• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 12/28/2021
  • QIC: Roscoe (R)
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Roscoe

Well, 2021 is quickly coming to a close.  Did you get to run the “Strides of March” or partake in an adult beverage like Def Leppard did during one of Shortsale’s classic “cooler” workouts?  Whether you did or did not it is time to recognize and acknowledge the great leadership of ShortSale in 2021 as First F Q.  Now that we have recognized Shortsale it is time to move on to 2022 and get your mind right on your fitness goals for 2022.  My name is Roscoe, and I will be your 1FQ in 2022.  My goal is to make you a better man through fitness, which will lead you to become better in the rest of what F3 can offer.

Here is the deal…I challenge you to set some goals so that you push the rock this year and stop being a fitness mascot.  It doesn’t matter what your current fitness level is, I need you to honestly assess your fitness level and decide to get better.  I hope to give you a menu of options to do just that in 2022.  I challenge you to do something that is stupid that you never would have imagined you could do.  Get a Mortimer 100 team or do a 50-mile relay or a Goggins 4x4x48 or do the 10000-kettlebell swing challenge or the CHAD1000.  We aren’t going to work out in 2022.  We are going to train for life.

Here is a sample plan for a “sample” PAX.  We will call him “SANDY V”. “SANDY V” has been doing F3 for several years now but has only been going through the motions and has never fully committed to making a difference in his conditioning and physique.  This year he has vowed to force the sand out and #HTFU.

“SANDY V” plans to begin 2022 by measure his weight and waist on January 1st first thing in the morning and take a picture of his manly physique.  He will do the same at the end of December 2022 to show the results of his efforts.

“Sandy V” will attend a New Year’s Day workout at Midoriyama this Saturday morning at 0700.

“SANDY V” sets a goal for #F3250*.    250 workouts in 2022.  He will only have 249 after January 1st because he will have completed the workout at Midoriyama.

“SANDY V” will complete four CSAUP’s in 2022.  (If you have never done a CSAUP, I will mandate right now that you sign up for one.  That is an order!)

“SANDY V” will Q an average of two workouts per month.  He will attend Q school as a refresher or because he has never attended one.

“SANDY V” will run for 500 miles in 2022.

“SANDY V” will ruck for 250 miles in 2022.

With the other bootcamps, “SANDY V” will easily go over 1000 miles for the year.

“SANDY V” will seek out accountability partners.  He will EH other men to work out with him in 2022.  He will push the rock alone when he can’t find other men to post with him (You versus you)

“SANDY V” will run or ruck a half marathon in 2022.

“SANDY V” will attend an F3 dad’s workout.

“SANDY V” will track his workouts and goals on his phone or a spreadsheet daily and use a fitness app or tracker.

“SANDY V” will not go to bed wondering if he will post the next morning.  When he decides to post his clothes will be out and when his alarm goes off he will GET HIS ASS OUT OF BED!

“SANDY V” will get a blade and/or stone in the Whetstone program.  He will do Whetstone fellowship Rucks with other men.

“SANDY V” will attend Q-Source weekly and read Freed to Lead and Q-Source in 2022.

“SANDY V” will post to other AO’s and set a goal to post at every AO in F3Gashouse as well as at least one other region.

“SANDY V” will not make excuses like, “I stayed up too late to post”.  “I hit my snooze”.  “I drank too much last night”.  Sandy V will not make any excuses this year.  He will be smart and moderate his workouts based on how he feels but he will get them in.  He will do EMOM workouts at home on the days that he can’t post or go the gym or ruck walk with the dogs or M or shorties so that he doesn’t take a day off unnecessarily.  If he doesn’t feel like working out he will do it anyway. Discipline doesn’t care how you feel.

The bottom line is we will all get better together.  Here is a truth.  We have all been “SANDY V” at some time or another.  This year will be different.

In all seriousness, YHC’s goal is for you to improve and accelerate in life.  We should be preparing daily to fight the future unknown’s and YHC wants to help you get there.

We will all do it together.


*F3250 is the goal of 250 workouts in a year.  Here are the rules…

Any 30-minute workout counts.  CSAUP’s count as one workout.