Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2021 (Page 5 of 12)

Random Stuff at The Storm

15 PAX (including YHC) came out Tuesday morning for a beatdown at The Storm.  Started with a quick disclaimer (which is usually skipped or glossed over because we all know it) for the benefit of today’s FNG, followed by a brief warmup of SSH (15xIC) and Imperial Walkers (15xIC).  Start to mos–NO, WAIT!  Stop for count off before we get going.  13 PAX (minus ruckers Whoopee and Orangeman).  OK, now that everyone’s accounted for, here’s The Thang:

Mosey to the hill behind the high school, going the long way around.  On the way, stopped at the traffic circle and at the bus area for 5 jump squats, 10 hand-release merkins, 15 leg lifts, 20 mountain climbers (each leg).  Recite 5 Principles of F3 before second set.

At the hill, after a jab at the SiteQ (PP) for not getting the grass mowed in the past 4 months, a couple sets of triple-nickels:
1. Hip slappers at the bottom, jump-squats at top of the hill, 10-count before moving to next set
2. Hand-release merkins at the bottom, big boy situps at the top (or reverse if you prefer, which most did)

Mosey over to the round tables for a 3 rounds of 10-20-30:
10 step-ups (each leg)
20 Derkins
30 Freddie Mercurys (count each side)

Mosey back to the traffic circle for a modified “Mary” routine:
One PAX chooses an exercise for all PAX to do while PAX to his right bear crawls around the inside edge (brick part) of the circle.  All agreed that closing up the circle to shorten the length of the bear crawl was a good idea.  YHC started the sequence with flutter kicks while Watts Up crawled.  Halfway around the circle, Gator broke the streak of ab exercises by calling grass-pickers.  Boudin followed with Burpees.  This was not the intention.  (Note to self:  Give explicit instructions and boundaries if calling for PAX to pick exercises!)  One full round was perfect timing, 60 seconds to get back to the flag for Pledge and COT!

Mt. Hollywood / Sandlot collaboration on Labor Day:  McAdenville 7-8am
Registration is open for JJ 5k (Sept 25) and Christmastown (don’t know date) events.
Freight service project:  Tuna / protein bars

Students and teachers returning to school
Covid cases have caused hospitals in Gaston County to fill up near capacity.  Operating routinely on “Code Purple” with elective surgeries not being performed and ambulances having to bring patients to other hospitals in the area.  Please be safe.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!
– Nutria

The PAX were Few, but Mighty, at Bulldog

A core group of 4 HIMs and YHC took the DRP pill and posted today for the beatdown at Bulldog.

No FNGs, so no Disclaimer. We got right to work.


  • SSHs (IC)
  • Little Arm Circles forward (IC)
  • Little Arm Circles backward (IC)
  • Air Presses (IC)
  • Alarm Clocks  (Lay flat, Get up, Jump up, Lay back down.  Repeato, on the Q’s call)
  • Burpees (IC)


The PAX alternated through the following exercises.

The PAX’s coupons were in the 30lb range.

Each set consisted of anywhere between 15-40 reps of each exercise, depending on the exercise.  No advance notice of the # of reps was given.

All exercises were done in cadence.



  • Overhead presses w/ coupon
  • Front Raises with Coupon
  • Butterfly Raises w/o coupon


  • Kettlebell Sit and Press w/ coupon
  • LBCs
  • American Hammers w/ coupon
  • Pickle Pointers (Bridge )


  • Curls w/ rucksack or coupon
  • Dips
  • Tricep extensions w/ coupon


  • Hand-Release Merkins portion of PT Test (IC) (Goal is 42 in 2 minutes)
  • Chest presses w/ coupon (benchpress-style, lying on the school’s benches)


  • Dumbbell Rows with coupon
  • Reverse SnowAngels
  • Kettlebell Clean w/ coupon


  • Goblet squats with coupon
  • Overhead lunges (step back) with coupon
  • Bob & Weave with coupon


  • Flutter Kicks
  • Windshield Wipers
  • Pickle Pointers (Bridge)



  • Labor Day Joint Workout @ McAdenville Sept 6th, 7am, joining Sandlot and Mt. Hollywood AOs
  • Register for the JJ5k in Stanley on Sat September 25. The race supports a scholarship for a high school student.

Prayer Requests

  • Prayers of safety for Broke, Sargento, others at the “Hood to Coast Relay” raising money for  World Vision for Clean Water
  • School starting, so prayers go out for the safety of our teachers, students, and families
  • Haiti – for people there, whose lives repeatedly and frequently get decimated by natural disasters
  • Afghanistan – Especially for those living there, those temporarily there, those who have been there, and those who are no longer with us.



Breaker Breaker took us out in prayer


—Bubba Sparxxx

Crossroads 8/22

9 men this morning putting in the work either biking or running!!!


Labor Day workout in McAdenville

JJ5K 9/25 in Stanley.

Prayer Request


Most stayed for Q Source, where we talked about Persuasion. Def Leppard did not stay!!


Where is Def Leppard

This YHC’s first time posting at Old School so why not Q it! With F3 Dads at Folsom and F3 Dads camp in Lake Wylie, YHC knew the crowd would be light. Def Leppard was at F3 Gastonia 2nd F happy hour Friday night and assured YHC he would be posting at Old School for support. Gave him a thumbs up and said see you in the morning as he was leaving. YHC also posted on Slack there would be some EC running and Slaw HC’d.

Saturday morning: After EC run, we had about 12 mins before bootcamp started. As it got closer to 7am, it was still only Slaw and YHC. About 6:58, Wirenut shows up and now its work time but no Def Leppard.


