I joined a group of 12 great men for a trip to Snowbird for the Be Strong mens retreat. A few guys were talking about a 7 mile run on Saturday morning. YHC had no interest in that but I wanted to get up an at ’em so I volunterred to Q a bootcamp for those who were interested. 5 men showed for a workout at our new Mountain Man AO in Andrews, NC. Sparky and Pizza Man ran 7 miles as we worked out so they get credit as well.
Warmup: We started off in the Snack Shack with the typical warmup stuff. Side-Straddle Hops, Toy Soldiers, and some yoga-ish stretching.
Thang: Considering I only brought one pair of shoes, I had no interest in running in the grass and getting my shoes wet so we mosey to the basketball courts.
BOMBS – 50 burpees, 100 Overhead Claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boys, 250 Squats. Mayor tried to add an extra B but we weren’t having it!
Next up – Trumps Wall. 10 Oblique Crunches, jump over the GaGa ball wall, 10 Decline Merkins, jump back over yhe wall, repeat 5 times. Wirenut had to skip out a bit to talk to a man about a horse, be he rejoined us later.
Mosey to the Coop stairs. Everyone holds an Al Gore while each Pax runs up and down the stairs. It was slick from the dew so we only made one round per Pax. We took the scenic route back to the Snack Shack.
With a few minutes left, each PAX called an exercise in a round of Mary. Time!
COT: lots of prayer requests including Rockabily’s cousin, Pappy, and 5k runners. YHC took us out in prayer.
Snowbird was a great experience. Due to injury, I couldn’t workout last time I went up there so it was cool to get some work in this year. As expected, 2nd F was on point. Many laughs were had among all men and Allen Tate even realized he has a love of snakes…or at least one rubber Copperhead from eBay. Sparky proved he can get there in less than 6 hours. Most of us got in a nice hike to the Wesser Fire Tower as well. Most importantly, the messages were great and I know I personally took away several things that will help me be a better Christian and a better man. I am confident others did as well. If you haven’t been to Snowbird, go next time and pick up the Q while you are there!