• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 12/02/2021
  • AO: Midoriyama
  • QIC: Freight
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Gumby, Def Leppard(R), Dr Seuss(R), Broke(R), Slaw, Hokie, Freight(QIC)

Yep you read that right. COCKSPATCH! not spatchcock the newest craze in cooking your turkey sweeping through F3 Gastonia. Spatchcock the exercise was introduced to Midoriyama the other night by Sargento and I came up withthe opposite version but was denied the opportunity to share it during Mary. A couple days later I had the Q so there you have it. Anyway 6 other PAX joined in for the fun.


SSH, Goofballs, and Cockspatch. Cockspatch is basically a plank jack but you move your hands in and out at the same time as you move your legs in and out. Picture a sealjack in a plank position. Much like spatchcock it’s best done in a group while yelling out cockspatch. The Q yells cock then the PAX yell spatch! This crowd seemed to really get into this! Let’s get to it.

Mosey to get some blocks then back to the parking lot.

The Thang:

I pulled inspiration from a BB back in 2017. If you don’t think it means anything to write these then I challenge you to go back and read some from you earlier days of writing them and Qing. It’s pretty awesome! So we partnered up. P1 runs to the end of the parking lt and back while P2 does the exercise, then switch. We broke these down into sets of 2 exercises just to keep it easy for everyone to keep up with them.

150 curls & 200 LBC’s

50 Thrusters & 100 V-ups

100 Upright rows & Flutter Kicks

50 Cockspatch & 50 Weighted WWI’s

50 Spatchcock & 50 French Curls

Some of the numbers above may have been increased during the workout for timing purposes.

Next P1 started walking while carrying the block around the parking lot. P2 proceeded to run a lap and catch up with P1 then swapping to carry the block. We did this for 2 laps and were out of time.



Announcements-For heavens sake please signup for the Christmas party through the link sent out via the preblast. HCing on Slack is not helping determine who is bringing what. If everyone shows up with dessert Fat Ricky is gonna go off!

Prayer Request-Gumby’s mom, Broke’s mom

Naked Moleskin:

I think I’ve said enough…….Cockspatch!