  • SSH
  • Don Q’s
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Stretching

The Thang; 

Time for some round and round workout….We stay in the parking and move to one end.

Round 1 – 5 burpees and then run to end of parking lot and back

Round 2 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, and then run to end of parking lot and back

Round 3 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs and then run to end of parking lot and back

Round 4 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 CDDs  and then run to end of parking lot and back

Round 5 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 CDDs, 25 squats  and then run to end of parking lot and back

Round 6 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 CDDs, 25 squats, 30 sec planks  and then run to end of parking lot and back

Round 7 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 CDDs, 25 squats, 30 sec planks, 35 american hammers  and then run to end of parking lot and back

Round 8 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 CDDs, 25 squats, 30 sec planks, 35 american hammers, 40 o/h presses while in squat position and then run to end of parking lot and back

Round 9 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 CDDs, 25 squats, 30 sec planks, 35 american hammers, 40 o/h presses while in squat position, 45 mountain climbers and then run to end of parking lot and back

Round 10 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 CDDs, 25 squats, 30 sec planks, 35 american hammers, 40 o/h presses while in squat position, 45 mountain climbers and 50 zombie walks and we were done!


Announcements -JJ5K and Labor Day Monday combined workout in McAdenville at 7am

Prayer Request – Country, Afghanistan, Westside’s dad, school starting back, teachers, students, and safety, Stump, a friend of Wirenut’s, and his family which all have Covid. Slaw’s neighbor who unexpectedly pass away.

YHC closed in prayer


Breaker Breaker



Humid Monday Morning

First time at Mt Hollywood in a while, so no better way than to Q it. At first YHC thought there would be a repeat of The Goat a couple of weeks earlier since it Freon and Pillager were the only ones there so far. With only a minute or two to spare, a few more PAX showed up. It’s 5:30am and time to get to work.


  • SSH
  • Don Qs
  • Moroccan Knight Clubs
  • Stretches

The Thang – Bubba Sparxx stays back for his upper body workout due to his foot issue while Pillager ran

Mosey down to BB&T parking lot for 10 burpees, 10 merkins, and 10 squats. Mosey out of parking lot and start down Main St and every 100 – 150 yards, stop to repeat the 3 exercises scaling down from 10 reps to 1 rep. We finished up on side street by elementary school and then continued to mosey back to middle school parking lot. Now for some 11s work in the parking lot.

10 SSH  -1 American Hammers

down to 1 SSH – 10 American Hammers

Finish out with some stretching.


Announcements; F3 Dads, 8/21 at Folsom, Labor Day Monday combined workout at 7am in McAdenville (Sandlot and Mt Hollywood closed), JJ5K – 9/25,

Prayer Request – Pillager and his M, Whoopee’s 2.3, Sister Act’s 2.0, Linus’ father, and Roscoe’s father-n-law

YHC closed out with prayer

Breaker Breaker

Tequila Sunrise – 8/13/21


Mosey to the playset for a modified Murph

5 Pull-ups

10 Merkins

15 Squats

Run a lap

Rinse and repeat 10x for a total of 50 pull-ups, 100 merkins, and 150 squats and 2 miles of running

Circle back up on black top for a round of Mary



Prayer Requests

YHC closed in prayer


Breaker Breaker

The Goat – 8/5/2021

Very light crowd at the Goat this morning, very light.

The Pledge


Mosey to the Baptist church parking lot for some four corners escalation and de-escalation.

Corner 1 – 10x Hand Release Merkins

Corner 2 – Squats

Corner 3 – Butterfly Sit-ups

Corner 4 – Lunges

Rinse and repeat with 20 reps, 30 reps, 40 reps, and back down 30, 20, 10

Mosey back toward Main Street, but need to stop for 10 burpees…..finish back in parking lot.



Prayer Request

YHC closed out in prayer.


Breaker Breaker

Getcha Werds Rite

Well Im a day late and a dollar short on this BB.
But I do remember what we did!

WE Ran.

Articulation: The Action of putting into words an idea or feeling of a specified type

The Bed Pan is

Saving Best for Last

Humidity kicked up again for start to the week. Pledge.  Start with a review of the mission of F3, encouragement to work hard, give it your best.   SSH, IW, gravel pickers 15x IC. Do some stretches.  Mosey to BBT

Call for Walls of Jericho.  Seven exercises, seven reps each, take a lap around the bank.  Exercises were burpee, big boy sit ups, Bobby Hurley’s, hand release merkins, dirty hooks ups, crunch frogs, suspension merkins.

Seven rounds took most of the time, but took a few minutes for walking lunges across parking lot and back, and then 50 low squats.  Head back.  Arrived with a minute to spare so time for five burpees.  Time.

Men came out to start the week right, hard work put in.  YHC recapped a little of importance of working hard and relying on your F3 brothers. YHC re-capped just a little of the difference it   made to Whoppee and his family having various men reach out to him during the time they were in Boston with their daughter.

Announcements:  Labor day workout in McAdenville (Sandlot and Mt Hollywood closed, JJ5K coming up, extinction run in November

YHC proceeds to name o rama, beginning with site Q Freon, Sister Act beside him.  YHC circles the group and announces self, SA speaks up with a What a bout me??!!  Sorry SA!  Was just a matter of saving best for last.

Prayer requests: Pacer friend, people of Afghanistan, people of Haiti, people impacted by flooding, kids and staff returning to school, Pillager surgery, PAX traveling West for relay race later in the week.

YHC took us out

Always an honor


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