromptu left to the bleachers for some Step Ups in cadence. Mosey on to the strobing street light. Stare at the light as long as possible just to see if anyone would fall out. No one did! Mosey around the back soccer field to the far side.

The Thang – 30 Days of November

In recognition of Pilgrim’s Progress’ misstatement of the number of days in the month, YHC devised a workout around the actual number of days in November, 30. In descending fashion, the PAX would do the number of reps to the corresponding day, starting with 30.

30 – Spatchcocks (as introduced by Whoopee at the recent Gashouse workout. The key is you have to say the word Spatchcock at each rep for it to count. As a result, YHC was the only one doing these correctly.)

29 – Squats

28 – V-Ups

27 – Goofballs

26 – Merkins

Nur to the other side of the field and plank for the 6.

25 – Spatchcocks (still calling the name)

24 – Squats

23 – V-Ups

22 – Goofballs

21 – Merkins

Nur back to the other side.

20 – Spatchcocks

19 – Squats

18 – V-Ups

17 – Goofballs

16 – Merkins

Skip to the other side.

15 – Spatchcocks

14 – Squats

13 – V-Ups

12 – Goofballs

11 – Merkins

Run a lap and a half.

10 – Spatchcocks

9 – Squats

8 – V-Ups

7 – Goofballs

6 – Merkins

Run a lap.

5 – Spatchcocks

4 – Squats

3 – V-Ups

2 – Goofballs

1 – Merkin

Bear crawl to the other side.

Mosey back to the start and do 5 minutes of Mary. Limit 10 reps for those who didn’t know. Times up!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men. It was my pleasure!

Announcements – Christmas Party, Half Marathon last weekend of January

Prayers requests – Gumby’s mom, Broke’s mom is improving, remember those who’ve lost loved ones becusue this time of year can be hard, Wojo’s M expecting

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