• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 09/18/2021
  • AO: PainLab
  • QIC: Timeframe
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Castlerock, Hermey (R), Tube, Voodoo, Les Nessman

A beautiful Saturday morning.  High 60’s, fairly humid, dry, and clear.

6 for Painlab.  Whoopee ran off with the bootcamp HIM’s for what I’m sure was an inordinate amount of step ups.


Warmup was:

20 SSH’s

3 burpees

5 slow and low squats

20 more SSH’s

2 burpees

1 burpee

Bootcamp and Painlab split

The Thang for Painlab:

We did squats, lunges, burpees, step ups, dips, lots of LBC’s, flutters, American hammers with bell, bell squats, windshield wipers, heels to heaven, bell pull overs, chest presses with bell, baby makers, squat thrusts, stretching, Freddy Mercurys, bell bicep curls, merkins, hillbillys, imperial walkers, toy soldiers, and kareoke.

All pushed hard, got stronger, had great fellowship, talked some junk, and had an overall great morning.

Whoopee took us out in prayer.

It was a honor.

